chapter 26:

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Don't own anything

Just ocs

Shiro Jeff & ryuga arrived at the scene. Shiro recognized new person.

Shiro: hibari?! What are you doing here?

Henrietta: you know her?

Saito: myself & shiro used to be her students. She's shinobi a ninja

Agnes: shi.. What

Ryuga: ninja. Soldiers of the shadows. Espionage, assassinations, they fight in the shadows, they remained very secret. They can summon animals like how Louise & other mages can summon familiars. Hibari is the master of hypnosis her eyes is called kagan

Cattleya: hypnosis mind control just like the water spirit's ring

Hibari was gonna say something translate in french but jack swung her sword at hibari but kagan caught it. With her bare hands & electrocute him knocking him out.

Damien angrily shouting heresy nonsense & founder crap. Henreitta moved fast. She grabbed his magical trumpet & smashed it in pieces agnes shoots her m9 gun at his arm.

Hibari throws jack jeannette at bleu shiro fired ki stun blast to pulverize them.

Radioman: " king shiro. Romalian wyvern riders closing in on the castle "

Louise: WHAT😱😱😱

Shiro takes off so did ryuga cattleya & Jeff. Henrietta looks at hibari.

Hibari: yes hibari can understand you.

Hibari explains why she chased after them. They been spilling bullshit cause havoc. 2 of her kids (yes she's married to mac brolin had older daughter & younger son) catched on to it.

Louise cast a void spell to open a green portal for her.

Hibari: saito. Good luck

Saito: i will sensei

Henreitta: anyways agnes

Agnes: all right on your feet * radios in a dropship *


Somewhere near the palace that is Now in a battle at the sky above romalian wyvern squadrons that our loosing.

Portal opened two figures  walked out. They can sense shiro & ryuga's location.

????: look

???: so is this where you been

Two mystery people arrived.

They will reveal next time


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