Final Week

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Lisa remained in her position for a few seconds, trying to stop her legs from shaking and get them to fucking move but in some wicked way they decide to not listen to her mental commands rather they decide to have a voice on their own, and their choice was to stay there and listen to the most heartbreaking silence in Lisa's life.

It seems like her body wants to stay there, to beg further and to just plead for Rosie to hear her out again. Her hands were desperate to reach out to her wife- desperate to feel the latter's warmth even if it meant for the last time...

And even if she was an asshole, she doesn't consider herself to be a pushover. She was always patient with Rosie, always waiting for her wife to come around and talks once the anger in her heart has died down. Love is patient after all... But she wonders if she was too patient that she had missed the chance of getting things back on track.

They say when you love someone you have to let them go. Lisa wanted to accept that opinion and agree with it however at the back of her mind there's a lingering thought that she couldn't seem to shake-

Why love someone in the first place when you're just going to let go of them anyways?

Lisa shakes the thought of her head, knowing that it won't matter any longer... all of this doesn't mean anything now. Regardless if she was too patient or too irrational, too assuming or too insensitive- none will ever bring the dying relationship back to life and she had to accept that she had become one of the major factors why her marriage had to come this way.

Once her movement was in sync in her mind, she slowly turns around and heads for the door when-

"Bold of you to assume someone else is going to be willing to spend the rest of their lives with you."

The latter turns her head around almost too quickly that Rosie thought if she would've snapped towards her direction with a little more speed Lisa would experience a stiff neck or in worst case scenario- Lisa wouldn't have a head to move anymore.

Her reaction caused Rosie to smile as she crosses her arms and posing in a very arrogant manner. "What? Think anyone can handle your ass? You think anyone can just submit to you their application letter and maybe you can do a few selections and some final interview then you can move forward to your wedding ceremony?"

"Who decided to stay even after you showed your weird antics on the first date? Who said that you were cute even after all those dorky kinds of stuff and the embarrassing moments you do in public during your dates?"


"Who took care of your drunken ass every goddamn time when you and your friends go out? Who takes care of you whenever you got sick?"


"Who chose to be understanding each time you throw a tantrum? Who was willing to be there for you no matter what happens?"

"Still you."

"Who had the willingness to marry you, to stand by your side through all these years and who was so willing to fix everything was falling apart- even if you didn't want to do so in the first place?"

"You Rosie."

"And you think anyone can do better what I do?" Lisa lowers her head in shame as she shakes her head. "Well, then why are you letting me go Lisa?" She asks. "After all you've realized- why did you stop holding my hand? Am I really that easy to let go?"

Lisa snaps her head up once again- this time looking at her with such disagreement. "Rosie no... I could never do that."

"So why did you take your steps back?"

"I might've taken a few steps away from but those will be the most painful steps of my entire life." She says. "Letting you go is never easy Rosie... I could easily drop everything I have now if it meant having you back in my life."

"Lisa, you don't have to do things to get me back to your life." Rosie answers. "You can't get me to be back in your life because I never left in the first place." Lisa closes her eyes as soon as she heard the words as she breaks down in tears. "I may have given you the freedom a week before but it didn't mean I wasn't waiting for you to come around..."

"Why..." Lisa croaks out. "Why are you still here even after all the bullshit I've put you through?"

"Lisa look at me." She cups the latter's chin as they meet eye to eye. "I'm still here because of three simple words."

"Because you love me?" Rosie shakes her head.

"Because I choose you."

Hearing that made Lisa's knees weak and brought Rosie to tears. "Just because things were hard doesn't mean I have to give you up and just because things were also heavy doesn't mean I have to let go... because you are worth the weight." Both of them look at one another with tears in their eyes. "Get it? You are worth the weight."

And though Lisa had tears in her eyes, she lets out a genuine smile that she hasn't been able to do so ever since they got separated. "You and your dad jokes."

"I know you miss them more than you miss me so might as well allow them to join in our conversation."

Shaking her head in disbelief, she chuckles as she slowly wraps her arms around Rosie's slender figure. "Well, then the jokes can leave now because I would like to have some quality time with my wife thank you."

Rosie snakes her hands as she locks them behind Lisa's head pulling the latter close to her. "And who is your wife?"

"Her name's Roseanne Park." She introduces the name. "But she likes to be called Rosie for short. She's forty-four years old now but in my eyes, she will always be the 18-year old woman I had seen during Arts Festival. I've been married to the most talented woman in all of Australia, the most beautiful, the most kind-hearted, and the biggest ass in- ow!" Rosie slaps her head hard, making Lisa stare at her wide-eyed. "What was that for!?"

"You arse at least try to be romantic for once!"

"But appreciating your ass is-" Rosie gives her the death glare and that's when Lisa finally throws in the white towel. "Okay fine, can I say sexy though?" Instantly the latter blushes at the word and Lisa couldn't help but smirk. "I guess sexy it is then."

"But Rosie isn't just my wife, she is more than that." She says. "Rosie is my best friend, my partner-in-crime, the only person who can understand me, and who never gives up on me even when I had given up on myself. Rosie is my home, my lifetime partner and most importantly Roseanne Park is my soul mate." Lisa smiles widely. "That's who my wife is."

Her speech made Rosie shed a few tears. "Well, then Rosie must feel much honored to be your wife."

"You should see me every time she introduces me as her wife." Lisa scoffs. "Talk about a blushing mess."

Rosie smiles as she looks at the person whom she had chosen. "I guess you're going to be a blushing mess for the rest of your remaining days?"

"It's a privilege I wouldn't miss for the world."

The brunette smiles at the blonde-haired woman who has pink tints located at her cheeks. With the use of her eyes, Rosie hopes that Lisa would be able to see just how much she had missed the Thai native and Lisa's eyes were also telling her the same. Cupping her lover's cheeks Rosie doesn't hold back any longer and kissed Lisa with such passion and feeling.

All the longing, the sadness, and the worries were long gone as Rosie threw those entire out in the open. She no longer cares if this reconciliation was good for two months, four or even five more years. All that matters were her lips were on Lisa's and Lisa's lips were on hers.

The moment their lips connected it totally felt weird at first... if they can speak out their thoughts as the kiss was ongoing. Nonetheless when Rosie started moving her lips in a very with such heedful movements, scared that her over-excitement would scare her wife away.

But when Lisa latches on her, pulling her closer more than their bodies would allow, she finally understood that she wanted this too. She wants the kiss, the fiery kiss that would make their knees weak and knock the air straight out of their chests. It was at that moment when Rosie understood that the latter was throwing every single thing out in the open and was willing to try again.

And this kiss is how they would start their new chapter in life.

Human as they are they finally pull away from one another but not too far as they still got their forehead pressed together. Lisa was the first one who broke the silence with a grin and a satisfied look on her face. "How was it?"

"How was what?"

"Rosie..." She says in an almost warning tone.

The blonde smiles but still kept her eyes closed. "It reminded me of when you kissed me during our graduation."


She nods her head and continued with her remembering. "We were taking pictures then our family and friends were teasing us to have a romantic pose together."

"But we didn't kiss at that memory." Lisa answers in confusion.

"I know..." Rosie smiles. "Remember when I was a blushing mess while getting irritated because they were forcing you into something that you weren't actually comfortable doing? I was reprimanding them from here and there, telling them to quit it because I don't want to force you-"

"But I told you to get on my back and we did some wacky faces." Lisa joins in reminiscing the past. "You were so sad after they took the photo because it felt like I was forced into doing something I don't usually do."

"Do you still recall what you answered that day?"

"I smiled and told you that it was okay, that you don't have to worry because everything I do with you because I wanted to do it. I may do things out of my comfort zone but I am always willing to try new things with you."

"And that's why this kiss reminded me of that day. Because you kissed me and you told me that you are willing to try new things with me... even if it meant going back to step zero all over again."

Lisa smiles and fixes Rosie's hair. "As long as we're in this together I believe we're able to do everything."

"I can't wait to tell-" Both of them widen their eyes.



"And now let us all welcome, to give a speech of gratitude, this year's class valedictorian, Ella Park!"

The crowd applauds their hands as Ella stood in front of the platform and faced the audience. "Thank you all for coming today, as you all know this is the part of the program where the school gives me the task to bring all of you guys into tears as we all remember the wonderful memories we have in this institution." She successfully breaks the ice when she hears laughter coming from her audience. "Wow, I never thought that would sell but yeah- thank heavens it did."

"It wasn't easy wasn't it?" She smiles. "All those years being stuck in this school, attending classes, doing home works and projects, being forced to participate in school plays and being forced to sit with Mr. Myers during detention." The entire class laughs at her joke, fully knowing the meaning behind it. "Okay, let's move forward I want to attend my last game."

"High school isn't definitely easy. It was a daily constant struggle that every student had to face. The books, bullies, and cafeteria food... everything about high school is hard." She takes a slight pause. "But someone told me, that just because things were hard- doesn't mean you have to give it up because the things that are hard to get were the things that are actually worth the wait."

"It didn't make sense before, but then I was a freshman- barely knew anything about high school. Now, I am here, standing in front of you proudly representing the class who has made it. The class who all thought that high school is tough, but it was a definitely needed ride in our lives. And we couldn't have done without you helping us each and every step of the way."

Ella takes a pause once more, a little longer than the recent one. "I would like to thank you, to all the parents out there who have supported their child through and through. Thank you for going all out just so we can have a wonderful education, thank you for breaking your bones and stressing your muscles just so we can go to school every day. For being there for us at times where we need you the most or even through the times that we feel like we don't need you, thank you for being there for us anyways. We may not be able to appreciate your efforts, but simply knowing that you are always there when we need you is more than enough for us. Thank you." Swallowing the lump in her throat, hanging her head low, Ella was preparing to do something that will probably shock everyone. "So I would like to take this opportunity to thank my-"

"My parents?" She whispers in the midst of the crowd.

There, far from the parents and guardians section, just a few meters away from the main doors of their auditorium hall were Rosie and Lisa with Lisa's arm wrapped securely on Rosie's shoulder and their other two arms were interlocked against one another. Her mama was trying her best to comfort her sobbing mommy whilst attempting her best to not let out tears but of course- failing miserably to do so.

Ella's silence caused everyone to turn the direction she was looking at, including Jennie and Jisoo who were surprised yet delighted as well as soon as they saw the two in that manner. Jisoo turns to Jennie who was looking at their friends with soft and watery eyes. Involuntarily- she reaches out to Jennie's hand, giving it a tight squeeze, making the latter look at her.

"You never told me you were a cry baby."

"That's because I'm not." Jennie rolls her eyes and blinks the tears away. "But thank you Jisoo... Thank you for trying."

"They're my friends... of course, I would do anything to help them."

The Valedictorian was in a whirlwind of emotions as she continues to stare at her parents whom she hasn't seen for almost two weeks now. The tidal waves were crashing against her chest, rhythm perfectly matching the rapid beating of her heart. The sea of feelings successfully escaped through her eyes, ruining her make-up for that specific event.

However, the emotions inside of the eighteen-year-old girl did not consist of anger, betrayal, hurt nor remorse rather a spin of delight, relief, and satisfaction. Lisa, nods at her daughter, urging for her to continue with what she was about to say. And for the very first time, Ella releases an authentic smile, grinning from ear to ear.

"Again I would like to take this opportunity to thank my..." She bites her lower lip. "My parents, Lalisa and Roseanne Park for helping me to realize a lot of things. Thank you for being my source of strength, peace, and comfort all at once. Thank you for setting a good example for me to follow, thank you for your love and support. More importantly, thank you for being honest." Ella looks at them with pride. "Thank you."

Soon enough hats were thrown in the air and such joyous atmosphere surrounded the entire auditorium as they were all finally greeted as graduates. While everyone was busy taking their pictures, Ella along with her two other friends were running across the corridors as they remove their graduation suites and rushed into their soccer uniforms.

By the time that the seniors got there, the opponent was ahead of 1 goal and it was nearing the halfway mark. Lisa and Rosie, along with their friends and the other parents seated at the free spaces on the bench. Ella didn't waste any time and started leading the team and as co-captain, she didn't fail as before the halftime came- she manages to pass the ball to her teammate which allowed for them to even the score.

The second half felt like a blur to the teenager as she was only focused to keep on scoring and give the team the win. During timeouts, she was the one who lead the entire club and raising their motivation up especially when it was down to the penalty minutes, the most crucial part of the game.

Her knees were wobbled and her ankle got hit a few times already making it hard for her to keep up with the speed of the game. She was running low on everything, most especially her breath... but what kept her going was her motivation to bring home the bacon before she leaves the school and-



And that was enough for her to push through the last minutes of her last high school game.


"Look who we have here! The finals MVP, Ella Park!"

"Hi, guys." Ella greets her aunties with a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I've never seen you run that fast champ, you were like going from one end to the other faster than my internet connection!"

The teenager chuckles. "Thank you, auntie Jennie."

Jisoo ruffles her sweaty hair. "You deserve the individual award."

"Thank you aunt Jisoo." She looks at the crowd, trying to look for two familiar people. "Where's-"

"Well, well, well... someone does miss us after all." Ella turns her head around faster than lightning at the voice. "Hi, there mee noi."


"Come here you!" Ella immediately crushes herself in Lisa's chest, making the latter groan slightly at the abrupt contact. Arms wrapped tightly around her waist Lisa looks at her child who succumbs her head against her womb. "There, there..."

"What about me?" Rosie's shaky voice appears in the scene as Ella pulls away from Lisa. "Don't you think I deserve a hug from the MVP too?" Ella squints her eyes as she rushes to her mommy's arms and cries her heart out. "Oh, Ella..."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for pushing you guys away." Ella weeps out her words of regret. "I didn't mean to I was mad and I felt betrayed with what you guys did to me so-"

"Hey, hey, hey." Lisa calms her daughter down. "It's okay... it's okay mee noi. All is fair in love and war right?"

"But what I did to you was wrong... you guys are my parents and I should've seen the sacrifices you've been making for me all these years."

"What we did to you was far more wrong than what you did to us bub, you're our child... No matter how you will feel towards us will never change that truth okay? Your ma and I will always love you no matter what happens."

"And if it weren't for you Ella, we wouldn't be able to realize that even if we were no longer the Roseanne Park and Lisa Manoban eighteen years ago that's okay. We would rather be who we are now because we wouldn't trade having you for the world." Lisa kisses Ella's forehead. "Thank you for helping us find our way back."

"Sorry to burst your bubble their Park family but I believe that I have to be the cock-blocker in your family moment." Jisoo cuts them off as shows off her camera. "We need to time capture this wonderful moment don't we?"

"You're right." Rosie wipes the tears away of her babies. "Alright, we're all set."

Jisoo made some necessary adjustments in her camera before looking at the family. "Okay ready?"


"1, 2, 3-" Click. "1, 2, 3-" Jisoo smiles as she takes a quick preview of her shots. "The shots are good, would you like to add one more?"

"You three should do a wacky pose." Jennie stands beside Jisoo. "You three comedians need to have a wacky pose don't you think?"

The three of them look at each other and somehow understood what the other was saying with just the look of the eyes. "Okay, I think I know what we're gonna do for the wacky pose."

Both Jennie and Jisoo raised their eyebrows in amusement. "Really?"

Lisa nods her head confidently. "Really."

"Well..." Jisoo adjusts the camera in her hand once more. "In 3, 2, 1-"



"Are you sure you have everything? Your clothes are full set? Shoes? Socks?"


"Your backpack for school? Your mini first aid kit and go bag?"

"All set for duty!"

"Okay but what about your pajamas? Underwears? Are you wearing your lucky undies now?"


Ella looks around as the rest of the students were having the last few minutes with their kids right before the bell rings. "What? I was just making sure! You'll never know what will happen on your first day!" Lisa smiles. "I was wearing my lucky underwear when I met your mother."

"Enough!" She whines. "Ma, we are not having this talk you're going to embarrass me!"

"Well, I just think- ow!!!"

"If your daughter said enough you're going to have to stop it Lalisa."

Ella smiles as soon as she hears the statement and gives her mommy a hug. "Thanks, mommy."

"Always here for you bub." Rosie smiles. "Now, let me take one last look of you."

"Mommy I am just going to college it's not like I'm getting myself enlisted."

"I did once and trust me when I say you're not even going to survive there a day mee noi. Your weak ass shit can't handle- ow! Again! Stop hitting the head! You know I have a few brain cells left sheesh."

"Stop bullying my baby girl okay? One more insult and you're going to sleep outside I am not kidding Lisa, do not threaten me." Lisa raises both of her hands in defeat and rubs the sore spot. "I think you're all set now bub."

Ella looks at her mommy who was about to break down in tears. "Mommy don't cry..."

"No, I just- I'm okay." She smiles and wipes away the tears. "Now come and give me a hug." Her daughter gladly welcomes her in her arms. "You take care of yourself okay? I know you're going to be a responsible college student because we have faith in you but please... don't go to every frat party they invite you. Go to the sororities instead, they serve better drinks anyways."

The freshman turns to her other mother who nods in agreement. "It's the legendary cherry cola bomb. I don't know what they mix but it's a pretty good drink for a party."

"Ma, I'm kind of scared... this is all new to me I- I don't know if I am even cut for college."

Lisa places her hands on her daughter's shoulders, giving them an encouraging squeeze before meeting her in the eyes. "It's okay to be scared mee noi. New things always scare people but what matters is that we do not remain scared forever. This may be new and there may be a lot of things that you are unsure of but one thing's for sure." She smiles. "You're Ella Park and there will be nothing that will be too impossible for you."

The university bell finally rings and the announcer immediately addressed all the incoming freshmen who were waiting by the lobby. Giving her parents one more tight hug and loving kiss, Ella drags her luggage with her and into the university gates they go. She gives her parents one last look who was waving and smiling at her, cheering her on. Ella in return gives them a wide grin, before rushing back into joining the group.

And as the door finally closes and some of the parents made their way out of the university premises, both mothers leaned on their car for support- just letting everything sink in for a moment. Rosie turns to her wife and immediately sensed that she was about to breakdown soon so she safely wraps her arms around Lisa who cried in her arms; hugging the latter in the same manner she is comforting her now.

"You're such a baby Lisa." Rosie sighs. "Hush now, she's going to be fine."

"I was trying to be strong for her... If she sees me worrying for her then she's going to worry for the rest of her freshman year."

"And you did a good job, today babe." The Australian leans in and gives the latter a kiss. "Thank you for cheering Ella on."

"She will be okay right?" Lisa pulls away and meets Rosie's orbs. "Ella will be okay?"

"Lisa, she's our daughter, of course, she's going to be okay."

"You're right. She's our daughter and she's going to do good in school."

The blonde woman snickers and wipes a few more smudged tears on her wife's face. "That's my girl."

"Babe? Think she'll like our graduation gift for her?"

"If she doesn't then you're plan B is one call away right?"

"Well you're right, I can just call-" Lisa stares at Rosie wide-eyed. "H-h-how did you know?"

"Lisa I'm your wife. Tell me something I don't know about you." She rolls her eyes arrogantly. "Now come along, it's going to be a long day for us as well."

It was already late in the evening when all of the freshmen were done with everything they needed to know about the university. Ella felt like it was information overload for her, so she hurries through her evening routine and hits the sack.

"Going to sleep already?" Mia, her roommate asks.

"Yeah, I feel like my brain needs to rest with all of that information." She chuckles. "You?"

"Going to meet up with my friend for a while. I'll be back soon though."

"Take your time."

She liked Mia as they immediately clicked right away when they met hours earlier. Mia's major was science- Biochemistry to be exact. Mia was nice; she wasn't pushy nor too silent for her liking. A reason why she was already thankful because at least today was a good start.

Opening her second luggage for the day Ella tries to sort everything out especially the ones that she needed to wear for the next day as her first class starts seven in the morning. After making sure everything was a full set, she was ready to hit the sack once more when there was something inside her bag that caught her attention.

Furrowing her eyebrows she was surprised to see a brown bag underneath her pile of clothes. Pulling it out and unwrapping its content, she was surprised to see a very vintage hoodie. In front of it was the embroidered logo of the university and underneath was the letterings of 'Arts and Music Department'. She inhales the scent, smiling widely as she knew it was of her mommy's. Looking back at the bag, she spots a small post-it note and decides to read it as she hops back at her bed.

To my forever bub,

This is my lucky hoodie. I know it looks old and not actually mine but this particular clothing brought me comfort and luck throughout my remaining years there in the university and I was hoping it would bring the same to you as well. Congratulations on graduating and starting a new chapter in your life.

With Love,


She instantly misses Rosie after reading her short note. Closing her eyes she lets her mother's scent linger in her nose for a while before pushing the fabric further into her. Ella wraps around her hands inside her pocket when unexpectedly she was able to fish out an envelope, containing a letter.

Unfolding the note she trails her fingers over her mama's scribbles and tries to control her emotions. She knew her mother was a woman of short actions and words. So to see that she was able to fill in fully a legal-size paper made her emotional right there. Ella closes her eyes and breathes out loud before settling her eyes on the beginning of the message but even that was enough to put her into tears already.

To Our Darling Ella,

If you found this as soon as you unpacked, it only means that your mommy sucks at hiding things. I told her that she would do the writing and I'd deal with the jacket thing but she knows that you would want to hear more from me. I hope you're going to find this note weeks or even months later and maybe even during at your toughest time but if you find this right on the same day you left for college then that also means you take after my intelligence which is something I am certainly proud of. Hehe.

First things first, I would like to tell you a piece of good news. I received a call from my boss a week ago and he told mama that I'm included in one of the business partners of the company now isn't that great? That means no more flying in and out and I can do work from home now too. All the stressful work is now passed to Aunt Jennie yay! Kidding, she'll kill me if I celebrated her stress.

Now since mama can work through home I've come to a decision to do one of the things that your mommy and I have been dreaming about way before- and that is to tour all across Australia.

We've always dreamed of living on the road and all we would have is my camera, her guitar, and our ancient playlist. We would scream our hearts out, singing to every song and let the road take us wherever we are meant to go. I know you're laughing as of the moment because here we are two early 40's lesbians trying to do what you rascal teenage youths are doing nowadays but you know how I always referred to your mommy as my youth so whenever we're together, age will always be just a number.

And I think it's time for me to achieve another dream of mine now mee noi. You see I've set aside my dream to be a photographer just so I could give you the luxury of comfort. Your mommy decided to give away her talent in hopes that she would be able to stay home and look after you as you grow up. We both gave up our dreams to be your parents and now, I believe that we should trust in the way that we have raised you and believe that you can do things on your own now with the belief that if anything goes bad and you don't know what to do you would always call us. The three of us will achieve our own dreams now.

But before we completely trust you and give you your independence I would like to give you seven pieces of advice that I have learned from our seven weeks of therapy.

First, your life isn't all about unicorns and rainbows. There are days where you'd get to experience thunderstorms, floods, and disaster. There will be days that you're going to sleep sad and you're going to wake up sad, you're going to have rough days and it gets worse than that. I'm sorry that we protected you too much and tried to give you all positivity even if it meant hiding the truth. I realized that when you didn't know how to react when the thunderstorm came and you pushed everyone out of your life.

I don't want that to happen again that is why I need you to know those bad days are gonna come in your life but not all tears are because of sadness mee noi. Sometimes fate allows you to go through bad days just so you can appreciate the good days too. But remember that you're not going through this alone... we will always be here whenever you need us. We're thunder buddies for life.

Through your years in college, you will get that feeling or that hidden desire to follow what everyone else is doing. There will be people who might force things on you and tell you what to do and while I get that it's perfectly normal, I desire that you would be able to find it in your heart to be different from the rest of them. You may be a little thick and you may not be feminine as most of the other girls but so what? What's the point of following the norm when you don't even understand if that's what you want?

Look at your mothers Ella. We were so pressured to be the perfect family in everyone's eyes that we sacrificed too much of what we wanted just to become who they wanted us to be. The moment we stopped following everyone else's orders we became the parents that you deserve. Just like what they say- why tag along when you can definitely stand out?

This next advice may seem very familiar to you. My darling Ella I hope that you allow yourself to change. Allow yourself to grow, to prosper and to be that person who you are meant to be. I get that changes are pretty scary and even adults are afraid of changes too because everyone changes mee noi... even the ones who promised that they won't, even if you tell yourself that you won't. Change is inevitable.

So I hope you don't tell anyone to not change themselves because you will end up getting disappointed. Even though change is something that we cannot control, we can control how things change. It is up to us whether we choose to change for the better or for the worse and I pray in my heart that you will always choose to change for the better.

When you give yourself the chance to change, you're giving yourself an opportunity to experience new things in life and create your own path. And that is my fourth reminder to you my daughter, I hope you can manage to create your own path as you spend most of your youth there. I hope that the path that you have created is a flowery road, one that you deserve to have and the one that you wouldn't be embarrassed to share with others later on.

As you create your own road, I hope that you wouldn't be too hard on yourself. Yes, it is better to create room for improvement and success but it is also wise to make some room for disappointments and mistakes. Give yourself a chance to experience failures for by then you can cherish once you've tasted success. Life is already hard for you mee noi and being hard on yourself won't make things better.

The next advice is the reminder that it is okay to break the rules sometimes. Drive without wearing your seatbelt, get drunk and wasted, skip classes and go by the river bank and cliff jump with your friends. I get it, this is a bad parenting move but trust me when I say that crazy moments will be beautiful memories years later. We all have one life to live and the clock's ticking. We should make the most out of it.

We're finally down to the final reminder. This is going to be pretty cliché and cringy but I really did save the best for last. The last advice I am going to give you is that I hope that you can find and let yourself love without having any fears.

College is a pretty great venue to figure out who you truly want to be. Back then I was confused about what love really meant and I've always thought of taking a break from loving people because apparently I've been loving the wrong person multiple times and they always leave me hanging or just plain heartbroken.

But just as when I was about to take rest, your mommy comes up to me and hands me a list of why should I give her a chance for a date. And as I felt myself feeling things for her I was scared, I was scared of getting my heart broken again and especially by her. I was scared that one day she'd wake up and realize that it isn't me that she wants.

And I let that fear get to me, Ella. I let that fear get to me and it caused for her and me to drift apart and I will always regret that for the rest of my life. Letting my fear get in the way of between me and the woman that I was destined to be with will always be my painful regret.

So just love Ella. Love without seconds thoughts and just love without fear in your heart. You're going to fall for the wrong people and that's okay. Because it gives you the chance to prepare and know your worth as a person so that when the right person comes, you would know how to love and how to love back. The right person will come to you like how you would find yourself looking at a particular flower in the field. In a thousand similar kinds of flowers, there will always be that one that you catch your attention. You're going to find your Rosie soon mee noi so love fearlessly and whole-heartedly. Loving someone is scary but it's a path that everyone is willing to take.

I believe that's all that I have to say to you now. I know these words are not enough, but I wish that as you start with a new part in your life these words would bring you comfort and peace. We may not be always with you physically but that's okay because that's why Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn invented the internet right?

So I hope you enjoy your entire stay there in the university mee noi. You only get to experience this once.

Unless you decide to switch majors or study twice and maybe even go for a master's degree.

Please don't do that, I want to see my grandkids. Speaking of grandkids can you- God. I cannot believe I am having this conversation with you in my letter!!!

I am ranting too much now am I?

Hi bub, I stole the pen from your mama because she's busy worrying about the kinds of stuff she shouldn't be worrying about just now. I locked her out of the room for a while just in case she was rambling all the way through. Since I'm already here, can I just say a few words?

I hope that the life you are living now is the life that you've been dreaming about. I hope that you get to live the life that you deserve to have. As a parent- that's all I could ever pray to happen to you. With that, I'll leave you with a reminder to call me every dinner time so that we can face time. No excuses young lady, don't make mommy build a tent right outside the campus just so I can check up on you!

Can't wait to make you jealous with all the places your mama has planned to take me, but don't worry I'll send postcards looking like a Victoria Secret Model.

We'll see you soon bub.

With lots of love,

Mommy and Mama

Ella wipes her tears away as she had the biggest smile on her face. "Idiots."

The teenager gives the note a lingering kiss before placing it underneath her drawer for safekeeping. Since her parents' letter has given her quite energy, she decided to go out for a walk and just enjoy the scenery of the university at night. Her mama told her a secret spot where she can lay down and watch the stars.

Wearing her hoodie she grabs her phone and puts on her earphones as she heads for the elevator. Bopping to the indie beats on her track she was in the zone of getting lost into music when she could hear faint noises from the outside. Furrowing her eyebrows she looks up and sees a dashing girl with blonde hair rushing towards the closing elevator doors.

Quickly as she can Ella, presses the hold button and waits for the woman to settle in before letting go and both of them head down to the ground floor lobby area. "Th-Th-thanks." The girl says out of breath. "I thought you were going to be a mean brunette and shut me out like that."

"N-no..." She stutters. "I-I would never do that."

The girl looks at her with a smile. "Yeah, you give off the good girl vibe."

Ella didn't say anything in return after that. She focused on the elevator, wondering why it was taking her too long for them to arrive on the ground floor. She felt like she just wants to be out of this place immediately. She pulls the hood over her head and just sought comfort in Rosie's scent, hoping that just by imagining her mother being there would calm the wild beating of her heart.

"Cool jacket." She hears the girl speak. "You're from the Arts and Music Department?"

"No, this jacket belonged to my mom. I'm an Architect student."

"Great! I'm an Engineering Student, Chemical to be exact." The latter smiles at her. "I'm Daffodil by the way."


"I'm Daffodil." She introduces once again. "Like the flower- Daffodil. My mom named me that because she told me I was her new beginning. She didn't know it was a new beginning of pain in the arse of course."


Daffodil takes a look at her again. "So do I get a name or do I have to call you the cute girl inside the elevator because of that nickname's way too long for me."

Ella immediately blushes at the compliment but decides to introduce herself as well. "My name's Ella."

"Did you know Ella in Hebrew means goddess?" The latter announces all of a sudden. "Sorry, I just have a thing for knowing the meaning behind a person's name. It's a very weird habit of mine."

"It's... it's not weird." Ella counters. "Unique is a perfect word for it."

Daffodil smiles. "Now I know why your parents named you that way." The elevator dings, announcing that they have arrived. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Ella. I hope to see you around." And while the girl was walking away, all Ella could hear was her mama's faint advice.

The right person will come to you like how you would find yourself looking at a particular flower in the field. In a thousand similar kinds of flowers, there will always be that one that you catch your attention. You're going to find your Rosie soon mee noi so love fearlessly and whole-heartedly.

"Hey! Daffodil!" The blonde woman stops in her walking and Ella rushes up to her.


"I was wondering if you're up for a late-night walk. I mean I don't mean to impose but I just thought that it would be nice to-"

"Sure, a late-night walk sounds okay."

"Really? You- you'd come with me?"

"It's not every day I get to meet a goddess so why not?" She shrugs. "Come one let's go."

And as she walks side by side with the girl named Daffodil, Ella Park knew that maybe Lisa was right. Maybe in a thousand field of Roses, she had found her Rosie, her Daffodil.


"Here you go, careful it's still hot."

"No, it's not." Lisa immediately stuffs her mouth with the roasted marshmallow only to throw it in her hands immediately. "IT'S HOT!"

While her wife was struggling to cool down her flaming food Rosie blows the heat of before taking a sweet bite of her snack. "It's so good."

They were already a few kilometers away from Queensland as they set foot their first destination which was Darwin, a 17-hour drive from their current stop. It was getting late already and Lisa was already having trouble with her visions. Both of them decided that taking a night by this drive-thru camping area which was a good decision because they were offered free food and heat coming from the bonfire by a family who was also taking a stop before heading on a road trip.

"Do you think Ella has already read my letter?"

"Our daughter isn't that dense like you Lisa."

"Stop making it sound like I am the only dumb one here." She lets her tongue out at her wife. "You think she's going to be okay?"

"She's going to be okay. We've raised her well and I believe that she won't hesitate to call us if something happens to her." Rosie says. "Stop worrying about her too much. She's going to be fine."

"I felt like our roles are reversed now." Lisa shares. "Remember how panicked you've become when Ella tripped and had her first bruise?"

"Okay, what about you when Ella told us about her first crush?"

"Not at you when she told us that someone decided to ask her out for a date. You went ballistic that dinner!"

"She was fifteen!" Rosie argues to which, Lisa laughs in return.

"Those were good times right?"

"Yeah..." The Australian nods her head. "But this is a good time too."


"I was so happy when you told me about your surprise. My heart was leaping for joy because it was so sweet of you to have not forgotten your promise that we would tour the entire country just the two of us."

"Shame that we couldn't do that at a younger age," Lisa says in dismay. "I'm sorry Rosie, I should've given you this break a long time ago."

"That's okay." The latter smiles. "We're doing this now and that's all that matters."

Lisa smiles at that heart-warming statement from her wife. "I have one more surprise for you though."

She fishes out two envelopes from her pocket and gave the other one to the latter. "What is this?"

"It was our last task before we end the 7-week therapy." Lisa answers. "We were going to read our vows hoping that it would be the last hope to ignite the dying fire of our marriage. She was going to do an individual interview with both of us and ask us if we were still willing to give the marriage another try."


"And I think it's just quite right to do the final task. I think this is a great way for us to start our amazing road trip together don't you think?" Rosie nods in agreement. "Okay so why don't you start first."

"Why don't you start first?"


"Lalisa." Both of them stare at one another then-



"YAAAAY!!!" Rosie was clapping her hands happily and even did a little b-boy dance. "You lost! Ha! Loser!"

"Since when did you-"

"Just read your vow loser." She smirks victoriously.

"Sheesh fine." Lisa looks at the lines. "Wow this is hella cringy."

"Go for it!" Rosie wraps Lisa's hoodie over her body as she waits for her wife to start. "

"Seven years." Lisa starts. "We've been through the good and the bad; we've seen each other's true self. I know all of you are expecting that I'd tell a whole entire series of paragraphs on how I would display my love for my soon to be wife but no- I don't want to just tell them how I will love you but I also will tell them how I will not love you."

"I will not love you when you've finally reach stardom. When everyone will be screaming your name, asking for a photo or an autograph, when everyone praises you for your talent I will not join in the crowd and love you. I will love you when everyone has turned their backs against you. I will love you when the red curtains are down and the lights have turned off. When everyone will start to throw hate and call you names I will be there by your side and love you."

"I will not love you when you're happy with your work; I will not cheer you on whenever you have a platinum award or breaking records out there. Instead, I will love you when you're getting a composer's block. I will love you when you get 50 views and trust me when I say that I will be the first one to comment and subscribe to your channel. I will cheer you on when you're no longer at the top. I will stay with you even if you hit rock bottom and tell you that you are the most talented person I have ever known."

"I will not love you when you are proud of yourself; I will not love you when you think you're doing a good job as a mother or even as a human. I will not love you through loud gestures or grand surprises, I will not love you when things are easy and I will not love you even though you love me."

Lisa breathes out a while and tries to get a hold on of her emotions. "Wow... hold on for a minute I-" She looks at Rosie who had tears in her eyes. "I don't know why but I'm actually getting nervous for this." She chuckles as she hangs her head low.

"It's okay Lisa... take all the time you want."

A minute later she nods her head and looks focused. "Yeah okay, I'm going to continue now."

Rosie chuckles at her wife's nervousness. "Go ahead."

"But instead- I will love you when you are no longer happy with yourself. I will be there as you become conscious of your growing physical body, I will be there as you cry yourself to sleep thinking you're fat. I will be there Rosie and I will tell you that even if you gained 15 kilos and have triple layers of eye bags you're still the apple of my eye."

"When you think you're doing a bad job as a mother and as a human, I will hug you and hold you in my arms as I whisper how much of a good person you are. I will remind you that it is okay to feel bad about yourself because I will be there and I will continuously- endlessly remind you that you, Roseanne Park is one of the purest souls here on this planet. With you around, the population of shitty people has lessened."

"I will love you through my subtleness. I will love you in my own ways, in my silent yet understanding ways. I will show my love through simple notes, petty fights, and weekend video games. I will make you feel my love when we pack our bags and do the great Australia travel." Lisa smiles. "I will love you through the pictures I take because people say if you want to know what someone's fear to lose you'd watch what they photograph... and I think it's safe to say that you are my muse, Rosie."

"I will not love you when you love me but instead-" The brunette bites her lower lip as tears flowed from the side of her eyes. "I will love you even if you don't love me. I will love you the way I have always loved you and hope that it will be enough to bring you back to me. Because everyone can love you at your best, but not everyone is willing to love you and stay when you're at your worst. And when you are at your worst Roseanne, that- is where I will love you, because that's how much I love you, and that's how I always loved you." She stares at Rosie for a while before releasing a smile on her face.

"I know I haven't been that person for some years but-"

"No Lisa," Rosie says in her rich and thick Aussie accent. "You have always been that person through all these years." The latter smiles. "It was me who was blinded and assumed that you no longer love me because I forgot that you prefer to love me in silence."

"We both made our mistakes babe." Lisa smiles at her. "But what matters is we're here right?" Rosie nods her head adorably. "Now don't be sly to me and say your marriage vow to me again."

The latter begins to whine and leans onto Lisa and settles her face on the crook of Lisa's neck. "But I wrote it too cringy."

"No- you wrote things too short. I remember you were whining and cried for days because you felt like you did a bad marriage vow and how you thought that people were thinking you were going to be a bad wife to me because of that vow." Lisa chuckles remembering how they stayed their first three days of honeymoon just inside their hotel room when they could've explored Hawaii. "You dumb dumb."


"Not more buts this time Roseanne. You have to play fair."

Rosie gives her a death glare. "Asshole."


The latter rolls her eyes and unveils the marriage vow hidden behind the envelope. "Okay, here goes nothing."

"Throughout our seven years of relationship, I think we've said 'I love you' multiple times. We wake up to each other' I love you's, hold hands and then say I love you and then cuddle with I love you's and the last thing you say after goodnight is I love you." She says. "But I don't think that I've properly put into words how much I love you, Lisa... and for me, what better audience to do that than this day, as we take our first step into our life together?"

"I love you, Lisa. And it's not just the plain 'hey good morning I love you, babe, I hope you're doing well today' but it's like- 'I love you and all of you, Lisa.'"

"I love your mouth. You are not a fan of words nor actions babe but whenever you open your mouth you always decide to speak, your words never fail to brighten up my day. I love the way that they taste too and I love it whenever you call me by my name. It's going to sound cliché but it's only you that can manage to make me smile just by calling me, Rosie."

"I love your arms and how they secure me. Rather than telling me words of comfort, all you had to do was pull me close, kiss my forehead and play with my hair as I fall complete peace. I love the fact how your hand perfectly matches mine and how they felt like connecting two pieces of the puzzle. I love your eyes and how you use them to tell me that I am beautiful, that I am ethereal and I will always be the apple of your eye."

"But most of all, I love your heart. I love it when you use it in your decision making and I love it when you let it take over you because I've seen how passionate you can be with the things that you love. I know because I have witnessed it by the way that you love me."

"And despite the fact that we have been girlfriends for seven years doesn't guarantee me that I have seen all sides of you but believe me when I say that I have loved the parts that I've already seen and I cannot wait to love and meet the sides of you that I haven't met yet. But I won't have to hurry because I know I have a lifetime to tell you about the other parts that I love about you discover and to love all of your sides."

"People have been telling me how lucky you were to have me as your girlfriend. I could hear it from your friends, from your internship boss and even from Mr. Poppins." She chuckles as she remembered the man who influenced Lisa to pursue Photography. "And I remember you continuously telling me every night that you thank the stars for bring me to you- but I know I'm the lucky one... I'm the lucky one because I have my best friend, my girlfriend, my soul mate and my wife all in one person, and she's standing right in front of me."

"No fair why aren't you crying," Lisa whines as she wipes the tears in her eyes.

"Because it's for you stupid, you're the one who is supposed to cry." She leans in and wipes her wife's runny nose. "God, why are you such a baby."

Lisa sulks as she settles in between Rosie's legs. "I'm not a baby."

"Really..." She teases but wraps her arms around the latter still.

Lisa takes a look at her wife. "Hey, Rosie?"


"Can you still call me that?"

Rosie smiles and looks at her wife, and thought about the things they have been through. The ups and the downs, the good and the bad and through the best and the worst. She looks at her wife and thinks about the entire seven weeks that they had to go through. She remembered the doubts they had from week zero, the awkwardness of the first week, the first fight in week two to eventually both of them exerting effort in week three.

She recalls her grand proposal during the fourth week and how sweet and beautiful was it when they remembered all the good things from their relationship on the fifth. Her heart remembered the pain and the tears they both experienced during the end of week six and how she was so close to giving up to them by the end of week 7.

And just as when she was ready to let go of Lisa permanently, she gets a call from Jisoo, telling her about the possibility of Lisa involving in an accident. She remembered how scared she was then and that was how she realized that not only she couldn't live without Lisa, but to live in a world without Lisa Manoban is just totally impossible.

She looks at Lisa and realized that all of her better days are the ones that she had spent with Lisa. Sure, her wife may annoy her 99.9 percent of the time and they might argue throughout this entire road trip but she couldn't exactly think of any other person driving their car, holding her hand from time to time as they have sore throats from screaming at the top of their lungs, jamming through their playlist.

She couldn't imagine anyone else taking her picture or destroying the tune of her guitar. She couldn't think of a better idiot who will jump through the trouble and do silly things in public just to make her smile. Lisa Manoban may be an asshole, but she was Roseanne Park's asshole to discipline and to spend the rest of her life with.

"Yah." Lisa calls out to her by lightly slapping her cheek. "Stop daydreaming I know I am beautiful."

Rosie gives her a meme-worthy look before pinching her nose. "Idiot."

"You didn't answer my question, Rosie." The latter gives her a questioning look. "Do you still view me as your best friend, girlfriend, soul mate and wife all at the same time?"

The blonde woman takes a good look at her face. "Rather than calling you that long, I only have two words to describe you now."

"And that is?"

"My home and adventure all at once."


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