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jeno was awakened by the unusual scent of the bed he was sleeping but he likes the cherry smell of someone burried on his chest.

It was jaemin with arms wrapping around his body,  laying his head peacefully on his chest.

a smile forms his lips as he slowly lifts the younger off himself then place him beside him, making sure not to make any unnecessary movements to wake him up.

he took a few moment to ruffle the younger's hair carefully while admiring his beautiful sleeping face,  making jaemin to slowly opens his eyes so jeno quickly moves off his hands.

"sorry,  did i wake you up?" jeno asked while rubbing his nape.

jaemin smiled then yawned. "no,  seeing you in the first place is fine" okay that was cringy,  jeno admits but he knew he likes it anyway.

the two remained silent as jaemin closes his eyes once more while jeno secretly glances back at him.

"are you just gonna stare at me like that, come and join me back here" jaemin groaned as he grab jeno's wrist then pull him back to the bed.

he nuzzle himself under jeno's arms and pretend like he was snoring making the twi to end up chuckling.

"but isn't it like eight in the morning already?" jeno mutters as he wrap his other arm on jaemin,  slightly pulling him closer while his other hand was caressing the younger's hair.

"it's christmas vacation, we can stay like this for a whole day" jaemin teasingly replies.

he then rises his head up to glance at the older,  creating such closeness between their faces making jeno to wuickly heaten uo due to the sudden closeness. "and besides, you can't say no so you have to cuddle me until the end of the day" jaemin chuckled.

jeno sighed as he roll his eyes but he embrace the younger tighter,  just inhaling the good vibes while the sunrays heatens up the two.

"just kidding, five more minutes" jaemin added before he closes his eyes again.


"it's already one in the afternoon, do you have plans to go home as well?" jeno's mom sarcastically said while on phone.

"i know i know but-- jaemin still needs my help so maybe i'll go home late today, okay?" jeno replies before he shut is phone off.

jaemin was peacefully sleeping above him, making them the whole complete morning in the same position while jaemin was peacefully sleeping and him only to admire the younger's sleeping face, the rest hours without even the guts of being tired.

he sighed but a smile forms on his lips. jeno slowly lifts jaemin's head, letting his lips to sit on the younger's forehead.

"five minutes huh? More than five hours you say" he mumbles until he himself was drifted to another afternoon sleep.



This part was inspired by a fanart i saw on twitter but i won't be mentioning him/her and his/her work here due to his/her request of privacy :)

Anyway,  don't forget to vote and comment ~♡

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