𝖛. Fairy Godmother

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Fairy Godmother

"NO. NOT THERE OVER THERE." Alice groans as she points where the logs should be placed while Emmett, Cordelia, Rosalie, and Christopher carry the wood logs easily with their strength.

Emmett stomps his feet as he complains, "Can't Eden just flick her fingers and get the decorations in place," as he places the wood logs down in the right place and position.

Eden rolls her eyes as she arranges the arc, "I'm not fairy fucking godmother, Emmett."

Emmett grins. Oh, he just loves his banters with Eden, "Right. Then go back to your garden, Eden!"

Eden turns around and looks at him placing her hand on her hip, "Fuck off, Emmett!"

Emmett was about to reply, but Alice glared at him. They were getting distracted, and it was ruining her schedule.

The wedding is only one week away, "It's much better arranging the wedding with no abilities. We get to bond with each other." Alice answers.

"Or just get the opportunity to boss us around," Christopher mutters as he carries another log. "And also that." Alice agrees with a grin, with Christopher looking at her in resignation.

"And they will be arriving in three, two..." Alice says as she counts down. They hear a car pull over in their driveway, "One."

They hear the door open as Jasper and Eloise enter the backyard with bright smiles on their faces. The others guessed being together alone after a century of separation did well.

"Get your asses here and start helping," Emmett yells, and Jasper laughs with Eloise smiling, saying. "Oh, come on, Emmett, we just arrived, eh?"

"We've been enduring Alice's orders, so you will, too," Cordelia replies, giving Alice a wink.

And Eden walks towards Jasper and with him greeting, "Eden." as they hug, then when she pulls away, her eyebrows scrunched, placing both hands on his face.

Something was different about him, and then she smiled, "Hey! Finally, another red-eye in the family!"

"Told him that it'll help him grasp his ability better, glad he listened." Eloise tells Eden, with Eden looking at her with a smile as Eloise introduces herself, "Eloise Hareton-Whitlock."

Eden was about to introduce himself when they heard a shrink or a scream they couldn't tell, "EXCUSE ME!? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?"

Then Alice was in front of them with an angry expression. Christopher then teases with a shake of his head, "Oh, you two are in big trouble now."

"Surprise! We got married!" Eloise exclaims, lifting her left hand where an oval peach sapphire ring is adorned with a diamond on either side of the center stone in addition to a solid rose gold band. Jasper chuckles. Alice gave him a glare that turned into coughs as he stayed silent.

"Why? What have I ever done to you to do this to me?" Alice asks with a pout as she takes Eloise's ring finger and looks at the wedding ring.

"Nothing, Alice, we just decided we wanted to get married with just the two of us in front of a judge in New York's courthouse," Eloise answers while leaning on Jasper's shoulder with him, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I think it's sweet and very intimate," Eden tells them, with Alice rolling her eyes at her. Rosalie, Cordelia, Emmett, and Christopher approach them, giving their hugs and congratulations to the newlywed couple. And they went back to do their respective tasks.

"Thank you," Eloise replies with a soft smile on her angelic features. After a century of being engaged, they finally got married.

"We are not done, Eloise Hareton-Whitlock," Alice says with a threatening tone as she walks towards the altar with her checklist. Eloise chuckles.

"Eden Devraux or Hale." Eden introduces herself, and Eloise tilts her head and is about to respond when they hear someone's footsteps approaching them.

"Congratulations!" Thalia exclaims as she walks toward the backyard with a bright smile. She approaches Eloise and Jasper and gives them both a hug, "Oh, I can't wait for Carlisle and Esme to get home!"

Carlisle was still working in the hospital, and Esme got a deal from a couple who decided to move to Forks to design their new home, so the two wouldn't be home until later.

She had just gotten home from her afternoon class, so she bid them goodbye, saying she still had some things to do.

"I think we've met before, Eden," Eloise tells Eden, and Eden looks at her, confused. Eden then looks at Eloise's face trying to recall if she has met Eloise.

"Not as Eloise, my apologies." Eloise chuckles as she changes her appearance, her golden blonde hair changing into a short blunted red-hair bob, her face morphing into a heart-shaped structure, her red eyes turning into green as freckles begin to appear, her lips started to plump, her height began to change, she was now as tall as Jasper.

"Ivy Whitlock." Eden grins as she hugs her again. Eden and Ivy had met before in the '90s when Eden donated a significant portion to UNICEF to their program of helping victims of domestic abuse have a fresh start, and Ivy was in charge of the program at the time.

"Small world," Jasper tells them with a smile as Eloise laughs. "Goodness, I thought I'll never see you again."

"And I the same." Eden replies as she pulls away, looking at Jasper, "If I knew Eloise was disguising as Ivy, I would have brought her home."

"It wouldn't have been right at that time," Jasper replies while looking at Eloise, who morphed back into herself. Eloise smiles back at him fondly.

"Oh! I'm so happy for you two!" Eden hugs them both while they hear Bella's trunk parking in the driveway. "Well, I guess you have two more people to tell."

Eden says as she pulls away, walking towards Rosalie, who is talking to Alice. "Tell what?" Bella asks, walking towards Eloise and Jasper with Edward by her side.

"That we got married," Eloise tells them, showing her ring. Bella smiles, pulling Eloise into a hug with Edward and Jasper giving their handshakes.

"Congratulations, you guys!"

"When did you get married?" Bella asks as she pulls away from Eloise, tucking her hands in her jean pocket.

"Just about two months ago. We wanted to be the two of us." Eloise answers, and Bella tilts her head and she wonders out loud, "How did Alice not see?"

"Well, for one, we know how her ability works," Jasper answers, and they hear Alice releasing a 'humph.'

"Don't get any ideas, Bella," Alice warns while looking at Bella, and Bella releases a nervous laugh.

"She wants to get married in Vegas." Edward reveals, and Bella slaps his chest, quickly denying, "Which I changed my mind not to." looking at Alice, who gives her an approving nod.

Eden approaches them with Bella's white wedding heels in her hand, and Bella groans. "Time to break them in,"

Bella has been practicing walking in her wedding shoes for three days now.

Eloise and Jasper laugh, "We'll just unpack first, then we'll help," Jasper tells Eden with. Eden nodding, then they leave the backyard.

Edward then places a kiss on Bella's forehead, whispering, "Good luck." as he walks towards the living room, probably going to find Thalia.

"Don't worry, Bella, and they are easy to walk in once you get used to it," Eden assures as she hands Bella the shoes. Bella took off her grey converse shoes. Then she started walking. If dragging her feet on the ground is considered walking, which makes a sound that is irritating to human ears but with enhanced hearing.

A loud screech was made when her heels made contact with the floors. Which made the vampires in the room scrunch their faces.

"Jesus Christ, help us all," Christopher mutters while arranging the chairs.

"Sorry." Bella apologizes while biting her lips as she fumbles with her fingers.

"How about you lift your foot, not drag," Eden suggests with an encouraging smile.

"What if I trip?" Bella asks nervously.

"You wouldn't," Eden assured as Bella tried to walk after a few minutes. Bella was giving up. "Can I just go barefoot?"

"NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Alice yells, giving Bella a scolding look, and Bella gives her a wobbly smile.

"Wrong question, Bella." Eden chuckles as she assists Bella in taking off the shoes as Bella hands them to her.

"How about after choosing the napkins for the tables, you go home, take a hot shower, and get some beauty sleep," Eden says as she hands her a box full of napkins with different designs.

Eden then approaches Rosalie, who is placing flowers in the center of the tables. She hugs her from behind, putting her head on the crook of her neck.

"This reminds me why we never let Alice plan our weddings," Eden whispers to Rosalie. Rosalie turns around, placing a lingering kiss on Eden's lips, "Remind me when to plan our 10th wedding."

Author's Note:
- A bit mentally drained and exhausted in the past few days, but yes, writing is my coping mechanism. I've been receiving private messages to update my stories. Please don't. I am asking nicely, even if I shouldn't. I'm also a human being like any other writer on this platform with other obligations, and responsibilities, and capable of humane emotions such as pressure; even if I don't want to, it stresses me the hell out. Don't ruin writing as a hobby for me.

-Yes, yes. Eloise and Jasper are married, and MAYBE I might write a bonus chapter of their wedding for Raison D'être idk👀

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