㊉㊄ | Tale of the Gods [5]

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[ camilla cabello - real friends ]

"Hey! My name's Blaze!"
The said boy extends a hand for the other brunette to shake, as golden eyes slightly widened at the friendly offer. "You look so lonely. Is it your first time here? Are you a new student?"

"I-I'm Solar.." He replies with a small voice, staring at the hand awkwardly, "Um, yes. I'm a transfer student from Kuala Lumpur."

"Are you going to leave me hangin'?" Blaze frowns in a joking manner, but this was left unnoticed as Solar's orbs further replicated saucepans. Their hands intertwined with each other and he shakes it firmly.

Solar's lips blossomed into a soft smile.

"Nice to meet you then, Blaze."

note : this is a continuation after blaze and
solar had that bigass fight, hope you remember.

"Hi." Blaze scowls at the sight of his ex-friend standing right in front of his bedroom. Solar was just there, without his visors, brown hair unnaturally unkept and with a crooked smile. "Do you mind letting me in? I want to talk with you."

"Get the hell away from me." His voice strains.

Hearing this made the golden-orbed teen chuckle, sadly, "I know you hate me for what happened yesterday, but I'm here to apologize. Again."

Orange irises diluted slightly, and Blaze heaves a sigh, opening the wooden door ajar. "You better make that quick. I'm not the only one busy here."

"Thanks, buddy." Solar says, met with silence.

He clears his throat to get rid of any nervousness and tries to get Blaze to look at him, to which the teen looked away instead, eyes pointed to the ground. "Look, I know I've crossed the line and stuff and this might just be our first serious fight."

"Get to the damn point. I don't want to hear your petty arguments and reasons anymore. We've gone past that stage. Act like a man, Solar."

"Not Sunny anymore, huh?" He replies, shoulders drooping.

Blaze rolls his eyes in annoyance. It's been a rough few weeks, with him being tossed into the Royal's headquarters unwillingly, and Cyclone getting reincarnated. Thunderstorm somehow grew closer to him, which is a good point, but he still felt slightly afraid of the guy whenever he's around.

Earthquake came back to life, with the secret of being in Thorn's body. Thorn and Solar were long lost twins, separated in two different worlds. He holds his head in his hands, feeling the weight of the world burdened down on his shoulders.

"I'm not going to say much," The boy sitting opposite of him says, hands clasped together. "Do you remember the time when we solved the mystery case together? About 3 years ago?"

Huffing, Blaze nods. The least he could do is respond with some kind of body language. After all, Solar is still a friend. He's just not forgiven yet.

"The rumor that was going around, that whoever went to the rooftop would see a ghost, and end up getting killed the same way that Cyclone did? The same place that.. Ice killed himself, decades ago?"

"Get straight to the point, dumbass."

Solar relaxes in his seat. The familiar insult was a small step to mending their relationship again. "We solved that together, and changed the rumors. Ice is safe now."

Blaze plays with the earring hanging from his right ear, eyes casted towards Solar's smiling figure. "So what?"

"That time when you saved me from falling.."

"You could've died, idiot."

"Yeah." The grinning boy's smile widened, "But I didn't. I should've known that you were a Wonder, back then. The distance between us was 5 metres. How did you manage to close that in just a second? I guess it has to do with supe-"

The Third Wonder couldn't help but sigh softly, putting the side of his face onto his palm. "You're rambling again, about physics. It's not working."

"Your behavior says otherwise." Solar beams.

"Cih," Blaze turns away, ears turning red. "No it doesn't."

"It's something to think about, alright? I never knew that my best friend was a supernatural. Or at least, you act like one. Since Thorn told me about your powers and Ice's demand for teaching you.."

"Whatever. Are you done talking now?"

Solar ignored him and continues, "I'm just curious about why you decided to become a Wonder. Is there a secret? Like some kind of formulae, maybe? That's exactly why I asked you about your background."

Seeing how the latter literally had sparkles in his eyes, the Wonder couldn't just tear away his vision from that. Something about the teen had attracted him. Some kind of energy, a charisma.

He just didn't have the heart to say no, this time.

"What a bother." Blaze murmurs under his breath, inaudible.

"What did you say? Sorry I didn't catch that."

"I said that you're a pussycat for not asking me the first time we met, you expired amygdala." The brunette lolls his head to the left, sternly. "And fine. I'll tell you. Just this once."

"Really?" Solar's brows jumped in surprise.

Blaze's finger twitched. "Don't expect much from my past. This doesn't mean that I've forgiven you yet, rat."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." The other replies, far too happy that Blaze had finally opened up to him, after all these years. "I'll keep quiet. You keep on talking." He says, crossing his legs upon another.

With another exhale, the story starts.

"My mother came from the Royals family. She ain't famous but she's known in the family for being the only person who's unable to physically exterminate a supernatural. You could say that she doesn't fit to become an excorcist.

One day she met my father. He's a low-rank demon that happened to be here because of.. some unknown reason. Anyway, he met my mom, they fought, and neither won."

Blaze drums his fingers on the chair's sidearm, "Somehow they kept on meeting. Days, weeks, months, they'd see each other in the most unexpected places, until one day, my mother fell into an illness."

"Oh." Solar expressed, gulping. "That's unfortunate."

"Yeah, well they brought her to the doctors. They said that it's an undiagnosed, terminal sickness that's been going on and taking place in her body for a while. It's weird because she had no allergies, no infections, nothin. It came out of nowhere. Poof, I'm here- just like that, you know?

Then my father met my mom again in this weird coffee shop and told her that he could sense something on her. She screamed, Boy you freaky, smelling me and all that. And he said, Well it ain't my fault I got a sensitive nose!

They somehow fought again but then my mother lost halfway through because she started coughin' blood. My dad panicked because he thought he injured her, then he ran to the hospital, carrying her."

"This sounds like your parents' love story."

"It's not even close." Blaze shakes his head, "You better believe what happens next. Apparently demons were not allowed to hurt humans, even spirit hunters, because it would hurt them back."

Solar hummed, intrigued. "That's something new."

"So yeah, my father was all, Oh crap doctor, I think I might've accidentally stabbed her, please save her. And the medical peeps be lookin' at him weird cuz my mom coughed blood due to the overuse of her powers and it ain't his fault! They said, Sir I think you're mistaken, there's no wounds.

My dad, being the stubborn man he is, cried and begged for the doctors to save her because he do be scared of God's punishment. I'd do anything, even scrub the toiletbowls, just please don't let her die, at least not because of me.

Mama who heard him woke up and started cursing at him, Freaky demon! Get the hell out of here, I ain't wanna see your butthole face no more!"

"Let me guess." The brunette massages his temples at the swarm of dramatic soap opera heading his way. "Your father said oh thank hell and then left her?"

Blaze gawks at him, "I wouldn't be born then, stupid."

"Right," Solar's mouth ran dry. "Do continue."

"You're not entirely wrong. He did say oh thank hell, but then he looked in my mum and said, oh holy crap, I think that I might've gotten you pregnant on accident. Which kinda explains her symptoms like nausea and also periodical anger.

Anyway you might be as confused as I am, but this has something to do with their blood getting mixed together. My dad came from this weird bloodline where his blood holds the power of life or somethin."

"So.. you were born because of their blood?"

"That's what they said." Blaze shrugs, "I don't know if it's true, and it sounds bizzare but I'm not complaining. I can't deny the truth either, so.."

"That explains your powers then?"

The Third Wonder nods and raises a hand, flames bursting on it. "They call this the Flames of Hell, because it reaches a degree that this world's fire wouldn't reach. If the story was true, then I might've inherited my dad's powers."

"Doesn't that mean you have the blood of life too?" Solar asks, leaning forward. "And who's they?"

"The file records in the library. After Ice dropped me off at home, he went back to the building to find some documents about me. That's what it said. I just dramatized it, but I basically come from a bond that isn't supposed to happen."

"You didn't answer my first question."

Blaze gets up, patting Solar on the shoulder and twists the doorknob open, "I didn't reply because I don't know the answer to that. Time's up, Sunny."

lol just a reminder for those who are confused, chapters that are from the past ("flashbacks") are the timez when blaze had NO IDEA about his family at all. but in the present ("now"), he finally uncovers the truth after coming to the Royal's place and from ice, who stole/took the documents.

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