~ 𝐁𝐢𝐨 ~

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Name: F/n L/n

Age: 18

Height: 5'11

• books
sweet things
• dark places
• his friends

• bullies
• Grimm (although he studies them)
• being called anything monster-related
• negative emotions overpowering him
• his own past

Hobbies: studying Grimm & emotions, reading, writing in his journals, ???

Looks (default):
• Hair: blackish brown
• Eyes: brown
• Skin: slightly pale

Special Notes:
• has an unusual dark purple crystal embedded in his right palm (which he covers with a fingerless glove)
• wears black gauze on his right arm (to cover something)
• doesn't possess a physical Aura
• bleeds black (liquid and mist) instead of red
• has unnatural growths in his skeletal system


- Darkness Extension
• Shadow Tendrils
- Dark Energy Projection (via crystal)
- Super Strength, Agility, Stamina, & Durability
- Enhanced Senses (sight & hearing)
- Regeneration/Healing
- Claw Retraction
- Sonic Shriek
- Dark Empathy
• Empathetic Empowerment

- High Intellect & E.Q
• Proficient in Grimm Studies
- High Pain Tolerance
- Charisma
- Combat Pragmatist
- Weapon Usage (swords, axes, knives, wrist-mounted crossbows, small explosives)
- Indomitable Will
• Stronger Emotions



• High Sexual Content
• Mentions of Abuse
• Blood
• Protagonists OOC

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