Week 1

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"Mrs. and Mrs. Park, welcome to Sydney."

Lisa smiles as soon as she meets with her staff driver. "Thank you Marcus."

Opening the door, she looks at the two women. "Shall we?"

Both of them enter the luxurious S-class sedan and drove through the wide roads down to the high skyscrapers as they head onto the upper side of the city. They would've stayed in Lisa's apartment but as per Rosie's request, she wants something to do while Lisa- was on her way to do some work stuffs.

 While the couple did agree to go back to Sydney, Lisa thought that it would be best to reschedule their flight within next week, which was impossible for Rosie since she would be having deadlines by next week however, when Lisa came home one Wednesday evening, she told her that it would be better if they would fly to Sydney tomorrow. Rosie was about to be happy- until Lisa mentioned that she has a conference meeting and a party that she needs to attend to.

Arriving at the Penthouse suite located at the 15th floor of the hotel, The Australian native immediately found delight at the view, and surely she would get some inspiration for this since being a ghost singer/writer demands a lot of inspiration for her to function.

She really didn't want to go on low profile. She wanted to be known, to show and perform to crowds and go to places. But same as Lisa, she too had sacrifices on her own especially when the opportunity wasn't there and there just wasn't enough digits left in their bank account added to the fact that they had Ella on an early age so mostly their funds went there and she had to carry the baby too.

Rosie met Alice- her older sister and her sister's friend one day and she was told that her sister's friend was actually looking for people who wanted to be ghost writers/singers. The initial offer was tempting but she really didn't like the idea. However when she gave it a try and her sister's friend gave her the check- she immediately threw everything away in the window- including her dreams.

But it was for Ella; for family; and when you put family first- they become bigger than yourself. Always.

"Mommy!" Ella's face was enough for her to cheer up. "How's Sydney?"

"Still Sydney." She replies with a smile.

"That's nice.." She comments. "Are you by the piano?"


"But I thought you were staying at mæ̀'s place?"

"I needed a piano."

"What for?"

"What else for bub? Of course it's for work."

Right after she said the word 'work', her daughter's facial expression changed into something sour. "But I thought you two were leaving for a short vacation?"

"We are going to have a short vacation but it's just that we had prior commitments and we have to finish them first so that we can focus on our mini vacation." She answers, hoping that it would somehow compensate her daughter's mood but still it wasn't helping. "What's with the long face?"

"I was boasting to my friends that you two are on a romantic getaway and they were so jealous of me because they think that it's cute that you two have dates even after being married for so long."

"It's just for a few hours and I promise you, your mæ̀ and I will spend quality time together."

Ella was doubtful as she looks through the screen as she bites her lower lip. "You promise?"

"I promise." She says with a smile. "Now, you still have class young lady and I will only consider this once but I already told you, no cell phones while you still have lectures."

"Bye mommy, I love you. Tell mæ̀ I love her okay?"

"I love you bub." Ending the short video call, Rosie wonders if she could really keep her promise after knowing for a fact that Lisa was no longer married to her, but to her job. "And I'm sorry too."

A few hours in and the night life of the city is slowly brought to life. The downtown buildings were bursting with lights and local clubs and pubs with neon signs were attracting locals left and right. The traffic level was intense, but it was Sydney so it was understandable.

While everyone is done for the day and struggling to get going back home to their friends, to their families or to their dogs, Lisa was inside the car, dusting off particles from her black suit as she prepares herself to attend one of the longest night of her life, a dinner with potential business investors of the company. Don't get her wrong, she loved T-bone or rib eye steak- she just wished that their conversations were as juicy as the meal that she would be having.

Sighing to herself, she hears her hand phone buzzing from her purse. Grabbing the item and seeing 'Mee Noi' flashing through the screen, her tiredness seem to fade away and now feels energized.


Lisa smiles widely as she hears the energized tone of her little bear. "Hey there Mee Noi."

"I'm going out tonight by the way."

"What? Where are you going?"

"I am on my way to the theatre with aunt Jisoo, she promised to watch Avengers with me even though she doesn't understand a thing about it. She's so adorable."

"But why?" Lisa subtly whines. "I thought you promised that you're going to watch it with me! Avengers is our thing!"

"This is what you get for being a bully. This is your punishment."

"My punishment? What did I do?"

"You left mommy all alone." Ella answers in her sad tone. "You two should be enjoying each other's company but here you are always working."

"Ella, you know how demanding my work gets right? We've talked about this before." She tries to beg her case. "My work is very important."

"And mommy isn't?" Lisa's words got tangled in her throat after hearing the question. "You told me that this weekend was going to be about just the two of you."

"I know but-"

"I called mommy earlier and she was sad..." She trails off and there was a few seconds of silence in their conversation. "She told me that I shouldn't worry because you just have some work left to do and it's just going to take a few hours... I worry that you put work first almost everytime that you had forgotten you used to put mommy first in everything too."

Lisa genuinely feels guilty about it especially hearing it from her daughter. "I'm sorry
Ella, I-"

"Mæ̀, we both know it's not me who you should apologize to."

Her daughter says farewell before ending the call, making Lisa feel even more guilty than she already is. As the car comes to a stop light, Lisa's attention was caught by a very bright light. Not the one that she sees from a club- but what caught her attention was something she'd never see again her entire life.

It was the 24-hour laundry shop that she and Rosie used to go to back when they were just college students. Lisa remembers they would always go to that shop on Wednesdays because it's the only time where students get discounts and she remembers perfectly that she would bring lots of clothes, even the ones that she had already washed just so she could stay a little bit longer with the girl with pink locks then.

"Did something happy happened?" Marcus asks as he looks at her through the rear view mirror.


"You're smiling." He lets her know. "I just thought that you remembered a good memory."

"It was." Lisa looks back at the laundry shop and sees the owner laughing together with her wife as they enjoy a good dinner. "Marcus, would you believe me that there was one point in my life where I actually enjoyed doing the laundry?"

The man immediately rose his eyebrows together in an amusing manner. "You did?"

Lisa chuckles and nods her head. "Back in college my wife and I made Wednesdays as laundry days because students have discounts. We'd stay and just talk for hours... I was enjoying her company so much and yet I couldn't find the words to just- spill it out. I didn't want to just spill it out, I wanted to say the words, the right words to her."

"I enjoyed her company so much that there were times where I'd call Irene in advance and force her to put an out of order signage on one of her machines just so I could prolong our stay there."

"You seem to like her pretty much way before your relationship started." Marcus hands out a comment. "I think it's cute Mrs. Park, I've always been fond of your wife Mrs. Park. It was a good thing that you've brought her along this time. It's been a long time since I last saw her."

"It's been a long time since I saw her too." Her statement is filled with regrets and guilt.

"Well she's here now Mrs. Park, that's all that matters."

Lisa spares him a glance once more before finally having a plan. She fishes her phone once again and dials a number. "Hello Mr. Myers? Yes it's me. I was supposed to be on my way there but something more important that needs my presence. I know, I know that this meeting is important but trust me you got this. If he's still not convinced, then I will do that myself for the party."

"So..." Marcus breaks the silence after the phone call Lisa made. "Where are we going now?"

"Can we go to the 65th? There's a small restaurant that sells legit Pho. My life loves Vietnamese food from that shop."

"Alright, 65th it is."

Lisa closes the door of their suite and what welcomed her right in was the melody of the piano. Upon hearing the musical instruments she carefully marches towards the breakfast table where she cautiously places the Pho and the other meals that she decided to buy for Rosie on the way home. Knowing her wife, she would be pissed when somebody destroys her mood in music-making that is why she does everything with such lightness.

After successfully doing so, she walks her way towards the living room where she sees her wife, hair tied up in a bun and just a lose shirt on while her hands skillfully glides through the set of keys. Seeing her wife play the said instrument was such a turn on for her because it was one of her goals to be with someone musically-inclined. She has always dreamed of having someone singing to her while she sleeps or to simply compose songs with having her as their main source of inspiration.

"God you scared me." Rosie's heart was still fast beating upon seeing Lisa there leaning on the wall for support.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to bother."

"You're here."

"Thanks captain obvious."

"I thought you were going home late tonight."

The latter casually shrugs. "I just decided to come home."


"I uh... was on my way and I've realized that they really didn't need my presence and it wasn't much of a need to be there."

"Oh." Rosie removes her in-ears and closes her laptop. "Were you there for long?"

"Not really. Just enough for me to realize that it's been a long time since I've heard you play." The latter was startled that those words left Lisa's mouth but before she could react, she immediately changes the subject. "Let's have dinner."

"You go ahead I am not hungry."

"I bought Pho." As soon as she heard the word- she immediately stood up and followed the other heading towards the dining room making Lisa smile triumphantly.

As they settle down around the table, they said grace and started to have a bite of their meal and ate dinner in silence like they always do whenever it's just the two of them. As soon as Rosie got a generous amount of bite, she snaps her head back to Lisa, who was enjoying her Pho and soda in silence. She really couldn't believe that Lisa went all the way to that small restaurant just to get this meal for them.

She spares the latter a glance, and deep down she knew she was moved by this small gesture coming from Lisa and so she thought that it would be nice to return the favor and to actually start a conversation.

"So... how was work?"

"The usual, business and numbers all over the place."

"You're reaching the quota?"

"We've already reached the quota for mid-year and I still have like what? 3 months more to spare. I'm pretty confident will reach a bigger target by the end of the year."

Rosie nods in response. "That's good, congratulations."

"Yeah." She replies. "And what about you? Did walking around help you gain inspiration?"

"A little. Sydney is a little too crowded for my imagination to spark. Even at Yolk's- I can't gather anything. Maybe it was a bad time since I came in on a Friday."

"Friday isn't the most crowded day for them." Hearing that made Rosie's eyebrow rose up. "It's usually Wednesdays."

"Wednesdays? Who goes to Yolk's on a weekday?"

"People who wanted to avail their buy 1 take 1 jam and toast promo." She says. "They just have it for that day."

"Wow, so their jam and toast got big huh."

"I think it's one of the go-to coffee shops in Sydney to be honest and they don't go there for coffee."

"The recipe is still the same from the very first time I tasted it."

"Yeah I think that's what got them popular."

"Told you their jam and toast meal would be a hit."

Lisa snickers. "In my defense, I introduce the place to you so I still won."

"I chose the meal, so I won."

"You can't choose the jam and toast if you weren't at Yolk's in the first place."

"Want to settle this in an old-fashion way?"

"Fine, loser has to do the clean-up."

"Call." Both of their demeanors changed as they extend out their hands facing one another. "Rock, paper, scissors go!"

"Rock, paper, scissors go!"



Lisa stands up and chuckles at her wife's groaning. "You do realize that there's rock and scissors that can be used in the game right?"


She shakes her head. "Have fun cleaning. I'll go ahead."

As soon as her wife leaves her all alone, Rosie takes a look over the finished set, and thought about what could be the reason as to Lisa's sudden change of her heart. Of course her first option was because Ella probably called her and make her to go to guilt road but whether it was because of that or because of something else, Rosie was actually touched by her wife's efforts.

Everyone would probably think that Lisa's effort was barely above minimum. She didn't even bother to continue their conversation and buying her Pho isn't enough to show how much she apologizes. But for her, it was enough.

For Lisa is a woman of a few words and a woman of action. And for her to even engage in a rock-paper-scissors game with her wife was sufficient for her to know that Lisa is actually trying. She too- want this to work.


The next day, both of them dressed in their daily clothing as they head towards their university to start out Jisoo's task for them. Both of them try to get a grip of the nostalgic feeling seeing the very familiar and historical buildings which was the main entrance of their university especially when their car comes to a stop in front of a modern six-story glass building covered with bronze which was their home for three years of their college career.

Walking inside they were instantly reminded of the memories from yesterday as the main hall was filled with flyers inviting them to join their organizations and different bulletin reminders to students.

"Not a lot has change." Lisa says while Rosie nods in agreement. "I remember this hallway used to be filled with so much chaos during our fair."

"Yeah... this used to be a battlefield." She adds. "We couldn't even use the elevator back then."

"Fun fact- that was the first place I actually saw you."

"Huh?" She looks at Lisa, quite surprised with the revelation. "Really?"

"I can still remember everything like it just happened yesterday." She says. "You were wearing a tight fitted blue shirt, skinny jeans and Vans sneakers... you even had the guitar slung on your shoulders."

"It was the orientation for freshmen."

Lisa nods her head. "May 7."

"Didn't the orientation happened in the middle of May?"

"Nope." She says and pops the 'p'. "Don't question my memory, I am good with dates."

"I know..." Rosie says with a smile. "I first saw you on Art fair."

"Oh, really?"

"If I remember correctly, you were playing soccer with your friends. I wasn't looking at you directly just a glimpse. I focused on Ten because he was annoyingly loud." She shares. "I just turned around and saw you playing the ball and messing with him."

"You spared me a glance?"

"Yeah. I asked my block mate about you but that's just about it." Lisa shakes her head with slight disbelief. "Why?"


"Bloody hell... is that really you guys?"

Their childish antics comes to a halt when they all see a familiar face. "Chae?"

"Of course, who else?"

The bob-haircut woman smiles at them. "Duh? Who else?"

"Oh my gosh it's been so long!" Rosie pulls the shorter woman into a tight hug. "Wow, we haven't seen one another since-"

"Ages." She smiles. "Hey Lisa. Nice for you to pay our department a visit."

"Our daughter is heading off to college soon and we're scouting to some universities." Lisa answers. "And we thought that it'd be nice to take a trip down memory lane."

"Well you've come at the right time we're on the second day of our department's fair. Might as well take a look around." Chaeyoung smiles at them.

Rosie spares her wife a glance. "You want to look around?"

"Yeah sure, we're already here anyways."

The three of them head towards the open field where they saw various booths offering games, merchandise and everything else that everyone from every course can try. Lisa takes a quick look at her wife and saw how the latter's eyes sparkle and felt a slight warm inside of her. She remembers the very first time she saw them sparkle. It was when they took a short drive to the beach and the way her eyes shimmer against the dark night sky made Lisa thought that all of the stars couldn't be found above her that time, but in the eyes of the girl right beside her.

Walking around she didn't notice how Rosie was busying herself in admiring the place and she was trying hard to focus on what Chaeyoung was saying that she neglected the fact that Rosie stayed behind because she was taking pictures of the beautiful place.

Rosie, who was engrossed in taking a picture she couldn't pay attention to the soccer ball heading towards her. If it wasn't for someone who screamed 'watch out!' she wouldn't be able to dodge the ball in time. Which she did, thankfully.

While she was still in the middle of recovering a man wearing a muscle shirt and messed up hairstyle approaches her. "I am so sorry."

"No worries, I'm fine." She smiles timidly.

He turns to his friends who high key were cheering him on before returning to Rosie. "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around. Are you from another department?"

"Actually I-"

"What's going on?" Chaeyoung asks as soon she arrives with Lisa. "What did you do Lucas?"

"Nothing Miss Son I was just talking to a student. I just want to be a good friend and maybe help her around." He smiles dashingly at the latter.

"That student is talking to is my wife." Lisa declares.

"She's not a student Lucas, she's actually an alumni and a good friend of mine."

"H-holy I didn't mean to it's just that she looks-"

"Sure you didn't." Lisa eyes him from head to foot.

"Lucas enjoy the fair with your friends." He nods and as soon as he leaves the three of them alone, Chaeyoung turns to Lisa. "Go and grab some snacks."

"Why me?"

"Because you look like a college student and you act like one too now go." Lisa whined but ends up doing what Chaeyoung requested of her nevertheless. "Seriously you two are married for like how many years now and still she gets jealous over the slightest things."

"She didn't get jealous."

"Oh come on Rosie, I think I've been a solid witness of your relationship with you long enough to know when she's being a green-eyes monster." Chaeyoung argues but there is a lingering smile playing on her lips. "You know I used to believe that change is always constant but I guess you two are one of the exemptions of that rule."

"How so?"

"Just because." She answers and smiles. "As your friend, I couldn't be happier for you."

The latter lets out a timid smile in return. "Thank you Chae."

"Here you go snacks." Lisa places the foods on their table.

"I think I'll be leaving you two alone."

"Wait what?" She looks at the Dean of Arts and Social Studies bewildered. "But I bought snacks for three people!"

"Rosie can easily devour those." She smirks at the married couple before going her way.

"Yah!" And instead of turning around Chaeyoung just raises her hand waving farewell at them. "How dare she."

"She's not wrong though." That statement earned her a death glare from her wife but she immediately shrugs it off like it was nothing. "So, what did Johnny Bravo told you?"

"He just asked if I was new around here."

Lisa takes a bite of her hotdog bun. "Let me guess, he was planning to offer to show you around?" She scoffs. "Such a typical college dude move."

"It's not."

Lisa places her elbows on top of the table and uses her knuckles as a form of support for her chin. "Really?"

"I am certain of it."

"So.... Let me show you around Sydney sometime text message doesn't ring a bell for you?"

Rosie rolls her eyes. "Okay, that was a coincidence."

"Your offer or me being a foreigner?" She smirks and immediately dodges the tissue paper that her wife threw at her. "But I look at your offer as you just being friendly. I've always viewed you as someone who is the social butterfly of the class or your group."

"You're a social butterfly too yourself."

"No, I am not."

"Says the person who has like- a lot of friends." She says after making a mocking facial expression. "I mean- doesn't your hand hurt from all the high-fives you've been making?"

That's when Lisa lets out a smirk. "You know- for someone who just spared me a glance in the art fair you sure have a lot of observation about me."

"Who wouldn't notice you? You were like having small talks with almost everyone you run into. If I didn't know better, you were planning to run for student council."

"That was your first impression of me?"

Rosie wipes off some of the mustard sauce on the side of her mouth. "Hmmm... I've always look at you as a ball of sunshine. People want to be around you because you make them happy. Maybe that's why you have a lot of friends and yeah- definitely you're a class clown. A little trying hard sometimes- but still the class clown for me."

"For me I've always viewed you as a spotlight." She answers making Rosie quite surprised with her answer. "Wherever you go- you seem to take their attention. Everyone follows you around and you have this energy or aura that makes anyone comfortable around you."

"Hmm... is that how I got your attention?"

"Don't tell anyone-" Lisa leans close to whisper in her ear. "But it was actually the accent."

"Ass!" She pushes her wife who was laughing back to her seat.

"But it wasn't you being a social butterfly that made me want to pursue you... it was because of your confidence when you approached me a year later with that cute list of yours."

"Oh... the list."

"I still keep it by the way." Rosie was caught off guard hearing that confession. "I've kept it somewhere special."


"No one has ever done it to me before... I don't think anyone would do that to me anymore." She looks at the latter. "It was totally cute."

"You find everything I do cute."

"True..."Silence visited them for a while until she decides to continue with their talk. "What made you want to try things with me?"

"It was definitely your company." Rosie answers immediately. "I mean, I am such an annoying talker and I ramble most of the times but to you- it was all nothing."

"I like your voice, it was nice hearing you talk about the things that make you smile. It was one of the things I love about you. For me, I could hear to you talking for an entire and I wouldn't mind doing it all over again next." She smiles, making Rosie blush. "And of course, I love making you blush."

"W-w-whatever." Lisa chuckles again but then her phone goes off completely destroying the mood they created. "Is it work?"

"Yeah... Myers reminded me of the dinner party I should attend."

"Oh." Rosie's voice was filled with disappointment. "Should we get going then?"

"Hold on." She places the phone in her ear. "Myers yeah what's up- no, no, I just want to tell you something. I won't be attending the event tonight."

"Yeah I know, it's a sudden decision. Don't worry Myers, he's not an asset. I can get a bigger fish than him back home." Lisa rolls her eyes and grabs the hotdog wrapper and making a staggering sound. "Myers I think I'm losing you- yeap, tell you what I'll talk to you when I get back okay?" Lisa ends the call and hears her wife's laughter. "What? He was being annoying again I had to do something."

"But why wouldn't you attend? I thought we went to Sydney for this business party of yours."

"I know." Lisa says. "But I remember that the first plan was to go to Sydney and try to make this work..." She looks at her wife in the eyes. "This is just me sticking to the original plan." Hearing Lisa admit that was brought a huge relief for Rosie. "So, shall we go back to talk about our first impressions and a lot of firsts?"

She bites her lower lip, trying not to let out a smile as she acts all non-chalant in front of her wife. "Sure."

"Cool, so why don't we start with when was the first time you realized that you love me?"


"Good morning to you lovely lesbians!"

Rosie and Lisa smiled at their therapist. "Good morning lesbian therapist."

"Aha! Your humor is back!" Jisoo cheered. "I assume that your trip to Sydney was worth it?"

The couple look at one another before shrugging at the same time. "I guess you can say that."

"Still the ever private Lisa Manoban." She eyes the latter before shaking her head. "Now, week one is finally done congratulations... but before we begin with the task for week two-" she presses the red button of her recorder. "I would just like to know- when was your first date?"

"It was two days after I gave her that list." Rosie answered. "She messaged me by the end of the day and asked which day was I most likely to be free and I told her two days after so we went on a date, which was actually at Yolk's until we ended up going to this archery gaming coffee shop too."

"Our first betting game started there too. I was so confident that I would be able to beat her and show off my cool side but it turns out she was better than expected." Lisa shares. "I had to piggyback her all the way from home."

"Oof, now that's hard."

"I know! Ow!" Lisa whines and rubs off the sore spot on her arm.

Jisoo laughs. "What were your favorite parts of that date?"

"My winning streak." Rosie blurts out proudly. "It was such a nice view of seeing Lisa being a sore loser."

"I'd rather be a sore loser than a whiny loser."

"I do not whine!" The blonde woman pouts but later on widens her eyes when she realizes what she has done, making Lisa scoff.

"See what I mean?"

"Anything you would like to add more Rosie?" Their therapist continues with their session.

"When she treated me some Pho." The Aussie native answers. "I remember we were just talking and getting to know one another for hours and yet we didn't mind. It was as if we were just stuck there, in the world but having a mini version of our own."

Jisoo turns to Lisa. "And you?"

"As cringy as it might sounds, my favorite part of the day was seeing her win." She answers. "Not because I didn't want to see her being a whiny loser, because she's adorable when she's being whiny but she has this kind of smile and laughter that only appears whenever she's winning a bet between us. I cannot describe it, even after all these years... it's just-"

"Beautiful?" Lisa nods her head. "Do you let her win sometimes?"

"Oh no, my competitiveness wouldn't let me." Lisa immediately answers. "But, she makes losing a beautiful thing to experience."

While Rosie was blushing to the side, Jisoo gives Lisa an understanding smile. "I take that it was a good first date?"

Both of them looked at one another with Rosie smiling first and then Lisa following her. "It definitely was."

Jisoo finished writing some additional notes before closing her notebook. "Now you two are going into another week of reminiscing so that you can be familiar with one another."

"Let me guess, you're gonna make us go on a date?"

"Actually, I even have a better idea. You two will be physically romantic with one another."

"Excuse me?"


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