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251. The play was very boring ............ they walked out.

a. although

b. so that

c. since

d. so

→ d

252. I couldn't unlock it .............. I had the wrong key.

a. because

b. so that

c. since

d. so

→ a

253. He agreed to go climbing .............. he hated heights.

a. although

b. in case

c. since

d. because

→ a

254. He got a new alarm clock .................... he'd get up on time.

a. although

b. so that

c. since

d. so

→ b

255. He hasn't written to us ................. he left.

a. as long as

b. since

c. by the time

d. as soon as

→ b

256. She'll only do the job .............. you pay her more.

a. before

b. after

c. if

d. while

→ c

257. I never take an umbrella ............... it's raining heavily.

a. when

b. whenever

c. if

d. unless

→ d

258. It rained, which spoiled our picnic; but if it ............................ it ............. a

great success.

a. didn't rain / would be

b. had rained / would have been

c. hadn't rained / would have been

d. rained / would be

→ c

259. I live in a pleasant room ............... the garden.

a. overlook

b. to overlook

c. overlooking

d. overlooked

→ c

260. I hope they ................ this road by the time we come back next summer.

a. repaired

b. will repair

c. would repair

d. will have repaired

→ d

261. The book is divided into five parts and each of these ................ three


a. have

b. has

c. will have

d. had

→ b

262. Norman E. Borlaug was the first agricultural scientist to ................. the

Nobel Peace Prize.

a. receive

b. have

c. take

d. accept

→ a

263. The building of the new bridge will ................ as planned.

a. go up

b. put up

c. go out

d. go ahead

→ d

264. I see the price of bread has .............. again.

a. gone up

b. put up

c. gone out

d. fallen out

→ a

265. He was caught shop - lifting but since this was his first offence he was

.............. with a warning.

a. gone out

b. gone ahead

c. fallen out

d. let off

→ d

266. She ............... her father; everyone says how alike they are!

a. takes after

b. takes off

c. falls out

d. lets off

-> a

267. There was a power cut and all the lights .....................

a. went up

b. put up

c. went out

d. went ahead

→ c

268. You look upset, Sven. Have you and Inger ................ again?

a. gone out

b. gone grey

c. fallen out

d. let off

→ c

269. Paul, do you think you could .................. me ................ for the night? It's a

bit too late to go home now.

a. let me off

b. go me out

c. fall me out

d. put me up

→ d

270. Children made their hair ......................

a. go out

b. go grey

c. fall out

d. let off

→ b

271. Mexico changed from a country with a wheat ............... to one that was a

wheat exporter.

a. lack

b. length

c. shortage

d. inadequacy

→ c

272. Charlie Chaplin was not an instant .................. in Hollywood.

a. succeed

b. successful

c. success

d. unsuccessful

→ c

273. I got a very .................... welcome when I finally arrived.

a. enthusiastic

b. enthusiasm

c. enthusiastically

d. enthusiast

→ a

274. I'm looking for a ...................... job.

a. temporality

b. temporize

c. temporary

d. temporal

→ c

275. In 1829, Morse sailed ................ Europe to study classic art in Italy.

a. to

b. for

c. in

d. at

→ a

276. Was it Bell who ..................... the telephone?

a. invented

b. discovered

c. creased

d. made

→ a

277. The rulers of Viet Nam's last imperial line, the Nguyen Dynasty, all came

from .............. family.

a. same

b. the same

c. different

d. the other

→ b

278. When a body enters the earth's atmosphere, it travels ...............

a. very rapidly

b. in a rapid manner

c. fastly

d. with great speed

→ a

279. Thank you for bringing me along. I never thought Shakespeare could be so

............. fun.

a. many

b. much

c. few

d. some

→ b

280. You should say ................ and do .................

a. many / few

b. much / little

c. few / many

d. little / much

→ d

281. Very .............. people knew about it.

a. few

b. less

c. much

d. little

→ a

282. He is a man of ............... words.

a. less

b. little

c. fewer

d. few

→ d

283. In 1927 Charlie Chaplin received a public ................... from Hollywood in the

form of a special Oscar.

a. apologize

b. apologise

c. apology

d. apologizer

→ c

284. ................. heard about the book, but ............... read it.

a. Many / few

b. Much / little

c. Many / little

d. Few / Fewer

→ a

285. "Do you know English?" "Just ..........................."

a. much

b. many

c. little

d. less

→ c

286. She has very .................. knowledge of the matter.

a. few

b. little

c. some

d. many

→ b

287. The forces were unequal, they were .............. we were ...............

a. many / few

b. much / little

c. few / much

d. little / much

→ a

288. We have imported ...................... computers this year than last year.

a. few

b. less

c. fewer

d. many

→ c

289. There has been .............. demand for computers this year than last year.

a. few

b. little

c. fewer

d. more

→ d

290. Always make sure your luggage has ................. on it when you travel.

a. a card

b. a cartel

c. a label

d. a traveling-bag

→ c

291. Last December the boss gave all his ................ a bonus.

a. employ

b. employable

c. employee

d. employees

→ d

292. Are you sure we're going in the right .................?

a. direct

b. directly

c. direction

d. directed

→ c

293. My new car is more .............. than the one I had before.

a. economy

b. economical

c. economic

d. economics

→ b

294. He works as an ................. for a local firm.

a. electric

b. electricity

c. electrician

d. electronic

→ c

295. I've been .................. since I must find work soon.

a. unemployed

b. employed

c. employable

d. unemployable

→ a

296. She studied ................. at university.

a. economy

b. economical

c. economic

d. economics

→ d

297. The price of ................. has gone up again.

a. electric

b. electricity

c. electrician

d. electronic

→ b

298. Her ............... was so angry at her attitude that he fired her.

a. employ

b. employer

c. employers

d. employing

→ b

299. She looked ................ at me as she said it.

a. direct

b. directly

c. direction

d. directed

→ b

300. On my salary we have to live as ....................... as possible.

a. economy

b. economical

c. economically

d. economic

→ c

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