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Her eyes admired the view of the calm store and the clients that passed by into the rushed air of L.A. The shop smelled like fruits, bread and flowers. But what most attracted her was the small display at the center filled with many books.

Her sight lit up at the covers and the touch of their pages that reminded her to a simpler time in a book store with the man of her dreams. But that was gone now, almost in another life.

That was Erica Souza, the nice, polite, and sweet woman who failed to get what she wanted. She had him wrapped around her finger...until destiny broke them apart.

Until she tore him apart.

And as much as she wished to believe that wasn't true, it was. Joe Goldberg, her lover, was dead. Dead by her own hands, burned into the woods, with his ashes carefully contained inside a small porcelain jar she had in her new home.

A fresh start, Erica reminded herself, that was what she needed. She has always admired Los Angeles, dreamed of visitting the home of the big hollywood stars since she was young. Why not? After all, she was a star herself in her mind.

It wasn't hard to transfer her college to one in L.A, neither find a considerably good apartment to live in. All she needed now was to let go of the past and start anew.

And that was what happened when she saw her.

Hello, you.

Her eyes shimmered at the woman who walked gracefully through the shop's aisles. Her brunette hair was long, her skin pale, almost rosy, her clothes loose but also pretty just as her.

Single woman looking for new products to buy. You seem very picky, I can see it from the way you measure and analyze the fruits you have in your hands.

The way your eyes squint to observe the price tag, or how your smile opens when you are satisfied...it is gorgeous.

The woman she observed suddenly bumped into a lady. But she quickly apologized, with good manners and a friendly behavior, turning the atmosphere easy.

You have a way with people.

I expected L.A citizens to be rushed as New York ones, to only mind their bussiness and leave. But you aren't like that.

You are calm, gentle, graceful even, specially by the way you walk, almost blessing your path as you continue.

Maybe I've been staring for too long, and maybe I've been following you for some solid minutes now. But you wouldn't notice, would you? Just mind your life...and I'll mind yours too.

-Hey, excuse me.-Erica was suddenly called, snapping back to reality as the woman she observed stood a peach in front of her face. -Do you think this peach looks like a butt?

Erica couldn't contain a grin that crossed her face:

-I'm not sure.- She grabbed the peach in her hands, slightly brushing her fingers against the woman's. Her skin was incredibly soft and addicting. Their eyes met for a solid second, wondering. Erica looked at the peach in her hands and then at her back as a joke. -I think it does.

The brunette woman chuckled in response, discretely admiring Erica's back view as well.

-Yours certainly has the perfect shape.-She played along.

-Do you think so?-Erica laughed and returned her the fruit.-Well thank you, now I know my butt looks like a peach. Or the peach looks like a butt, not sure yet.-The two laughed.

You think I'm funny, let's keep going.

-I'm sorry...are you new here? I haven't seen you around before.-The woman said with a smile.

You want to know about me. Perfect.

-Oh, I have just moved to L.A.-Erica said softly. -I used to live in New York. Name's Erica by the way.

-New York? Wow.-The woman grinned. -Welcome, then, Erica.-The two chuckled.- I'm Love.

-Wait what?

-I know, it's not common.-She laughed. -Love, with capital letter.

Looks like I've finally met my true 'love.'

-That's such a pretty name.-She smiled. -Almost as pretty as the owner.

Love blushed by her words but smiled. Her eyes lingered through Erica's figure, she did find her beautiful, maybe the most gorgeous woman she has ever seen. It was impossible to deny the instant attraction they shared for each other.

-That was smooth.-She smirked. Her eyes fell onto the book she had on her hands. -What do you got there?

-Oh.-Erica grabbed the book and looked at the cover. -Just an oldie of mine. It's called Me Before You. Have you read it?

-I believe I've never did.

-You should, it's beautiful.-She said caressing the edges of the book. -It really changed my life. -She recalled with some nostalgia buried inside her chest. Her glance fell onto Love again. -Here.- She landed the book on her hands. -Let's do it this way, you give it a try, and then tell me what do you think. What about that?

Love lifted one of her eyebrows interested in her suggestion.

-What if I don't like it?

-You can tell me too.-Erica smiled adorably.- I am open to all sort of critics.

-And how will I tell you? When I'm done?

You're buying it. Time to set the bait.

-Well...give me your hand, please.- She asked. Love hesitated for a moment but then did as she said. Erica softly grabbed Love's hand on her own,  it was the same size as hers. She admired how they fit perfectly, how good it would feel to intertwine their fingers and hold it on the street, or maybe just grip onto them while having sex.- When you finish reading...-Erica grabbed a pen and carefully wrote down the numbers. -You can send me a text and set a date so you can tell me all about it.

-A date?-Love responded in a flirty tone and a charming voice that made Erica melt.- Or a book reunion?

-Whatever you want it to be.-Erica smirked and Love felt her heart rush. -So, what do you say?

Erica let her hand go, and surprisingly, Love instantly missed her touch. She was so interested about that woman, she wanted to spend time with her to get to know her, to just...look at her for hours.

-Deal.-She smiled. -But until then, you don't need to wait until I finish reading to see me.-She pointed to the kitchen of the shop.- I am the produce manager here,  you see. So whenever you want to see me...

-I'll know where to find you.-Erica replied with great satisfaction.

Now these are good news, Love.

I can see this actually working.

I can almost imagine visitting you here everyday, watching you cooking, your hair would be tied into a bun, exposing your beautiful neck. My God, I would love to run kisses through that neck and lower them down through your skin until you'd loose your breath.

But we must take things slow first.

Unless you don't want to. Whatever is your desire, I'll do it.

-Are you hungry?-Love suddenly asked. -I could bake you something before you leave...it's on the house.

-Oh, a discount for me?-Erica smirked as they walked together towards the counter of the store.-Why is that?

-It's a special discount only for pretty ladies like you.-The produce manager flirt back, making Erica blush and giggle.

Okay, maybe we'll be tangled into the sheets together earlier than I thought.

Doesn't mean that's bad.

-Okay...-Love wrapped an apron around her waist as she got behind the counter. -What is it gonna be, miss? A pie slice, bread, cupcake...?

-The chef's favourite.-Erica smiled charmingly. -Whatever you'd like.

-That's a good answer.-Love replied in a quite hot way as she pulled up her sleeves. -Well, prepare youself, because you're definetely not ready for this.

Erica and Love exchanged mischievous devilish smiles.

-I can't wait.-Joe Goldberg's previous muse replied.

This time I have a good feeling about this, Love.

You, me.

Sounds just heavenly. Maybe this is what I've been looking for. Not him, you.

My soulmate.

I'll love you, I'll take care of you, I'll respect you.

Just don't run away from me like him.

Don't hurt me like him.

And we'll be fine.

It will be just you and me against the world.

Just us.

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