chapter 1: marrianne remembers

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Don't own anything Just ocs

Tristain author pov:

Ucav drone was sent to deliver a package to the tristain castle. Princess heard it coming it dropped a package through parachute musketeers guard her.

It plopped on the soft grass. The device turned on viewing a holographic message in there language. Henrietta stepped forward i read it.

Henrietta: they want me & the council including my mother. In 1 hour a shuttle will come to pick us up.

Agnes:  ....... Well remain here

Henrietta: indeed good idea

Agnes: ...... Huh...

Henrietta: knowing you....

Agnes overprotectiveness  will cloud her judgment. 1 hour ago hyper sonic shuttle came gxg - 7 soldiers secured the landing zones.

They got aboard the craft. & took off seatbelts in place secured.

Marriane: brimir i'm gonna be sick🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

Cardinal: excuse me ... Uhh .

Gxg - 7 officer: you been fine sir were on almost there

Henrietta looking at her mother in shock.


(Theme starts playing)

Shuttle approached the super carrier inside the most largest hanger bay you ever seen.

Its bigger even cruisers can fit in there. Fighter/space jets in a neat row mechs tanks oh my.

Shuttle landed. Captain taylor west waiting for them.

Gxg - 7 officer: okay were landed captain Taylor is waiting for you your highness you follow him to meet general shiro hauser.

The back door opened they all got wide eyed ( au note: forgot to mention louise's mother karin is with them)
They see metal dragon looking machines moving. Horseless carriages driving. Foot soldiers with strange muskets walking guarding.

Large walker tank walks by.

(6:25 - 6:33 only)

Taylor: welcome to the nahel adtratic i'm captain taylor west. I know you want answers so does general shiro he's up at the meeting come this way

Henrietta pov:

This is amazing. That 4 legged metal golem thing caught my interest. My mother was looking at something i turned to her direction.

Strange looking metal dragon sitting there being worked on or something.

My mother gasped...... Wait does she know something i don't.


We walked in the meeting room. Several people. That boy around my age (i blushed little) assuming that's shiro hauser.

Shiro: hello there i'm.....

Marrianne: SHIRO😱

Sounds like marrianne knows him

Shiro's past will reveal

Let me know you think



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