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It was yet another glorious day in Japan. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and our favorite celebrity criminal, Danjuro Tobita, also known as Gentle Criminal, is currently relaxing on the couch in his apartment with his lo-ROOMATE, Manami Aiba, also known as his sidekick/accompanist/camerawoman La Brava. The two were just peacefully relaxing at home, watching television while sitting beside each other on the couch.

Aiba has had a crush on Tobita for quite a while now, Tobita also feels the same way about Aiba, but doesn't exactly know how to show it correctly, as he hasn't felt this way about a girl in a long time. Aiba and Tobita have been living together for quite some time now, filming videos, drinking tea, and Aiba teaching Tobita how to edit his videos, just in case something would ever happen to her. The two get along together pretty fine, if you can ignore Aibas stalker-ish tendencies. They really do make a good team, unlike a certain group of villains who just so happen to run a liberation front.

Tobita clicked through multiple tv channels in under a minute before stopping on one: The news. It appears the League of Villains are gaining more attention and publicity than him, which is what he expected considering that the organization commits heinous crimes using violence and bloodshed. Aiba was sitting beside Tobita, her head resting on his arm, since she can't exactly reach his shoulder that easily.

"I'm still trying to process why people worry about these 'League of Villains,' they're nothing but a bunch of trouble makers, though that's my opinion." Aiba yawned in exhaustion as she spoke. "Besides, you've been in this business longer than they have, yet you rarely get publicity for it."

"It appears so," Tobita simply responded as he looked at Aiba, "but they use various acts of violence to gain attention. I, for one, don't use violence unless I have no other choice."

"That's what makes you different from most villains, Tobita. You don't like to resort to violence unless you have no other choice. They, on the other hand, don't care who they have to hurt unless it benefits them and their beliefs." Aiba pointed out. "Besides, I will always be your number one fan, Tobita. One day, you will achieve fame, and when you do, I'll be there firsthand to witness it all."

"Thank you, Aiba, I do appreciate both your words of encouragement and your kind words." Tobita simply responded right before he bent down and gave his lo-SIDEKICK a kiss on her cheek.

Aibas entire face was fire engine red. She didn't exactly know how to respond to her long time crush and partner in crime kissing her on the cheek. Then again, he does have feelings towards her, that Abia knew just based off of body movements and his expressions. Still, she didn't know how to exactly respond to the gesture, though she could always go in for the kill and kiss him on the lips?

'Yeah,' Aiba thought as she looked at Tobita, 'I'm going to try to kiss him on the lips, if I somehow have it in me to.'

Aiba eventually mustered up some courage and grabbed Tobita gently by the shirt collar, attempting to pull his face down close enough for her to kiss him on the lips. Tobita chuckled at what the smaller one was attempting to do. He sort of figured that Aiba was going to try and kiss him on the lips. Tobita personally found her attempt at kissing him to be quite humorous, even her reaction to him chuckling was quite amusing as well (blushing bright as a red balloon). Aiba was even more embarrassed at her failed attempt to kiss her longtime crush, as she did not expect for him to catch on that easily.

"I'm still trying to figure out how we went from simply comparing me to the League of Misfits to you trying to kiss me on the lips." Tobita chuckled as he pat Aiba on the head. "I appreciated the gesture, Aiba."

Aiba sighed for a moment. "I'm too short for this kind of stuff, Tobita, so bare with me here."

Tobita chuckled before focusing his gaze back onto the television. "I will, Aiba."

The two eventually went back to just simply switching tv channels and having the occasional small talk. About after an hour or so, Aiba attempted yet again to kiss her beloved Gentle. Tobita knew this was coming, so before Aiba could even make an attempt to kiss him, Tobita kissed her straight on the lips. The kiss only lasted for a couple of seconds before Tobita pulled away, apologizing for the sudden gesture. Aiba giggled, accepting the taller ones apology.

"It's okay, Tobita, I already forgive you. Besides, I quite enjoyed that kiss a little bit too much." Aiba responded as she played with her fingers a bit, embarrassed.

"Wait, you did?" Tobita asked, clearly confused at where this conversation was heading.

Aiba successfully managed to return Tobitas kiss, pulling away after a few seconds. She was still new to this type of affection, as she never got the chance to do this with someone she loved. Aiba wasn't so sure if Tobita has ever kissed someone before her or not, though she didn't care, he makes her happy and that's all that matters to her.

"I love you, Danjuro Tobita. You mean the world to me. I don't know where I would've been today if I hadn't ran across your video on the internet that fateful day." Aiba said as she hid her now red face behind her hands.

Aiba was nervous at how Tobita would respond. Sure they make an excellent villain duo and all, but Aiba was just hoping that he accepted her confession, even though he had in the past done so. Aiba just hopes that he accepts her feelings and maybe, just maybe they could start a relationship outside of work. She may be crazy and all, but she can only dream of so.

"I love you too, Manami Aiba. I'm not exactly the best at this whole 'lovers' thing or confessions, but I just want to tell you something important. Aiba, you mean the world to me, more so than what you think. I love everything about you, and yes even your eye bags. I wouldn't be Gentle Criminal without you by my side, my videos wouldn't even be half as good as they are when you help me edit them, reminding me to take my daily tea breaks, and I would just be lonely without your comforting presence. Aiba, I love you and only you, even if I'm not exactly the best person for you to be with." Tobita responded as he hugged the now crying female. "I love you, Manami Aiba."

Aiba was crying hysterically while he was confessing his love to her. She never really expected this to happen. Aiba originally thought that Tobita was going to just simply say 'I love you too,' but nope, he finally confessed his undying love to her. Kind of like out of a Disney movie, but much more special.

"So, what does this make us now?" Aiba asked as she let go of Tobita. "Does this make us lovers or are we still friends?"

Tobita thought of that for a second. Sure, he loved the idea of being with Aiba, but it would be much safer for the them both if they were to remain just friends. Then, a bright idea came into his mind. He and Aiba can be together, but they just can't bring their love life into their work, as people would use it to their advantage. It was a well thought out but idea, though he would have to get Aibas opinion on it.

"Well, Aiba, to answer your question: Yes, we would be considered 'lovers,' but I would prefer  we could date outside of work. I'm sure you could come up with a good reason as to why I said that." Tobita responded as he pat the shorter one on the head in an affectionate fashion.

"I completely understand what you're trying to tell me, but what if people manage to find out?" Aiba responded back as she relaxed into the arms of her now lover.

"Don't worry, it would be a while before anyone finds out. If they do manage to find out, then we shall just ignore them and go on with our day. I may be an attention seeker, but even I at least have the decency not to be in anyone's business." Tobita said as he turned off the television. "Asides from what we previously discussed, would you like to go out for dinner tonight?"

"I would love to, Tobita, but the two of us would have to change our clothes first. We've been in pajamas all day, a-oh dear, you forgot your daily tea break!" Aiba panicked for a second before Tobita calmed her down.

"Don't worry about it, Aiba, I order a cup once we arrive there." Tobita responded as his lover started to calm down a bit.

"Okay then, but please do forgive me for not reminding you." Aiba got up and proceeded to head to her room. "Oh, and sorry for the uh...tear stains on your shirt."

"You're forgiven, Aiba." Tobita simply responded as he got up and proceeded to take off his shirt, placing it in the dirty laundry hamper.

After the two had changed and exchanged a lot of kisses (Aiba was quite excited and just wanted to continue to show her love towards Tobita), the couple decided to spend the rest of their afternoon doing various activities after they ate. The various activities would include taking a walk around the city, briefly discussing new video ideas, and talking smack about the occasional hero and their fanbase they pass, but you can't just help that some people are blind. That's how the world works.

Now the two were an official couple in the eyes of society and in their personal lives, and the two of them couldn't be any happier than they already were. The duo loved each other a lot, both willing to do things for each other and are each others rocks. The couple may have sad pasts, but they have founded something in each other: A friend, partner in crime, and now a significant other, and that's really all they ever needed.


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