chapter 18 [ upgrade ]

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Jin p.o.v

Wow... What the hell... This is a whole new level! My nature element now... Are thorn element...

I look around... Suga... Blaze element.. Hoseok... Cyclone element... Namjoon is quake element. Jimin is solar element. Tae is ice.


Jungkook is thunderstorm... I smile seeing we fight together...

Jungkook : we will always be together.... No matter what...

We look at each other nod and smile.

The underworld king : nonsense!!! KILL them!!!!

The soldier started attack. 10 000 Vs 7. Cool.
Tae took his horse with his weapon and run infront of us.

Tae : ice FREEZE!!!

The floor freeze and the frontline soldier are frozen...

Jungkook : lightning bolt!!!!

A lot of lightning attack the frozen soldier and they shattered to piece. Jungkook turn around at us...

Jungkook : together... We will win this battle.

We smile.

Jimin : angel wings!

A pair of white wings appear and he fly with his animal spirit.

Jimin : sun burn!!!

The sun heat up and burn the soldier marksman. We started to attack. After bunch of hit and kick the king fell down on his knee.

Jungkook : you've lose...

The king gritted his teeth.

The underworld king : if I can't win... None of you can! Giant black hole!

A very huge black hole appear on the sky. Everything was flying inside the hole... Damn this old man.

Jin : rope veins!

Veins appear and hold everybody on the ground including our mothers

Jin : guys!!! Do something!!! I can't last longer!

Then a huge black dragon appear from the black hole

Tae p.o.v

Holy shit... The dragon spit out black fire towards us. I look at namjoon he nod

Tae & namjoon : elemental fushion!

Tae : element!

Namjoon : GLACIER!!!

We hit the ground.

Tae & namjoon : gargantua ice!

The earth freeze and crack revealing a very huge monster shielding us from the black fire.

Our monster growl and launch forward and attack the dragon. The monster lock the dragon and freeze itself with the black dragon and they shattered to piece

The underworld king : no!!!! You won't win

Hoseok : you'll pay for what have you done!

The king were drag to the air.

Hoseok & suga : elemental fushion!

Hoseok : element!

Suga : flaming wind!

Suga & Hoseok : blazing cyclone!

Hoseok create a very huge cyclone and suga use his blazing breath and the cyclone turn red and the fire were very huge

The underworld king : ughh... Hot...

Jimin : oh really?! Let us make you feel hotter.

Jungkook p.o.v

This is it... I will end everything...

Jungkook & jimin : elemental fushion!

Jimin : solar!

Jungkook : thunderstorm!!

Jimin : element!

Jungkook : SUPRA!!!

Jimin & jungkook : super supra blast!

We blast him and he scream to death. He was push to the black hole with his loyal soldier and the black hole explode.

We land on the ground groaning. We fall on our butt and change to our normal form. Bruise here and there... Their mom immediately hug them

I smile seeing them crying happily together. I realise something...

Jungkook : ICY!!!

I ran to where Icy saved me. Ray and Liz already surround her. I fall on my knees rubbing icy's face. Then Jin hyung pat my back. I look at him

Jin : let's not forget about her

He said smiling and step forward he touch the ground and the grass cover icy then a huge tree appear on top of her.

Jin : she will be the first nature that exist after the war.... We will always remember her good deeds...

He said and bow.. so did the others... I smile a little and bow too... Then every of the member put a flower on the tree's root.

Jimin : this is for our king... May they rest peacefully...

They smile weakly... Well... We all lost something... Then something caught my eye. The main heart crystal but it was dead... I walk over the dead crystal

And my necklace glow. I took off my necklace and give it to the dead crystal and the crystal slowly glow too. Then a blue light appear on the sky and spread to every kingdom

The citizen are healed and the house with the castle were repaired...

Suga : what the...

Namjoon : is that even possible?

We look at the situation mesmerized suddenly the earth shake and a huge castle appear Infront of us

Jungkook : holy shit. What the hell?

Tae's mom : it's ... It's your castle jungkook! The seventh kingdom!

The blue light started to heal us... And the light surround us. When I open my eyes we were in complete other cloth. A royal cloth.

Jungkook's cloth

Tae's cloth

Namjoon's cloth

Suga's cloth

Jimin's cloth

Hoseok's cloth

Jin's cloth

BTS p.o.v

Oh my god... This is crazy! We look at our mom who smile at us proudly... They are so beautiful... Not just them our animal spirit are also dressed! They look like royal pet... Ray and Liz look like royal guard

Suddenly jungkook's castle door opened by itself. We look at each other then at jungkook who sigh nervously.

We smile as we enter the castle... Oh my... The castle are so beautiful! Jungkook walk to the highest level of the castle and saw a door.

Jackson : open it my prince...

Jungkook open the door and he saw all of the magical creature happily coming out from their hiding place.

It was no longer forbidden land... The seventh kingdom are returned

Guy 1 : Look! It's the crown prince!

They all cheer at jungkook happy that their prince are return... We look at each other and jungkook come to us and hug us...

Jungkook : thank you... Hyung...

We return back the hug...

We wave at our people happily...


I'm sorry... This part is kinda weird I know.... But...


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