Hug The Sun

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Head on my lap, legs out the window of the van. Take a hundred polaroids of our hand in hand.


Pack your bags we're going tonight
you will fall asleep on my lap while I drive
We're going out of town
Do you see the lights down the road
hanging on the horizon
We are running and chasing
meeting up with strangers on our way
then you'll tell them our stories
and I say we gotta hurry
because Bangkok and Haiti
Rhodes and Pompeii
Cairo and Nagasaki –
none of those can wait
we gotta go hugging the Sun.

Hey baby, wanna go with me?
We can conquer the galaxy
Live on luck and skills
survive bad days on drugs and pills
pour whiskey down under the tires
and let our laughters fly
We'll redecorate our van every time
entering a new place
stripes, polka dots, camouflage, ombre
turn it into a rainbow and join the São Paulo Pride Parade
Taste mangosteen on my lips
while we dance around the Pribumi campfire
Sing an off-key version of Star Spangled Banner
and behind the wheel let our hands entwine
Hold my fingers tightly, tenderly
around a can of spray paint
and graffiti our names on the Great Wall
I'll give you a DIY flower crown in St Paul's Cathedral
then on the streets of Bueno Aires we'll try our tango
you'll step on my toes, and I'll step on yours
but none of us is wearing heels so it's alright
Break into Teatre Lliure at night
and sing me your favourite musical pieces
Notre Dame de Paris, Hamilton, Les Mis,
in your casual clothes, be my leading lady
and I'll be your most loyal audience,
and I'll watch you reaching to the Sun.
So baby tie your hair up, make a hairbun
slip in your sneakers, we're gonna run.

And I will love you like it's the first day
love you like it's the last day
Fill our lives with memories of lights
Fill our van with polaroids on the way
We'll snuggle every night
with my hands on your back
and your hands on mine
Spend the days chasing the Sun
and the nights hugging it to sleep
Make the sky our blanket
Make the steppe our bed
Grass and wild blooms would be our mattress
So nod
and take my hand.


Sun, 11/09/2016.

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