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Jungkook P.O.V

I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by the sun rays flooding into the room.

I rubbed my eyes sleepily and looked towards my charging phone; 11:23. I sighed, sat up straight and looked around my room.

Hyunjin's bed was messy, and so was the rest of the room; my side had boxes which were yet to be unpacked.

His side however, was a different story. Half his books were left open and scattered on the floor, pieces of paper along with them.

His clothes were stuffed inside the closet, threatening to fall out any second.

I'll just unpack my boxes and keep my side of the room tidy.

I yawned and stretched, whipping the comforter off of me and headed to our shared bathroom.


Thirty minutes later, after eating the breakfast my mom had packed for me, I began playing music from my phone.

'At My Worst', one of my favourite songs began playing.

I smiled and went up to the first box and opened it. My clothes. I began singing along with the songs blasting out of my phone while arranging my clothes in my closet, colour wise, which was easy since more than half my clothes were black.

I finished unboxing two out of the three boxes of clothes I had. I was halfway through the last one when I found a folded piece of paper in between my formal shirts.

I picked it and examined it, curious. It was folded neatly. Who else, other than my parents would fold a letter so neatly? I dreaded reading its contents but unfolded its perfect creases anyway.

Dear son,

I scoffed. Dear son? Since when was I their 'dear son'? I shook my head and continued reading the letter.

We have transferred some money to your bank account for all your expenses while at the University. We hope that you use it wisely and do nothing wrong with it. We have sacrificed a lot for you Jungkook. Study well, don't get distracted. Don't let our hard work go to waste.

Our hard work? Were they the ones who pulled all nighters to study their asses off? Typical of them to take all the credit.

Regards, Dad & Mom.

P.S: Get us a good daughter-in-law.

A daughter-in-law? Are they mad? I'm still nineteen, for God's sake.

I crumpled the letter and threw it in the overflowing dustbin, which bounced right back to my foot.

Why does life have to be so shitty, especially to me? No one cares about I want. It's always about them.

Whatever. Dwelling on how miserable I am, isn't gonna change anything.

With this depressingly motivating thought, I continued unboxing my possessions. By the time I reached the last box containing all the photographs I had taken, it had been close to an hour.

I slowly got up, and stretched my arms, almost falling over again because of the numbness in my foot.

After I steadied myself, I took out the first photo which had a beautiful sunset alongside the Han river. I still remember the day I took it, even though it was roughly three years ago.

I was fourteen years old when I first asked my parents for a camera. "Mom, dad! Can I please get a camera for my fifteenth birthday?" I had asked.

"Of course not! It'll become a distraction, and your grades are already slipping," Dad had said.

"But I got 95 and a half in my exams this time! How are they slipping?!" I had exclaimed with indignation.

"You used to get 98, and now you've come down to 95. Who knows what'll happen if we get you this camera," Mom said, folding her arms over her apron.

"I got 95 and a half, and no, I won't get distracted, I promise." I had promised.

"No, means no. We are not getting you a camera, and that's final."

A year later, I gathered my courage, and went up to them asking for a camera again, but this time, deciding to tell them it was for a school project.

"Mom, dad, I need a camera," I said, trying to sound indifferent.

"Didn't we already have this conversation? We are not buying you a camera." They declared.

I gritted my teeth. 'You're giving me no choice but to lie.' I thought to myself.

"But it's for a school project. I might fail if I don't get it!" I acted.

"Wait, it's for a school project?" They looked surprised

"Yes, it is." I hoped they wouldn't see through my lie.

"Oh, if that's the case, then we'll surely get it for you! Which model do you want?" They asked sweetly.

"The latest model of Nikon has recently come out. I would like to get that, to ensure the best grades," I said, hiding my smirk.

A week after I got the camera, I told my parents I was going out to the library to study and finish some assignment, whilst sneaking the camera with me. I had boarded the next bus to Han river.

By the time I reached the river, it was nearly sunset time. I went towards the edge of the riverbank and sat down on the grass. It was the end of September and it was just a few days before autumn began. The trees around me were starting to lose its leaves.

The steady wind was blowing the fallen leaves. The weather was surprisingly chilly and I was glad I was smart enough to wear a jacket, before leaving the house.

I had just sat there for a few minutes, admiring nature around me, the way the water in the Han river rippled.

The sky was changing from a blue hue to a yellowish orange tint. The sun was just peeking out of the clouds it was hiding behind, slowly setting in the distance, signalling the arrival of nighttime.

When the sky had shifted to a more reddish orange colour, I removed my newly acquired camera. It was a little complicated, trying to understand how it functions, but I figured out a few basic buttons of the camera.

I held the camera against my eye, pointing it towards the setting sun. I made a few adjustments and clicked the shutter. I looked  at the scene I had captured; it was beautiful.

I had smiled. My first ever picture.

I was filled with nostalgia. I had continued clicking photos, each more beautiful than the previous.

My parents had never figured that I had lied to them.

I smiled and began sticking my captures on the wall above my bed. My parents had also packed a few family photos, but I left them in the box. I don't need a daily reminder of how fucked up my parents are.

I disposed of all the boxes and stood in the middle of the room with my hands on my hips. Half of it looked decent, the other half looked like it was hit with a hurricane. I cringed.

I decided to help my handsome roommate and clean his side of the dorm room.

I started with the books; I picked them up and arranged them neatly on the floor. I collected the papers which weren't crumpled and kept them on top of the books.

I found a piece of paper held down by a key. There were only two words on the paper; your key.

I picked the key up to examine it. It was heavy.

No sooner than I had picked up the key, the piece it was holding down went flying. I crouched down to pick it up, but it had gone under my bed and I couldn't reach it. One stray piece of paper won't harm anyone.

I didn't even go near anything which looked remotely personal, because I didn't want Hyunjin to come at me for going through his stuff, like how he did yesterday.

'Didn't your parents teach you that it's not good to go through others stuff without their permission?'

I scoffed. The only thing they taught me is that life is all about being successful economically and happiness is temporary and being a musician is useless. Basically, all they taught me was bullshit.

When I was done, the dorm room looked loads better. I huffed out a breath, went and slumped on my bed, grabbing my phone.

2:10 P.M

Lunch time, but my mother hadn't packed lunch for me. I groaned and dropped my phone on my growling stomach.


I picked up my phone to see a new notification.


Hii Jungkook! It's me, Rosé! ^.^


hey, rosé


My classes are over now... how bout we meet up at this
really cool cafe nearby and we grab some lunch, then
I'll show u around the campus?


suree, that'd be great :)

cud u perhaps send me the location of the cafe?


Sure, hang on


There u go!




No problem! I'll see u at 2:45?


yes, that'll be perf

see ya!



I smiled and changed the contact name. Her texting is cute. I got up again and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


Thirty minutes later, I was tying up my timberlands, ready to meet Rosé. I checked my pockets once again if I had taken everything important with me.

Key, phone, some cash.

I slowly shut the door and locked it.

I turned back and walked towards where I remembered the elevators were. I turned round the corner and found the elevators but I went closer and saw that they were temporarily closed for repair.

My dorm room was located on the fourth floor of the boys' dorm building. I climbed down four flights of stairs and found myself outside the dorm building.

Removing my phone from my jacket pocket, I clicked on the location Rosé had sent me and saw that the cafe was a two minute walk from the boys' dormitory.

After a short stroll, I found myself in front of a cozy looking cafe. I pushed the door which jingled to announce my arrival to everyone inside and was hit with an aroma of delicious baked goods.

The inside of the cafe had an orange aesthetic; the walls were painted a light orange hue, all the tables, chairs, the counter and even the menu were all orange brown. There were these cute little orange fairy lights hanging from the ceiling which gave the whole interior of the cafe a warm, orange glow.

"Jungkook! Here!" I heard a voice near the back of the cafe. I turned towards it and saw Rosé sitting there with Jenkin and two other beautiful girls I didn't know.

One had a black bob with a couple strands dyed white, the other had beautiful brown locks flowing down her shoulders.

Four girls. Great.

I thought sarcastically while walking towards them, trying to hide my nervousness. I wasn't really fond of openly interacting with girls; especially the pretty ones.

"Oh, look, it's bunny boy." Jenkin smirked. I ignored her and greeted Rosé.

"Girls, this is Jungkook. Jungkook, these are my friends Jisoo and Lisa." Rosé introduced. The brown haired girl and the bob girl with fierce bangs stood up at their names being called out.

"Hi, Jisoo." I shook hands with the brown haired girl, smiling. Jisoo smiled back, the shape of her mouth weirdly reminding me of a heart.

"Hey, Lisa," I greeted the other girl, shaking her hands too.

"You do look like a bunny. I'm calling you bunny boy too," Lisa said, laughing. I laughed along meekly, but internally I was cringing.

Jisoo and Lisa don't seem to be too bad, but I'm watching out for them;

I don't want a repeat of my school days.


A / N

[211121,, this chapter has been revamped.]

Long chapter~
We got some more backstory too :)

Some changes in the description too, to get a bit more clear idea of what exactly this story is about.

Well this is the last update, u guys r gonna get...for a while at least

Our annual exams r coming up, and we'll be going on a mini hiatus!
So take care guys! And for those who've been with us so far- WE LOVE YOUUUUU*yeets love*

Please vote and comment, u make our day :')



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