You Literally Blinded Me ←CaptainPiper→

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"Where the hell are my glasses!" Hartley yells stumbling into the shared living room, blindly grabbing for things to steady him.

"Hartley!" Lisa squeals when Hartley accidentally grabs her breast trying to find the couch.

"Once I find my glasses I'm boiling my hand" he says shuddering.

Hartley finishes his battle to the couch, while simultaneously starting a new battle. Trying to find a spot. It takes two shouts of "hey I'm sitting here" before Shawna decides to teleports to a new spot sacrificing hers for Hartley.

"Where the hell are your glasses?" Mark asks still pissed that Hartley sat on his lap.

"If I knew I'd be wearing them you dipshit" Hartley spits angrily.

"Who's the dipshit?" Axel asks sauntering in wearing a shit-eating grin.

"Mark" Lisa and Shawna say in unison, they glance at each other smirks gracing their faces.

"Axel did you take my glasses, is this one of your fucked up pranks?" Hartley says looking in Axel' general direction.

"No taking your glasses is boring, I'm all theatrics, so no I didn't take your precious glasses" Axel smiles plopping down in Hartley's lap.

"Then who did?" He asks throwing Axel to the floor. "Lisa did you take them to get back at me for eating the last of the ice cream?" He asks desperate.

"No but I'm still angry at you" she spits.

"Mark did you take my glasses?" Hartley asks grasping at straws.

"Why would I steal your fucking glasses, they have no value" he spits raising his voice.

Leonard walks out of his bedroom bothered by the ruckus coming from the living room. "What's the problem now?" He asks clearly annoyed with his Rogues.

"Somebody stole my glasses and I can't see anything" Hartley explains.

Everybody starts yelling, telling Leonard that they didn't steal his glasses.

"Everybody shut up" Leonard says rubbing his temples. The talking ceases immediately.

"Somebody had to have taken Piper's glasses if they're missing" Leonard said stepping forward.

"Somebody better fess up or el-" Leonard stopped mid sentence due to the unmistakable crack underneath his foot.

"Please tell me those aren't what I think those are" Hartley squeaks knowing that sound all too well.

"Well if you think they are Lisa's new Prada sunglasses, then no it's not what you're thinking" Leonard says picking up the now broken glasses.

"My glasses, you broke my glasses!" Hartley yells "I'm blind until I can order a new pair, but I can't order a pair if I can't read!" Hartley says his words smothered by his hands.

"I'm sure someone would be willing to help you fill out the form" Leonard says waving off Hartley's concern.

"I can't see shit" Hartley says "how can I do heists if I can't even find my way around the apartment" he argues.

"What do you want me to do be your guide dog until you have your new glasses?" Leonard asks sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Yes" Hartley says looking towards Leonard "that's exactly what I want you to do"

"You're joking right?" Leonard drawls exasperated.

"No, I'm not joking Leonard. You literally blinded me" Hartley answers

"I'm the leader of this team, I have better things to do than lead you everywhere" Leonard says tired of this conversation.

"Then who is going to help me, if you even mention Axel's name I'll stumble to the nearest window and jump out" he says angrily.

"I'm right here!" Axel cries in mock hurt.

"Over dramatic rich brat" Leonard mumbles in a voice most wouldn't be able to hear.

"And you're an egotistical jerk who broke my glasses" Hartley says standing up angrily.

"Better watch who you snap at Piper" Leonard warns.

"Or what you'll kill me?" Hartley asks sarcastically "Do it then kill me" he says while Leonard pulls out his cold gun pointing it at Hartley.

"Don't tempt me" Leonard says starting his gun.

"I thought the Rogues had a code about killing one another" Axel says stepping in front of Hartley.

"You're right. I'm sorry Hartley, I lost my cool" he says surprising everybody, Leonard has never called Hartley by his first name.

"I'll help you until your glasses are ready" Leonard replies walking out of the room.

"How are you supposed to help him if you're in your office?" Lisa asks catching him off guard.

"I'll take him with me, I'm planning our next heist" he says walking towards Hartley. His words cause everybody to gasp because nobody not even Lisa had been in his office.

Hartley takes the arm extended to him and lets Leonard lead him. Once they enter the room Hartley looks around as if he could actually see.

"If I could see I'd tell you this was a fabulous office" Hartley says in the most stereotypical voice he can muster.

"Just sit here" Leonard says grabbing Hartley and sitting him in a chair "try not to talk" he says looking at some blueprints.

Hartley listens for about fifteen minutes, until he can't stand the 'silence' anymore.

"Okay I'm going to go crazy if you don't at least try to make small talk with me" Hartley complains.

Leonard sighs turning to look at Hartley "how do I look?" He asks sarcastically.

"Asshole" Hartley says laughing "judging from every other time I've seen you, I'd say you look cold and pissed off" he smiles earning a small smile from Leonard that he can't see.

"Well the cold never bothered me anyways" Leonard says in an attempt at humor.

"Was that a sense of humor I just heard" Hartley teases. "I thought you hated frozen" he says remembering the Redbox fiasco last week.

"It wasn't that bad, but I would never give anybody the satisfaction of knowing that I liked it though" Leonard says waving Hartley off.

"You told me" Hartley says with a spark of mischief.

"And now I'll have to kill you" Leonard said with a chuckle, which is a rarity for Captain Cold himself.

"Was that a laugh? Did Leonard Snart just laugh?" Hartley jokes reaching for his shoulder. "Where are you, I can't judge how far you are from me" he says his arms still out in front of him.

Leonard reaches out grabbing Hartley's hands. He bring Hartley's surprisingly soft hands to his face. Sort of like you would do for a bilnd person.

"I'm right here" he whispers while Hartley's hands roam his face curiously.

"You need to shave" Hartley comments while running his fingers around his jawline.

Hartley's fingers find Leonard's lips accidentally, when Leonard doesn't snap he decides to rub his fingers across them.

"I'll bet he's a good kisser" Hartley accidentally says out loud, not that he realizes until he can feel Leonard's warm breath on his fingers catch and go cold.

Hartley pulls his fingers back a blush gracing his cheeks. "I can't believe I said that out loud" Hartley usually keeps his comments to himself, nobody seemed to think that Hartley looked twice at Leonard. Until now.

Leonard puts his callused hands to Hartley's soft smooth skin. "What are you doing?" Hartley asks his face going hot.

"It's my turn" Leonard says while his fingers explore Hartley's face.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're running a fever instead of blushing madly" Leonard jokes his hands caressing Hartley's red cheeks. "Your skin is so soft" he says absentmindedly.

"I moisturize" Hartley says his hands hanging awkwardly by his side.

Leonard finally reached Hartley's plump lips. Dragging his fingers across the bottom lip he smirks. Before he roughly pinches his bottom lip tugging it out as if he was biting his lower lip.

Hartley gasps at the sensation. He nips Leonard's fingers lightly. Hartley can feel Leonard getting closer, he can start to make out some of Leonard's features. They're only centimeters apart. Breath mixing together.

Leonard leans forward to close the distance when someone roughly knocks on the door. "Who's making dinner tonight, it was Hartley's turn but he can't see" Mick gruffly yells through the door.

Leonard and Hartley let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. "We'll just order out, Hartley gets to choose" Leonard says taking a step back.

"Way to throw me under the bus" Hartley mutters to Leonard knowing ordering something everybody likes is a disaster waiting to happen.

They walk out of the office separated from each other. "We're getting Chinese no if's, and's, or but's" Hartley says reaching for the couch.

"Don't sit down, Axel puts a shocker on the cushion" Leonard says while Axel pouts.

"Thanks" Hartley says while Axel gets rid of it. Hartley sits down, and the bickering begins.

Two hours later and an arrangement of multiple take out dishes sat in front of everybody. Finally they started eating.

Axel smiles before throwing some of his chow mein at Shawna, but Shawna seeing it coming teleports to Mark's lap and the noodles connect with Leonard's face.

Everybody gasps while Leonard sits stock still. Suddenly he grabs a handful of Hartley's rice and chucks it at Axel. A food fight ensues, by the time it's over they're laughing and still hungry.

"I'm taking a shower" Hartley says covered in Shawna's salad dressing.

"Aren't you going to need help?" Lisa asks curiously.

"It's like a dream come true, a man helping Hartley shower" Mark says laughing harshly, while Lisa and Shawna both hit him.

"I can shower without help, I just need somebody to turn on the water" he says walking towards the hallway.

Axel sticks his foot out and catches Hartley's legs, Hartley falls while Axel and Mark snicker.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Lisa and Leonard yell in unison.

"Why do you care Leonard? Did you and Hartley share a gay moment?" Mark sneers.

"Why are you acting so homophobic Mark, did you forget that your room is right next to mine. I can hear you and Axel, when you guys think that nobody is awake" Leonard says watching the blood drain from both Axel and Mark's face.

"I called it" Hartley says from the ground "I knew my gaydar wasn't broken" he says rolling over and getting up.

"I-i'm not gay" Mark stutters clearly embarrassed.

"You act like we're going to judge you because of your sexuality" Mick pipes up gruffly "Hartley is a homosexual, Axel is a pansexual, you're a bisexual I'm guessing" he says clearly not caring.

"I told you nobody would care Cloudy" Axel said beaming.

"Shut up" Mark replies still embarrassed.

"Cloudy that's cute" Shawna says "what do you call him?" She asks curiously.

"He calls me Loki Charms" Axel smiles excitedly.

"Cloudy and Loki Charms, that's adorable I can tell you guys care about each other" Lisa says smirking.

"Well now that we've established everyone's sexuality can someone start the water for my shower" Hartley says getting up.

Leonard nods forgetting Hartley can't see him. "C'mon Piper let's go" he says

Hartley follows behind Leonard's figure, walking up the stairs with cautious steps.

As soon as Hartley steps into the bathroom, Leonard closes the door. "Why'd you shut the door you're only starting the water" Hartley laughs nervously.

"Just finishing what you started" Leonard smirks grabbing Hartley's waist and pulling him close.

"What exactly did I start" Hartley says blushing furiously.

Instead if answering Leonard pulls Hartley into a rough passionate kiss.

Hartley melts into the kiss letting Leonard's tongue dominate his mouth. Together they explore every inch of each others mouth.

Leonard pulls away breathing heavily, something Hartley has only heard after a rough fight.

"Does that answer your question?" Leonard smiles.

Hartley nods his head, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Does this mean I can give you a cutesy nickname like Axel and Mark" he smiles.

"Don't push your luck Hartley" Leonard smiles leaning their foreheads together. "You can call me Lenny if you would like"

"Lenny, I like it" Hartley smiles standing on his tiptoes to kiss Leonard's nose "I'd like it if you called me supreme ruler of the gays" he finishes.

"No Hartley"

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