Chapter 15: New places and ours moments

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  I'm back! How are my favorite reader are doing? Did you enjoy your Halloween day? I hope so~ Anyway, here another chapter for my story. Have fun reading!
The gang finally reached their destination, the view is just breath taking. The white soft sand touched their feet, the smell of fresh air and sea surround them... Nothing like a Vacation they say.
-This feel a lot better that classroom smell...
-Yeah~ I could even smell some coconut!
Blaze jumped, looking around for the coconut. He found one, try to climb it and failed so in a blast of anger he burn it.
(Coconut: What did I do T T?)
   The gang bring down all their stuff to the sand. But now the thought of something gone through their head. Where are they going to stay!?
-Teacher Papa, where are we staying now? You said there a place to rest here.
-Okay... So where are the camping tools?
-Of course it's on the boat!! WHERE ELSE!?
  Vine look into the boat but she couldn't find any camping tools. Light-Ray join in too just to burst out with anger.
-Teacher Papa, did you really bring camping tools!? It's not there!!
-Really!!? Oh... I remember now.
-I... left those tools at home... next to my bed.
   Now not only Light-Ray but Blaze, Thunderstorm are in a burning-rage  too. How can they forget that their teacher was a complete joker?(minus Blaze). Now they have no place to rest, not to mention this is an island who know what will happen when night fall down!? Will there be wild animal, monsters deep in the forest? Everyone is breaking their head to there limit, they have to find a shelter right now or their vacation will be ruin. What to do, what to do?
-Huh? Where is Thorn?
Vine notice his disappearance. And then suddenly a boom escape their back, turning around they were astounded by the view. Thorn standing in the tallest tree, controlling the other vine to his command. The view is just so beautiful, leaf flying from all the rustle he was making. Thorn is like a musician and his hand is his wand controlling the nature as he please forming a beautiful song. They were so surprise that they didn't know vine rises from their feet and carry them to where Thorn was standing. The vine let them down to the ground and pull back.
-Why did he carry us to the wood?
-Guys... Is that the real thing or am I seeing things?
Cyclone pointed at the giant house made out of trees, leaf, vine, wood... Anything you could imagine to build a house is right in front of their eye. It had 2 separated house with windows, door and a latter to bring them up"sky high". Not that they haven't after seeing Thorn basically flying.
-Holy... Did our twin build that?
-Yes he is~
Thorn say proudly. He work his strength off today.
-Do you guy like it?
The elements brother jump into hug him. Only Ice and Thunderstorm doesn't but still smiling at them.
Ice run first. Follow by Blaze, Cyclone and the other. Thorn stand there smiling proudly at his work before almost collapsing. Vine caught him.
-Nice job~ But you should consider your health more.
-As you wish~❤️
-*smile* Let's go in then.
The gang get use to their new place. Girl on their room, boys on their room in separate house. Ice was already asleep claiming the bed of course. Blaze was starting to get bore, even if this house was totally cool but there is no electricity or video game for him to play. So he went over to Solar:
-Hey Solar, could you built a video game?
-That's possible.
-With a condition~
-Right... What it is then?
-Stand over there dress like a hula girl and dance while I took picture.
-How bout skip the picture part. I will give you half of my afternoon snack?
   Blaze started dancing like a hula girl. They all laugh like crazy, Ice even wake up to see with them. Solar take out his phone and start filming. Blaze angst:
-Hey! No taking picture, we had a deal!!
-Yes but filming isn't taking picture, is it?*grin*
-You smarty little...
-Dancing or no video games for ya Blaze~~ I could hardly enjoy half of that afternoon snack of yours when we get home!
-I swear you will pay for this!!*continue dancing*
    The boy seem to really enjoy their time making fun of Blaze. But none of them seem to notices that their "tiny Cyclone" is missing on the fun. The others don't know but Thunder did and took the liberty to disappear as well. Where did they went?
-I'm bored!!
Hurricane shouts as she walk around the hallway. Look like she's on the same boat as Blaze does.
-*sigh* Why won't nobody play with me? Rage is already gone and the others are asleep... So boring...!!
She shouts again. Suddenly Hurricane felt a chills run down her spine and quickly give the person behind her a judo throw on the hard ground. The person grout in pain after being hold one hand in the back by Hurricane.
-I give, I GIVE!! My hand, MY HAND hurt, Cane!!
-My, my are you a "stalker boy" like Solar now? If so I have to delete you off my phone~*release his arm*
-No eww, that's creepy! I was just try to surprise you~
-By putting me into that sag?*point at the big sag behind Cyclone* That's call kidnapping, Cy...
Cyclone throw away his sag acting like he is innocent. Hurricane giggles, Cyclone always make her smile plus he 's soooo cute~~
-Forget about that! I have something really cool to show you!! Come with me?
-Of course!
-Alright then! Hold still!*grab her and carry her bridal style*
-Hey!! Put me down, Cyclone!!*blush*
   Cyclone ignore her words. His hand held her close to his chest, he could fell her breathing slowly and peacefully. He carry her out of the house and into the night sky, today was really beautiful. There are so many star, they just make your eye lost in counting them. He place her on top of a coconut leaf, he sat beside her tell her to pay attention to the dark sky. She notice something flying through, it's so familiar...
-Shooting star...
-Right? Make a wish, quick!!
   She clutch her hand close and start making wish. Hurricane thought back at the journey they been through, the day when they first met, the moment they study together, adventure together, fell in love and till now. If she didn't  be here on this very island, she would never had met him and never would be spending this much time with each other's. It is something she really treasure... There's only one thing she could ask for now...

   I wish... i could stay here with Cyclone. For now and eternity...

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