8 일째

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Day Eight

The D-Day

"Princes ensemble!"  Prince Jin said this time, "Is everyone here this time?"

"Yoongi hyung is missing again." Prince Jimin stated.

"Why is there another meeting? she must've kissed all of us anyways." Prince Hoseok said while spinning in his chair once again.

"Rude... Anyways I'm pretty sure each one of you got an envelope that had 1-2 words, I suspect it says something and we need to decipher it."

"Wait, who is going to get Yoongi hyung?" Prince Jimin suddenly asked.

"No need, I have been here this whole time and you guys are too noisy." Prince Yoongi voiced out from one of the corners.

"Since everyone is actually here let's put our letters together." Prince Namjoon said.



"Meet me at the Garden of Death, Row 87 Spot 18 with the initials K.I." Prince Jin read at loud.

"What does K.I stand for?" Prince Taehyung asked.

"It's her name, Kang Iseul." Prince Jungkook finally opened his mouth to say something.

"How do you know?" All of them at the same time.

"She kissed me yesterday and she called me Kookie. The only ones who know that nickname is you guys and Kang Iseul." Prince Jungkook finally revealed what happened yesterday to his hyungs, at least he wouldn't have a big burden anymore.

"You know I've heard rumors about the Garden of Death that it was a place where warriors battled to death." Prince Jimin said and changed the topic of the previous conversation.

"I don't think it is safe to go there, what if she making us go there to battle each other?" Prince Namjoon said.

"Iseul wouldn't do that so stop making her look like a villain hyung!" Prince Jungkook felt mad because his hyung is basically accusing his first and last love for no reason.

"You can go if you want and I won't stop you but I am trying to keep everyone safe." Prince Namjoon fired back.

"Everyone is going whether they like it or not! If it does come down to fighting I am pretty sure none of us will." Prince Jin made the final decision and all of them were silent.

They arrive at the Garden of Death and wait for Iseul to show herself. As seconds go into minutes there was still no sign of her. Prince Taehyung was interested in the place so he observed every detail when he saw something he couldn't process.


April 7, XXXX

April 7, XXXX

Cherished Daughter

"What are you looking at?" Prince Jimin stood next to Prince Taehyung. Prince Jimin was also shocked at what he was looking at.

"Hyungs you need to see this..." All of them gathered to see the grave of Kang Iseul.

"This must be a joke! S-sh-she can't be dead!" Prince Jin exclaimed. Why wouldn't he? His first love died and he didn't get the chance to even ask her out.

"Why are there seven letters next to her grave and why do they have our names on it?" Prince Hoseok said while pointing at them. Each of them grabbed their letter and read it.


Dear Prince Namjoon,

I am sure your still kind of mad at me for tapping my fingers that day and I apologize. Remember when you were little you gave one of your precious books to a girl because bullies tore hers. Yes, I am Her and I want to thank you for giving me that book.  It really helped me forget about the pain that this world gave me. I will never forget you and how nice you were to me.

Kang Iseul


Dear Prince Seokjin,

Sorry if I kissed all of a sudden, I kissed you because it was my way to say thank you. Remember that little girl that always cried next to the royal gardens. You cheered her up and you always put flowers in her hair. I am that little girl, you gave me the courage to love myself when many hated me. Thank you and please don't be sad, I love you too.

Kang Iseul


Dear Prince Yoongi,

Sorry that I didn't talk when we met, I seemed to have lost my voice. Remember that little girl that always got beaten up and bruised badly, remember protecting her and beating up the bullies. I am that girl, thank you for standing up for me when I couldn't. Ever since that day none of them tried to hurt me, I admire the way you protect others more than yourself, I will miss you.

Kang Iseul


Dear Prince Hoseok,

Since you kissed me first you will get a punishment. Remember when you had a duo dance and you needed to practice with someone, remember that girl who was your temporary partner. That girl was me, I never liked dancing but you taught me how to like it in some way. Never lose focus when you dance or I will punish you more if you make a mistake! I won't forget you so don't forget me.

Kang Iseul


Dear Park Jimin,

Sorry for leaving you in the rain alone, my identity couldn't be known yet. Remember when you ran away to look at the beach, remember when a girl's shoes got stuck in the tree and you helped her get it out of the tree. That girl was me, someone threw my shoes in the tree and I couldn't go home without it. You saved me and I genuinely appreciate that when people compare you to others don't listen to them. You are perfect the way you are, don't worry you are not alone. Goodbye and don't forget me, ok?

Kang Iseul


Dear Prince Taehyung,

Sorry that SiAh cheated on you, all she is good at is breaking people's heart. Remember when you were a teen, you use to run away from home and guards had to chase you, remember when you asked a girl to hide you. Remember when you guys got caught and made a run for it. That girl was me, I almost got in trouble for it but it was worth it. Every night you made my whole world shine. Ignore people when they call you alien they're jealous because you are special. Stop being rebellious then you won't get a punishment. Don't forget me or you will see the best of me.

Kang Iseul


Dear Prince Jungkook,

Hey Kookie, I am sorry for leaving you alone, it was almost time for me to go. It was better not to tell you that I was diagnosed with lung cancer. I know this is hard for you to take it in but please bear with it, there was no way I could escape death. Remember where we first met and you became my first and last best friend. Sorry I couldn't keep my promise to always be there for you. Don't let me be a burden to you, find someone better than me ok?  I will be waiting for you so be a good boy.

P.s. you guys should flip your letters around

Kang Iseul

There was a moment of silence, all of them were in tears.

"S-she said we should all flip our letters around..." Prince Jungkook said which broke the silence. Each one of them flip their letters around to see words. They put them in order to complete that last words she left for them.

"Don't let me be a burden, ok?"


This one girl changed the hearts of those 7 princes. She made them become stronger and courageous. Each and every year on April the 7th, they would bring flowers to Iseul's grave and tell her interesting stuff to keep her up to date. They will never forget her and cherish her in their heard forever.

7 Days

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