Chapter 55

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Now we're back at our home, my Mom says, "Ash, Serena, and Alice. There is something that I need to discuss with you if you're okay with that?"

"Sure." We are confused as my Mom looks out of the window. "Lumiose City... It is a tourist destination whose name is known all over the world. Many kinds of people live here, and even more come to visit and enjoy the atmosphere. The fact is, wherever there are so many people in one place, trouble is never far behind."

"Really? Are you saying that you're going to become a detective? If that's the case, why don't you just call Minami? She's the detective, not me..." I mutter.

"And maybe she inherited that from me." My Mom says with a soft smile. "Being a detective and doing such work requires a person with a hard-boiled heart. But even a heart that embraces loneliness can sometimes stumble, falter, and doubt. And that's where you come in, if we join forces, I promise we can bring peace to Lumiose City! What does your heart say? Will you partner with me and fight crime?"

Serena says, "Well, I guess we should do it."

"I mean, what's worse than that?" Alice asks.

"For your brave answer, I thank you. Lumiose City will regain its tranquility!" My mom says. "Now please read the notes."

As we read the notes, we begin to read.

Client: A rep from a Lumiose City mothers' group. Details: Kids in Lumiose City seem to be spending a lot of time in back alleys recently. What are they up to in these shadowy, suspicious places? Inquiring mothers want to know! My son is about to take the entrance exam for an elite school for future Ace Trainers! I can't have him do anything stupid and get a black mark on his academic record! You must do something to make kids stop hanging out in those suspicious alleys! Reward: Enough dough to last for a week

My mom says, "All read up and all ready to go? Good! The first thing I want you to do is to visit those dark alleys in Lumiose City. Find where kids are hanging out, and get the lowdown on the situation. Got it? Think you can handle it?"

"I think it's fine, but it is not a big deal if they want to hang out in the alleys..." I shake my head.

"I am counting on you, guys. There are a number of alleys here in Lumiose City. Somewhere, in one of them, you should find those kids!" My mom says, "My instincts tell me there's something fishy about the alley leading off South Boulevard. Maybe you should start your investigations on South Boulevard. I'll join you when I can."

The three of us head to an alleyway in South Boulevard, and it is just like the kindergarten that we met on Route 3 of Unova Region, the school kids are trying to battle us using their Pokemon. After we defeat them, Mom manages to catch up to us as we hear an Espurr's cry.

"Why, it's an Espurr! But to threaten humans like that, it is apparently none too gentle... It may consider this area its territory."

"Yup, old lady, you got that right." Just then, we see a girl with some broken clothes appears in front of us. "Who are you?" My Mom asks.

"Oh, nobody special. But this little sweetie right here is Mimi. That's what I named it, anyway." The girl says as the Espurr Mimi nods.

"Ahem. Then this is your Pokémon? In which case, would you mind returning it to its Poké Ball for a bit?" My Mom asks.

"Huh? What Poké Ball? I'm not a Trainer! Mimi is my friend. I have no money to buy Poké Balls, so I can't be a Trainer, you get it? Anyway, Mimi and I don't need a Poké Ball to be friends!"

"You're right. I'm sorry for saying that. My name is Aurora. I work as a detective and a member of the International Police. This is my son Ash and his partners Serena and Alice. If you will permit me to ask, Mimi's friend... I am interested in what you're all doing here."

"Well, we're all playing, that's all. Everybody here is a friend of mine. What are you asking for? Do you want to join or something?" The leader says.

"What! No, no, no-o-o-o-o! Don't do it! This is our secret base. Kids only!" Another schoolgirl begs the leader. "No grown-ups allowed!" Mimi seems to agree with the schoolgirl.

"Oh, put a sock in it! Play nice, both of you! How would you like to get left out just 'cause you're old and stuff?" The leader says.

Serena says, "You seem to have a good group of friends playing together here. But why did you pick a dark alley like this one to play in?"

Alice says, "Serena's right. Lumiose City is filled with plazas, open spaces, and sunny corners. Flowers can't bloom without sunshine, and neither can young folks, you know."

"Oh, really? Well... Mimi and I have always lived in alleys, so I don't know much about sunshine." The leader replies.

My mom gasps, "You live in an alley? You and Mimi? And... your family? They-"

"They're gone. I'm alone." The leader says with a frown. "Well, but... Bur Mimi is sort of my family. We stick together."

When I look at my mom, and I say, "Mom, are you going to do it again?"

"Why not?" My mom says, "Friend of Mimi. I would like to invite you to stay at our place. You can work as my assistant and in exchange, we provide you with the needs of living. We also own an office so you can also have that place all to yourself after hours!"

"Wha..." The girl is confused. My mom says, "It is not to imply that anything's wrong with a free life in the alleys, but... To have a home to shelter you from the cold and the rain... There is joy in having work to do each day and your efforts are seen and appreciated. This idea is genius, even for me. And, Mimi, are you on board, too? It wouldn't be the same without you!" My mom asks.

Just then, Mimi is scared as she runs away, and I ask, "Wait, why did Mimi run off?"

"Mimi gets scared pretty easily. Afraid of humans, I guess. Especially grown-ups. Hey... Ms. Aurora... For a minute there, I was kinda happy that you invited me to stay with you... You're pretty cool. But I can't. Mimi likes it better here. I can't leave Mimi behind. We stick together." The girl frowns.

My mom says, "Don't worry. Mimi may grow to like me in time. But even if not, we can try a new angle. At a time like this, it helps to have a partner you can count on."

"P-partner?" The girl is confused. My mom turns to me, "Indeed! Ash, Serena, Alice! Your assignment is to befriend Mimi. You can do it!"

"Of course, Mom." We then leave to search for Mimi in other alleys. As we arrive at North Boulevard, my Mom calls me and says, "I have received a tip from the children, and I think it is useful for you. Mimi apparently doesn't like being petted by strangers. It is imperative that you check the alleys where Mimi is known to stroll around. To be precise: Across from the Galette Stand. Across from Lumiose Station. Right next to Café Triste. The entrances to these alleys are all found on North Boulevard. Au revoir and out! I wish you luck!"

Why is Mom speaking Kalosian now... anyways, we find Mimi, and Serena suggests that perform in front of her to gain her liking, and that's when we finally do it and bring Mimi back to the alley where my Mom and the girl are.

"Well done! Mimi seems to have taken a shine to you!" My mom smiles.

"Awesome! Ash, Serena, and Alice, are you wicked or what? How'd you get Mimi to like you so fast?" She asks.

"We dance with her and she seems to like it." I say.

"Well, a friend of Mimi? Problem solved? All set? Is it time for you to graduate from life on the streets and come to our house and be my assistant?"

"OK! I'm ready! As long as Mimi's with me! I'm pretty curious to find out what a detective does!" The girl says.

"Ha ha! A detective is a hard-boiled kind of person! Let us make our way to the office with our new assistant!" My mom says.

As we bring her to the house, she is amazed at the things inside. "Wow... So this is your house? It's sure warmer than the alley. This is gonna be great, huh, Mimi?"

Mimi tilts her head, and my Mom says, "This is just one of our houses. Just please make yourself comfortable! From today on, you will be a part of our family, and you may live here or in anyone of the houses as long as you choose."

It is then that my Dad comes and he says, "Oh? Looks like you found another orphan?"

"You know that we can't turn down any orphans, especially this one who doesn't even have a home as she's been staying in the streets." My mom says, "I seem to have forgotten my manners. Pardon me for not asking your name. What do you prefer to go by, or shall we stick with "Friend-of-Mimi"?"

"Who, me? I'm just Emma. Nice to meet you!" Emma bows, and my Dad says, "Emma, is it? Indeed, a pretty name!"

My mom turns to me and says, "Ahem. The case of the kids in the alleys is now closed. With Emma staying here instead, kids will stop making the alleys their second home!"

Then my mom and dad bring Emma to do some adoption work, and then she also gets to meet our other siblings through the video online. And as usual, our siblings are welcoming her to the family, though I'm the only one who is by her side right now...

These days, since everyone is busy rebuilding the Kalos Region, my proposal to battle the Elite Four is still unavailable. So in that case, I'm helping Mom and Dad to take care of Emma and Mimi. We're teaching her how to read and do basic arithmetic, and her progress is going great.

Mimi is also starting to open up to Mom and Dad, as well as all of the Pokemon on the ranch. Though she remains cautious when meeting strange adults, Dad thinks that it might be related to a trauma in the past, though we decide not to pry for her past as what matters is the future

The next day, I can see that my Mom seems to be a little worried. I ask, "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's about Emma. Ever since she started living here at the office, I have detected some signs of stress in her. This has caused me to worry. What do you think? Could it be that there is something wrong?"

Serena, Alice, and I look at one another, and I say, "Well, there might be some problems?"

Just then, the door knocks, and a woman comes in. She speaks in Kantonian. "I'm begging you! Please help me! A precious Pokemon has been stolen!"

"Can you explain more? What do you mean a precious Pokemon has been stolen?" My mom asks in Kantonian.

"You understand my words! That's great! Nobody could understand what I'm saying...please, can you help me get my Pokemon back?" She asks. "Sorry to ask this, but I'm in a hurry! If we don't get my precious Pokemon back, I won't be able to return to my home...The time for flight is very soon!"

"It's a good thing that we can speak this language you know." Alice says. "But being in a hurry isn't going to help. Can you explain more details?"

"I'm home, Mom!" It's then Emma comes with Mimi. Who's this old lady?"

"She's a Kantonian and she tells us that her Pokemon has been stolen. But she hasn't given us the details..."

As she continues to talk, we are surprised that Emma can learn the Kantonian as well. She says, "I grew up on the streets so I can hear different languages after all."

"I was walking through the train station when it happened... a man sneaked up behind me and stole my bag. I tried my best to chase him, but he got away."

"You know, I think I might know who the man is." Emma says, and we are surprised. "I'd guess the thieves are still in Lumiose Station..."

"Then let's go there now." I say, but Emma says, "Wait, I'd bet anything that the guy who stole this old lady's Pokémon was part of the Lumiose Gang. They're rough types, you know? If we stick our noses in, that means a battle for sure..."

"What is the Lumiose Gang?" My mom asks.

"But do we really need to help her? I think she was quite rude back then." Emma mutters. I say, "No, Emma. That is not on! If you see someone in trouble, give help. If you see a Pokémon in distress, you help! That is our belief! And it does not change! No matter how rude the person is, it does not change what we do."

Emma sighs and says, "Okay. The Lumiose Gang is always somewhere on the platforms at Lumiose Station, up on North Boulevard... I think you're powerful enough to face them... But be ready for anything! Just in case!"

After we're rushing there, I ask Mom a question, "So Mom, I want to ask why hasn't shown up to help us during these days?"

"He hasn't been the same after his Croagunk died on a mission. I'm not sure about the details, but I think it is better that he took a rest until he's able to get back to the job."

We nod as we finally arrive at the station, and once we get there, we find a gang. The boss says, "Hey, hey, hey! Wotcher doin' here, old lady and three children? You wander in here by mistake or what? 'Cause you'd after be off yer trolley to come alone an' pick a fight with us."

"We're not here to pick a fight. Instead, I have a simple request. Return that tourist's stolen Pokémon!" My mom says.

"Yer jokin', right? If we just give 'em back wit' a pretty please and thank-you, ma'am, why'd we bother stealin' sumfink?!"

"Lookee, old lady... Yer that Aurora whatsisface, eh? Who we are is the Lumiose Gang, and we can't stand the sight of you, got it? Ever since Emma went to live at yours, she ain't never come round to hang with us!"

"What do you mean?" Serena asks. "What does Emma have to do with this?"

"Y'hear me? It's just not on! Why did we nab these lame Pokemon, did y'ask yerself? If were just to get yer into our manor, weren't it? So yer done, old lady! Get yer Pokemon out for battle! If yer win, yer take the Pokemon! But... if yer lose, yer got nothin' more to do with our Emma!"

"We can't accept your challenge." My mom says in a cool tone.

"Oo-er! Yer too scared to fight?" He asks, and I say, "Mom, they obviously won't give back the Pokemon unless we fight. I'll fight them considering they won't be a match for me."

Then we swiftly defeat the three gang members with our Pokemon, and they realize that I was the one who won the Kalos League. But it is too late, the members, Sedna, Eris, and Nix are defeated in the end.

"Whazza... What a pain... Right, then! I'll just have yer..." That's when Emma finally shows up. "Stop it, all of you!"

"Emma!" My mom gasps.

"Stop it! I mean it! And return those stolen Pokémon!" Emma says.

"Well, if that don't take the biscuit! This is down to you, Emma." Nix says. "Yer just couldn't be bothered with us no more. What's the point of us if yer don't show up? Yer the boss of this gang! Did yer think how we missed yer? Goin' off with this bad news and never a thought to yer old mates. Thanks for nothin'!"

"Oh, put a sock in it! I said up front--don't count me in. You went ahead and called me boss without even asking what I wanted. I decide for myself! Now, back off before I really lose it!"

Nix pales and yells, "N-no! N-n-not that! We got it, boss! We got it! Yer don't have to be the boss! We've just been missing yer since yer stopped comin' round! Here, we'll give yer back the Poke Balls, so forgive us -- alright?!"

"Right. Well, enough said. I'll let it go this time, but... You need to say sorry to the lady you stole from. And to Mom, too!"

"Yes, I will! I'm awful sorry for nickin' the Pokemon. Yer got me bang to rights. Forgive me?"

My mom says, "Of course. The Pokémon shall be safely restored, so let's call it water under the bridge. Let's go, back to our home."

But before we leave, my mom says, "Oh, I forgot something... Wait. Thirty seconds! Hey, folks! It's your wish to be friends with Emma, is that correct?"

"Yer sussed that out, eh?" Nix asks.

"When people behave with evil intentions, I cannot turn away and lightly forgive such. Especially people who do cruel and thoughtless things. For example, stealing the beloved Pokémon of other Trainers... However... I believe... No. Not just believe. I KNOW... People and Pokémon are both capable of...evolving. And so... If you give your word of honor not to ever lift a hand in cruelty again, then you may come by our house anytime to visit her friends." My mom says.

"Mom..." Emma gasps.

Then we return to the house, and Emma says, "Mom... I'm really sorry about what happened earlier... When that woman was rude, I just saw red and I... I..."

"If you learned something from it, that is all I need to hear, Emma. But that is not what concerns me now. Imagine how I felt to discover that you were the boss of that gang!" My mom shakes my head.

"Oh, it's just silly. I wasn't in the gang for real! I had a big fight with them one time, and after I took them down, they figured I was their boss. It was all their idea, not mine!" She explains.

Nix then says, "She may look like a cute kid, but Emma is crazy strong! Sh-she really is, Aurora, ma'am. And Mr. Ash!"

"Well, it's the lad from the gang. You're here for a visit already? Good. Ahem. You can drop that "ma'am" business. Call me Aurora." My mom says.

"As yer say, ma'am. ... Aurora. Here's the thing, see. Us in the Lumiose Gang are gonna evolve just like yer said! We're all done wi' chorin' and cheatin'. We're lookin' for honest work. So please let us come round an' see our Emma, won't yer?"

"That's excellent. Deciding to change your course in life is more than an Evolution! It is a Mega Evolution! There is no substitute for honest work if you want to make a difference in this world." My mom says.

"Yeah, that's right, then. See yer later, eh, Emma?" Then Nix leaves, and Emma asks, "Hey, Mom?"

"What is it, Emma?" My mom asks.

"You said there is no substitute for honest work if you want to make a difference in this world. But I don't do any work at all... You asked me to be your assistant and daughter. But I've never done any work the whole time I've been staying here. All I've done is learn things from you... Is that really enough? Is it really OK for me to be here?"

"Those are good questions, Emma. You have been learning nonstop since you came here, have you not? Learning is very important work at any age, and especially for you now. Continue to pour your heart into your studies. You have no need to worry." My mom says.

"But, Mom... I learned from Brother Ash that he's preparing to battle the Elite Four, but all this time he's been helping you and Dad teach me everything! Are Mimi and I just getting in your way? I mean, you went and turned down taking money from that tourist lady. Be straight with me, Mom. I'm asking, really, if it's really OK for Mimi and me to stay here...moneywise?"

I chuckle, "If money's you're worrying about, then no need to worry. We do say that this is not the only house we have here, that means we're really rich. Our family is probably the richest family in the world, like the height of Sinnoh's own Mt. Coronet. Perhaps you have not met up with Mt. Coronet in your studies yet, Emma?"

My mom chuckles a little at my joke, and she says, "I ask you to leave such worries to us. Your part is to study hard, so you can become my trusted assistant and daughter. Deal? Good."

Then that night, I accidentally hear Emma and Mimi talking. "Hey, Mimi... Mom and Dad said we didn't need to worry about anything, y'know? But I just don't feel like we can keep depending on them like this forever. They let us stay here for free and pay for all the food we eat... So I think I need to do something."

She sighs, "Thanks to Brother Ash, I can read now, right? And I've seen signs around town for part-time work. The signs say it's easy work and anyone can learn it. Maybe even I can do it, then! I'm going over there right now to ask them for a job! What do you think, Mimi?"

So Emma wants to do a part-time job... that is actually not wrong to do, but I wonder if she's fine with it...

Here is the first part of the post-game chapter and I hope you like it. I changed Looker to Aurora because of obvious reasons. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Floette (Eternal), Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Sylveon, Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Noivern, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion

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