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The wind blew gently while the sun shined down on everything in the most beautiful way. Everything seemed normal, in fact you wouldn't even realise that something big is really going on.

"You must kill the king of Rivea." The assinger said sternly, fixing the papers the where messily on his desk into a neat stack.

"The King of Rivera?" Chase asked with a bit worry in his voice "but he'll be surrounded by Guards and Royal Mages, wouldn't it be hard?"

The assinger looked up at the male in front of him, "You often forget that your are a Dragon Class Mage, dont you?"

A light blush formed on the Mage's face. "I-I dont know what you mean, Sir..."

The assinger let out a small laugh, "you always seem to ask if the job is to hard for you even though you're a Dragon Class. Is it because you forget your a Dragon Class or because you forget that the Dragon Class is the strongest out of them all?"

"Neither, I'm just simply asking." Chase replied, the blush becoming deeper as he looked down with a irritated face.

"Well anyway, dont worry you'll be able to complete the task. Though I agree with you when you say it'll be a challenge due to all the Guards and Royal Mages." The assinger pulled out a rolled up paper from his desk drawer and gave it to the other.

"What's this?" Chase asked, opening up the paper to see the inside.

"It's a map to where you will meet your partner for this assignment. There not from the same Stage as you but there very skilled and will be a huge help when dealing with enemy." The assinger said, putting his hand neatly on the desk.

"There not from Anrica? The detector is willing to work with a different stage then us, how important is this job?" Chase asked, looking the assinger in the eyes, worry in his voice once again.

"Now why would I tell you that? You'll break under the pressure."
The Mage flinched, the blush from before slowly re-forming on his face. This made the assinger laugh again.

"Listen all you need to worry about is completing the job, got it?" The assinger said, earning a nod from the mage in front of him. "Good. Dismissed, good luck."

"Thank you." Chase bowed, walking out of the room and studying the map.

The meeting point was on the border of Anrica and Ambrie, by the moon river. The Dragon Mage walked out of the assignment building and headed for the stables.

"The trip to the meeting point will take at least a day. I need supplies for the trip.." he said to himself.

The Mage looked up, facing his horse, the same one he's had for as long as he can remember.

"We have a long trip ahead of us Sho, Ready?"

The horse let out a happy sound that couldn't really be explained. Chase untied the rope and jumped on the saddle, petting the neck of the horse gently.

"Great, then let's get started." He gently kicked the side of the horse and they were off, unable to predict what would happen next.

- ⚔ -

This story takes place in the world divided into three kingdoms, there own stages in each.

The Kingdom of Godessiea is the first of the three, a kingdom known for there healing plants, able to heal any injury, illness, and Disease, in fact the medicine in the kingdom could possibly add up to a decade to someone's life span.

The Kingdom of Rivra is the second kingdom, it's know as the kingdom of Riches. As the name suggests it's the richest of the three, having enough money to supply all three kingdoms for 100 years plus some.

The last Kingdom is the Kingdom of Lostipa, This kingdom is the strongest of the three. The Mages of the kingdom are experienced and powerful, the Knights and Gaurds are also just as powerful.

Stages are the small towns and cities that make the kingdom, there at least three in every kingdom.

The Kingdom of Godessiea has Three stages. Rivena, Valleymora, and Cloudeus.
The Kingdom of Rivea has four. Crimea, Goldest, Floriest, and Apollina.
The last Kingdom, Lostipa, has three stages. Anrica, Ambrie, and Lunia.

These three kingdoms make up the world but they wouldn't be here without the people. The people are also divided into parts that are divided into more parts.

There are Citizens and Warriors. Citizens are divided into Workers and regulars, Workers are the people who do the job inside the kingdom and Regulars are the people who really are just living. Warriors are divided my breed, even if they are human, and class.

There are four different breeds. Human, Mage, Animal Tamers, and Hybrids.

The Humans are the main group, there regular people. There usually the Guards and Kinghts.

Mages are similar to humans but not quite them. It's true mages are really just humans who can use magic but there not classified as humans. Mages are also different from them due to they're natural talents, like running and strength, being better then the humans.

Animal Tamers are similar with Mages, there humans with magical talents. Tamers have a natural talent with animals and beast, there also allowed to summon magical creatures.

The last breed are Hybrids. Like the name suggests, they're a mix of Human and Animal. Hybrids have abilities and traits of different animals while still being part human.

There are also five classes; Mouse, Snake, Hawk, Wolf, and Dragon.

Mouse class is the least strongest, when you first become a warrior you start out at Mouse Class.

Snake Class is the second strongest, once you learn how to use poisons and medicines and excel at it you become a Snake class.

Hawk class is the third one, you become this class once you master the ability to spy and be stealthy.

Wolf Class is the second strongest, you become wolf class when you master the art of Assassination. This includes everything a assassin needs to know.

The last class is Dragon Class. This class has the ability of the other three. They're also able to use magic.

That being said, these are the important factors of the world. Everything is divided, and something's are turning to chaos. The warriors are the ones that keep everything in order, the best to there abilities at least.

Though no ones ever seen a better duo then the one that was broken and then slowly put back together by just there feelings alone.

- ⚔

1,102 words.

Welcome to my new Fantasy Novle!

I'm so happy you chose to read this book, and even happier if you left a like ;)

Anyway! This idea has been in my head for quite awhile now and I'm super happy go actually be writing it!

Now I can't say exactly when the new chapters will be out due to me being a high school freshman but I can say I'll try to update at least twice every two weeks.

Anyway I do hope to see you all soon, Till then..

Have an amazing day/afternoon/night!

Art by me; official beginning art.

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