Chapter 1: My hero

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Landslide and her sibling have moved to Pulau Ritis island for a year to stay with their best friend: Ying. Her parent have to go for work about a year so they think it would be best if their child live with her. The only thing that they hope now is their child won't cause any trouble...
"Let me have it!!"
"No way, you're already done with it so I must have it!"
Hurricane and Blizzard fight over the remote of the TV. Blizzard want to watch "winter lover" but Hurricane want to see"my little bunny" and they both show at 4 pm.
"Give. It. Back!"-They both lose balance and release the remote making it fly toward where Flare is standing. She catches it but look like a victim in their fight. Snow talk:
-Flare, give me that...
Hurricane shake her head"Don't give that to her, Flarry!"- Blizzard began coming closer to her while Flare pull back a bit."Give me..."
"No! Me!!"-Hurricane shout, making scary face to her. Flare scared of the atmosphere, she cry and run out of the room with the remote"You two are so scary...!!😖😖"After a second, Landslide come out holding the remote and Flare is hiding behind her, shaking. She say sweetly:
-How about you two stop arguing and go by me some ingredient for dinner?
-But it time for my TV show...!
Hurricane pout."Yeah, this is unfair!"-Blizzard say. Suddenly they feel chilly in their spine as Landslide look at them with big red eye"If don't go, you two can forget about dinner, am I clear?!"
-Yes, big sister!
The both run like hell out the door with the ingredients list. Landslide sigh then turn into the kitchen once more with her friend Ying. Flare had decided to join Vine upstair. She enter it with a surprise look on her face:
Vine jumped, hiding her hair with her hijab."What are you doing with your hair?"-She ask, curious. Vine panic"Don't tell big sis okay? I'm just want to make a new look out of my hair."
-That why but what if something happen to your hair? I mean it's navy, and beautiful brown at it is so you don't need to fix anything.
-You really think so?
-I know so.
Vine nodded and hug her sister"Thank you, Flare"-and she hugged back"You're welcome"
Meanwhile on the way home from her shopping, Hurricane got lost because she didn't bring her map. She is in the middle of no where, in the street with a lot of garbage and can."Where am I...? No way... I'm lost!!"-She try to run around the area hoping to find just a tiny thing familiar to help her get out. But after a few minute looking, her hope look like a dead end. She don't have a map, no guide and worse of all her power watch had gone crazy and won't work. The sky began to darken as she kneel down, her eye fill with tear"How can I get home now?!! 😫😫 Big sis, help me!!"-she cried"Please help me get home... Help, anyone..."-she curl herself up and sit in one of the corner, crying. She just hope someone came and recuse her but who could possibly be out in this strange and nowhere area at this time? May be she just should-
-Oh look~
She turn her face up to see a bunch of guy, they all look at her with evil eye. She pull back slowly, her hand is shaking. One of the guy laugh"Don't be scare~ Come here, we can take you out of here. Let's go have fun with us, beauty."-He try to touch her but she slap it away feeling disgusted by these guy. She shout"I don't need it. You can go now..."-but the guy grab her hand tightly, she hurt her arm"What are you-"
-How dare you rejected me?!
-You have some nerve, you know that!
He pull her hand out of the way making her fall to the ground. She hurt her arm, he twisted her arm. Hurricane began shaking, turn her head slightly to look at the guy(Someone please help me...)
-It's time to teach you a lesson!
That guy walk closer to her with a devious smile, she hold tight to her twist arm, eye shut(Help!!)
-Leave her alone!!
A voice say from above as he landed to where Hurricane lied. He smile"What are you grown-up gonna do to her? Can't you see that she don't want to go with you guy?"
The guy smirk"Does that concern you, kid? Now go somewhere else before I beat you to pieces!"- He laugh even harder. She confused(Why is he laughing? Is he gone crazy? Oh please, don't say that he crazy.) The guy shout"What up with you?!"-He stopped laughing and look at him with an serious face that he rarely made. They clearly scared for a while, he speak"You beat me to pieces? I doubt that you can even touch me, jerk!"-that guy pull back, his leg started shaking"What wrong? You're scare of a little cute kid like me~"-he say with a teasing voice("Cute" he said)-hurricane😑"Now run before I make you too"-he say
"Boss, this kid is creepy... Let's get out of here!"-The other guy said"Yeah! He's not normal, boss!"-the next guy say. The guy stand still for a while then finally run out with his gang leaving only him and her"I will remember this, kid!!" He let out a sigh then turn to the her, offering his hand"You okay?"
She took his hand try to stand up, weak smile"Thank you" Hurricane hold her hand tightly, it clearly hurt. He look at her, worried"Did they hurt you're arm?"
-I'm okay don't worry... By the way, can you tell me where is Chinese street? I'm kinda lost for the moment.
-Chinese street? Oh, I know that place, it's nearby! Just turn right and go straight.
-Is that so... Thank you, bye.
She turn away from him and walk forward. He immediately stop her"Wait, wait you're going there?! No way I'm letting you!"-he say. She confused"Why won't you let me? Unless..."-She cover her body with her hand, face blushed. He panic, face blushed too"It's not what you think!! I just don't want you to walk home alone in this time of night! What if they come back? You will get hurt again."
    She stare at him and sigh finally let go of her body"You're sweet... But I can't trust anyone right now not after this."-she turn at her injured arm. He just blushed more after the word she say but he can't afford to let her go alone. There is no doubt that she will get hurt again, he have to at least take her home safely."Don't worry, I won't hurt or do anything weird to you. I just wanna help."-he say but she still hesitate to agree to him. By the look of him, she can say he's a nice person but she scare... Scare of being hurt by those disgusting guy again. She just can't take it...
-Hold on tight.
Before she can understand what going on, he hold her hand and fly off with his hover board. Although she is used to flying so high but standing on a floating hover board seem tough. She lose balance and fall on to his warm back. She blushed, it's so warm...
"Hey, hold on tight okay? Don't fall!"-he say, turning his head to her. She smile at him, accepted him for her ride"No worry, flying is my style from brith!"-he confused for a while. Looking closely at her, he notice something similar to him.(She control Wind too?) After that, they landed at Ying house(He doesn't know) and leave. But Hurricane had quickly call for him"Hey, what your name?"-he smile"I'm Cyclone. Yours?"
-It's Hurricane. Thank you for saving me tonight, I own you one.
-Don't worry about it! I just help people in trouble when I see one, so then see ya'!! Oh, and remember to take a map with you next time Kay?!
-Wait, how did he...?
Cyclone fly off. She just decided not to care about it and go inside just in time for dinner. She meet a kitten on her way home and decided that she will keep her."Thunderage, I have a new friend for you~!"
-A CAT!!!! Don't let it come near me!!! 

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