Chapter 7

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*You , after having enough of Author's intimidating father Dante , decided to excuse themselves once more and followed the stranger into the hallway

*To no ones surprise , Villain was there , carrying something in their arms. You decided not to let her know that you were there and tapped your foot with annoyance

*You asked her where she was going and what was in her hands

Villain Maia : Gah ! The hell?! Whats your deal , I'm not doing anything !

*You weren't having any of her tsundere bullshit. You asked again with a more stern voice

Villain Maia : *scowls Actually fuckface , I stole a cookie from the kitchen so if you want to snitch then by all means , go ahead. Let me know when its time to go to the time out corner *teleports off

*Damn her ! Shes so annoying !

??? : Hey ! Y/N !

*You calmed yourself down and turned around and saw Author-Chan in a white almost angelic outfit

Author/Me : If your gonna ask , it wasn't my choice. I got a phone call from a neighbor of mine that was hosting a music show begging me to be the main dancer in his performance.
I was offered money so I just took the job. *sighs Even if ballet isn't my strong suit...

Well in any case , I completely understand if you don't wanna come see me sing. I wouldn't either if I'm being honest *snickered

I'll let you know how it goes if you don't wanna show. Wish me luck ! *teleports off

*What will you do dear Y/N ? Will you go to see her perform ? Or stay ?

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