02200 - Demolition and Removal of Existing Structures

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Demolition and removal of existing structures consists of the removal, wholly or in part, and satisfactory disposal of blocks of masonry, hedges, fences, structures, concrete pavements and any other obstructions which are not designated or permitted to remain. Demolition includes the salvaging of designated materials and proper backfilling (in accordance with specification requirements) of any and all trenches, holes and pits resulting from demolition and removal work.

Obstructions or other items that are designated for removal and disposal elsewhere in the Contract Documents shall be dealt with in accordance with such stipulated requirements.

Work Requirements


Demolition and removal of existing structures by the Contractor shall be within the boundaries of the Site as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

The Engineer may instruct that materials recovered from demolition work shall remain the property of the Employer unless specifically provided otherwise in the Contract Documents.

All designated saleable material shall be removed, without unnecessary damage, in sections or pieces that may be readily transported, and shall be stored by the Contractor at specified places on the project as directed by the Engineer.

Basements or cavities left by structure removal shall be back-filled with acceptable material to the level of the surrounding ground and shall be compacted in accordance with requirements as noted in Specification section 03400 "Embankment Construction". There will be no separate payment for backfilling and compaction the resulting cavities.

Demolition and removal of existing structures includes salvage of materials removed, their custody, preservation, and storage on the Site or any other location as may be designated by the Engineer or the Employer, or disposal as provided herein.

Removal of Drainage Structures

Culverts and other drainage structures in use by traffic shall not be removed until satisfactory arrangements have been made to accommodate traffic.

The removal of existing culverts within embankment areas will be required only as necessary for the installation of new structures. Abandoned culverts shall be broken down, crushed and sealed or plugged.

All culvert sections removed, which are not designated for stockpiling or relaying, shall become the property of the Contractor and be removed from the project or disposed of in a manner approved by the Engineer.

Where portions of the existing structures lie wholly or in part within the limits for a new structure, they shall be removed as necessary to accommodate the construction of the proposed structure. Where only a section of the existing structure is to be demolished, the Contractor shall execute this work in such a way as to avoid damage to the section designated to remain. All details of the Contractor's proposed working method shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

Any structures designated to become the property of the Contractor shall be removed from the right-of -way.

Unless waived in writing by the Engineer, all concrete removed that is of suitable size for riprap and not needed for such use on the Project, shall be stockpiled at locations designated by the Engineer, for use by the Employer.

Removal of Pavements, Sidewalks, etc.

Removal of pavement shall be carefully undertaken to avoid damage to abutting sections of pavement or structures designated to remain.

If removal of sections of old bituminous pavement, sidewalks or other hard surfaces or excavation of ballast, gravel or similar sub-base or base material is necessary, this work shall be considered as Common Excavation, and shall conform to the requirements of Specification section 03100, for construction, measurement and payment.

Removal of Buildings and Structures

Upon receipt of notification by the Engineer, the Contractor shall take over all responsibility for the building or buildings then acquired and vacant and shall proceed with the removal thereof as specified.

The Contractor shall inspect each building he is to remove and determine for himself the work involved and the equipment and the materials required for such demolition work.

The Contractor shall arrange for the discontinuance of all utility services that serve the building or buildings in accordance with the respective requirements and regulations of the appropriate government agencies, and the utility agencies involved.

The Contractor shall disconnect and properly seal, in a manner approved by the local government agency or agencies responsible and the Engineer, all sewer outlets that serve any building or buildings that the Contractor is directed to remove. The Contractor shall keep the Engineer informed of his plans for the performance of any work in connection with the sealing off of such outlets in order that proper inspection may be provided at the time the work is performed.

The Contractor shall conduct his operations in such a manner as to avoid hazards to persons, property and vehicles. After demolition work is started, the work on that building shall be continued to completion, promptly and expeditiously.

Operations necessary for the removal of an existing structure or obstruction, which may damage new construction, shall be completed prior to placing the new work, unless otherwise provided in the Contract.

Measurement and Payment

Method of Measurement

Removal of Culverts, Masonry, Concrete Structures and Concrete Pavement shall be measured for payment and shall be paid as cubic meter.

Quantities to be paid for the removal of hedge or fence and removal of existing pavement shall be based on square meter or linear meter as defined in the Bill of Quantities, for work required or directed by the Engineer and approved by the Engineer.

Demolition and removal required for the Permanent Works will be applicable for payment under this Specification section.

Demolition and removal of the existing bridges shall be as specified in the Section 06930 "Bridge Demolition and Temporary Bridges" of these Specifications. Demolition and removal of the existing structures other than the above mentioned shall not be paid for but considered incidentals under this Specification section.

Basis of Payment

The work measured as provided above shall be paid for in accordance with applicable Unit Prices as indicated on the Bill of Quantities. The payment shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to do the work and for doing all the demolition in the designated locations or areas in accordance with these Specifications, including back filling if necessary.

All work shall be as directed by the Engineer including the removal and disposal of all the resulting material.

Pay Item Description Unit

02200-1 Demolition and Removal of Culverts, Masonry and Concrete Structures cu. m

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