Dance of Bubbles

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"What happened?" Dakota asks, looking highly concerned of me.

Oh God, I am nothing in front of him!

"S-Sorry. I made a fool of myself." I break down in uncontrollable tears.

"Shhh." He shush me, and grab my arm, guiding me towards a quieter corner. Numerous eyes follow us, and the weight of guilt increases in me.

"Emara, look at me."

I look up at those green enigmatic eyes, as they stare back at me with utmost seriousness.

"Take deep breaths. You didn't make a fool of yourself. Okay?" He tells me softly, like talking to a child.

"I am so sorryy. I didn't-t mean to-o" I whisper in a choking voice, as the tears won't stop rolling down my cheeks.

"Shh" Dakota shushes me onces again and crack opens the lid with one hand. "Drink water." He instructs me passing the bottle back.

I hesitantly take a few sips, aware of the unwanted eyes on us. I was supposed to assist him here, not him assist me in between my anxiety attack.

"Look at me." Dakota says softly, raising his hand to my face, but he stops and retrieves his handkerchief to gently wipe away my tears.

Oh, my makeup! Leo and Micky would have buried me by now.

"Just take deep breaths, and keep drinking." He advises me and I do as he says. The choking feeling in my throat subdues as I gulp more water.

"You are doing fine." Dakota tells me. "And don't worry about those old men, they are silently freaking out about their own expiration date."

I chuckle through my tears.

He is funny!

A finger gently lifts my chin, making me look into those ocean deep mysterious eyes while he whispers, "You are made up of Cosmic dust, you are no less than any human. Remember that." 

His words penetrate deep within me and I couldn't help but stare at him, feeling an intense pull of gravity towards the light in his eyes.

"It took billion years for all those minerals to turn into bones. So do not undermine yourself." He says, offering me his handkerchief, before gently placing a hand on my back.

Gratefully, I accept his hanky murmuring slowly, "Thank you."

I thought he would be mad at me for embarassing him in between his peers, but here he is.. Standing by my side, with his hand rubbing my back, supporting me, warming me, waiting for me to calm down.

His thumb brushes on my chin, wiping away a tear and I lift my gaze to meet his. They are soft, twinkling with amusement.

"Looks like your makeup is tears proof." Dakota comments, after observing my face.

"Oh? I guess those makeup artists knew I was gonna fuck up." I cry, sniffing in his handkerchief.

"Why didn't you introduce yourself as a writer?" He asks in a softer tone.

"I forgot." My voice tiny like my confidence.

"You even missed the perfect chance to tell them you took my interview. The one you blew up." He teases me with a smirk.

"I-I couldn't think of anything. Everything just slipped from my mind and I don't know why I started crying." I complain frustratingly, hiding my stupid face in his handkerchief.

God! Even his handkerchief smells good.

"It's okay. Drink this." Dakota offers, extending his glass.

I look up and stare at the yellow colour liquid with bubbles emerging from its bottom. It looks shady AF!

"You will feel good." He assures me, while his other hand warms my back.

I take the slender glass from him and cautiously sip the fizzy, golden liquid that seems to be squeezed from a rare flower which only blooms under a celestial light.

"What is this?" I ask curiously, licking my lips. It tastes sweet, tangy, and close to perfection.


I gasp, staring at the lively dance of bubbles in the glass, then take a few more desperate gulps of this heavenly nectar which surpasses anything I have ever drank.

It literally feels like Timothée Chalamet on my tongue. Smooth and lavish.

"Enough." Dakota chimes, before taking the glass from me.

"I don't want you to start dancing here, or worse.. begin a strip show." He taunts me with his narrowed eyes.

"Seems like I traumatised you with my dancing and stripping." I tease him, to which he actually nods, agreeing.

"Your moves even haunt me in my dreams." Dakota comments, shaking his head like shooing away a nightmare.

Even with tears in my eyes, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"So weird." He whispers to himself, before taking a large sip and chucking the glass away. He waits for me to calm down again, but this time from laughing.

"Feeling better now?" Green eyes show genuine concern, as they observe me.

I am really touched by how he stayed by my side when I was dealing with my anxieties and put an effort to help calm my nerves down.

"Kind of." I tell him, with a smile.

"Great. Let's go meet Elon then." Dakota says, with a spark of thrill.

"Elon as in the Musk?" My heart jumps into my throat as he presses his hand on my back and with a gentle push, begins walking.

"Hmm. I saw him earlier near model X." He murmurs to himself while navigating me through the crowd.

Oh god! There will be actual models too.

"Wait, let me get another glass of champagne then we are good to go." I look around for my golden nectar before meeting the God of Memes.

"Nope. We are going to just meet him, not seduce him." Dakota says, narrowing his eyes down at me.

"What if I faint in front of him?" My anxieties fan me.

"I didn't know you were such a big fan of him." Dakota jerks his brow, studying me.

"Oh yeah, I love his memes." I confess, earning from him the most annoying eye roll I have ever seen.

We make our way into a private perimeter where media and other expensive looking people are engaged in a conversation on the red carpet.

There are several other Tesla cars lined up on display and that's when I spot Elon in black jacket, black tee, and black jeans, looking like a wanna-be-rockstar, while he shares a laugh with a group of Asian people.

Oh my Meme God!

"Do you think if I ask him for an autograph, he would give me? For my brother." I question Dakota in between as he gets greeted by others.

"I think he would be generous enough." He whispers back.

"Wow! But I don't have any pen or paper. Do you think he would be generous enough to sign on my chest?"

Dakota stops dead in his steps. His I'll-drive-you-over eyes find me and warns me in an utmost threatening voice. "Emara.. That's exactly you do not have to ask him. Got it?"

"Hehe! I was kidding." I sneer. I WAS NOT!

We stop by the Tesla cars which are kept on display in the order of their model names- S, 3, X, Y.

They appear like futuristic cars, straight rolled out of a sci-fi movie with some models having their doors unfold upward like bird's wings.

My eyes drift to the right, where I spot Elon, still chit-chatting with those group of Asians.

"Why are we not going up to him?" I whispery ask Dakota as he intently watches the polygon truck front in line.

"We don't have to." He casually replies. "He will come to us."

"Why would he come to us?" I raise my brows in disbelief. HE IS THE ELON MUSK!

"Because we.." Dakota corrects himself with a grin. "I mean, I am his potential buyer." And passes me a Brad-Pitt-panty-wet smirk.

I glance at the Cybertruck, then back at the polished businessman beside me. "You are thinking to buy thiss..this.. Thing!"

"Why? What's wrong with it?" He inquires, looking genuinely puzzled.

"Come on! It looks like a 7 years old would have drawn in MS paint."

"You mean.. You would have drawn." He smirks, sparing me a glance.

I roll my eyes. Honestly, his comments don't even tickle my ego now.

"It looks weirdly funny!" I tell him, as if he hadn't noticed it yet.

"I rather look at it as a durable truck." He counters.

"Why? Is it made up of Nokia phones?" I ask sarcastically.

This time Dakota rolls his eyes.

"The material they used is SpaceX's 30x steel alloy, incredibly resistant to corrosion but hard to shape, which gives this truck an angular and less aesthetic look. And personally, I value performance over looks, so I am completely fine with its funny shape, compare to the horse-power they are providing." He explains, climbing into the driver's seat.

"There are no side view mirrors." I point out, opening the passenger door. "See.. This what happens when you smoke too much!"

"Hmm.. Because it has side rear cameras." Dakota replies, clicking on the digital screen to bring up a live feed from various angles around the truck.

"Mirrors are so last year." He winks at me.

The interior is sleek, devoid of any buttons, replaced entirely by digital and touch panels everywhere. It's like stepping into his home. No doubt why he is loving it!

"Come here. You gonna love this.." Dakota calls me over, and clicks on the screen.

Suddenly, the car makes loud gaseous fart sounds, catching eyes of the bystanders. It wasn't me!

"That's farting mode. Classic Elon!" He chuckles, clicking it again.

"And then you have the audacity to call me childish!" I glare at the 27 years old grown up man who is laughing at fart sounds.

"Hey, humor knows no age limit." He counters, tapping on the screen again.

Men! I roll my eyes and walk away hastily before people think I am the reason for all these sounds and name me as the Gas Princess of FartLand.

"What about the Roadster?" Dakota comes stand beside me while I admire the sleek F1 race kind of sports car with an open roof.

"I like this car. It looks sexy, with a touch of futuristic advancement. Plus it appears fun to drive. The only drawback is it's too small for a giant like you." I chuckle, imagining him to fit inside.

Green eyes stare at me for a long ten seconds, studying me before he asks with an interest, "What are your plans after graduation?"

"It's still unplanned." I brush off the sudden change in topic.

"Our company is thinking of providing internship to final year students with software engineering background. I could give your name to my team." He suggests, observing me.

"Thanks, but I am not planning to join in." I smile, politely turning him down.

"Why not?" Dakota asks curiously, his eyes never leaving mine.

"HighBars is one of the advanced AI company out there. We will not only provide you with stipend, but also a certificate that would help you build up your resume." His tone changes to a professional sales person.

"Um-yeah-but, I haven't yet thought of the language or technology I'll be working on, plus your company would be quite far for me to commute every day." I tell him, gulping in my anxieties.

What the fuck I am going to do with my project?

"You can always shift here." Dakota mutters, giving me a glance. "We can manage that."

There is a strange kind of sincerity twinkling in his eyes, silently communicating in one glance, than words ever could.

Hold on! Is he asking me..

"Should I pack this Roadster up for you two?" Suddenly I hear a playful voice and turn around to find the Meme God right in front of us.


( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

Oh you people gonna love the next chapter.. Or hate, whatever 💁🏻‍♀️

Next Update- Friday. Of course, next week's Friday.. But, if the total votes exceed 36.6K you get the chapter instantly. YAY!

Thank you Anshuul for voting on all chapters 😇

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