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I'm the perfect girl

A 23 years old woman stares outside the window of her office. She just looks at the beautiful view In front of her.

I can do everything, I have money, looks, and popularity

A knocking sound could be heard. She glances at the door as she forces a smile and mutters a small "Come in..."

I'm what they call the living Queen

Someone enters the room. Lisa turns to the person and show the person her fake smile that looks so real.

Her junior smile back and bow down respectfully "The interview will begin in 5-minute sunbaenim."


She nodded her head towards her junior who bow down once again and left her office soon after.

Her smile disappears as soon as he leaves. She turns back and looks out of the window. Starting to feel annoyed.

My life is a mistake...

She grabbed her handbag and phone. She looks at the mirror and forces a smile again. She glances at her table and fixes her cloth before leaving her office.

My name is Lalisa Manoban...

She left the room with a bright smile on her face as the juniors start bowing and greet her as she walk past them.

I'm a lawyer, who'll do anything to win a case.


They say I'm funny and charming

His eyes are focusing on the hot iron in front of him as he forges it calmly. Hand moving as the hammer he is holding hit the hot iron.

But they say I'm very mysterious

He stop moving as he heard someone entering his shop. He pulls his gloves and turns around, smiling, to greet the customer.
"Welcome, how can I help you?"

I'd say that I'm playful and manipulative

"We want to order a special ring. We are about to get married. We have a design can you forge it for us?" One of the couples ask. He smiles sweetly. "Congratulation! Sure, I'm glad to help you!"

My life is full of secrets.

He motioned them to sit as he bring them to the chair. He grabbed his notebook and sit Infront of them.

My name is Jeon Jungkook

They start talking and discussing with him. Jungkook smile as he gives them some suggestions for the best material

I'm a craftsman, who wishes to live a silent life.


I'm not from a rich society

She picks up the customer's order and smiles at them soon after. She bows then leave them and walks to the counter.

I'm not poor either.

As she walks to the counter she starts inserting the order of the customer. Soon enough she walks to the kitchen and starts making the order.

But that doesn't make my life any better

She focused on making the order, but then she notice another customer are Infront of her. Without looking, she said, "please have a sit first. I'll-"

That I fall in love with someone richer than me.

She froze as she look up at the person In front of her. Shock is visible on her face but she is professional enough to cover it away. She stares at the person in front of her.

My name is Kim Jennie

She broke eye contact and bow down her head while muttering 'I'm sorry' she pick up the order and start walking to serve it but the person hold her hand. She glances at him as he says "we need to talk"

I'm just a waitress, who'll do anything for her first love.


I'm an arrogant man

He steps out of the car and fixes his cloth and hair. He stares at the small cafe building In front of him.

I have everything, money, power, you name it.

He walks into the building and starts looking around, searching for a certain person. As he spots the person, he gulps, feeling nervous.

But I'm just a puppet.

He slowly took a step towards her and stop right Infront of her. She didn't seem to notice him as she request him to take a sit but not until she lookup.

I'm a coward.

She stares at him. Her face is blank. He didn't say anything and stare back at her in the eye.

I have everything but In front of her, I have nothing.

She broke the stare and was about to walk away when he grabbed her arm. She glances at him and he says. "We need to talk"

My name is Kim Taehyung.

He stares at her desperately as she just stares at him back silently. She looks away from him as she yanks her hand away from him and sends him a glare.

I'm a successful businessman, who wishes to stop being their puppet.


I'm the commander's daughter.

She walks around the park looking at nothing particular. Hand in her pocket as she keeps on walking.

I protect the country.

She stop walking as her phone suddenly rang. She pulls out her phone and quickly answers the call. "Salute..."

I'm the star of the military.

"I understood sir, I'll be there as soon as possible, salute!" She ends the call and starts running towards her car. She rushed towards the Headquarters.

But they look down on me, for being a woman

She quickly walks towards the office. She enters it and salutes the commander, her father.

My name is Park Chae young

"Captain Park Chae young reporting!" She informs and stands straight still saluting the commander who nods.

I'm a soldier, who wants to prove that I'm worthy to serve the country.


I've taken an Oath.

He stares at the computer In front of him. He averts his gaze towards the file he is holding as he read it carefully.

I will fight for the country.

Suddenly someone barges into the room, startling him. He looks at the person who is panting and asks "what's wrong?"

My duty is saving.

"There's a patient in the emergency area who just arrive. We think that there's a bullet in his head." He widens his eyes and stands up.

"But all of the neurosurgeons is having surgery." The person Inform. He didn't waste any time and quickly grabbed his coat and walk to the person. "Quick, bring me to the patient."

My name is Park Jimin.

He enters the emergency area and quickly checks on the patient. "Quick, prepare the surgery room. The patient must be saved"

I'm a doctor, who vows to not let anyone die under my care.


I believe what I saw

"New case?" She nods her head as her friend passes her a cup of coffee. She mutter a small thanks as she took a sip of it.

I believe something happens for a reason.

"What is it this time?" Her friend asks. She shrug. "Murder." She said shortly, her friend huff and say "well then, good luck." Her friend leaves her as she smiles.

I believe that everybody deserves justice.

She stares at the picture on her table. A little girl laughing with a woman who is smiling seems to be in deep thought.

My name is Kim Jisoo

She looks away and grabs her phone before dialing someone's number. After a few minutes, someone answered. "Quick, gather everyone. We've got a new case"

I'm a detective, who believes finding justice is her responsibility.


I'm the youngest.

He walked took a sip of his wine and stare at nothing particular. He seems to be in deep thought.

Yet I'm also respected.

Tones of files on the table. He huffs in annoyance. He put his wine on the table as he pulls out his phone. Reading emails and replying to them.

I believe that money is everything.

He put away his phone and call for his assistance. "Meeting in 15 minutes, tell team leader. Whoever is late will face the consequence"

My name is Kim Seokjin.

He didn't wait for any reply and stood up fixing his suit as he walk out of his office. Grabbing one of the files before leaving.

I'm the Director of NIS, I believe money is the only thing I need.





I don't own anything from the story except for the storyline, the story didn't mean to offend anybody. Please enjoy it if you like it and leave if you don't.

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