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AMBER SAT IN her cell, her body curled together as if crippling over in pain. Her purple hair was dead and had light grey streaks, her usually bright and exuberant blue eyes were now dull and lifeless.

Ambers face was sunken and if you took one glance at the girl you'd most likely think of her as dead. General Ross had brought her back to her cell around hour ago, causing an uproar from all the inmates after they took a look at the frail girl.

The girl flinched when the magnetic door opened, in walked Tony Stark. What kind of sick joke was this? Why was he here to rub it in their faces? Amber buried her head between her arms to conceal an upcoming sob as a sharp and painful shock ran through her body.

A loud ring of mock clapping filled the damp room.

"The futurist ladies and gentlemen! The futurist is here! He sees all, he knows what's best for you whether you like it or not" Clint called out, his tone filled with venom and hate.

"Give me a break Barton" Tony said tiredly walking towards the man who was sitting on his metal bed, "I had no idea they'd put you here, come on".

"Yeah well you knew they'd put us somewhere Tony" Clint replied bluntly,

"Yeah, but not some Supermax floating ocean pokey," Tony exhaled, "This place is for maniacs and-"

"Criminals Tony" Clint interrupted, "I think that's the word you're looking for. Right? It ain't used to mean me or Sam, Wanda or Amber, but here we are".

"Because you broke the law" Tony began, "Yeah, I didn't make you. You read it you broke it"

"Blah blah blah blah blah" Clint muttered trying to drown out Tony's irritating and condescending tone.

"You're all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don't understand why didn't you think about them before choosing the wrong side" Tony said walking away from his cell.

"You gotta watch your back with this guy" Clint called out in a monotonous tone hitting the bulletproof glass creating a loud bang. "Chance he's gonna break it".

"Hank Pym always said you can never trust a Stark" Scott said bitterly as Tony passed his cell,

"Sorry who are you?" Tony remarked as he walked on.

Tony stopped in front of the purple haired girls cell, his face soften at the sight. Amber was a mess.

"Come to gloat Stark?" Amber whispered venomously, her voice cracking slightly.

"Amber, you could've been a normal girl. I could've sent you to a school in New York. I-" Tony started,

"Cut the crap Tony," Amber said tiredly looking up at the man. Her eyes were blue and black with bruises as were her arms and legs and she had a long thin cut down her face.

"You and I both know I would've been sent up state for testing, you know that. So don't you dare come in here with all your 'I'm so great, I was right' speeches, because in all honesty nobody gives a damn." Amber half yelled weakly.

"Your worst nightmare, it was losing the team, right? I remember it clearly that day when I helped you take down Ultron. Sorry to break it to you but you brought the nightmare on yourself".

"Amber, I can get you out of here. I can put you under supervision" Tony rambled softly, he never meant for the girl to end up like this.

"And leave without the others? That's sick, you think I'd leave my family alone to rot in a underwater prison?" She replied harshly.

"No" Tony sighed,

"I don't think I ever told you my worst nightmare. No I never did. Well this is it, Welcome to my nightmare. My brother dead, my sister still goddamn hating me and all the rest of my new-found family being ripped apart" She yelled, letting out a stifled cry.

Tony was silent. He didn't know what to say, th-this girl was the one most affected by all this. She may not have shown it a whole lot but she was, she always has been.

"They're torturing us Tony" Amber said, her anger burning out, "Cutting our food supply, running experiments on me. Beating the crap out of all of us. And where were you? Hmm? Sitting in your nice recliner in the facility, with only a few bruises and cuts"

"My best friend was almost killed, he fell from 500m from the ground, couldn't stop himself, hit the dirt pretty hard" Tony sighed,

"Rhodes will be fine, he'll recover" Amber told him. When it came to people close to you almost dying and or actually dying, she didn't argue or tease them.

"Yeah well, I hope" Tony sighed, "You gonna be ok?"

"No," Amber replied emotionlessly, "but then again was I ever?"

"I guess not. We shouldn't have dragged you into this Amber not after Pietro. I had a plan that if this worked out I could enroll you in a school down in Brooklyn" Tony apologised,

"What's done is done. I made my choice and I don't regret it, Bucky is an innocent man" she said tears building in her eyes,

"I should've believed you"

Amber froze. Did Tony Stark just admit to being wrong?

"Barnes is innocent, but I need to talk to Sam about it" Tony mumbled,

"Stay strong kid, I believe in you"

"Yeah, yeah" Amber half chuckled angrily, "That belief died away when you signed those accords and we didn't"

Tony looked down and without another word he left the girl alone.

Amber stayed in a curled up position until she heard Tony leave before closing her eyes and letting sleep overcome her.


AMBER AWOKE TO THE sounds of footsteps approaching the cell block. Her eyes widened at the tall man walking towards her. As he stepped into the light, Ambers face brewed up a weak smile.

Steve Rogers, the man himself, stood in front of her cell. He motioned for her to step away from the door as he broke the lock. Amber leaned against the wall feebly, her legs weak, Steve wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her.

She fell into his grasp, Amber let a tear slip, as she stepped out of the cell.

The rest of the team was surrounding the two, All of them distraught and beaten to the pulp.

They all knew they shouldn't leave, it would be dangerous and if they were caught, death would be the consequence.

It was daring, it was extraordinary,

It was spontaneous........



This book has been a ride, and I'm so grateful that all of you have come along on this journey, I love you all 💓

The next part of this book will be very important so I need you to please read it and answer some of the questions asked.

Thank you, for everything,

And until next time, I'll see ya soon ;)

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