Taimanin final Chapter: changes and back home.

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An: alright everyone this the last chapter for Taimanin than I gonna post a harem list from transformers after this so I hope you all enjoy this chapter because my brain is being overload with to many possibilities of how to add lemons here without Wattpad getting on my case.

(3rd person POV)

Location: prison cell

It be a few hours since Edwin Black defeat but thanks to Mind technology with Taimanin and UFS help they design a special prison cell for Edwin Black and handcuffs for transfer if Edwin Black is needed to move to meet. But once Cherno has finishes sentences all the remaining demons that is on Hadie hit list he then ask Hadie about Edwin Black which Hadie thought about it before smirking and told Cherno his plan. Once that done Cherno head to the Taimanin HQ and request the present of everyone with Edwin Black in cuffs which they did and once Edwin is in the room things were about to go to hell literally. Inside the meeting room is everyone with Cherno sit on a chair as Edwin is on his knees in front of Cherno "so what kind of punishment will I face oh great Overlord" Edwin said sarcastically. Cherno chuckle "I glad you ask sarcasm Edwin because" he said pointing to the left which everyone look towards to see four armor men.

"These four gentlemen are gonna bring you to your special prison deep underground where they will let you be torment under a pit of hell fire while they use crossbows to fire special blots right at you while the Templar's uses their magic of god light as I know that you will suffer for your entire life until the day you truly die" Cherno said. Edwin face is completely pale "I cannot be imprison!" He yell but Cherno chuckle "that where you wrong thank of it as an permanent lifetime where you be torment for all the pain and suffering you cause" he said. Edwin were then dragged towards a portal by the four armor knights "I will return!" Edwin yell only to be shot by a bolt which cause him to scream in pain. Edwin vanish into the portal along with the four armor men as it closes behind them which Cherno look at everyone with a smile "he is permanently gone" he said. Everyone cheer as the members of Taimanin and UFS celebrate but both Cherno, his lovers, his daughter and his friends return to the manor and gather their things but once they done with that Cherno told everyone to return to the manor as soon as the ones say their goodbyes to their families and friends. Cherno then left and head to the cafe to meet the chef but once he arrived he is surprise by the staff and everyone that be there since Cherno was there "we know we will meet again but think of this as thank you for saving us and giving us a new life" Dove said with a smile.

Cherno smile and spend a few minutes with everyone before giving Dove the device and left the Cafe but when he turn around to face the entire cafe Dove press the button and everyone including the building teleport to Neva. Cherno chuckle but when he turn around he face a mysterious man "um can I help you?" Cherno ask as the man chuckle "no mr Cegus or should I call you Cherno as my boss?" The man said. Cherno look completely confused until Nebulous explains everything to him which took a while but once Nebulous finishes Cherno nod his head "alright since you help me out I will be your boss but don't call me boss as that ain't how I work so instead call me Cherno when we are in front of my friends and allies but in front of enemies it Cegus alright?" Cherno said. Nebulous chuckle "yes Cherno I completely understand since I am your loyal butler Nebulous" Nebulous said with a bow as Cherno smile and grew his dragon wings. "Do you want to race me back at the manor Nebulous?" Cherno said with a smirk as Nebulous smile "oh it on sir" he said as both Cherno and Nebulous race to the manor in both teleportation and fly.

Both Nebulous and Cherno got to the manor at the same time which they both shake hands "well done sir it seems we both reach here at the same time" Nebulous said while Cherno chuckle. "Well Nebulous since you are gonna work for me I can give you the location where Neva is so that you can talk to Savo" Cherno said as Nebulous smile "alright sir" he said as Cherno gave him the location and Nebulous teleport there. Once he were teleport Cherno got his stuff including all of the villains stuff since he stole all of their stuff and wait for everyone which wasn't long. Once everyone is gather around Cherno he teleport everyone including their studff to the ship where a few of his lovers done the same thing as his first lovers which he find funny a little but he decided to head to the navigation controls while everyone storages their stuff. Cherno reach the control panels and sat at the chair before calling in Zokuto and Dahlia and telling them the locations of their business areas are at which they both are heading there now causing Cherno to smile and hang up then he set the coordinates to Neva.

Before he press enter he saw another music tape which he replace the old one and add the new music tape then he play the new one.


He smile and hit enter as they travel to Neva where his wife is waiting for him but unknowingly to him someone have discover about the marriage and is running towards the man who reaction will be priceless.

Location: Heaven earth version

The world which is rule by Hadie cousin is all peaceful and quiet "WHAT!" A male voice yell which came from a large and expensive manor is a young man name Matthew who is looking at the hell news lines. "Daughter of Hadie married to Cegus the Overlord!" Matthew said crumbling the news and throw it at a young angel eye hurting the angel as the angel cry and run away while Matthew is enrage. "She rejects me Matthew, Son of Zeus! For a worthless nobody call Cegus the Overlord!" He said as he punch a wall "I will not stand to this as that woman with that juicy body belongs to a filthy mortal!" He said. He call in his friends Dug and Ennis then told them to come to his place immediately then hung up and waits for a few minutes until the doorbell rings. He walk to the door open it and allow his friends Dug and Ennis to enter then all three enter the living room which Matthew punch another wall which surprise Dug and Ennis as they never seem him this mad in a long time. "Woah bro what happen?" Dug said as he try calming down Matthew who gave him the death stare "Have you two heard of the news about a marriage!" He said. Dug and Ennis look at each other confused "um what marriage?" Ennis said with a hint of annoyance as he is the man with knowledge "the marriage with Hadie daughter Freyja being wed to a mortal name Cegus!" Matthew said. Ennis and Dug look shock "are you sure it that this Cegus is mortal?" Dug said as Matthew look at him "Yes! Why!" He yell as Dug itch his head "um no offense but there no mortal by the name Cegus so whoever Freyja married to must be an powerful god" Dug said. Matthew laugh "don't be an fool Dug the hell news say Cegus the Overlord" Matthew said as he punch the same wall but Ennis gasp which cause the two gods to look at him.

"What with the gasp?" Dug ask as Ennis eyes is close which make the two gods sigh until Ennis open his eyes again "I gasp because there hasn't be an Overlord in 18 years!" Ennis said surprising Dug while Matthew roll his eyes. "So? I bet that this so call Overlord is nothing special" Matthew said as Ennis look at him seriously "if you didn't already know there be over a couple Overlords who were so ancient that even gods didn't stand a chance" Ennis said. Matthew eyes is filled with hatred "Impossible! No one isn't powerful as us the Gods!" Matthew yell "um not quite because there the ... titans and the primaries" Ennis said as Matthew just scowl "so? Our parents the Gods beat the titans!" He said. Ennis sigh "yes thanks to allies but the war lasts for five years! And don't forget our great grandparents who is all powerful" Ennis said "um if that true then what make this Cegus so powerful?" Dug ask. Both Ennis and Matthew thought of that important question Dug ask and came to no result "well no matter we will just go to hell and claim what is rightfully mine!" Matthew said. He hold out his hand and nothing happens "WHAT!" Matthew said looking confused "what?" Dug ask "my pathway to the room belonging to Freyja isn't working!" He said. Suddenly the three vanish and appears in front of a throne room where Matthew brother Mave sat on the throne "Brother! Why did you summon us!" Matthew yell.

Mave sigh "because of Hadie telling me you try to enter his daughter old room" Mave said Matthew got enrage "So! He cannot control us!" He said as Mave sigh and throw a bolt at Matthew who dodge in fright. "True but it his domain and beside his daughter is no longer living with him" Mave said surprising all three gods "say what!" Matthew yell while the other two look at each other speechless. "Yes and the reason I know is because he immediately told me about his daughter living with her true love and husband who is also a partner to Hadie as his partner is restoring the balance between hell and heaven" Mave said. Matthew grid his teeth "well do you know where she move in to!" He ask as Mave just shrug "I have no idea as it seems that wherever this world she is living in is beyond the powers of us gods" Mave said. Matthew mouth open in shock while the two gods look at each other as they are thinking the same thing "holy dang of a sweet mountain top" they thought. Matthew try thinking about getting his juicy woman prize back until he got an idea "Oh? Then isn't it our job to make sure that all life is judge by the gods instead of the mortals?" Matthew said which cause Mave to think. After a few seconds he nod "true so since this world isn't judge by us gods I allow you three to claim that world under the name of the gods but you three must try getting the people to join the gods" Mave said. Matthew and his three friends simile sinisterly as they nod then Mave open a portal to where the world Neva is location at and the three gods enter the portal as it closes while Mave sigh "The things I do for power and balance" he said.

An: alright everyone after the harem list is the chapters involving Cherno against Matthew son of Zeus while his new friends aka you the readers go face against Ennis and Dug so stay tune because the next chapters are gonna be a kicker ps I might decide to gave you all a child from one anime of all your choice so tell me which child do you want as your adopted child.

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