❀Chapter XI❀

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By: Amber


Langa's Point of View~

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Reki shouted the minute I told him what happened yesterday night, making many people in the restaurant look in our direction.

"Do you mind quieting down a little?" I asked, unamused by his reaction.

"Sorry sorry but for real tho! She kissed you?" He asked, wanting to confirm what I said was true.

"On the cheek yes." I said, specifying while taking a bite of my food.

"Wow... that actually means something alright!" He said as I shook my head.

"It was just a friendly kiss. She said it was for good luck."

"Seriously? How dumb are you?" He said, practically annoyed by my response.

"Hey!" I protested.

"Sorry sorry but seriously do you really think that was just a friendly kiss?" He asked as I stared down.

"I don't know. That's just what I think." I said, taking another bite.

"Do you have feelings for her?" he asked as I gulped down my food.

"I am not sure really."

"Well... How do you feel around her?"

"Well... whenever she smiles, it makes me smile and my heart skips a beat. She has a really nice presence and I really like being around her and would want to protect her at all times." I confessed as Reki looked at me before looking away.

"I guess that answers your question." He said, his face breaking into a smile.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's best if you figure it out yourself. I don't want things to be awkward between you two." He said as I sighed.

"Come on, you gotta go and meet Kaho at the skatepark for practice. Let's quickly finish eating and head there. I wish I could join you guys but I have to pick up my younger sisters." He said as I nodded and continued to eat while being occupied with my own thoughts.

"Do I really have feelings for Kaho?"

❅ ╤╤╤╤ ❀ ╤╤╤╤ ❅

"Hey Langa you made it! Where's Reki?" Kaho asked.

"He said he can't come cause he has to pick up his sisters so it's just you and me." I told her as she nodded while scratching the back of her neck.

"Well that sucks." She said..

"Hey Kaho" I started as she looked up at me.


"Where were you yesterday exactly after everyone left?" I asked her, which made her instantly freeze knowing my assumption was correct.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I know you didn't actually have work to do cause I passed the library last night when I was gonna go drop off Reki and I saw it was closed."

After I explained, she didn't respond and just stared down at the ground. I felt bad calling her out on this. God why am I stupid to even do this to her now? I sighed, slumping my shoulders.

"Sorry if I made you upset. I didn't mean to do it." I told her as she shook her head.

"No you're fine. I should be sorry for lying to you last night. It wasn't right for me to do so." She said.

"I shouldn't have asked you that question. You don't have to tell me where you were or what you were doing if you're not comfortable to do so. I'm just worried and I don't want you to feel upset or anything." I told her, scratching the back of neck, feeling a little nervous.

"It's alright Langa. It's normal for friends looking out for each other. You didn't do anything wrong." She said, smiling a little as I sighed in relief.

"Now come on. I wanna see how well you do your Casper slides." She said, changing the mood, making me a smile a little as I nodded and headed over to the ramps to show her.

i was doing pretty well so far with the Casper Slide. I'd sometimes stop and watch Kaho doing tricks on her board. She seemed to do well with the tricks she does. Considering she is a pro at this, she doesn't break much of a sweat while doing so which is the same for me when i snowboarded back in Canada.

I guess we do have somethings in common. Watching her do tricks were pretty much fun and cool to watch. It sometimes makes her look like she is dancing. She was doing a trick which she told me was called the Peter Pan which makes her look like she actually is dancing.

It was mesmerizing to say the least. She didn't trip once while doing so. It felt nice and made me smile as I continued to see her do her tricks as I practiced myself. Skateboarding and watching her do tricks almost made me forget the beef that I had tonight which felt nice for once. Moments like these are worth it while they last.

❅ ╤╤╤╤ ❀ ╤╤╤╤ ❅

Third person Point of View~

The time had come for the race. Everyone was anticipating it knowing this will be something huge considering it is both Snow and Adam racing against each other. The race was gonna be interesting because of this.

Langa quickly got ready and grabbed his board as he quietly made his way towards the front entrance until he heard the sound of something fall as he passed the dining room. He went inside and saw that it was a picture frame of his younger self with both his mother and father. He slowly picked it up and fixed it in place as he stared at the picture.

"Don't worry dad. I really love skateboarding now. It reminds me of when we used to snowboard together. I wonder why...?" He thought to himself until his phone went off as he got up from the floor.

"Time to go." and with that he gave one more glance at the picture before leaving the house where Kaho and Reki were waiting for him.

"Ready to go?" Reki asked him as Langa nodded.


"Are you okay? You seem bothered." Kaho asked as Langa looked at her before nodding.

"I'm fine. Let's go." He said as the trio walked towards S.

When they reached S, it was very much crowded like the last time they had come here. Everybody seemed to have been talking and making bets on who was gonna win this race. Shadow, Miya, Cherry and Joe were already here amongst the crowd.

"Who do think will win?"

"Adam, obviously!"

"Hey look! Snow boy!"

"Sakura is here too!" 

"Is Sakura buddy buddy with those two or something?"

"She never really does that with anyone here."

"Makes me jealous actually."

The four turned to look behind them to see that indeed Langa, Reki and Kaho had arrived at S but Adam was yet to come in here.

"You three showed up!" Shadow announced, staring at the three make there way towards them.

"Adam here?" Reki asked, looking around.

"Not yet." Cherry answered.

"I bet he'll make a grand entrance for his comeback." Joe said.

"He always has been a dramatic a**." Kaho said, looking unamused at the thought.

"What's that mean?" Langa asked, making Reki instantly answer.

"Like shoot himself out of a canon."

"False! He's probably just running a little behind. It happens." Miya said, instantly ruining the mood.

"Do you ever laugh?" Reki asked, slightly embarrassed.

Right then everybody started cheering as the lights slightly dimmed. The four looked to their side to see a red carpet roll exactly towards Langa as Adam skated towards them on the carpet while the spotlight was on him.

"It's Adam!"

"The legend has arrived!"

"He's not that special." Kaho thought to herself, rolling her eyes.

"Here we go." Langa said, looking straight at Adam who had finally arrived in front of them.

Adam gave one huge wave of his cape as a bouquet of flowers appeared in his hands. He handed them to Langa who just stared at them with no reaction to it whatsoever but Kaho on the other hand despised the bouquet and just wanted to snatch it away and burn it to ashes.

"A symbol of courtship and celebration. To you, to me. To us." Adam said as Kaho resisted the urge to maul him.

"Thanks." Langa simply, said taking the bouquet in his hands as Reki sweat-dropped while Kaho stared in disbelief.

"You don't have to accept them." Reki said, sweat-dropping.

Adam then let out a small gasp and looked to the side to face Cherry and Joe. "Are you rooting for the snow bunny?"

"I'm not sure." Joe said with a small shrug.

"Don't even start that Adam. You're the one who ditched us first." Cherry said, annoyed by his presence.

"Is that what happened?" Adam asked nonchalantly.

"You ready?" Reki asked Langa.

"Yes I am." He said, looking behind at the red head.

"Good luck out there." Kaho said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I will." He said.

"Do you want me to hold those?" Kaho asked, pointing at the bouquet.

"Sure. Thanks." He said, giving the flowers to Kaho.

"Your welcome. Also if you get out of this race alive, you have to take me out to eat at some point." the pink haired girl jokingly said as Langa blinked at her before smiling a little.

"Sure." He said before walking over to the race track.

Kaho on the other hand was practically content to get a hold of the bouquet of red roses and made her way to an empty spot as she tried to quickly fish out a lighter from her pockets to burn them to ashes.

"What are you doing?" Reki asked, looking over at the pink haired girl.

"Trying to find my lighter." She simply answered.

"Why do you have a lighter!?" He exclaimed as Kaho brought out the lighter and opened it.

"To set these on fire." She said, putting the fire near the roses and putting them aflame before dropping them to the ground and stepping over it for the fire to spread.

"Jeez. What did roses ever do to you?" Miya asked.

"Roses didn't do anything to me really... Guess you could say that the color has it's faults in here..." She said, watching the roses wilt and turn to ashes slowly as Reki and Miya stared at her before she spoke up.

"Come on. We should go over to the track. The race is about to start." She said, giving one final kick to whatever was still left and made her way to the track with Reki and Miya tailing behind her.

❅ ╤╤╤╤ ❀ ╤╤╤╤ ❅

The sirens blared from the megaphones, indicating that the race was about to start soon. The two racers stood at the starting line, waiting for the lights to go off so they can set off and start the race. Soon the lights changed color.

Red... red... red... red... green!

With that everyone cheered as the race began but Adam then flicked open his cigarette case and started to smoke once more like he did with his and Reki's beef.

"He's doing it again." Miya said, sweating.

"Yep!" Reki said, deadpanning.

"Wait... Langa is still standing there! Heh... Good thinking rookie." Kaho smirked to herself. 

"They stalling?" Some person asked.

Adam stopped as he looked over to his side to see that Langa indeed didn't leave the starting line and was just standing there.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Another person asked.

"What the hell's that rookie thinking? He needs to take off."

After a few seconds of waiting, Langa's eyes skimmed over to Adam to tell him that he won't go until he's finished or done with his mock schemes. This made Adam get the idea as he took out the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Sorry I was late, snowball." He apologized before kicking his board up.

"Any who! Shall we begin?" He asked as they got into positions and the lights went off once more.

Red... red... red... red... green!

With that they both threw over their skateboards and skated away with immense speed with Adam taking the lead.

"Careful!" Reki shouted at him.

"He made a good move." Cherry calmly said as Kaho and Reki looked over at him.

"Adam won't push too far ahead of him. He needs a challenge or he'll get bored."

"That's always how he is with skateboarders." Kaho grumbled under her breath as she went over to the big screen to see better.

Langa on the other hand was keeping his distance while skating while Adam remained in front and seemed to look back at him.

"Long distance love is so hard to maintain." He said looking over at the distance Langa is from him. "Hm..."

Langa on the other hand was trying to stay as far from him as possible, remembering Cherry's advice from yesterday.

❅ ╤╤╤╤ ❀ ╤╤╤╤ ❅

"Love Hug is not infallible." Cherry started.

"Adam needs a straight away in order for it to work."

"Why is that?" Reki asked, clearly confused at the information.

"You ever tried to skate directly in front of someone as they are making a turn? It's impossible." Miya said, having a laid back position.

"No duh!" Shadow said, agreeing.

"So then stay away from the straightaways, then he can't Love Hug you!" Reki said.

"This will be very effective for it to not work at all!" Kaho said, cheering slightly.

"Pass him in one go at the corners." Cherry said, closing his fan.

❅ ╤╤╤╤ ❀ ╤╤╤╤ ❅

Adam looked over at Langa in silence before looking away from him.

"Would I assume you have been well coached?" He asked as they continued to skate while the rest of the gang were looking over at them from the screens.

"Adam is overwhelmingly superior in both speed and technique. But, his strategy could be disrupted in the last leg." Cherry said while Reki and Kaho looked over at the screen in anticipation while listening in their conversation.

"You're so bad. You just used that boy, didn't you?" Joe asked, glancing over at Cherry.

"It was a deal that was profitable for us both."

Meanwhile, on the other side of S, The two were still skating in the same way they were.

"You've got your eyes on the factory." Adam said as Langa, scowled at him before crouching down to gain speed as he passed Adam as everyone cheered.

"Do you think he'll make it that far?" Miya asked.

"I sure hope he does." Kaho said, her eyes not leaving the screen one bit.

Langa passed by Adam as he sped over to the corner and flipped over his board to the opposite side as he did a Casper before bringing his board over to the original position but this just made Adam go over to the next phase of what he planned to do. 

"Now!" he started as Langa looked behind him.

"The time has come! Fall into my bosom!" Adam said, dancing on his board while making his way to Langa while chuckling to himself.

He spun on his board while shuffling it for him to catch up to Langa. Langa on the other hand felt his breath hitch and before he knew it, Adam grabbed him by the waist and wrist.

"Salutations Little Langa! May I please have this dance?" He asked, ramming his board with Langa's.

He then started dragging him around in a waltz dancing pose while pulling him close. Then he used both his legs to widen the position of his feet as Langa tried to endure all this as much as he could while trying to get out of it.

Adam then suddenly let go of Langa who was about to fall of his board but Adam then quickly grabbed hold of him, making Kaho tremble on her feet as she saw this happen before her eyes. She didn't want to watch.

She knew how this will go very well, being the one to have this form of experience before with Adam. She tried to not freak out in front of everyone and shut her eyes for a few seconds to calm herself down before looking back up. 

"Langa..." Reki said, sweating.

"What is he doing?" Cherry asked.

"He wants to see how Langa can take..." Joe said as Cherry quickly looked over at Kaho who was trembling a little, making him realize this was the same thing she had gone through.


"Hold on... We're reaching some dangerous curves." Adam said, pulling Langa to his feet as they came to a corner.

He then intertwined both his and Langa's hands as he used all his strength to make him spin around in air a few times, making Langa scream in slight fear before bringing him back the same position on the board but still holding onto him.

"Oh icy spicy! Isn't it great?" he asked, looking over at Langa who was still scowling at him.

"Oh dear! What's this face? Please don't tell my dear Blizzard Borders are afraid!" he said until he noticed Langa smirking, making his smile falter. Right at that moment, Langa pushed himself over to Adam which made them spin, making everyone surprised.

"Oh! My! God! YES!!!!" Adam exclaimed, sounding pretty happy while Langa was cringing at the loud voice since it was close to his ears.

"What the hell is that dumba** think he is doing?!" Kaho exclaimed in shock. 

"He just narrowed the turn radius to go even faster." Joe said, sweating.

"What the hell is Langa doing out there?" Reki asked feeling the same as Joe.

After they has reached the end of the corners, they spun around a bit before Langa pushed off of him and went back to solo skating while Adam took lead once more.

"Wonderful!" He said as they continued to skate in a straight line.

"You're quite the partner! We have a lot in common you and I! You skate much better than a girl I know well I have skated with before! But alas, in the end she failed to amuse me. She only just got herself in a problem." He said as Langa's eyes widened as he heard Adam say that but he shook it off and focused on the path.

Shadow groaned as he saw that Adam was right in front once more.

"Adam pulled ahead again!" He said.

"He's gonna Love Hug..." Kaho said, her lips faltering a little.

"Not the Love Hug..." Reki said, glaring at the screen.

"Carla, how long to the factory?" Cherry asked his AI skateboard.

"They are halfway there." Carla spoke as Cherry nodded.

"If he keeps it up, Snow Bro can rock this." Shadow said but Kaho knew that Adam had something up his sleeves.

Langa and Adam passed down a turn as they sped up there boards to go even faster. Langa then saw that they were at another corner knowing full well that the Love Hug won't work here.

"Another corner! Your Love Hug won't work now!" He thought but too soon as he heard Adam speak.

"I want another bite!" Adam said, making Langa look at him.

Adam then moved his foot over to the front as he popped it up as he gained speed and quickly turned it around, making Langa shocked along with the other six.

"No way!"

"I thought he could only do that on straightaways!"

"He's anticipating Langa's moves now!"

"Is he tracing?!"

"Oh god no..." Kaho said, covering her mouth in fear.

"LANGA!!!" Reki yelled, fearing the worst.

Adam popped down his board as he came at a fast rate the same as Langa who was thinking a way of getting out of this situation.

"Welcome back! My arms have missed you so!" Adam said as Langa quickly spun his board at a 180 angle.

"Love Hug!"

With that Langa popped his board and flew up, right over Adam's head, making Adam surprised along with everyone else who was watching. Langa then landed gracefully on the ground and continued to skate down the track, leaving Adam astonished as everyone cheered while the six looked at the screen on shock.

"Am I seeing this?" Shadow asked.

"He avoided the hug..." Miya said.

"Like it was no problem..." Reki finished. 

"I've never seen that technique before..." Cherry said, astonished by what he saw.

"That dude's a freak!" Joe said, smiling.

"That reckless idiot..." Kaho said before she smiled a little.

Adam stood in the dark as a lamp post near him flickered behind him a couple of times.

"I found you..." he started.

"You are the one." He tapped his foot before continuing to tap them more.

"Finally! My own little..." He tapped his feet even more before stopping to look ahead.

"True Eve!" He said before starting to skate again as he went at immense speed only to catch up to Langa once more.

"Peeka Boo! I have no doubt you can make it." He said, taking the lead once more.

He looked from the side as he emitted some sort of magnetic force making Langa clutch his shirt as he tried to repel away from the force drawing him in.

"I just..." Langa thought.

"He's drawing me in!" He said out loud, going toe to toe with Adam.

"Woah! Looks like he's gonna go toe to toe against him!" Joe said.

"He's skating way to fast!" Miya pointed out.

"If he wobbles even a little..."

"Too late to pull out now." Shadow finished.

"Idiot..." Reki mumbled.

Kaho on the other hand figured out what was going on. Adam was doing that thing where he draws in his opponents. The same he had pulled this sort of thing on her before getting a glimpse of the Zone. This was not a good sign at all.

The two skateboarders came to a corner as the rounded it before flipping over to land on the road but Langa only wobbled and tried to withstand the magnetic pull but soon saw a black void with colors, making him gasp before it vanished before his eyes.

"What was that?" He mumbled but his thoughts were broken by the sound of Police sirens.

"For real! We never had a cop problem before!" Shadow said, looking over at the sound of sirens.

"Why now of all times?!" Joe said looking at the others.

"Come on! Let's hurry!" Joe said, as he and Cherry ran away while Kaho on the other hand ran over to the motorbike.

"Kaho?" Miya said seeing that Kaho wasn't with them as Reki looked to see Kaho on a motorbike.

"Hey what are you doing?!" Reki said running over to Kaho.

"I am going after Langa! The cops will catch him if he plans to escape by using his skateboard." She said starting up the engine.

"Do you eve know how to ride this?" the red head asked as Kaho looked at him.

"You're looking at a person that broke one too many laws by riding vehicles without a license and never being caught once. You, Miya and Shadow run while you can while I bring Langa back safely!" She said as she twisted the handle and took off through the forest, not even caring about the small scratches she was getting from the trees.

Adam and Langa were skating down the road until a black car caught up to Adam as the driver inside opened the car window to to reveal a man with faded green eyes and dark black hair.

"The police are here. Please get in." The man said as he swerved the car to the side as Adam opened one side of the car door but turned around to face the blue haired male that stopped in front of him.

"Little Langa! I will insist on seeing you once more. We shall love again!" Adam said getting in the car before shutting it as the car drove past him and right then the police cars have arrived on the spot as the bright light made Langa's eyes squint.

"What are you doing out here so late?!" One of the cops asked as Langa picked up his board.

"Uh... well..." He tried to look for a way to escape until he heard the sound of a motorbike as he looked behind to see Kaho coming towards him as he swerved right over to the side in fornt of him.

"Let's go!" She said and Langa wasted no time and got on.

"Hold on!" Another shouted but Kaho quickly twisted the handle and took off as quickly as possible to get away from them.

"Do you even know how to drive this?!" Langa asked while keeping a firm hand over her waist so he doesn't fall off. 

"Does having no license along with breaking the law multiple times make you feel any better?" She asked looking ahead.

"No!" He said but literally yelped as you took a sharp turn around the forest.

With that, the two of them were now o the main road. Kaho looked around his surroundings to find a place to quickly hide until she saw a staircase where she stopped in front of. The two got down as they moved the bike down the steps and then sat in complete silence as the cars passed by them as they let out a sigh of relief.

"Remind me to never let you use a motorcycle or any vehicle for that matter?" He said, deadpanning at the pink haired girl who scared the living wits out of him by riding on bike, he was on.

"Okay but don't expect me to actually listen." She said, sticking her tongue out at him before looking away.

"Real mature." He said, unamused.

"Whatever." She said while pulling down her mask, letting out a sigh as she dusted off the dirt on her arms while Langa scooted over and took out two to three leaves out of her hair.

"You're a mess..." He told her as she rolled her eyes.

"And you're a freaking junkyard." Kaho told him, making Langa surprised as she looked away in front of her.

"What were you thinking jumping over Adam like that?" She asked, not looking at him.

"It came to me when we were spinning like the second I got closer instead of pulling away." He explained, looking over where Kaho was looking.

"So... you just did it?" She asked, glancing over at him.

"Yeah..." He said, trailing off.

"You literally gave me a heart attack doing something out of nowhere you know? I was literally trembling in my shoes while watching the entire thing!" She told her as Langa looked at her.

"Kaho I-" He was about to say but Kaho spoke over him.

"Also the act that you agreed to this was literally messing with my brain for the past few days, thinking you were gonna get injured or worse!"


"Also I was literally keeping my fingers crossed during the entire race, hoping and praying you don't get hurt and somehow make it out uninjured by that psychotic excuse of a man who roped you into this bullsh*t!"


"Also the fact that you were basically going at a dangerous speed after that was nerve wracking to me as well and if it weren't for the sound of police sirens, god knows what would happened-" 


"What- Hmph!" She turned around to face him, only for her to feel a pair of lips meet hers.

Langa never kissed anyone. A girl for that matter but when he kissed Kaho on her soft lips, it felt like a million fireworks had gone off inside his stomach. He then slowly pulled away to see Kaho who was really flustered and blushing a lot, making him have a small smirk on his face.

"I told you that you didn't have to worry about me." He said as Kaho snapped back into reality.

"W-what w-was that for?!" She asked, very flustered.

"I had to stop you from talking so you could listen." He calmly answered, making Kaho more annoyed but not in a bad way.

"You don't just kiss someone to shut them up!"

"Don't you only kiss someone you like more than a friend?"

"Huh?" She breathed out, hearing the last part. "You like me more than a friend...?"

"Pretty much yeah..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh..." She said, not knowing what to say but in a way she felt happy.

"I-I'm sorry for kissing you out of nowhere! I should have asked and-"

"Langa." She called out to him stop, looking her direction as she went over and gave him a quick peck on the lips, making him flinch a little but relax as she pulled away.

"It's alright. The feelings mutual." She told him as Langa stared at her before letting out a sigh of relief as he buried his head on her shoulders.

"That's a relief to hear..." He mumbled, making Kaho giggle which made Langa join in on the laughter before sitting in that position in silence until the blue haired boy spoke up.

"I'm really sorry I made you worry." He apologized, looking at her golden yellow eyes before kissing the top of her forehead.

"I really like you." He said as Kaho nodded.

"I know. I like you as well. I just have to get used to this since I never had this sort of feelings for someone like this and it's kinda new to me..." Kaho said as Langa smiled before putting his forehead on hers.

"I guess we're not so different after all... We'll learn about these feelings together eventually." He said as kaho laughed a little as she nodded.

"Yeah you're right." She said, shifting into a position so she could lean on Langa's side, making him blush on the spot.

"Can we stay like this for a bit?" The shorter girl asked as Langa looked down at her before a smile formed on his face.

"Sure." He said, wrapping his arm around his waist to bring her close to him as they sat together side by side in comfortable silence, forgetting time existed for a few moments.

"Going home could wait for now."

He sighed before leaning the side of his face head on top of Kaho's as they stayed close to eachother as much as possible. Both of them wanting the moment to last as long as it could right now.


·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ✎

This chapter just made me squeal even more at the very end of it! <333

Now I can rest in peace knowing how I want my story to go from here!

I hope I'm not rushing anything but it felt like the right time to do this! ;-;

The next chapter is gonna be a chapter which has nothing to do with the episodes or canon stuff that happens but it will be worth reading!

Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please Vote, Comment, Read and Enjoy!


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