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      I woke to a loud knock on my apartment door, rubbing my eyes I stumbled to the door and stood on my tippy toes to see through the peephole.


What is he doing at my apartment?

I opened the door, realizing I wasn't wearing a shirt I ran behind the door to hide myself.

"Patroclus, why are you hiding?" 

Seeing another man's shirt-less would be no problem if I wasn't attracted to them! I mean...I'm not! There no way I, A MAN, can like a man right? Achilles stopped inside and shut the door and just smiled at me. He doesn't care? He's cool with it? Uh I guess it's a bro thing?

  "What-what are you doing here at 7AM?" 

"It's that early? I'm very sorry but can I stay here for a while?"

How was I supposed to answer— first of all we barley know each other, second, why does he need to stay here and third...I only have one bed.

        I sighed, "Sure, but may I ask why?"

  "I got evicted..." oh wow. Does he have nobody else to go to...?

"How so?" I asked, and he sighed,

  "I didn't know I wasn't supposed to have punching bags in my apartment, and I got to many complains to 'quiet down' so here I am." 

"alright! Uh are these your bags?"

He had two bags that were bright blue.


I nodded and helped him unpack his stuff into the empty drawers of my dresser.


  "Yes, Patroclus?"

  "I only have one bed, do you want the couch or the bed?" I questioned, flustered a little.

"Why do we need the couch?" I sensed genuine confusion from Achilles.

  My cheeks suddenly felt bright red.

"Uh we don't, I just want you to be comfortable!" I blurted, trying to not sound weird to stutter.

"And....a couch is more comfortable than a bed?" He laughed, I smiled.

  "I suppose it's not"

I still cannot believe Achilles is staying at my house...as a roommate.

           I looked down at myself and remember I needed a shirt, I pulled a shirt over my head and asked Achilles if he wanted a tour of my place, he happily nodded and I showed him around.

  "Make yourself at home!" He smiled and went to look at my book shelf.

"Wow, you read a lot!"  I smiled and stood next to him,

"it's a hobby." He smiled "Any idea what you want to do today, Achilles?" He rubbed his chin and layed back onto my—our bed.

"we'll I didn't have my whole day planned out!" He rolled his eyes as he frowned looking at the ceiling fan spin around.

I laughed and looked on my phone or stuff to do. Suddenly I felt his breath on my shoulder, my face felt hot.

"whatcha looking at?"

  "Can you not read the screen dumbass?" I laughed, he rolled his eyes and swiped on his phone, his chin on my shoulder.


I smiled at his child-like excitement. "sure!"

"WATERPARK HERE WE COME!" He smiled and ripped swimming trunks of of the dresser, while running to the bathroom.

         I booked the tickets online for the waterpark, and got changed into my swim trunks and swim shirt—don't judge I don't swim bare chested!

Achilles came out of the bathroom grinning like a little kid, I smiled and blushed, he doesn't wear swim shirts! What have people become these days?

"Are you ready to go?" I asked, he just grinned and picked me up, running with me in his arms to the car, he is really fast, but I assume that means "Yeah Im ready Patroclus!" But it made me blush way more than it should.

"Achilles! Put me down!" I whined. He ignored me and keep running until we reached his car. He finally set me down and opened the door for me, what a gentlemen! I laughed and sat in his car, I admit his car is nice...he sat down in the driver seat and started the car.

        He turned the GPS on and smiled at me, then took off driving. "Ah! You have to let me get my seatbelt on!" I laughed—half annoyed. I pulled my seatbelt on, hoping this wasn't my last day on earth, if it was it wouldn't be my fault it would be Achilles reckless driving!

          We had been in the car for a while, a caught him staring at me a few times, it was a weird silence till achilles spoke up, "Patroclus?"

"Hmm?" I turned my head my look at him, luckily he still had his eyes on the road!

"I need to tell you something..."

"what is it, Achilles?" I questioned, curious.

  "Patroclus I—" The GPS beeped, a British siri calling out to us, "You have arrived at your destination"

Achilles sighed then smiled, "let's go!" He got out and I followed suit.

"no!" Achilles screamed.


  "I wanted to open it for you..." He frowned, crossing his arms. I laughed and sat back down in the car closing the door. Achilles face lit up and he opened the door for me, smirking as I stepped out of the car, I rolled my eyes and we stood side my side looking at the park.

"You ready for awesomeness!?" He cheered, starry eyed.

  "of course I paid for it!" I smiled and rolled my eyes, it's cute how he's so exited. I didn't mean that! Well...maybe I did.

"And I thank you for that...let's go!"

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