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When both Ron and Hermione returned back from Hogsmeade along with the Third Years and up, Harry and Gabriel were standing in front of the Great Hall's doors, planning to meet them halfway before they decide to head back to the dormitory. One their way there, Ron starts going on excitedly about the trip to Hogsmeade and the many shops that are located in the town.

"Honeyduke's Sweetshop is brilliant, but nothing beats Zonko's Joke Shop. We never did got a chance to go to the Shrieking Shack though. You heard it's the most..." Before the Weasley can finish his sentence, Harry finishes it for him.

"The most haunted building in Britain. Yeah I know." He says with slight sadness, seeing that his closest friends get to experience it without him.

"Well, until Black is captured, we're gonna have to stay in Hogwarts. But no worries, Harry, there's always next year, right?" Gabriel says, trying to cheer up the bespectacled boy, who shows a small smile for only half a second. Then, they see that the stairway to the Gryffindor common room is crowded, but they cannot see the cause of this.

"What's going on?" Harry asks his friends.

"Probably Neville forgotten the password again." Ron jokingly says.

"You do know that he is right behind us, right Ron?" Gabriel says, gesturing to his close friend, the Longbottom, who looks quite offended from Ron's joke. Suddenly, Percy Weasley, Ron's older brother, and the head boy for Gryffindor, comes walking over to the scene, pushing past the students that crowded around the stairways.

"Let me through, please. Excuse me! I'm Head Boy! Get back, all of you. No one is to enter this dormitory until it's been searched." Percy says before Ginny, the youngest Weasley and only girl of them meets up with the quartet and tells them the horrifying news.

"The Fat Lady! She's gone!" She says quite shocked and scared at this, and soon the crowd parts to reveal that the painting passageway has been cut up my several laceration that look to be done by claw marks, and no sign of the Fat Lady as Ginny had said.

"Serves her right, she's a terrible singer." Ron jokes, but both Hermione and Gabriel are not laughing.

"It's not funny Ron." The bookworm says.

"You're not different from her, you know. Your singing was just as horrendous as hers." This shuts the ginger up and makes his other two friends chuckles, and just afterwards, both Dumbledore and Argus Filch come to inspect the scene. The Headmaster stays silent as he inspects the multiple cuts on the canvas of the Fat Lady.

"Mr. Filch? Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady." He orders to the caretaker, but Gabriel spots a familiar head of leaves hiding behind a large hippopotamus.

"Professor, I think I found her." Gabriel says as he points to the canvas where she is hiding before grabbing a galleon coin and placing his symbol on it before flicking it with a resounding ding towards the portrait and teleporting right in front of it. This surprises the students, including Hermione and Ron, while only Dumbledore and Harry remain neutral and focused on the situation at hand.

"Lady of the Gryffindor common room, who did this to you?" The grandson of Grindelwald says as Dumbledore walks up to his right side. She slowly raises her up from the hippo, and it's clear to see that she has experienced something extremely mortifying.

"Eyes like the devil, he's got, and a soul as dark as his name. It's him, headmaster. The one they all talk about. He's here, somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!" She quickly hides behind the hippo out of absolute horror, causing everyone to murmur with fear in the voices. Gabriel however, remains glaring at the portrait before teleporting back to the torn up portrait and inspecting the scratch makrs.

"The wood has been mark just recently, probably when all the other students were in Hogsmeade, and when Harry was meeting with Professor Lupin..." He whispers to himself before Dumbledore announces that everyone must head to the Great Hall where they will be locked in until all they have searched the entirety of the castle. That is until the Headmaster pulls Gabriel aside to talk to him in private.

"Gabriel, I know you have capable tracking skills, although not as keen as a wolf's, you might be able to get a general location of Sirius Black's whereabouts. Professor Flitwick shall join you for extra protection. Quickly now." He tells his adopted grandson, who nods and waits for every one of the students to enter the Great Hall. Soon after, the entrance doors to the castle slowly close shut as many locks turn and grind to prevent the killer from entering the Hall and capturing and killing Harry. As soon as that is done, Professor Flitwick and Gabriel start their search, starting at the portrait where the lady once resided.

"Alright, tonight we hunt for Black." Gabriel says as his eyes suddenly change into a very unique appearance. The pupils thinned into a slit, his brown eyes now enveloped in a blood red hue and his sclerae have darkened to a Musou Black, one of the darkest blacks you can acquire in the Muggle world.

(A/N: The transformation happens like so, but the descriptions above are present.)

From there, he can now see a faint red mist that acts as a trail to find where Sirius Black might have run off too. So, he follows the trail with the Charms professor in tow. The search has led them outside of the school grounds and sadly falls short a ways away from a sentient tree known as the Whomping Willow. Gabriel is curious as to why it has been planted there, but decides to leave it for later.

"The trail sadly ends here, it's good place to end the hunt for now. I think it's time we head back to the Great Hall, eh Professor Flitwick?" When he turns towards said person, the latter gets a little shock from what he gets to see firsthand.

"I-I suppose so, but you might want to do something about your eyes, Mr. Grindelwald. I doubt that the students will take to your new eyes kindly." Upon the realization, Gabriel rubs his eyes with the sleeves of his black sweater and they revert back to their normal color. During their quiet but awkward stroll back to the Hall, the Charms professor decides to let his curiosity get the better of him and asks Gabriel a question.

"Mr. Grindelwald, might I ask what happened back there with your eyes?" When the last words of his question were said, Gabriel stops in his tracks out of fear that he will have to tell the teachers, except for Dumbledore, the truth about everything that has happened with him. And he really means EVERYTHING.

"My father and mother were never the best people. On the outside sure, but when they found out that I would never accept their philosophies of Pureblood Supremacy, they took matters into their own hands. Abuse, mental and physical torture, forceful starvation and dehydration, not a glimpse of sunlight, and experimentation." Flitwick's eyes widened momentarily before he allows him to continue on with his story.

"They wanted me to be a weapon. A thing that knows no mercy, or even a single speck of remorse or regret. I was what they would call a beast, something that Muggles will one day fear. They did countless tests on me, some more painful than others. It's probably of the reason why I know about wandless magic and am so proficient in it. I should thank them for creating me, but I will never forgive them for taking away a life that I dreamt of living in, all because of their fucking ideologies of Purebloods, ugh that word makes me puke even just by thinking of it, and their undying support for Voldermort. Scum..." After his long rant, both of them have arrived shortly after, and they see that everyone aside from Dumbledore, Snape, and Filch, are fast asleep.

"I've searched the Astronomy Tower and the Owlery, sir. But there's nothing there." Filch informs Dumbeldore, who thanks the caretaker. The former leaves the Hall quietly before Snape, Flitwick, and Gabriel tell him about their search.

"I've done the dungeons, headmaster. No sign of Black, nor anywhere else in the castle." Snape says.

"Mr. Grindelwald has found a general place that he might've ran off too. It is just before the Whomping Willow." Flitwick says, patting his hand on the students arms, almost like a father that is proud of their child.

"Very good." Dumbledore remarks before Flitwick decides to take his leave, and now the Potions Teacher, the Headmaster, and the Grandson of Grindelwald are left.

"You've done well, Gabriel, now I think it's time you get some rest." Gabriel nods at his grandfather's request, grabbing a sleeping bag before unfurling it beside Hermione, who is close to falling asleep but snaps awake once she realizes that he starts to lie down.

"Gabriel, are you alright? Where did you go?" Hermione asks, turning her body to face said person, who takes off his sweater to reveal a black tank top. A blush faintly appears on her cheeks before she is snapped off her thoughts by his voice.

"Dumbledore requested that I help search for Black. Thankfully Professor Flitwick was there to keep me company." He softly says before getting comfortable, using an arm to support his head with the other one extending out to Hermione's arm.

"Hold my hand please...? I usually get nightmares when I..." He didn't get another word in, as Hermione immediately moves her sleeping bag closer to him before wrapping her arms around him, softly but full of care.

"You don't need to ask. We're best friends after all, you have Harry, and myself, and Ron too, but he can be a git sometimes." This garners a chuckle from Gabriel, a chuckle that causes Hermione to blush even brighter. Luckily, the former didn't see, instead he immediately closes his eyes to rest up for the next day. When he has shown signs of being fast asleep, Hermione does the same, but keeps one thought on her mind.

'I don't know what I'm feeling for you Gabriel, but I like it. If it's what I think I'm feeling, then I'm willing to go beyond friends with you.' Those words are her last thoughts before falling fast asleep, but what she doesn't see is a slight smirk on Gabriel's lips before it falls flat once more.


The next day progressed without a single sign of the supposed serial killer, and right now, in Defense Against the Dark Arts, both third year Gryffindors and Slytherins are waiting for Professor Lupin to arrive. They converse with one another for a few minutes before the door closes with a bang, silencing the class.

Everyone turns to find Professor Snape, walking to the front of the class, closing all the window curtains with a flick of his wand before pulling down the projector screen he will be using for the class. He then turns to students, and with his monotonous tone, he tells them.

"Turn to page 394." Confused by the suddenness of Snape's appearance, the students slowly take out their textbooks.

"Excuse me, sir. Where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asks, but gets a scowl from the Potions teacher as a response.

"That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching... at the present time. Turn to page 394." The Professor says, but seeing as they are too slow to even turn to the page he has told them, he uses his wand to do it for them, but what they find on that specific page confuses them even more.

"Werewolves?" Ron asks rhetorically. Suddenly, a familiar voice speaks out to Snape.

"But sir, we just learned about red caps and hinkypunks. We're not meant to start that for weeks." Hermione says, popping out of nowhere and is sat to the right of Gabriel while Harry and Ron sit next to each other on the table to the former's left.

"Quiet." Snape says without remorse. "Now, which one of you can tell me the difference... between an Animagus and a werewolf?" Everyone, except for Hermione does not raise their hand, but then Gabriel raises his, which gets acknowledgment from Snape.

"Grindelwald, what is the difference?"

"Animagi and werewolves are different because of one thing, the transformation process, the former can change into any animal it has been chosen to be, while a werewolf, as the name suggests, can only change into a wolf-like person. Animagi can turn into their animal forms at will, but werewolves don't have the luxury of that and must turn on the full moon, so basically it's a once a month event." Hermione's eyes narrow with jealousy, seeing as he was called on but not her. Deep down though, Gabriel chose to answer the question to save her from any insults that the Potions teacher might throw at her and hurt her.

"Correct, five points to Gryffindor." Snape says, although reluctant to give the points to the house he so despises. Then, Malfoy imitates the howl of a wolf, which gets the chuckle of all the Slytherins in the classroom.

"Let's see how you like it when you get torn to pieces by a werewolf, trust me, I know..." Gabriel mutters to himself, but the girl beside him manages to pick up on his words. However she thinks nothing of it before turning back to the class.


On the next day, it is the first Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, but that's not all, it's happening on a very stormy day. It was supposed to be Slytherin that was pitted against the Gryffindor house, but due to Malfoy's "injury", they couldn't compete. Other than that, the game seems to be progressing smoothly, aside from one of the Chasers' brooms stetting on fire. It's nearing the end of the game as Harry and the Hufflepuff Seeker have found the snitch and are neck and neck to grab onto the small golden ball. However, due to the dense clouds above them, they couldn't see who has caught the snitch. That is until they see a body, falling to the ground without a broom, and it's Harry.

"Harry's falling!" Ron shouts in horror, and the other Gryffindors follow suit, aside from Gabriel, who turns to Dumbledore. They nod to each other before they each raise a hand towards harry's descending body.

"Arresto Momentum!" The two of them shout in chorus, causing Harry's body to slowly fall to the grassy ground of the Qudditch field. Afterwards, Gabriel immediately leaps from the bleachers and sees the countless Dementors that start circling the field. Enraged by their unannounced entry, he raises both hands and gives a shout that can rival a lightning strike.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Gabriel's hands immediately develop a warm white light and from them, a large corporeal Rhinoceros jumps out and charges at the Dementors, sending them fleeing from the field in a manner of minutes, maybe seconds at best. Everyone watches the spectacle in awe and wonder before the Dementors are nowhere to be seen and the Rhino patronus dissipates into nothing.

"AND DON'T COME BACK!" Gabriel lets out one final shout before carrying Harry in a fireman's carry and hurriedly making his way towards the Hospital wing.


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"He looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?" Ron says to the others, being Neville, Ginny, Fred and George, Seamus, Hermione, himself, and Gabriel, who are all by Harry's bedside waiting for him to wake up.

"Peaky doesn't describe it, Ron. Try getting your soul sucked out of your body and fall a hundred feet towards the ground. It's not the right word for it." Gabriel says, arms crossed and leaning on the window ledge behind the bed.

"Well, at least you managed to save him. I heard you and Dumbledore say the incantation, that's an advanced level spell, we probably won't learn it 'till our fifth or sixth year." Hermione says, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"And mate, what was that spell you shouted out to make the Dementors go away?" Fred says, and this gets everyone's eyes turning to the Grindelwald. He looks at all of them, knowing he isn't getting out of this situation before shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose with frustration.

"It's called the Patronus charm. In order for one to use it, the person must think of a very strong happy memory. Then they say the incantation, "Expecto Patronum", and a white light will blind those cloaked fucks. That Rhino was called a corporeal patronus, it's a manifestation of our happiest moments, and it's specific to each individual." He started explaining to them.

"What happy memory were you thinking of when you were using that spell?" Ginny asks curiously, not knowing that it also held emotional baggage on Gabriel, who looks at his hands and drops them back down to his side, and right after, Harry starts to fidget awake. Fortunately for Gabriel, no one seems to go on about the topic the youngest Weasley asked, but Hermione on the other hand, looks at him as if saying, "We'll discuss this later". They leave it at that and stay by Harry's bedside

Long story told short for Harry, he passed out from a Dementor, fell hundreds of feet towards the ground but is thankfully saved by Gabriel and Dumbledore, and his Nimbus 2000 broom has unfortunately been destroyed by the Whomping Willow. Soon after, Madam Pomfrey quickly ushers everyone who is not injured or sick out of the Hospital wing, and so the Gryffindor students all head back to the common room. All except for two, Gabriel and Hermione, who decide to head to the Astronomy tower for a little more privacy.

"Alright, start from the beginning, what's on your mind?" Hermione says to get the conversation going, before Gabriel starts telling her everything.

A/N: Hey everyone, I hope you're liking this story so far. Anyways, I'm posting chapter on my books spontaneously because I am still trying to find time to have a very important conversation with my family about my private life. That being my dream to be a streamer or musician. Other than that, I will post more face claims in the next chapter. Thank you so much for reading, and I will see you in the next chapter.

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