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It was Monday.

And everyone hated Mondays.

There are a lot of reasons why.

School. Work. Deadlines.

You name it, Monday has it.

But one girl love Mondays.

That girl lives right around Hedges Avenue by Mermaid Beach in Queensland, Australia. Her house was near by the beach, and unlike others- she was living pretty well off. She gets to sleep in her queen-sized lavender bedroom filled with her ukulele collection and her keyboard along with loads of stuff toys on the side. Her room was just one of the five bedrooms in her house with a pool and footsteps away from the beautiful deep blue shade of sea.

But that wasn't why she loved Mondays. It wasn't because she gets to wear her favorite school uniform or the fact that she has extra music classes to take for the day no- it wasn't because of those things but it was because who arrives on Mondays.

"Honey!" A sudden call comes from downstairs. "Come down now you're going to be late!"

"Just a second Mommy!"

With one final look at herself in her full body mirror she runs down the floating wooden L-shape staircase running straight towards their open kitchen design with marble island counter tops and clean marble tiles as well. She sees a woman wearing her apron with her blonde wavy locks flowing up until her buttocks. She lets out a devilish smile before slowly creeping and greets the latter with a good morning back hug.

The victim lets out a gasp, making her giggle victoriously. "Gotcha mom."

"That's not nice! I almost dropped my spatula!"

"Well I'm happy that you still have amazing reflexes." She beams.

"Go and sit on the breakfast table, this will be done in a second."

"Wait where's-"

And as if on cue- the luxurious wrought iron with glass double doors opened and revealed a woman in brown shade, shoulder-length hair carrying her Celine 16 custom made hand bag, her Michael Kors 3-inch sandals with her full business suit in grey box wood charcoal tone.

"Mæ̀!" The girl speaks in her other mother's native language and calls her mom.

"Mee noi!" The latter calls her back in her nickname.

The girl rushes towards the main hall of their three-story house to run to her mother's arms. "You're home!"

"I am home every Mondays."

And that's why she loved Mondays. Because on Mondays- her family is once again complete, and for a eighteen year-old Ella Park, it's all she could ask for.

Her Mondays are filled with happy talks as she listens to her mother talk about her business trip and about the places that she needed to visit for work while she waits for the latter to finish cooking. Her Monday breakfast always contained all of her favorite foods, bacon, eggs and toasted bread. Even though her mother hates it down to her last bone, she manages to prepare her salad with avocado dressing.

"Here you go kids."

The shoulder-length woman looks at the other adult. "Did you seriously call me a kid?"

"Like that's anything new mom." Ella calls out to her. "Mommy Rosie calls you like that all the time."

"Hey I am not a kid!" Ella's other mother gave her the see what I mean to which their daughter laughs. "So how are your studies my love? I hope you're not overworking yourself."

"Of course not Mæ̀, mommy Rosie ensures that I get eight hours of sleep and just have fun with school." Ella smiles.

"Good, your mother and I just don't want you to be pressured. You're still balancing school and soccer plus music all together. The last thing we'd want is for you to have a breakdown."

"Yeah bub, tell us if you're having a hard time okay? We're here for you."

"I know, that's why I am soooo- fudging blessed because I have you two as my mothers." She answers.

"Keep that compliment up and I might just reward you a car." Rosie speaks up.

Ella couldn't hide her excitement hearing that. "Are you serious?!?"

"Kidding, you're graduating high school anyways so just wait for that." Ella pouts making her mothers smile at her.

A sudden horn catches the entire family's attention especially their precious daughter who hastily stuffs all of her food from her plate before getting up quickly. "Young lady what did we talked about plates?"

Ella grabs her plates and places them on the dishwasher. "I have to go, Lucy's here to pick me up."

"Did you put everything in your bag?"

"Yes Mommy!"

"And your soccer clothes?"

"Also inside!" She finishes brushing her teeth. "I'll see you guys tonight!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Ella stops midway. "You forgot one more thing."

"Oh yeah!" She runs back to kiss them both on their cheeks. "I love you Mommy Rosie, I love you Mæ̀ Lisa!"

The door closes and suddenly the life left as soon as their daughter did. The breakfast table was suddenly lifeless, and the look in their eyes lost light making everything in their environment dull and just- dead.

"Is it today?"


"What time?"

"Right before lunch."

"Cool. I have a business meeting in the afternoon so-"

"It's fine. I have something to finish here anyways."

"Okay. We should start preparing."

The silence envelops them once again and both of them were eating quietly, no one even bothered to talk or even have the desire to start a conversation but still despite that, they still eat and move in synchronized movement, even finishing in the same time.

Despite that, each of them cleaned their plates. One of them decided to use the dishwasher before going to their bedroom to take a bath while the latter remained and grabbed the dishes placed in the dishwasher- totally not trust the sanitation capabilities of the machine and prefers to do it by herself.

While the other one was taking a bath she makes sure that everything inside the kitchen is nipped and tuck well. By the time she finishes, the latter is done dressing up and got her casual and comfortable clothes on. They meet half-way through the door of their bedroom, giving each other quick and swift glances before breaking the connection with her wife leaving the room, leaving Rosie to shower and think about how beautiful she still look despite her baggy clothes.

Lisa was entertaining herself with channel surfing, torn between if she should stick with business news or stock exchange channel but then Frozen appears on their 110-inch television and she knows she has decided what to watch for another 2 hours, knowing that it would take her wife a while for her to get ready.

An hour and a half later, Rosie shows up wearing an all-black dress which was too tight for her comfort. That reaction didn't go unnoticed in Rosie's eyes anyway. She knew all of the meaning behind her wife's minimal and non-verbal movements.

"Want me to change?"

It took her 7 seconds to answer. "No, we're going to be late if you do that."

Hearing that somehow disappointed Rosie so she thinks of a way to trigger the latter. "Good, because I wasn't planning to change anyways."

Lisa bites her tongue to let out a remark and look away. "Then don't bother asking me."

Lisa pops off from her faded ripped jeans the car keys and the grey Stinger lights up. While Rosie's Telluride SUV greets her with a 'Hi Rosie' audio recording. With the convertible leaving the driveway first, both of them head to downtown district where they meet Rosie's long-time friend- Kim Jisoo.

The assistant which was Kang Seulgi, which happens to be a good friend of Lisa, tends to them while Jisoo was still preparing stuffs. After five minutes the go signal was given, both Rosie and Lisa enter the room, settling themselves in those individual couches.

"Well hello to Mrs. And Mrs. Park." Jisoo smiles at them before putting their file down on the accent table. "How are you today?"

"Good." Both of them answered in unison- catching their friend's attention.

"I see that this synchronization thing is still going on." She chuckles, which the couple replied rather dryly. "So- shall we start?"

Before the two could answer back, Lisa's phone comes ringing interrupting their talk. She looks at the caller ID and apologetically looks at Jisoo. "I'll take this quick."

"Sorry." She answers. "That wasn't too quick was it?"

"It's okay Lisa. I'm happy to have you here, thank you for committing." Jisoo smiles.

Rosie gives Jisoo's statement an eye roll. "Jisoo, what are we doing here I thought we were going to meet tomorrow."

"Um, I want to talk to you guys today because I have an announcement." Her tone shifts, and the two people sitting on the opposite side knew that there was some big revelation about to happen. "Guys, we've tried everything- but I believe that I am running out of options to save your relationship."

"Oh." They answer in unison for the second time and the atmosphere just got heavier than it currently was.

"But I am not about to give you two just yet." She declares. "I am not doing this because I am your marriage therapist but I am also your friend. This is why you two are going to be my pilot clients for my first ever experimental therapy."

"And what therapy would that be?" Lisa asks.

Jisoo responds and looks at her dear friends. "It's called the seven weeks."

Lisa and Rosie look at one another right after Jisoo's answer and realized that after years of marriage, all that was left of them was this seven weeks.

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