chapter 22: Eleanore x taylor

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Don't own anything

Just ocs

Vallerie estate taylor pov:

I woke up i couldn't find saito crosby & jeff. So i decided to take a stroll outside, nice clear skies with a few clouds only difference is roar of spacecraft jets echoing thru Halkgania.

I walked near landing area. Where Crosby's custom black chopper & saito's viper zero custom.

Karin & other noble made a outside hanger. Soon him & louise are moving out. Henrietta found a place for them.

Eleanore: you wish to explore our family estate?

I turned to around see her

Taylor: yeah. Can your mother lend a horse?

Eleanore: i have a better idea

She lead me to a large barn. I can smell something familiar in there. She opened the barn door. I see a manticore, Karin is a veteran manticore knight rider.

Taylor: manticore

Eleanore: wow you knew one?

Taylor: manticores are common where i come from. World similar to yours but more combine of magic & technology

Eleanore: yes it was called mendus magicus. Mother allowed me to take frieda

Tailor west: lets ride

Timeskip author pov:

Cattleya jeff saito louise Karin & crosby eating breakfeast outside. Jeff's wolf ears picked up he turns around charge up his ki.

Karin quickly grabbed his hand.

Karin: woah jeff. That's my manticore Eleanore is taking her out Taylor is with her

Jeff: manticore here. This planet is full of surprises😁😁😁

Cattleya wraps her arms around her suitors neck.

Cattleya: looks who's talking darling

Saito: its been so long since i seen one

Crosby: * drinking his coffee from his teacup * yeah i was what.... 28 when i last saw one

Louise: no fair she gets to ride her

Karin: till you control your temple she's a no no. Besides your suitor has a viper zero custom. Its high mobility speed & deadliest weapons like the others. Its a flying beast to you.

She blushed so did saito.

Taylor pov:

(Theme starts playing)

I'm having a good time of my life. Luckily ships & spacecraft tagged us as civilian. I came from a noble family myself. I joined the military long before ellie was born.

I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I blood froze a little bit.

Taylor: ahead

Eleanore: what?

I made her turn her head

Taylor: BRIDGE😱😱😱😱

Eleanore: PULL UP PULL OF😱😱😱😱

Frieda didn't instead she closed her wings & went through making ellie clutching my chest praying. We got through & used her tail to spray water at the women & few soldiers that are defending them from bandits & us.

Eleanore pov:

I spat water but i was angry but i laughed having a good time.

Taylor: she's crazy aren't you frieda

She giving him a purred in response

Eleanore: your a cat person?

Taylor: yep i am

I cuddled him.

Eleanore: isn't it romantic

Taylor: yes it is. I came from a noble family myself before i enlisted. I haven't had this fun for a very very long time. Thank you & most of all. I love you💞💞💞💞

I couldn't hold back my tears. We kissed, it felt so good, no man on this world had never given this affection. I better enjoy this moment.

Enjoy these moments before the big thing happens.


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