Chapter 3: Don't have to hide

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Thunderstorm POV:
That day, I went to class early because of my good mood. I thought I would be the first one but she was. I can't take this anymore, we have spend almost a week in this school and she have became a bug that I can't help but hate. She is so annoying!
Thunderage POV:
Is him again. Why do he have to be here so early?! What should I do...? I have to hide it, no matter what or he will definitely make fun of me.
Thunderstorm POV:
I try to pull down my anger and walk into my sit normally. She turn her look outside, doesn't bother to say "hi". (Why can't she be nice like everyone eles?)
I said first, meaning to stop the intense atmosphere. But she still ignore me, that make me angry"I said morning so it would be fair for you to greet me back too"
-Since when do you care about greeting? You alway ignore people when they greet you so why do you expect me to say "morning" to you?
I narrow my eye, tighten my fist"What did you say...?"-She glare at me"You want a fight?"-Our hand is now fill with electrical red light, either would want to make a move and the situation is getting worst until....
-Good morning, Thundy~!
Cyclone jump in and hug me. I try to pull him off"Get off me, Cyclone!!"-he finally get off, smile. I shout him"Why do you have to do that every morning?! It's annoying!"
-Because I miss my little Thundy~
-Why do you have to miss me? You met me everyday...
-My little Thundy is so grumpy~
-Cut it out with the voice and i am a minute older than you, Cyclone.
He just turn away and pout. I guess he was angry about the fact that I'm older than him. I smile at the thought but I remember my thing, I turn around"She gone"
-Oh, you mean Thunderage ? She just run past me.
Cyclone point out the door. I lower my head"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE?!"-I pull out my Thunder sword at him. Cyclone hide behind Quake-who just walk in a second later"What happen here?"-He ask
I said then sat to my table quietly gaze at the blue sky.
The next day, I came to class early again to enjoy my alone time but once again got ruin by her. I was about to dash in but something caught my eye"She's writing...? But teacher Papa doesn't give us any homework so what could she be writing...?"-I wonder, looking closely at her table."Can't see anything..."-I said
-Why are you peeking her, Thunderstorm?
I slowly turn around"Cyclone..."-I pale at the look on his face"I'm going to tell everyone!!"-He run off"Don't you dare!!"-I run after him, holding my sword, we run across the hall.
End of POV:
-What with them?
Quake question, Blaze shake his head.
Thunderage POV:
-What was all that ruckus?
I say but then ignore the sound and continue my writing. I been doing these writing for quite awhile now but I only let Landslide know about this because I was so embarrassed. I was afraid they would be laugh at me like Landslide did when she first discover"I can't let anyone else know about this..."-I close my book, put them away.
After a week, I said to my sister I have some thing to do so I stay back in school to finish my writing"I have to done this by tomorrow....*Yawn* have to finish...*Fall asleep*"
Thunderstorm POV:
I was watching her, she doesn't get enough sleep to like this now. I sigh, notice the book on the table, I took it up and read it. I know she was writing something but I don't know what so I watched her for the past few week. Open the first page, I read it then blush slightly as I slowly close it, turn my look at the sleeping girl"So this is why..."-I come closer then lift her up on my arm and carry her to the door. Slowly walking on the hall way as I think back what I just read earlier, a small chuckle let my lip"You don't have to hide it, you know..."I hold her tight then use my Lightning move to run faster.
-Because even without it... You're still special to me.
End of POV:
The next day~~
-Next time, you have to come home with us okay? It's not nice to go home alone, Thunderage!
-But I said I would be home late...
-But you got home before us even sleeping peacefully in bed!
I was surprise"How can that be...?(I did sleep but I didn't remember anything about going home. What is going on here?! Could it be... that my dream of him?!)*turn to Thunderstorm, he look back. She turn away, disappoint smile*(I highly doubt it...)
She quickly walk away, Thunderstorm think back at something, chuckle. Cyclone jump from the back"What so funny, Thundy?"
-Come on, tell me!
-I said it was nothing...! Come on, let's get into class.
He walk up, a smile escape his lips. After yesterday, he did change a lots about his way of thinking her. She was not what he thought she were...

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