Is it Safe?

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"Are you just going to stand there till the interval?" Dakota teases, with a playful smirk on his lips.

I lick my lips for some moisture and divert my gaze from stark green eyes, which are boldly staring and waiting.

Uneasily, I untie the bow of my dress at the back of my neck and the dress slides down my skin effortlessly. As my panties follow, a wave of shyness washes over me.

With redness flushing my cheeks, I walk up to him and he plays the movie. Tingles run down my entire body as I climb into his spacious bathtub bashfully.

I don't care if he can see my ass or more, he has already seen everything!

Yet, I feel so shy.

I sheepishly bring back all the bubbles which floated away due to the waves created by my entrance. And when I gaze up, I almost scream, looking at the screen.

"OMG! It's Aladdin. I love this movie." I exhilarate in surprise at his choice of film, a Disney remake featuring Will Smith as Genie.

I thought he was gonna play porn!

"I figured out your mental age is around twelve, and thought you might enjoy this." Dakota says, pouring himself a glass of wine.

"That's rich, coming from someone who has seen more Disney movies than anyone." I comment, reaching for a muffin from the plate on the small table beside us.

"For educational purpose. Not entertainment." He retorts, bringing the glass to his lips.

"Even adults watch them too, you know. That's why they turned the animated movie into an actual one." I argue, digging into my muffin.

"Adults who are childlike." He counters, glancing down at me.

This bish!

"Then why are you watching it?" I shoot back, annoyed by his commentary.

Without a word, Dakota grabs the remote and with a flick of his finger, he switches the channel to National Geographic.

"Dolphins are one of the most intelligent, cute and friendly creatures in the ocean. But they have dark sides also. And the shocking truth might change your perception of Dolphins."

Chucking the remote aside, Dakota takes a leisure sip from his wine glass while carefully watching the documentary on Dolphins as they cutely swim in the ocean.

"During mating season, male Dolphins would form alliances, then rush to a female and proceed to beat her into submission to get her to mate with them."

I awkwardly watch the video of Dolphins playing vicious gang-bang at the bottom of the ocean, while Dakota watches it with interest.

"Males often practice infanticide, where they would kill the young so that the previous genes would not pass on and they could mate with the mother."

I slowly turn my gaze towards Dakota, his eyes draw at me, dark, intense, and unreadable. I flutter my lashes at him cutely and politely request, "Aladdin, please!"

Green eyes roll back, and he lets out a sigh, but obligingly picks up the remote and presses the button to switch back to the Disney channel.

A smile surfaces on my face, feeling a small victory against the tyrant king. I sit back in warm, soothing water while enjoying my muffin as the iconic scene unfolds where Aladdin rubs the lamp, awakening the blue Genie.

"Oh great one who summons me, terrible one who commands me, I stand by my oath of loyalty to wishes three."

Dakota sets down his wine glass and suddenly, I feel soft fingers grazing at the back of my neck, playing with a loose lock of my hair.

Instantly, all the blood in my veins freezes, as his fingers slowly slide along my neck, feathering against the cavity of my collarbones oh so gently, then ascend again towards the back of my ear. Almost playfully.

But I am too scared to move.

My sixth sense scream of danger, as if a sinister presence hovers just behind me, and my heart begins to race, sending a rush of hot blood coursing through my veins.

It feels like I am sitting in the lap of a Lion, while he caresses your hair and admires your skin, just because he is full right now.

But that doesn't mean his hunger won't return.

Especially when the night falls.

When his feral instincts heighten, and his demeanor completely shifts into that of a predator, wild and untamed.

No matter how pretty the prey is, it's still a food.

Dakota's finger traces a slow deliberate path down my neck, following the principle of gravity and lingers above my rapidly rising and falling breasts. The tip of his fingers brush against my cleavage, and I know it wasn't accidentally.

I lift my gaze at the unpredictable man, who is watching the movie with a flat face, as if he doesn't care what's playing on the screen.

I don't know what's going in his deranged mind and why the hell am I even here in the bathtub with him?

Sensing my stare, he turns his piercing eyes at me, dilated and unreadable. His fingers again brush on the flesh of my breast and I gather the courage to question my sanity,

"You wanna have sex with me here?" Is that why you brought me?

As if I summoned a storm of dark clouds, they hover in his eyes, pushing back the greens as he draws his hand back and curls around my neck, tightly.

I swallow hard, feeling his immense strength.

"Emara.." Dakota takes a deep breath, and lowers his animalistic face at me.

"If I wanted sex.. Nothing in the world could stop me. Not even you." He declares, each word penetrating in my head along with his raw, feral eyes.

"Just watch the movie." He instructs, releasing his throbbing hold on my neck, and returning his attention to the film he has no interest in.

Dakota picks up his glass and takes a sip, while I am left gasping, both in disbelief and relief that he let me go, without exerting his cruel dominance on me.

OMG! I almost died and came back.

He sets the glass down and my gaze follows his movement. In a bold move, I reach out and lift his wine glass to my lips, just to check his reaction.

What climate is going on in his head?

Green eyes watch me intently, but remain silent as I take a few sips from his glass. I gulp the liquid and lick my lips afterwards, yet he doesn't make any move.

He simply stares at me with his dark eyes.

No violent behaviour!

Assured by his calmness, I find my spine relaxing to his muscular body, and watch the scene where Aladdin, a small town boy dressed up as a Prince arrives to impress the princess.

Genie sings-'Prince Ali, amorous he, Ali Ababwa.. Heard your princess was hot! Where is she?'

Dakota lets out a chuckle, and I feel ripples of his laughter passing through his warm chest and reaching to me gently. I look up, surprised that he is enjoying the movie too.

What a liar! I smile looking away.

His fingers find their way back to my neck, with a soft lingering touch and I let myself completely lean back to his chiseled chest, taking support of his heated body, which is surprisingly warmer than the water.

'You don't want to go for a ride, do you? We could get out of the palace, see the world.' Aladdin asks the princess, flying on his carpet.

The sensation of his fingers in my hair, massaging my scalp, sends a wave of relaxation through me and I instinctively tilt my head, giving him more access to my head, shoulders, and he gladly takes the cue, massaging my soreness away.

It feels so good!

'Is it safe?' The princess doubts.

'Sure. Do you trust me?' He asks her, with a gentle smile.

There is a strange sense of comfort in his touch, and I can't help but love this addicting feeling of intimacy which is platonic, yet so intensely romantic.

Something I have never felt before.

Something I have always daydreamed of.

'What?' The princess looks at Aladdin, baffled.

'Do you trust me?' He assures her, lending his hand.

And they get on to the magic carpet, flying in the air.

Feeling safe and comfortable, I let my head rest on his shoulder and together, we watch my favorite scene in the movie.

*Song in the background*

'I can show you the world.. Shining, shimmering, splendid.'

'Tell me, princess.. Now, when did you last let your heart decide?'

"I bet you know the lyrics." I glance up at Dakota and smile teasingly.

A smirk plays on his lips as he sips his wine. Setting the glass aside, he wraps his arm around me saying, "You are not wrong, princess."

I couldn't help but blush, feeling so secure, so protective, so cared and so pampered.

'I can open your eyes.. Take you wonder by wonder.'

'Over, sideways and under.. On a magic carpet ride.'

It's almost dream-like, sharing an intimacy with him in a bathtub, and watching a movie like it's some sort of normal date night.

It feels magical.

'A whole new world.. A new fantastic point of view.'

'No one to tell us NO, or where to go..'

'Or say we are only dreaming.. A whole new world!'

I can't believe he is the same man who vowed to turn my life into a nightmare and now he is enjoying a romantic Disney movie with the same girl who sent him to jail.

He is so contradicting in nature.

He says something, then does something else, having no idea what he said or did before.

I look up at the strange man, and instantly, ocean green eyes find me, stark and full of light. I see no ounce of darkness in them as we stare at each other for a long minute, before I finally ask him,

"There is something seriously wrong with you, right?"

( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

Are you Alone on this Valentines day? Don't worry.. There is someone for everyone, and the person for you could be a psychiatrist ;)

Don't forget to hit your sexy author with stars and likes.. ⭐️👍

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