☾ Crescent Winglet ☾

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Name: Beauty

Gender: Female

Age: 5 1/2

Personality traits: Vain, attention-seeking, "pickme".

Abilities: Regular Rainwing abilities.

Likes: Herself, attention, compliments.

Dislikes: Gharial, being knocked down a peg, being ignored.

Extra: She's that girl from high school. Yeah. You know the one.


Name: Bartailed 

Gender: Male

Age: 6

Personality traits: Supportive, neighborly, welcoming.

Abilities: Regular Skywing abilities.

Likes: Being the therapist friend, comforting others, hugs.

Dislikes: Discussing his past, pettiness, when dragons raise their talons against others.

Extra: Has trauma thanks to his very heavily "traditional" and intensely ex-Queen Scarlet supportive Skywing family who treated him atrociously. He has been unofficially adopted by Smoke the Mathematics teacher (and also Downpour, Smoke's girlfriend, but shhhhhh, it might cramp her reputation :0 ).


Name: Rat

Gender: Demigirl

Age: 5

Personality traits: Friendly, pleasant, empathetic.

Abilities: Regular Mudwing abilities.

Likes: Saying hello to people in the hallways, helping others, the academy.

Dislikes: Her sibs, the Mudwing family system, icy cold water.

Extra: Her sibs are all horrible and bitter dragons. Rat is the embodiment of the quote "If you can choose to be anything, be kind." The scratches along her neck and snout are from her bigwings.


Name: Moai

Gender: Male

Age: 8

Personality traits: Analytical, athletic, aloof.

Abilities: Regular Sandwing abilities.

Likes: Hunting class, friendly sparring, strategy board games.

Dislikes: Getting really wet, burnt food, losing.

Extra: He doesn't really socialize with others outright, but is more than happy to join in or organize a friendly mock fight or to play a board game with any of the other students (as long as they do so properly). Is at the Academy to learn literacy and numeracy so he can apply for specific training to be a captain in the Sandwing army. 


Name: Nix

Gender: Male

Age: 6

Personality traits: Pragmatic, guarded, keeps to himself.

Abilities: Regular Icewing abilities.

Likes: Sculpting, pottery, Kalt the Hunting teacher.

Dislikes: Group work, being bothered while working, sharing about himself or his work.

Extra: Sits by himself in class and goes and spends his breaktimes in Kalt's classroom. Alone. And just... vibes there. Because Kalt kins that introvert life.


Name: Plasmabreather

Gender: Male

Age: 3

Personality traits: Intelligent, passive (most of the time), passionate about his interests.

Abilities: Regular Nightwing abilities.

Likes: Following literally any of his winglet around, looking for cool stuff on the beach, his rock collection.

Dislikes: Being patronized, going to be early, PeOpLe ToUcHiNg HiS rOcKs.

Extra: Smol bean who nobody takes seriously and everyone just nods along to and pats on the head despite him having more braincells than probably most of the winglet combined.


Name: Gharial

Gender: Female

Age: 6

Personality traits: Social, fairly friendly, a little wily but not a bad person.

Abilities: Regular Seawing abilities.

Likes: Wearing jewellery, Tribes class, school trips.

Dislikes: Bees/wasps, Beauty, eating octopus.

Extra: if she had a phone,,,,,, she'd do the multiple comma thing,,,,,,,, and she doesn't capitalize her sentences. it drives her teachers mAD. and she has this weird rivalry thing going with Beauty. her sister Brook in Astro Winglet made her jewellery.


Name: Cochineal

Gender: Male

Age: 8

Personality traits: Congenial, just, mediative.

Abilities: Regular Silkwing abilities.

Likes: Resolving disputes, having so many friends, chatting with literally anyone.

Dislikes: When people fight (he likes to help out but please can he finish his lunch juST FOR ONCE???), sewing (too many needles and pins thanks), people mispronouncing his name.

Extra: He's pretty much the only dragon in the whole school who almost everyone gets along/hangs out with. After observing this, Nightjar appointed him as the School Mediator. He's quite good at this, and because he likes everyone and everyone likes him, he's basically unbiased. Probably gonna grow up to be a teacher or court judge or advisor or high-up guard of some sort. The bestest dragon police officer. Good lad. A round of applause for Cochineal.


Name: Hyacinth

Gender: Female

Age: 8

Personality traits: *Groans* *Slams her face against the desk* *Muffled "Moons give me strength to slap a female dog"*

Abilities: Regular Leafwing abilities.

Likes: Resting in a quiet room alone (or with Bartailed), being respected, gardening.

Dislikes: Being the winglet's ambassador, Music class, how much she relates to Downpour the History teacher.

Extra: She's pretty. And she's clever. And she wants to take a very long nap for the next century or so. Oh, and Bartailed is her best friend and probably the only thing stopping her from burying herself in a (very comfortable) hole (with a straw for air of course).

Hyacinth: I slept for almost 12 hours, but I might still be tired so let's go for 12 more just in case.
Bartailed: Hyacinth, that's a coma.
Hyacinth: Sounds festive.


Name: Weevil

Gender: Male

Age: 5

Personality traits: Supportive, loyal, enthusiastic.

Abilities: Regular Hivewing abilities. Has a retractable spine in his tail that sprays boiling acid.

Likes: Spicy food, wolves, listening to Underwing play her cello.

Dislikes: Massive heights, negative Hivewing stereotypes, the sound of chalk on a blackboard.

Extra: Has a crush on Underwing from Constellation Winglet. He's not a confident flier.

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