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๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐…๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ โ€” ๐•ฑ๐–”๐–—๐–Š๐–Ž๐–Œ๐–“ย  ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–“๐–“๐–Š๐–ˆ๐–™๐–Ž๐–”๐–“

The cobblestoned shopping area was filled with children, appearing to be eleven, being accompanied by either their guardians or by other companions. "Hogwarts you think?"

[Y|N] glanced at Draco before keeping his gaze on the seemingly growing crowd, "Hogwarts did sent out their letters today. Seems only logical." [Y|N] released a small sigh as he saw the pathway towards Madam Malkin's shop being slightly crowded.

"We better hurry. Narcisa wanted us there in half an hour. We already took a good fifteen minutes inside of Ollivander's."

Draco stared at the black haired male's retreating figure with a trace of sadness in his eyes. Usually, the slightly younger boy would hold Draco's hand while they walked to their destination. Had he really messed up so badly that he deserved to be deserted from the green-hazel eyed male's affection? The pale wizard glanced at his empty hand, eyes slightly darkening, before he walked towards Madam Malkin's. Once he arrived, he pulled open the door belonging to the robe shop entering the establishment with indifferent expression.

"Oh Draco! You finally arrived! I was worried for a moment." Narcissa affectionately pulled her lone silver-blonde son in for a hug. "Now go along with [Y|N] to get suited for your robes. Me and your father still need to retrieve some of the school supplies. I already explained the situation to [Y|N] as well." Draco's face dimmed at the mention of the younger boy's name. Would [Y|N] use his cold tone when talking to him? Would he ignore him? Draco's hand unconsciously clenched as he walked towards the other eleven year-old. An unpleasant rush of dread consumed the older boy as his eyes locked with those alluringly observant and captivating green-hazel orbs.

"Narcissa was worried about you. She nearly thought you've gone missing," [Y|N] looked back at where Draco's mother was before an amused smile formed. "She said that you wouldn't go anywhere willingly without being besides my side."ย  [Y|N] tilted his head towards his silver-blond friend whom was already blushing from the other's teasing tone, in a sly manner.

[Y|N]'s eyes soften as he noticed Draco's longingly stare directed towards his mid-brown hand. "You really shouldn't talk bad about others Draco," [Y|N] sighed gently as he ruffled his black hair in a tired fashion. Soon the boy smiled gently towards the pale eleven year-old as he entwined their fingers, "You really shouldn't try to hide your blush either Draco. You look better like thiโ€“"

Draco flusteredly punched [Y|N]'s shoulder as his blushed seemed to worsen at [Y|N]'s teasing. "S-Shut It Kit Walker!" [Y|N]'s smile smoothly morphed into a mischievous smirk, "Nah I like the view I'm getting. It's rather cute." Draco's pink hue was tainted with light red specks which increased even more when another voice commented on the situation. "Well boys I assume you two have had your fun while I was gone attending to others. Especially you Mr. Malfoy."

[Y|N] laugher pleasantly filled Draco's ears as his blush continued to spread throughout his cheeks. Why did the black haired boy had to have such an influence on him? Even the younger boy's presence was enough to make the pale eleven year-old feel as if he was in permanent bliss and receiving the Kit Walker's attention was like a gift sent from the heavens above. Ah, why was this happening to himโ€“ this immense feeling of pleasure and happiness just by being with [Y|N]? Why was this causโ€“?

"โ€“Mr. Malfoy please stand alongside Mr. Kit Walker on the stand. You two young gentlemen shall be done before you two know it. Now Mr. Kit Walker if you may please raise your hands... Ah yes, just like that darling! Perfect!" [Y|N] stood in position as he let Malkin measure him. "Are the both of you dears attending Hogwarts?" [Y|N] smiled gently at the witch dressed in her mauve colored robes, "Yes Ms. Malkin."

The witch locked eyes with the eleven year old and returned the kind gesture, "A polite one aren't you? Well dearie don't let others mislead you because of it." [Y|N] nodded his head in acknowledgment, "I'll be sure to do my best Ms. Malkin. but then again knowing me I might slip up." The eleven year old's smile turned sheepish as he rubbed his neck a bit flusteredly. "A slip up is fine Mr. Kit Walker just as long as you can bounce back and not lose sight of what's right."

Suddenly, the bell above the entrance of the robe shop chimed. "Now dearies, Ms. Makatza here will help you two from now on. Please do take care Mr. Kit Walker as well as you Mr. Malfoy." [Y|N] smiled softly as he felt his hair being ruffled by Malkin before he saw her retreating figure move towards a rather skinny boy who had on these peculiar round glasses which showed green eyes behind them. Within moments the unfamiliar boy locked eyes with [Y|N]. The mid-brown boy instantly felt his heart drop once his eyes locked with the fair boy's orbs. The feeling as if [Y|N] was somehow connected with the unknown boy was intensified once the fair colored boy neared closer to them.

Just like [Y|N] and Draco, the robe was slipped over the boy's head while an another employee began to pin it to their own respective length. Instinctively [Y|N]'s hands moved towards the green eyed boy before he swiftly stopped himself from moving his hand any closer. The yew and cherry wand wielder's mind was conquered by never ending thoughts: Why is he feeling this way towards a stranger? How has he never came across the green eyed boy before? Surely at least once they should've meet up? Then how come he doesn't look at all familiar? Who even is he? What should he even say to him? What's even the right thing to saโ€“?

"โ€“Hi my name is [Y|N]! [Y-Y|N] Kit Walker. Are you going to Hogwarts too?"


Never has there been a time where [Y|N] wanted to slap himself till now. Why out of all times did he have to speak up? Of course it had to be when something important like this occurred. A light blush quickly formed on the mid-brown's cheeks due to the unbearable embarrassment he felt.


"Oh that's good to know so are weโ€“!"

"โ€“My father's next door buying our books and my mother is tagging along with him," Draco suddenly cut in. "Then I'm going to drag them off to look at the racing brooms. I don't see why first years can't have their own. I think I'll bully my father into getting one and I'll smuggle it in somehow."

[Y|N]'s green-hazel eyes widen temporarily as he heard Draco's future plan before his orbs soften once he noticed the other boy attempting to mask his confusion and distaste as well it seems. The mid-brown boy's lips formed into an amused smile. This seems interesting.

"Have you gotten a broom for yourself?"
"No," the green eyed boy responded.
"Have you played Quidditch at all?"
"No," once again was the boy's reply. [Y|N]'s eyebrow arched in mild surprise. It was rare for a kid in the Wizarding world to not know what Quidditch was. Wanting to at least comfort the foreign boy [Y|N] smiled gently and nodded his head as if reassuringly saying it was alright if he didn't know what the sport was.

"I doโ€“ My father says it's a crime in itself if I'm not picked to play for my own house, and I must say, I agree. Know what house you'll be in yet?"
"No," was the boy's final response.
Draco seemed to smirk in triumph as he noticed the foreign boy's visible embarrassment and now apparent confusion.

"Well, no one really knows until they get there Draco. So seems a bit redundant to ask doesn't it?" [Y|N] suddenly added with a defensive yet taunting tone, defending the unfamiliar boy. The green eyed boy's posture seemed to straighten up and the gleam in his eyes visibly brighten as well as widen.

Draco's cheeks turned a light pink as he quickly added, "W-Well I know that I'll be in Slytherin, all our family has beenโ€“ Imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"

Simultaneously [Y|N] and Harry hummed uninterestedly causing the duo to grin amusingly as they both locked eyes. Draco rolled his eyes before his eyes came across a towering man pointing at three ice creams attempting to show he couldn't enter the store. "I say, look at that man!"

"That's Hagrid. He works at Hogwarts."
"Oh I've heard of him. He's sort of a servant, isn't he?"

Simultaneously both boys spoke about Hagrid's position at Hogwarts. "Draco I've reminded you before he's the gamekeeper not a servant," [Y|N] responded while his answer collided with the green eyed boy's response: "He's the gamekeeper" which earned [Y|N] another smile from the boy.

"Yes, exactly. I heard he's a sort of savageโ€“ Lives in a hut in school grounds and every now and then he gets drunk, tries to do magic, and ends up setting fire to his bed."
"I think he's brilliant," coldly said the boy. [Y|N]'s grin formed into a smirk as he was surprised yet satisfied with the other's response. The sound of Draco huffing in disproval filled the duo's ears, "Do you? Why is he with you? Where are your parents?"

"They're dead," shortly said the boy. [Y|N]'s green-hazel orbs soften as his smirk fell immediately. "Oh, sorry... but they were our kind, weren't they?"

[Y|N] warningly shot Draco a look and nudged the Malfoy, thinking that the pale boy went too far. "It doesn't matter if they're wizards are not Dracoโ€“!"

"โ€“They were a witch and wizard, if that's what you mean."

[Y|N] opened his mouth to speak but was immediately cut off by his silver blonde friend. "โ€“I really don't think they should let the other sort in, do you? They're just not the same, they've never been brought up to our ways. Some of them have never heard of Hogwarts until they get the letter, imagine. I think they should keep it in the old wizarding families. What's your surname, anyways?"

Before the unfamiliar boy could speak, Ms. Malkin said "you're finally done" causing the boy to quickly remove the robe and and pay for them at the cashier. As the door was about to activate the bell, the boy gave [Y|N] a small smile which [Y|N] gently returned.

As soon as the chime of the bell was heard the boy was gone from the shop within seconds. It was moments before [Y|N] realized the feeling of his heart dropping ended as soon as he heard the other boy started talking. The feeling of dread was replaced by mild calmness yet an untamed yearning for more.... but more of what?

"โ€“Well I'm sure am glad that he's gone. Aren't you [Y|N]?"
"I think he's rather interesting."

Draco rolled his eyes causing [Y|N] to grin. "Are you jealous Draco?" Immediately the pale boy's cheeks flushed with bright pink. "Wouldn't you fancy that to be the reason Kit Walker," Draco sneered flusteredly as he turned his head in another direction.

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