🔲Ep.2: Project help 🔲

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Episode fanfic Title: Project Help


(Cassandra's POV.): The next day...

After the incident of the planet being exploded, I've learned that the tattooed alien man was name Razer who had done a favor for Shyir Rev in order to sacrifice his life and save me from the bombing, and bringing me back to my uncle without a single scratch; Well, except that he certainly DID knock me out of a conscious state. In MY point of view, I couldn't think of him as a monster because: 

1. He comforted me with a hug, a FREAKING Hug for crying out loud! 

2. Razer was trying to honor his red code to Atrocitus. 

3. Razer needs a friend, or someone to lend a hand, for Razer didn't want to show weakness or answer any of Kilowog's or Hal Jordan's questions since there's nothing more they can do for now. 

Nothing else other than him, only about him being a Red Lantern, who is now captured in the Green Lantern's interceptor cell. Kilowog has been pushing and attempting to gain information out of him by force and words for the last 3 hours. While I was sitting at a table across from his (Razer) cell with my earbuds on, I was listening to one of my teacher's lessons (thanks to Kia's help for recording the class), and since Uncle Hal, sadly, I was holding in my patience for the complaints coming from Kilowog's anger until I had it; A growl escaped my breath in annoyance cause of the noise that is happening outside, paused the video recording, snapped my head around with a pissed off look at them which they froze:

"Kilowog, Uncle Hal, would you please, ssh! I'm trying to listen to my class! You can't interrogate Razer when I'm right across the room." I hissed at them with a threatening tone that he, my uncle, and even Razer widened his icy blue orbs of my voice; nevertheless, I grunted and left to continue hearing my professor's explanations for the last 5 hours.

Time skip~

"/-I hope everyone understood bout the assignment due tomorrow; Kia, you may turn off your cellphone since you have been recording my class for Cass-/." 

Pressing the stop button, I raised an eyebrow at my friend on screen, with my fingers tapping in a pissed-off mode and my irritation: "You got to be sh*tting me, right? An essay on aliens? Why did it have to be THAT recording, Kia!?"

 "What? You said I should record the teacher's classes, so I did as you asked." She expresses herself clearly and concisely, while I can see her bite a lemon popsicle through the screen.

"Yeah, but I'm shocked that I Need to write an essay on aliens, due tomorrow." I sarcastically played along in case no one could tell what I was doing; I got into a video call with Kia through my laptop, which I'm grateful for bringing with me since I was lying on my stomach on my bed. Just before our chat, I had finished watching a biology lecture recording from my professor. A blank white piece of paper was nearby, "ARGH! This is the worst assignment ever!" I exclaimed, grabbing my head in fear of not: "Hey there! Take a deep breath, eat some Skittles, and avoid overreacting. What's the plan?" Kia assured me. 

Taking a deep breath, I sighed deeply before truthfully telling her by taking out and eating Skittles as she requested, and I calmed down: "I know all the assignments are easy, but... I continued to explain my point of view, "He said, 'Do not try to make an assignment of superheroes or anything fictional.' " 

"Let's think of other ideas since this is our chance to get an A+."





"Kia, are you serious? They're fictional." I chuckled in a severe tone. This made a hacker puff her cheeks and cross her arms, "Oi, in my defense! Transformers are aliens. Kia sneakily whispers: "Plus! Megatron & Optimus is a daddy!~~" 

"Not gonna lie... however, I eagerly scoot closer to the screen, "I prefer Starscream & because he is hot with heels." I announce it out loud; Kia rolls her eyes before she says: "And Miguel O'Hara from Spiderman 2099 is a must!" "Ohoho! You are an edgy crusher, girl!" We sigh together in a daydream world of our geekiness crush for hot fictional characters other than superheroes since it has been coming out; we snap out of it before I clear my throat and watch Kia snap her fingers with an idea: "What about your uncle? He's the Green Lantern and knows about space, right?" As I drift into deep thought, she reminds me that I am not in my house but in a spaceship. 

I convinced my uncle to let me join him on his adventures, but now I realize how foolish I was for not learning that I am with aliens, except for Aya, an Artificial Intelligence. I am stuck with Uncle Hal, Kilowog, Aya, and now Razer, who is in a cell but saved me from harm earlier. Unfortunately, until the hyperjump is fixed, I must return home to Earth. But I have hope that won't happen anytime soon, hesitantly; I smiled a bit: "He is friends with an alien, sooo... that can help?" 

"Oh-My-God! Cass, you are a genius!!" Excitedly, I stumbled slightly as I rose from my bed but regained my balance since my primary pursuit was to locate my uncle to ask some questions, so I began my search. The spaceship we were on was undeniably huge, but I wasn't one to complain about its size; There was a time I wished it was not confusing with so many doors. Luckily, Aya came to me and offered her assistance, to which I thanked her by calling her my best friend. I also explained what that was since she was trying and learning new words from me, so the door slid open where I found out that they would interrogate Razer about holding me as a hostage when in reality, I was saved by him. For reasons that I don't know why, probably because it was the last request before Rev sacrificed himself, or it was out of guilt. At this moment, I brought my white notebook with me to head over to the dining room.

"Hi, everyone!" I greeted.

"Hey Cass, how was your class?" Uncle Hal asked with a smile. 

"It was good..." "But?" I watched my uncle being curious about my science class as he began drinking water, and immediately, an idea came to mind to get a reaction out of him; I poked both my index fingers at each other by saying, "But, the professor assigned us to do an assignment... about Aliens' organs." I shyly blurted out (on purpose) before Kilowog let his worm food drop out of his large mouth while Uncle Hal choked on his drink, baffled in disbelief at what I just said:

"Aliens' organs?!" Uncle Hal exclaimed, his eyes widening as he coughed from the surprise. Kilowog burst into a deep, hearty laugh, causing the room to rumble slightly. 'After this conversation, Kia will laugh once the situation is out of order.' I thought.

"Seriously, Cass? You really know how to make an entrance," Killowog chuckled, shaking his head. I grinned mischievously, enjoying their reactions. "Well, it's not like I can help it. My professor knows how to keep things interesting."

Uncle Hal composed himself, wiping his mouth and setting down his water glass. "I hope you're not too traumatized by this assignment, Cass. But I suppose if anyone fits the task, it's you. After all, you're surrounded by aliens."

Kilowog wiped a tear from his eye, still chuckling. "Yeah, yeah, I'd love to see what kinda drawings you come up with for alien innards."

I pretended to look scandalized. "Oh, come on, Kilowog! I'm a serious student. I'll approach this with the utmost professionalism." Before I gave him a playful look, "And for the record, the organs are not my assignment, it's actually about Alien origins from different planets, and I need to choose one. Considering his work, I'm sure your uncle can provide some insider information."

Uncle Hal raised an eyebrow, his smile turning into a grin. "Oh, now you're looking to Kilowog for information on alien anatomy, huh?"

As the laughter died down, I turned a bit more serious. "But on a different note, Uncle Hal, I did want to talk to you about something related to that, so I've been thinking..."

He nodded, his expression turning attentive. "Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Do you mind if I ask Razer a bit about his species? It will get me a good grade." I hoped to convince Kilowog and Hal, who gave me puzzled looks, about why I was interested in learning about Razer's species. My uncle was unpleased with my request and grew intense, expressing his concern: "Cassandra, do you understand what you're asking for?" "Yes, but I want to! I continue to convince Uncle Hal, "I know he did horrible things, but you & Carol taught me that if you be kind to others, they'll be thankful and return it. And besides, Razer saved my life, and I want to learn more about his species. Maybe if I understand where he came from, I can prevent him from going down the dark side."

Uncle Hal sighed, his expression softening as he looked at me with concern and pride. "Cass, I appreciate your compassion, I do. But Razer being a threat to the galaxy as the Red Lanterns is... complicated. He comes from a group of Lanterns with a history of violence and aggression. While he's shown that he can save you, delving into it might not be easy, and it could bring up some difficult problems for your safety." I glared at that part.

Kilowog chimed in, his tone more serious than before. "The Red Lanterns, from what I learn, is a group of evil bad guys, and they're fueled by rage, and Razer used to be one of them. Just be careful, kid."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of their words. "I know it won't be easy, and I don't want to make him uncomfortable. But I believe in second chances, and if there's even a small chance that learning about his species could help prevent it, I think it's worth trying."

Uncle Hal exchanged a look with Kilowog before returning his worried gaze to me. "Alright, Cass. If you're determined to do this, I won't stop you. He sighed: "But promise me, you'll be careful and respectful. Razer has not said a word since he got put in the interceptor cell."

Kilowog nodded in agreement. "And if this Razer is uncomfortable talking about it, call me to give him peace of mind."

"I promise, Uncle Hal, Kilowog. I nod, "I won't push him if he's unwilling to share. But I'll try to approach this with sensitivity and understanding," I assured them.

Uncle Hal reached over and ruffled my hair affectionately. "You've got a big heart, Cass. Just remember that not everyone is as open to change as you are. Just take things one step at a time."

"Thanks, Uncle Hal. And thanks, Kilowog. I appreciate your advice," I said sincerely.

Kilowog grinned, his earlier laughter replaced with genuine warmth. "No problem, kiddo. Just don't come running to me if things get all emotional and mushy." As Aya began explaining regular check-ups on the ship's repairs. I went to the kitchen to pour a cup of water for Razer's cell...

(No Pov): At the cell in the spaceship...

Razer stares at the floor, seated on a hard bed, while contemplating the Green Lanterns' plan to question and interrogate him for his actions and where the Red Lanterns' ship is. Since his first love Illana, had died in his arms, he was chosen to be a Red Lantern as he felt numb, with no emotions, no remorse, and deep within his stone-cold heart, Razer felt sadness, guilt, and rage for harming the deceased Green Lantern, who was innocent to its people. Razer continuously requested to be killed: 'I wish to die... in honor of the Red Lanterns.' His thoughts were interrupted by a door sliding open and close, "I thought I'd find you here." 

A familiar female voice was heard. He blinked before he looked up from his cell to see me; the human girl named Cassandra entered, sat down in front of Razer, and smiled before she placed her notebook on her lap: "What do you want?" Razer sneered. 

"Ouch, that is quite rude to start a conversation. Cassandra started, "I just came in to stop by and thought of getting you something to eat, but I did not know what to eat, so I thought I hand you a glass of water." She began by holding a cup of water for the Volkregian man before her, saying, "I do not need anything." He rejects the offer with a cold tone.

Cassandra sighed softly, setting the cup of water down within his reach. "I know you might not want anything, but staying hydrated is important, especially if you're not eating." She leaned back slightly, looking at him earnestly. "Razer, I'm not here to interrogate or make you uncomfortable. I just wanted to have a conversation."

Razer's expression remained stern, but a hint of curiosity flickered in his eyes. "A conversation?"

"Yeah," she nodded, picking up her notebook. "I've been given an assignment for my science class, and it's about studying the origins of alien species. I thought about it and figured since you're from an alien species, you might have some insights or information to help me."

Razer's eyebrows furrowed as he regarded her. "You want to know about my species?"

Cassandra nodded a sincere smile on her face. "Yes, exactly. I understand it might not be easy for you to discuss it, but it could help me with my assignment if you're willing. And who knows, maybe by learning more about where you come from, I can learn your language somehow."

Razer's guarded demeanor seemed to soften a bit, though he still had uneasiness. "Why does this matter to you?" Cassandra's smile remained genuine. "Because I believe in understanding others and finding common ground. I've seen what anger and hatred can do, but I've also seen people change and find redemption. Learning about your species can explain why things went wrong and how they could be different."

Razer was silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on Cassandra. "You are different from the others. You don't fear me."

"Anyways, thank you for saving me..." He blinked a few times before he glared at me,

"Okay...I'll start with a basic question, what do you normally eat?" Now this made Razer's eyes snap toward me with an 'Are you serious?' look, already knowing that it sounded like a stupid question to answer, but before he could scold her and threaten the human to leave again, he did not seem to mind her company. For some reason, Cassandra found it quietly excited to talk to Razer as she raised my hand and explained, "Don't worry, She said, wishing that she could facepalm herself and go straight to hell for asking something stupid: "It may be a stupid question, so bare it with me, okay?" 

"Hn." Silence came between them until Razer answered her question, "Usually, I eat meat. Since our hunger could only sustain for months, I usually eat when necessary." Cassandra listened intently, occasionally jotting down notes in her notebook. As he spoke, the tension in his shoulders seemed to ease a bit, still stiff, yet a connection began forming between them. Then she asked about his species attire, to which he explained that he was covered as he wore a dark gray tunic with long black sleeves and a belt bearing a Volkregian symbol.

Razer appeared deep in thought, reflecting on Cassandra's words and questions. He reached for the cup of water beside her and took a sip. Though her honesty had left him somewhat pensive, he remained resentful towards the Green Lanterns while endeavoring to please Cassandra. "I can tell you about my species. He continues, "But it does not mean it will be as simple as this therapy session you are pulling off to get any information for those pesky Green Lanterns."

Cassandra's expression soured as she lowered her gaze and tightly clenched her pen in response to his hurtful words. Despite the memory of her parents warning her against acting recklessly, stirring up anger within her, she took a deep, calming breath to compose herself. She felt a surge of excitement: "This may feel like therapy to you, she continued and stared directly into his blue eyes with her silver ones in an intense staring contest, "But I can assure you I'm willing to listen, Razer. Take your time, and share what you're comfortable sharing."

In the cramped cell, Razer gradually revealed details about his species and world, except for the events that led to his transformation into a Red Lantern. Once Cassandra had gathered all the information she needed about Razer's kind, she stood up from the floor beside his cell and offered him a smile. "I appreciate your honesty and your time, I hope I can visit you only without assignments next time," She said and got up to close her notebook as she takes the empty cup from him but before Cassandra could exit the room, Razer spoke:

"...Don't waste your time on visiting me again, human." Cassandra was taken aback by Razer's words, but she still held onto hope that her kindness towards him would be reciprocated, as she wishes that he can share the same curiosity and willingness to be kind.

--The chapter ended!--

This is my chapter, and now I can return to the real deal.

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