Chapter One

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Trigger Warnings: Firearms, hostage situation, weaponry

Codes for this chapter:
Patrol **/P**: Patrol Car Number **
10-4: Affirmative/Yes/Confirmed
136: Hostage Situation
10-32: Subject with Gun
10-61: Personel in Area
10-3: Stop Transmitting
10-76: En Route/En Route to (...)
10-6: Busy Unless Urgent
10-76: Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)

"Patrol three, do you copy?"

"10-4, P3 responding to dispatch."

"We have a 136, 10-32, potential 390 but not sure. 10-20, 443 Emerald Lane. Can you respond?"

"10-4. 10-77 is... 11:25."

"Affirmative. This broadcast is for all patrol officers: There is a 136 on Emerald Lane downtown. 10-61 officers report to scene and escort civilians away from scene. Patrol Three is leading."

"10-4, this is Patrol 12, 10-76."

"10-4, P28, 10-76."

"Broadcast to all officers: 10-6 except P03, P12, P28."

"Dispatch, connect me to Malfoy in P3."


"Malfoy? You copy?"

Draco pressed his radio, making a slow turn onto a side road and turning off his headlights, starting to scan the area carefully. "Affirmative, this is Malfoy. Reynolds?"

"10-4. I got details for you. Victim is 16 year old Ashley Jones and 17 year old Bria Thompson, being held captive by Ashley's father, Trevor Jones. Trevor is 48, history of domestic abuse, theft and public disruptive intoxication. Ashley's friend, Bria, stopped by and found Trevor hitting Ashley. Trevor got furious and trapped them inside, threatening to shoot them both if anyone found out. Bria managed to call police discretely and get enough information out for dispatch to alert the authorities."

Draco grit his teeth, nodding though his new recruit couldn't see him. "10-4. Thanks."

"No problem."

Draco pulled up to the building, parking on the side of the road and getting out of his cruiser, looking at the trailer. "Dispatch, I've arrived at scene. Analyzing situation."

"10-4. Be safe."

All windows and shutters were closed. There was one light coming from a crack between the door window and the frame, where Draco could see a singular eye. "Trevor!" Draco called, placing on hand on his hip and his other up in the air. "Open up the door! I just wanna talk with you!"

"Go away, bastard! One step closer and both the girls are dead!"

"Let's just talk!" Draco repeated, halting his movements. "No one has to get hurt- Not you, not me, not the girls. Just have a talk with me, okay?"

"I have a gun! Stay back! You won't hurt me!"

"I'm not moving," Draco promised, holding his hands in the air. "No weapons either, see? How about you open the door for me?"

"Put your gun on the ground!"

"Trevor, I have backup coming, and they may not be as gentle with you as I am," Draco spoke slowly, letting the air of warning wash over Trevor. "As soon as backup arrives, there's no more talking it out. So why don't you open the door so that we can have a nice little chat, okay?"

Silence for a while, the crack between the window in the frame disappearing. Finally, the door slowly opened, creating a halo of light onto the street and front lawn. Standing amidst the glow was a 5'9, overweight man in a stained wife beater tank top and ratty blue jeans, holding a shotgun that was aimed directly for Draco's chest.

"Lets lower the gun," Draco spoke slowly, warningly. "If my men arrive on scene and you're threatening me with a firearm, they're legally permitted to protect me. If that means shooting you, they will do it. Don't be like this- None of us want to hurt you. Unfortunately, if you want to hurt us, then we have to defend ourselves. We have our own families to go home to, Trevor- I was 15 minutes away from going home to my son when I got this call. I want to see him again, and I'm sure you want to live too. So please, for the sake of all of us, put down the gun."

Trevor swayed, eyes narrowed defensively. "Why should I care about your kid? I'll kill that little shit too! I'll kill all of you!"

Draco grit his teeth, working on lowering his hands down to his waist. "Trevor, please. You're already facing five to seven years in prison. Don't make it twenty."

"I don' give a fuck! Why would I? You ain't taking me away anyways!"

Draco had almost made it- his hands were at his waist, about to grab his taser, but Trevor noticed. Just seven seconds too soon. Draco dropped and moved to roll behind his cruiser, but the shot rang out as the spray dug through the back of his uniform, making his vision white out for a second.

"Suspect has a gun, I repeat, Suspect has a gun. I've been shot, I need whoever's helping me to hurry the fuck up and get the hell down here!" Draco snapped into his radio, panting heavily as he pushed himself into a crouching position and using his cruiser for cover. "He's hostile, doesn't care if he hurts others. Be careful."

"P3, do you need an ambulance?"

"No, thanks. I can drive once he's taken care of."


He released his radio and peeped out from where he was hidden. Trevor was looking around, clearly intoxicated beyond belief as he screamed threats about killing all police and the kids.

Draco grabbed his taser, taking a deep breath as he formed fists and took a deep breath, his body screaming to get to the hospital, but he couldn't- not until Trevor was dealt with.

Carefully, Draco moved around behind his cruiser, taking a loop around the back so that he could get closer to Trevor without him realizing. 

Between him and Trevor, he estimated eight feet. His taser has a technical distance of ten feet, but it was much less accurate and he risked missing one of the prongs. One of them wouldn't take him down, considering how large the man was. 

Finally, another cruiser pulled up with the lights whirring, getting Trevor's attention. Draco leapt forward and fired the taser gun.

Trevor seized, body jerking aggressively before he fell backwards into his trailer, jerking aggressively.

"Move!" Draco shouted to the other officer, standing and rushing towards Trevor. The officer- Bradley Werther- took the shotgun away while Draco rolled the man onto his stomach, pinning his hands behind his back and cuffing him.

"Ashley, Bria!" Draco called, stepping into the trailer over Trevor's body, "where are you? You're free to come out!"

Tentatively, a brunette stuck her head out around the corner. Seeing Trevor handcuffed, she let out a sob of relief and rushed to Draco, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, thank you so much, oh goodness-"

"It's alright," Draco coaxed gently, even though her hands digging into his shell wounds didn't feel good. "You're both safe now. Do you girls have a family member or friend you can stay with for tonight?"

"Officer, you're bleeding!" The brunette gasped as her hands pulled away from the hug bloody. Draco winced.

"Ah, I'm sorry to get your hands all messed up. Why don't you two come out to my car really quick, we can get a statement, get you to a relative and clean you up?"

P12 and P28 had arrived and were tossing Trevor in the back of P12's cruiser, slamming the door shut before turning to Draco.

"We're radioing you an ambulance Draco, you're bleeding bad."

"I have things to do, Werther."

"Not when you're shot! We're going to do them, you just work on getting yourself to the hospital."

"I hate to say it," Freud cut in, "but he's got a point. You need medical attention ASAP."

"I will in a minute," Draco sighed, leaning into his vehicle and picking up a few sanitation alcohol wipes and handing them to the brunette, who took them and began washing down her hands and arms. "Okay, girls, I'm going to give you my personal cell number, okay? I want you to call that tomorrow so that I can get you in to make a statement. Neither of you are in trouble, we just want your account into things, alright?"

The girls nodded while Draco tore off a piece of paper, writing down his cell number and handing it to them. "Freud, will you take these girls to a relative or friend?"

"Of course," she answered immediately, putting away her clipboard. "C'mon girlies, let's get you home, alright?"

"Thank you, officer," the blond spoke up quietly, looking up at Draco. He just smiled and nodded while Freud got the girls situated in her cruiser and drove off.

Just as Draco was finishing up his own statement, and record of injury, he could feel the adrenaline wearing off. He cursed, swaying as he leaned into his car. Unfortunately, after the war, his wand was restricted to extremely rudimentary charms and spells, so it was of no use to him. Not to mention Werther was nearby.

When he stumbled, closing his eyes, for some strange reason, they wouldn't open again.

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