chapter 7: scramble ASAP

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Reconquista fleet had left albion. Crossing over the sea. Shuttle flew past them high speed. James gordan radioman & a mystery girl with the hat.

In tristain. Ryuga ran out with his full gear choosing his anti m99 sniper rifle. He gave her m4 modified.

Ryuga: your highness shuttle is waiting for you & the captain. Louise & saito are on route to join in. Your theory is right on the mark

Henrietta: thank you ryuga. So have you found closure?

Ryuga looked agnes looked back at her

Ryuga: damn right i did

Henrietta: * spoke french *

Ryuga: what's that?

Henreitta: nothing. Girl keeps her secrets😁

Shiro: i'm piloting FRXX. Once this is over. I'll give you the best council replacement. There will no more lies i see to that. 106th LETS ROCK IT

F2 fighter advance as two seats. Saito scram jet sequence. Louise wearing spare flight suit she had to tie her long pink hair into ponytail she puts her oxygen mask on. F2 came on.

Joe on the f14XXX (previous chapter)

Joe external speakers: << rob you sure not coming? >>

Robert: that's a negetive. Siesta wants to say please come back safely

Joe: << alright. Lugo out >>

Shiro inside of the FRXX super recon jet. Kenabe saluted to him next to him is jessica siesta's cousin. Henrietta & agnes's shuttle flew off the nahel Adratic.

Marrianne watch as tristain's freedom lead fighter jet takes off.

Theme ends:

Marrianne laughed at herself musketeers & knights cheered roar of jets echoing through the skies of tristain 2 dreadnoughts guarding their airspace.

Marrianne: shiro please lend us your strength

Reconquista will drown at sea.



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