11 : Beggars cant be choosers

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Shameless plug but If you all like my writing for this book, then you can read some of my other books. Like my Catradora 'The Grim Age' or my Tododeku "Angel by default"

If not, thank you so much for sticking around!! ♡♡♡


Alzina was determined. No, that was an understatement, she was ready to kill.

But she couldn't. Not yet at least.

“He was right there! Couldn't you even do that!”

The man that sat before only grunted, he held a frozen sack of peas to his forehead.

“Little fucker was as slippery as a buttered up pig, and his tall blue friend, kinda dumb, but just as bad”

Alaina grumbled softly underneath her breath rubbing the bridge of her nose at that response, it was her fault for trusting that such an idiotic buffoon could handle something like this.

Marty Krugman was a pain In the ass, how was he even a mob boss?

“Do I get my part of the deal sweet pea? At least I tried”

He said standing up. Marty towered over Alzina but she didn't even blink, glaring at him. If it wasn't for the fact there were officers armed to the teeth hiding in the shadows, there was no telling what he would do. With a flick of her hair, the Mayor's daughter turned on her heels, walking away.

“no, not until you catch him”

“Hey, now don't you turn your back on m-”

His retort turned into a sickening cry of pain, and without turning around Alzina could tell he had been tased. Casting a look over her shoulder she gazed at the body, slumped over and writhing a few paces away. She should have felt something, but ever since her father had been brutally murdered, she had had a hard time caring much for anything.

“take him to the ward, and when he's done acting like a baby tell him to go finish his job”

She ordered the guards

“yes ma'am”

As she let herself out, Alzina began to think. What would her father do? She had gone as far as teaming up with a notorious criminal, what could she possibly do.

Then the answer hit her. Standing in the middle of the dim corridor, her jaw went slack, eyes wide at the thought.

If nobody else could handle it, then she'd have to do it herself.


“I'm tired”

I complained hooking an arm over Akiras shoulder, surprised and mildly pleased when he didn't shrug it off. We had been spent an hour searching for his motorcycle, only to find it crushed and in a heap of shiny beer glasses.

Akira had looked like he was going to cry.

“we can't do anything about it”

“Kira, baby, pal, friendo, I hate to break it to you, but your hideout is on the other side of the damn city, we can't just walk there”

We had stowed away in a dark crevice of an alleyway, away from any eyes. Akira was hugging his knees, fingers tracing the wall in front of him mindlessly his eyes dark.

I could feel the warmth of his leg pressed up against mine, his hip practically glued to mine as the hidey hole wasn't that very big, to begin with.

Akira's face flushed and he hugged himself.

“you don't think I know that? God, this is all your fault, you blue brained-’

“my fault? You're the one who kidnapped me first”

“cause you were right there!”

Akira had now turned his head, our noses inches away as he glared, I swallowed back my own stupid argument, not risking angering the little ball of fury any more.

So instead I dropped my off voice off into a soothing whisper.

“look, I think I have an idea of where we can go instead, but when it's night time, okay?”

Akira blinked, and when he didn't reply, I reached out patting his knee.

“we can yell at each other when we're safe, yeah? I understand your growing passion for me makes it hard for you to keep your dick in your pants, but ya’ gotta hang on a little longer”

My words seemed to register with Akira and he glared, his voice now a seething whisper.

“don't fuck with me, if I killed you now no one would know till morning”

He threatened this made a smile quirk up the corner of my lips. Akira's reaction to everything he was unfamiliar with was with threats. How quaint.

“you wouldn't do that”

“you want to test that out”

His voice was hard, but a flicker of doubt lingered in his eyes.

“just say you love me”

“I love the idea of you shutting the fuck up”

I didn't laugh, only moving to make myself more comfortable, my head moving to rest against his shoulder, leg tucked underneath me.

It wasn't very ideal, but I didn't want to make Akira feel uncomfortable. But before I could even close my eyes, he shifted, my head falling instead, against his chest, eyes wide as I felt his arm go around my waist, drawing me closer so I was even more comfortable,


“This doesn't mean anything, your stupid head was too heavy for my shoulder”

He asserted gruffly, his voice vibrating in his chest and I smiled to myself, avoiding a retort. He was probably right, there wasn't much but the start of a friendship between us, so I didn't have to think about him trying anything.

And ironically enough, in the first time in years, I found comfort and protection in the arms of someone who wasn't my mother.

Of course, of all people, it had to be a wasted felon. But beggars can't be choosers, especially ones on the wanted list.


Don't forget to : ☆

Elly ♡♡♡

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