Epilogue Pt. III

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A woman jolts up from her seat with beads of sweat coming down on her forehead. Her breathing was ragged as she tries to catch for some air. She takes a good look at her surroundings, wondering how in the world did she manage to end up there somehow.

"This is Dr. Jisoo Kim's voice mail if you have something to say please leave the message after the beep."

"JISOO! I swear to God stop ignoring my calls okay?! I need you to call Rosie for me. Tell her she needs to come home because I have something important to say to her. I have to tell her that- WHOA!"

And the last remaining seconds was Lisa's car horn- making the longest sound ever before the voicemail line goes dead.


Lisa finally catches up on what happened.

She remembered that she was absent-mindedly looking through the road while her mind was focused into looking for ways to look for Rosie when all of a sudden she comes across an overtaking SUV that nearly collided with her car and smashed her into pieces if she didn't turn her car on the opposite direction quickly.

She also remembered breathing hard and leaning against the steering wheel before laying down to get composure of herself and most especially to take a few minutes of rest, which resulted in her overstaying in her car.

The first thing she does was to pick up her phone only for her to realize that there were only a few percentages of her battery life left, and there were a lot of voicemails coming from Jennie, Jisoo and even Ella.



"Ma? Where are you? I could hear Aunt Jennie and Jisoo panicking and trying to get a hold of you. I may hate you but please- don't do anything reckless okay?. Call me once you hear this."

Lisa's heart was relieved once she heard the voicemail from her daughter. It made her believe that maybe she can still turn this thing around and make things right and she will, starting by going trying to get a hold of Ella's mommy and getting her back again so that together they can attend their daughter's high school graduation.

She was about to ask Jisoo if she has told Rosie that she would want to meet the latter back home when her phone suddenly ran out of life, making Lisa groan in annoyance. Looking over the clock, she realized that it was already nearly six in the morning and she hasn't got much time left before Ella's graduation rights.

Without any time to waste further, she presses the start button of her car which roared to life as soon as the engine ignites. She puts the seat belt on, and makes a u-turn when all of a sudden-

"No, no, no!" Lisa groaned when the car stopped running. She takes a look at all the measurements when a familiar E sign was blinking red. "SERIOUSLY?!"

She steps out of her car and tries to hitch-hike with all the speeding cars passing by. Who was she kidding exactly? This was in the middle of the woods and she knows that no one would be heading downtown anytime soon since it was a weekend. And to even try stopping a car just so she could have a ride would either mean she's one crazy woman or she was just trying to get herself involve in an accident, one that she had successfully avoided hours ago.

Desperate yet slowly losing hope Lisa starts to wonder how long will it take for her to run back to her home and thought about the possibility of appearing on Rosie's doorstep looking like a freaking waterfall. She didn't want to do that but there was no time to waste, she needs to head back home first.

Grabbing her essentials in her car she was about to make a run for it when she heard faded rings from a distance. Turning around and squinting her eyes she sees the sign about two blocks away from her.


"You have got to be kidding me."


By the time Lisa was home she was already drenched with sweat, and she smells like alcohol and she wasn't liking herself any second. With sore and tired feet she ditches her bike to the side and enters her home where she plans to take a swift bath, have her phone charger and call Jisoo as soon as possible.

Lisa places her bag and keys on the coffee table, she immediately puts her phone on charge before walking towards the kitchen where she spots the groceries over the kitchen counter. Lisa opens the fridge and was surprised to see it fully stocked with

all the various stuff that she usually buys. She even goes to the laundry room as she could hear distant machinery sounds. Opening the door, she was shocked to see the machines washing mostly her clothes.

Furrowing her eyebrows she wondered who could've done this and the first person that comes into her mind was probably Jennie, who decided to be a good friend first before killing her. Closing the laundry room door, she decides to head back to her phone to call Jisoo when-



Lisa stops as soon as she heard the muffled voice coming from their bedroom. She stares the door for a while, thinking what was Jennie doing inside their room when she could've waited for her in the living room. So to finally talk with Jennie- she walks to her bedroom-

Only to find that the person inside wasn't Jennie Kim.

"Contact whoever it is that is needed to be called I want Lisa home right now," Rosie says as she paces back and forth. "Well do something! Call Jennie already and see if she has any leads whatsoever."

The woman ends the call and dials another number as she continues to walk in a very worrying pace. Her voice was hoarse and her cheeks were bloated. Her eyes looked like she hasn't slept for days and her fingernails were already uneven from all the nail-biting she had committed, a habit that was so familiar to the Thai woman as she knows that the woman in front of her only does that whenever she was stressed or angry about something she has no longer control of.

Seeing her again after the brief week separation made Lisa feel like she was anticipating the drop from a rollercoaster. Her excitement is soaring through the roof, and she blinks once, twice, even added a few more just to make sure that what was happening now was a part of her reality and not a dream.

"Hello Soo? Did you find anything?" She takes a pause for a moment before looking like she was about to cry. "Okay, when you find something can you call me immediately? Okay, I'll be waiting." The call ends, and she looks at the sea once again, eyes filled with a mixture of tears and worry. "Where the hell are you asshole..."

Though that whisper was meant to be an insult- Lisa finds herself smiling widely. "Right here, Rosie."

Rosie snaps her head to the side, eyes-wide when she finally saw the person she has been looking for since last night. "Lisa?" She asks in her broken tone. "Is... is that really you?"

"A little shitty but yeah, this is me." And just like that Rosie was stomping her way towards Lisa who was quite unsure of what she might do to her. "Hold on Rosie-"

"YOU DUMB AS A DOORKNOB!" She immediately slaps the latter. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?"


"We've been worried sick all night trying to look for you, ya tosser!" She continues to slap Lisa by the arm. "AND THEN YOU COME HOME PISSED!? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF!? WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED LISA! Because I was just about to go back here when I receive a call from Jisoo about you call that went straight to voicemail- telling her to tell me that you have something important to say to me before she hears your car horn and the call ends!"

"Okay so-"

"How can you be so careless?! Do you really value your life that way?! Do you not care about the people around you huh Lisa!?" There were already tears in her eyes as she continues to flow out her frustrations towards the latter. "When you were thinking of ending your life tell me did you think about what the people surrounding you would feel? What would your company do if they lose practically the person who turned their business into an empire? How would Jennie feel knowing that the only person who makes the office less of a shitty place, her best friend can no longer be around?"

"What would your staff feel? What would Jisoo feel? Have you thought of what kind of pain you are going to inflict on mama and papa once they find out!? And did you even think what would Ella feel? What would I feel!!!" Rosie's chest heaves up and down as she continues to lash out on Lisa. "All you care about is yourself all Lisa Manoban, all about your feelings, your thoughts yourself- you fucking selfish piece of arse! You selfish, selfish, selfish person I-"

"You're right, I'm fucking selfish. I'm conceited, insensitive, annoying, assuming piece of shit and probably marrying me is one of the worst decision you ever made but guess what Rosie- you're going to have to stand by your decision until your last fucking breath because I am not going to divorce you!"

"W-wh-what?" Rosie asks as she backs away a few steps. "What are you talking about?"

"Are you really going to be deaf on me? Didn't you realize what I just said? I said I-"

"I heard what you said!"

"So why are you asking?!"

"Why are you shouting!?"

"Because that's who we are!" Lisa retorts back.

"I'm going to do things that would push all of your buttons, things that would make you pull your hair out of annoyance and get mad back at me, telling me what kind of an asshole I am but I'm going to counter it with rants on how sensitive you are and state reasons that you're annoying and a pain in the ass too so we result to talking in our native languages am I right?" She takes a short pause- trying to get her breath altogether before continuing once more. "We're going to battle it out- probably ignore one another for a few hours and probably curse each others' negative personalities to our closest friends but what do we do after?"

"We make up..." She lets the words come out of her mouth as a form of a whisper. "We make up through a dinner out, a drive-thru movie, surprises, beach walks, dates, and even long weekend getaways. We always do makeup before regardless of how many fights we had so why can't we do that now?"

"What..?" Rosie blinks the confusion away. "Lisa just what on Earth are you talking about? Weren't you the one who prepared the petition for divorce? The one who decided to accuse me of things without even listening to my explanation?"

"Because I was selfish." Rosie looks at her, demanding elaboration judging by the look from her eyes. However, instead of answering through her words- Lisa takes a few steps forward and held her wife's hands. "And I think I'm going to continue being that- if that meant I could keep you in my life for a really long time..."

"Lisa..." Rosie's soft tone just made her knees weak and she had to hold on tighter or else she would come crumbling down.

"I can write an entire book of how much I realize within a week that you were gone in my life. I may have given you a thousand reasons to leave and I know your ears have gone madly deaf every time you hear this from me but- please don't give up on me."

"Don't give up on me because I don't think I could spend the rest of my life with someone else... don't give up on me because you're the only one who can truly understand me. Don't do it because I don't want anyone else to annoy but you- I-" Lisa bites her lower lip hard while her tears flowed through her face like rapid raindrops from her cloudy eyes. "Don't give up on me because you're my person Rosie..." She looks up and meets Rosie's eyes.

"Because I choose you."

Rosie didn't pay attention any longer to the thunderstorms in Lisa's eyes, she no longer paid attention to the waterfalls on her eyes, to the rapid beating of her heart nor to the resurrection of the butterflies in her stomach. All she could focus on- all of her attention was on the last three words that Lisa had spoken.

I choose you.

For how long she waited for those words to be heard after all these years. It felt great to hear it yet no matter how hard she tries to push the thought at the back of her head- she couldn't help but also feel regretful at the same time. It was heart-warming yet heartbreaking too. Now, Rosie was torn between who to choose. She was standing in the middle of giving Lisa this one more chance and she was dreading to give it to her without second thoughts.

But just as when she was ready to give in to her heart once more her mind suddenly pops in the middle with a question that even she couldn't even answer immediately.

For how long will she choose you?

And while the Australian native was having a hard time processing what the latter had spoken, Lisa kind of took this in a negative way. As a woman of minimal words she had believed that the most powerful thing in the world isn't the vocal capability of a person rather- she believed that silence is the peak of human response. In silence, you can find many things- you can realize gazillion thoughts and conclude decisions. She just wonders if one of Rosie's decisions is to accept her despite her recent actions.

However, with each passing moment, Lisa feels her heart getting peeled piece by piece that gets bigger with each second of silence Rosie had chosen to remain silent. With every instant, she feels like losing hope- losing the chance in getting back with her person in this life. And when Rosie decided to still remain silent after a minute and a quarter- it was when Lisa had finally accepted it.

Even though Lisa has decided to choose her- Rosie has grown tired of choosing her for so long that her heart eventually gave up.

"Okay..." Lisa nods in response to the silence. "Okay."

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