(22) Evermore Chapter Two Stuff I'm Not Using

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George had his gun pointed at the wolf - no, he had it pointed at Ruby. Suddenly it was flung from his hands by an arrow, and a large burst of flame erupted. Ruby snarled, and the crowd turned to look up. Rain, standing with August, could see that Granny was standing on top of a car, crossbow in hand.

'The next one goes between your eyes.' She yelled.

'Ruby!' David cried out. Beetle followed behind him, holding on tight to the hand that wasn't in possession of Ruby's cloak.

'Why are you protecting her?' Someone in the crowd heckled. 'We're not sheep, David!'

'Listen to me! Ruby didn't kill Billy.' David then turned to George, and pointed at him. 'He did. He stole her cloak, and killed Billy in cold blood, to make it look like a wolf. All to get you to think that I wasn't leading this town as I should.'

'Bastard.' Beetle mumbled.

Ruby then growled rather loudly, and the crowd around Beetle and David shrieked; stumbling backwards.

'Hold up! Somebody already died today, because of what this man did. Let's not spill more blood. She won't hurt anyone.'

'She's just scared.' Beetle added.

'You think you'll be okay here by yourself?' David whispered. Beetle nodded in response.

So, David stepped away from the mob and walked towards the container where Ruby had placed herself.


'Oh, thank you.' Beetle said, as August pulled them up off the ground. They'd fallen over in the ensuing chaos from when Spencer had knocked Granny out and ran off.

'What happened?' David asked. 'Where's Spencer?'

'He's gone.' Granny replied. 'Go.'

'We'll help keep the crowd calm.' Rain stated.

David then walked to his car with [..]

[ Author's Note ]

An update is coming soon!!

31st March 2023

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