Chapter 9

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Greeny City stretches out along the coast, its skyline kissed by the vibrant hues of dawn. Nestled close to the ocean's edge, it serves as a gateway to the enchanting Oceablu City beyond. But within its bounds lies a world of its own, alive with bustling streets and hidden gems awaiting discovery.

At the heart of Greeny City lies its crown jewel, the mesmerizing flower garden. Here, an array of colors blooms year-round, painting the landscape with nature's finest palette. The air is perfumed with the delicate fragrance of blossoms, drawing visitors from far and wide to lose themselves in its ethereal beauty.

Venturing closer to the shore, the FS Resort stands as a beacon of luxury against the backdrop of sun-kissed sands. Its sprawling grounds offer an oasis of relaxation, where palm trees sway in the gentle sea breeze and crystal-clear waters beckon guests to dip their toes into the inviting waves.

Amidst the bustling city streets, one destination reigns supreme: the renowned headquarters of D and W's fashion empire. Its flagship store is a temple of style, its windows adorned with the latest trends and must-have designs. Inside, racks upon racks of garments await, each a testament to the creativity and craftsmanship that define the brand.

As they stroll through the vibrant streets of Greeny City, bathed in the warm glow of the afternoon sun, the group's laughter fills the air with a sense of camaraderie. Ash, Serena, Dia, Gina, Adam, and Aurora weave through the bustling crowds, taking in the sights and sounds of the lively cityscape.

But amidst the chatter and excitement, Serena's keen eyes suddenly notice Ash's absence, sparking a flicker of worry within her. "Hey, where did Ash go?" she queries, her brow furrowing with concern.

Instantly, Gina springs into action, her determination evident as she declares, "He lost again? I'll go find him." With resolute determination, she sets off on her quest to locate their wayward friend.

Meanwhile, Serena's concern deepens as moments pass without any sign of Ash's return. "What? But how?" Gina's frustration mounts as her search yields no results, leaving her perplexed by Ash's mysterious disappearance.

Faced with the unexpected turn of events, Gina's usual unshakable demeanor begins to waver, replaced by a growing sense of worry that gnaws at her. Seeking solace, she confides in Adam about Ash's absence, her voice laced with anxiety as she grapples with the uncertainty of the situation.

Amidst the turmoil, Dia steps forward, his steady presence offering a beacon of calm amidst the chaos. With a keen intuition, he approaches a girl whose attention is captivated by the blooming flowers adorning the nearby garden.

"Hello, miss. May I ask what you're doing?" Dia's inquiry is gentle yet probing, his eyes searching for any hint of recognition in the girl's demeanor.

Caught off guard by his question, the girl pauses, her gaze flickering with surprise before she responds, "Oh, I was drawn to the flowers. They're beautiful," her voice soft and mesmerized as she delicately plucks a blossom and tucks it into her hair.

Dia's intuition sparks to life, a knowing glint shining in his eyes as he pieces together the puzzle before him. "Okay, Ash. I know it's you," he declares with a knowing smile, unraveling the mystery of Ash's unexpected disguise.

The revelation sends shockwaves through the group, their disbelief palpable as they come to terms with Ash's unexpected transformation.

With a mischievous giggle, Ash finally breaks his guise, unable to contain the secret any longer. "You caught me," he admits with a sheepish grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Ash, what happened to you?" Serena's voice cuts through the air, a mixture of curiosity and concern coloring her words as she seeks to unravel the mystery behind her friend's sudden transformation.

"I found out that I can change into my girl form a few minutes ago," Ash confesses, his tone a blend of astonishment and uncertainty. "Though there is a slight problem... I don't know how to change back... which is why I decided to hide myself so that I can try to change myself back... though you've guessed what happened."

As Ash's dad prepares to step in and assist his son, a surprising intervention comes from an unexpected source. Aurora, Ash's mother, steps forward, her expression thoughtful as she addresses her son.

"Well, Ash. How about you try to spend a day as a girl?" she suggests, her words laced with a hint of mischief. "I know someone who can help you with your 'manners'."

Ash's eyes widen in horror at the suggestion, his mind racing with thoughts of the potential consequences. "Wait, Mom! Are you trying to punish me?" he exclaims, disbelief coloring his tone.

"That's what you get for changing your appearance without training," Aurora responds firmly, her gaze unwavering. "And don't worry, I know someone who is willing to help you out."

Ash attempts to seek solace from Dia, hoping for support or perhaps an escape from his mother's unexpected punishment. But Dia merely shakes his head, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he offers no reprieve.

With a resigned sigh, Ash can only surrender to his fate, his thoughts filled with apprehension as he braces himself for whatever his mother has in store for him.

As they step into the gym, Ash's heart pounds with a mixture of surprise and apprehension. Aurora introduces them to Ringo, the Grass Gym Leader of Greeny City in Sevestar, and his wife, Reina, who holds the same position in Celadon City in Kanto.

"Ringo, Reina. It's nice to see you again," Adam greets them warmly, breaking the initial tension.

"Hello, Adam, and Aurora. What a surprise visit," Reina responds with a smile. "So what brings you here?"

Aurora takes a deep breath, preparing to explain the unusual circumstances. "Well, you see, our son Ash has not yet fully trained with his powers, and now he's transformed himself into a girl. We're wondering if she can stay with you for a day?"

Ash's eyes widen in disbelief at his mother's request. "Mom? You're letting me spend a day with Mr. Ringo and Ms. Reina?" he gasps, the idea both daunting and surprising.

Reina's eyes sparkle with amusement at Ash's reaction. "That sounds like a great idea. My daughter Erika will definitely enjoy having another girl to play with," she responds, her tone cheerful and welcoming.

However, Serena, feeling a pang of jealousy and concern for Ash's well-being, interjects, "Sorry to say this, but can I also stay as well? Someone should keep an eye on Ash to make sure that he's not going to do anything reckless."

Ash lets out a defeated sigh at Serena's insistence, while Adam nods in agreement. "Sure. I'll handle Kabu about this," he assures them.

After Adam, Aurora, and Serena depart, Reina turns her attention back to Ash. "So... we can't call you Ash because you are now a girl. How about you come up with a female name?"

Ash ponders for a moment before suggesting, "How about Scarlett? I mean, I like the color red, and Scarlet is close to red."

"That sounds like a great idea, Scarlett it is," Ringo agrees with a smile, welcoming the new addition to their household.

As they settle into the gym, Erika rushes downstairs, her eyes wide with curiosity as her parents introduce Ash and Serena to her. Erika is taken aback to learn that Ash is actually a boy who transformed into a girl as a punishment, and she can't help but feel a mischievous excitement at the prospect of having a new playmate.

"Have you ever played dolls before?" Erika asks eagerly as they enter her bedroom, the anticipation evident in her voice.

"I have played some before," Serena responds with a warm smile, while Ash hesitates, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the idea of playing with dolls, having always considered it a "girl thing."

However, as the afternoon unfolds and they immerse themselves in play, Ash finds herself surprisingly drawn into the world of dolls and make-believe. Though hesitant at first, she gradually begins to enjoy the experience, letting go of her preconceived notions and embracing the chance to explore her feminine side.

Despite initial discomfort, Ash soon finds herself engrossed in the games, even trying her hand at makeup under Erika's enthusiastic guidance. Though there are moments of awkwardness and adjustment, Ash begins to embrace her new identity as a girl, realizing that there's much more to being female than she initially thought. However, she also becomes aware of the physical differences and challenges that come with her temporary transformation, reminding herself to remain cautious and mindful throughout the experience.

As they explore the bustling streets of Greeny City, the allure of the famous D and W clothes store beckons them with its dazzling displays and trendy designs. With Ash's newfound identity as Scarlett, it's only natural that they indulge in a bit of fashion-forward fun.

Entering the store, Ash's eyes widen at the array of stylish garments and accessories lining the racks. Erika and Serena eagerly pull out various outfits, urging Ash to try them on and experiment with different looks.

With a hesitant frown, Ash murmurs, "Was that really necessary? I mean, I could have used some illusions..."

But Erika shakes her head in disagreement. "No way... I'm sure you'll be thankful for having those clothes," she insists, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Serena chimes in, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "And just look at how you look... maybe you should become a model just like those we saw on the television."

Rolling his eyes at their overzealous suggestions, Ash can't help but marvel at the absurdity of the situation. "Seriously..." he thinks to himself, amused by the antics of his friends as they immerse themselves in the world of fashion. Despite his initial reluctance, Ash finds himself enjoying the chance to experiment with his appearance and embrace his feminine side, albeit with a healthy dose of skepticism.

As the day unfolds, Ash finds himself navigating through a series of awkward moments alongside Erika and Serena. One such instance occurs during bath time, where the two girls insist on helping Ash wash his now-feminine body. Despite his best efforts to maintain composure, Ash can't help but feel his cheeks flush with embarrassment as they tend to him with care and consideration.

Later, as evening approaches, they gather for a sleepover in Erika's room, arranging two bed sheets on the tatami floor for comfort. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and camaraderie as they share stories and indulge in snacks, but beneath the surface, Ash still grapples with the unfamiliarity of his temporary transformation.

When Adam and Aurora finally return, Aurora wastes no time in inquiring about their day. "So how did my 'daughter' behave?" she asks with a knowing smile.

Reina responds with a chuckle, "Oh, Erika is really happy to be able to spend time with him and Serena. And it seems that despite not willing to admit it, Ash himself is enjoying being a girl."

Observing Ash and Serena laden with bags adorned with the D and W logo marks, Adam remarks, "Wow... to think you've brought a lot of clothes."

"Yeah... so Dad... can you teach me how to turn back?" Ash asks eagerly. "Being a girl is fun, but I still want to be my own self."

"Relax, son," Adam reassures him with a chuckle before guiding him through the process of changing back. As Ash finally returns to his normal appearance, a burst of joy fills the room, and Erika gasps in amazement. "So this is what you really look like. Though I prefer Scarlett more..."

"Don't worry, now that I've learned how to change my appearance, I can become Scarlett again," Ash declares with a grin as he demonstrates his newfound ability, seamlessly transitioning between his two identities to the amazement of his friends and family alike.

Here is the chapter when Ash first turns into a girl and see how that happens. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be related to acting.

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