Minisode #18

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Alaska: One words, two meaning. You guy get it, right?😏
Thorn: I don't get it 😶
First pair: Solar x Light-Ray
Solar: Light-Ray~

Light-Ray: Hm?*turn around*

Solar:*with rose in his mouth* My Honey~~❤️❤️

Light-Ray: Sorry, don't have any.*walk away*

Solar: *rose fall*
Second pair: Thorn x Vine
Thorn: Honey!!*spread out his arm*

Vine:...*giggle* Thanks~❤️

Thorn: ??
Third pair: Ice x Blizzard
Ice: Honey~~~~~*hug Blizzard*

Blizzard: W-W-What The Hell!!!?*blush hard* *panic* Let me go, Ice!!

Ice: Honey....~~*hug her gently**breath slowly* 💤

Blizzard:*calmer down* *hug him back still blush* Idiot...
Fourth pair: Blaze x Flare
Blaze:*grin* Flare!!

Flare: What is it, Blaze?

Blaze: Honey!!*spread out his arm*

Flare WHAT!!!?*max blush*

Blaze: Honey!!*walk closer*

Flare: N-No...

Blaze: HONEY!!*stand next to her*


Blaze: FLARE!!*panic* I just need some honey, why did you faint!? Flare!!
Fifth pair: Cyclone x Hurricane
Cyclone: Hurricane!!

Hurricane: ?

Cyclone: HONEY!!*spread his arm*

Hurricane: O///O!!? *awkwardly hug him*

Cyclone: ??? Why did you hug me?

Hurricane: B-but... don't y-you want it? *blush**let go of him*

Cyclone: No, the thing I want is honey! *oblivious*You know, some honey to eat with this~*show her his pancake plate*✨✨

Hurricane: ... 💢💢💢🗡⚔⛏🔪💣🔫⚒🔨 Cyclone

Cyclone: R.I.P
Six pair: Thunderstorm x Thunderage
Thunderstorm: R-rage!

Rage: What?

Thunderstorm: I-I um...*spread out his arm* Honey...?*slightly blush**close his eye*

Rage: Here you go!

Thunderstorm:*open his eye* Huh? A jar of honey?*blink twice*

Rage: See ya'!

Thunderstorm: Hey wait! That's not what I... meant!! How the hell did she get this so fast!?💢💢

Alaska: Someone is upset~ Nfufufuufu~~

Thunderstorm: Shut up!!
Seven pair: Quake x Landslide
Quake: You guy do know what it mean right?😑

Thorn: Yes! Wait... No...! Do I?

Thunderstorm: She doesn't...*sit in a corner*

Cyclone: It's the Honey we use to eat with right, Mama?

Quake: No... Baby Cy~*pat his head* It's more... sensitive or complicated then that...

Ice: Demonstrate to us then!

Quake: What!? NO!

Blaze: Too late~*push him out the hall*

Landslide: Quake? Hi!

Quake: L-landslide!? H-hey!*scatch his head*

Landslide: What are you doing here?

Quake: I-I'm... um... t-that,*nervous mode*

(Come on, you can do it!!! Go Mama Quake!! GO!!)

Quake: I... *sigh* H-honey...?*spread out his arm**smile nervously*

Landslide:*wide eye open**smile**hug Quake*

Quake: *froze* Landslide?
(He did it!!!)

Landslide: Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️Honey Bun~~*grin*😏😏

*sound of gun trigger*🔫

Landslide: Oh My God, Quake!!*shake him* Quake, wake up!! I killed him!! Quake!!! OH MY GOD!! OMG, Quake I'm sorry!! I kill him!! QUAKE!!

Quake: 😇

(So who's gonna cook tonight?)
(Definitely not me)-all 6 Boboiboy

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