Day 4-Shopping For And/Or Wrapping Gifts-Japan x Reader

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England-Arthur Kirkland
Italy-Feliciano Vargas
Japan-Kiku Honda
Romano-Lovino Vargas

(Y/n)-Your name
(H/c)-Hair colour
(E/c)-Eye colour

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Come on (Y/n), we need to get to the shops before arr the good presents are gone!" My boyfriend Japan says grabbing our shopping bags

"Yes, Yes I'm coming," I say grabbing my purse and following him out the door

Kiku and I both forgot that Christmas was coming sure to Alfred's hyper attitude towards thanksgiving and Halloween that it's easy to forget other holidays.

We pull our warm winter coats on and head to the car. Kiku doesn't like anyone else driving for him thanks to a fun experience with Feliciano. I begin to write a list of presents we can get our friends and family.

We arrive at the mall and I can see just how busy it is. It takes us twenty minutes just to find a car park. When we finally find one we park and hop out of the car. Together we walk to the main entrance and inside it looks like, a war zone. There are people everywhere and they are all in complete mayhem.

"Werr (Y/n) where do we go first?"Kiku asks me

"How about Target? We can pick up those things for Feli and Lovi." I offer

He nods and we walk together to Target. I look down at his  hand I kind of want to hold it but I can't. He doesn't like people touching him, even me. I mean we have kissed a few times but they were at special times like on my birthday and our anniversary. I wonder what it would be like if he was more affectionate...

We make it to Target and thankfully it's a little calmer inside. We walk over to the toy section and pick up some Italy themed LEGO pieces. I know Lovi likes LEGO because it calms him. Feli likes LEGO because they are toys.

We pick up the perfect presents for a few of our friends and head to the checkouts to pay. As we take a few steps out from Target I realise I'm alone. I turn frantically trying to find Kiku but I can't see him.

Cons of being short I guess. Ugh what should I do? I take a few steps and lean against the wall. I guess I should just continue shopping and find Kiku later.

I head over to one of the other stores and look through some jigsaw puzzles for Arthur. I wonder where Kiku got off to...

Japan's P.O.V.
Where did (Y/n) go? She was here just a few seconds ago. This is so strange. I guess I should try and find where she went.

I try to take a step i to the crowd when I am pushed back. Ugh I hate it when people touch me, except for (Y/n).

As I turn around I see a flash of (h/c) hair. I follow is quickly and I tough the persons shoulder. They turn around and my heart sinks when I see it isn't my cherry blossom.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone erse." I apologise bowing

I quickly walk away and feel more and more trapped, where on earth is (Y/n)?

"Kiku?" A soft voice asks behind me

I turn to meet the (e/c) eyes of (Y/n) and I smile slightly.

"There you are, I was looking for you." I smile

"Sorry I found some good presents for Arthur." She giggles

"Werr rets hord hands so we don't get separated again." I offer

"Really?" She asks surprised

I nod and she softly takes my hands in hers.

"Well then, let's continues shopping!" She says and pulls me along behind her

Her hand is warm... it's nice. I let out a soft smile and walk after her. She makes me feel so happy.

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