Week 2 and 3

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The therapist smiles at them. "Showing off one another in public, hugging, holding hands, doing all the romantic stuffs you two used to do, cuddling... kissing..." She smirks as the two look at her with such horror.  "Oh come on you two, don't act like you haven't done all those before."

"Exactly before. Things have change since..." Lisa argues. "I can't do that."

"You can't or you won't?"

"Either way Jisoo I disagree with this."

"If you disagree then I guess we're going to have to do the other assignment." She says. "You pick, either you get physically romantic or you two are going to be handcuffed with one another for a 72 hours."


Jisoo slumps back in her seat a winning smirk. "So I guess it's going to be the first choice then?"

Right after the session, Lisa didn't even bother wasting time and leaves immediately before Jisoo could say farewell to her. The therapist focused her attention to her other patient and a very dear friend of her who looked like there was something that she wanted to say.

So with that, she offers Rosie for another cup of tea and asked if she could wait with her until her next client comes.

"How was the campus? Is everything the same since?"

Rosie nods in response. "They still haven't remove the call me I am desperate for sex at the bathroom stall." Hearing that made her friend laugh. "There were a lot of improvements but somehow in my eyes it was still the same department that became my second home for three years."

"You considered sending Ella there?"

"I mean if she wants. Whatever her decision is I will support her all the way."

"Tell me, how was the experience of going back to where everything started?"

"It was-" She shakes her head. "It was a beautiful weekend."

"Beautiful?" The latter nods her head. "And why is that?"

"I... I went there expecting for us to have just small talks, to just go through over everything and be done with it but no, it wasn't close to that. We talked Jisoo, Lisa and I talked- like really talked. After for so long we really had actual conversations. She even bought me Pho the night before as a peace offering, we talked about Yolk's, Sydney and for once- no one wanted to walk out of the conversation."

"So you walked in having such low expectations and walked away with a beautiful plot twist."


"Well from the session earlier you two seem to be very happy with how weekend one went."

"And that's what troubles me Jisoo, all this physical thing- it's just not Lisa you know?" She says. "You know her, she's a very private person and values her personal space very much. It's been light years since we've done it and I'm scared that if we push through this, the progress we had in week one would be put to waste. Like you said, all of these steps are purely experimental, what if this won't work? What if she gets too uncomfortable?"

"The purpose of this step Rosie is for you two to be familiar with one another once again. Where you are right now can be compared to a rusting engine and all it needs is a little power up for it to function once again." Jisoo says. "And you may be right about Lisa being a private person but she was really open to you and I don't think she has ever done it to anyone else."

"I remember very well back in college everyone was so shocked when the two of you started dating. I started to wonder why until Ten told me that in all of Lisa's relationships, not once did she had dated a girl so openly like she did with you."

"He... he really told you that?"

"Cross my heart Rosie." She did the sign afterwards. "From then on I realized that Lisa likes to keep things to herself. That's why she dates other people outside the university, that's why she only smiles whenever I ask her about something personal or she diverts the topic when things aren't going her way. But to you, she was just so open." Jisoo shares to her. "And that is why I know this will work."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because you, are the only person that allows us to see the real version of Lisa Manoban." She smiles. "Everything will be okay."


And for the very first time- Rosie believed that everything will be okay.



The next day Lisa groggily wakes up, head still drunk from all the drinking she had done last night. She doesn't usually drink, but when she does, she really goes hard. It was a mixture of the stress from work, the never-ending demand of her boss and of course the task at hand with her wife.

Physical touch was never her thing if she was being honest. She wasn't the clingy type, sure she likes to fool around with friends but that's what friends are supposed to do. Doing that with someone who means more than a friend was just a big no no for her. Even during the early stages of her relationship with Rosie she had to adjust big time because she was used to privacy and subtle acts. She would like to show off her girl by taking pictures of her or featuring her on her vlogs not walk around in campus having an arm wrapped around her.

But soon enough she got used to it and liked it and then eventually loved it. She remembered that Rosie would tease her blushing or getting flustered during the first stages but deep down she actually loved it, someone who was willing to show her off to the world without any hesitations.

That was before though, before they got too comfortable with one another, before everything changed.

Shrugging the thoughts to the side she focused on the financial reports placed in front of her and wondered what could she do more to further improve their performance. It took a while for her to get into the zone but just as soon as she does, her assistant comes knocking into the door, completely throwing her off balance and destroying her focused mood.

"You better have some good agenda for you to ruin my thinking." She hisses in low voice that made her assistant shiver.

"M-Mrs. Park is here."

"Who's here?"

"Mrs. P-Park." She swallows the lump on her throat.

Lisa stops working for a while before continues to type through her financial balancing. "Are we talking about my mother-in-law?"

"I'm talking about the other mother of Ella."

Lisa immediately stops her work and looks at her assistant. "Did you just say-"


The assistant immediately nods. "She's at the lobby."




Rosie shows up wearing her classic plain white shirt tuck in a good pair of jeans and her favorite brown slip on oxford shoes holding onto a paper bag. Lisa was literally startled seeing her wife show up there ever since she stopped visiting her when Ella started high school.

"What are you doing here?"

"I drove by Ella's team practice and gave out meals for them to help them energize for today's practice. And I just want to drop by to let you have this." She hands over the paper bag. "It's honey-glazed salmon. I know you take work too seriously and forget to eat sometimes."

"No I don't."

"Do you even know what time it is?" Rosie asks and the latter looks at her dumbly. "See what I mean? It's already 3 in the afternoon. I know the last meal you had was that overly sugar-powdered croissant at your canteen which I tell you to stop eating because it's not helping your health."

"Anyways, that's all. I'll be stuck in the studio tonight so you try to make an effort to speak with Ella okay? You know how much she loves bonding with you." She says. "I'll get going."

As Rosie makes her way out to the basement parking, Lisa was stuck there, holding onto the paper bag and wondering what went through her head coming here unannounced and prepares her a meal after two years of stopping it.

Lisa thought it was just a rare coincidence and that her wife was just being considerate since her office is on the way home from their daughter's practice venue but the next day it happened again and not only that day but the following days as well and her wife has been surprisingly clingy and touchy these days which was a total bizarre for her.

So bizarre that it sometimes annoyed Lisa because she knows despite every effort her wife make was for the task. All the for the sake of having something to report back to Jisoo, so that she can think that they are committed to making things work and for Lisa, that just don't fit anymore.


"Hi Rosie, I was just checking up on you." Her therapist says. "How are you guys doing with your assignment?"

"I want to say we're doing well but you know that's not the case."

"Is she still not cooperating?"

"Not just uncooperative, she's also being so awkward about it like I'm some kind of virus that she has to avoid." She grunts as she crushes the spices inside their kitchen. "It's not like the things we haven't done all these things before."

"Rosie, you have to understand that this isn't easy on her part."

"And does that give her the green card to not work things out with me? It's not easy on my part too!" She sighs. "The week is almost ending and yet we haven't created a solid improvement yet in our relationship. If I am being honest, I think this relationship is just making us drift further apart."

"Just give her a little more time. You know Lisa, I am pretty sure she'll come around... don't worry about the length of the assignment. I will give you another week of extension. I know you two can work things out somehow."

"Thanks Jisoo..." A few seconds later, she could already hear the sound of an engine dying down from her garage. "Hey, Lisa is here. I'll call you later okay?"

"Alright. Fighting Rosie!"

"Thanks." She places her cell phone down and adds the spices for their meal tonight. "A little more spice for me..."

"Rosie?" She hears her wife call from the living room. "Rosie?"

"Hey you're home." Rosie says as she stirs the curry sauce from the bowl.

"What are you doing, where's Ella?"

"Ella is going home late by the way."

"What's that?"

"I'm cooking for our dinner. It's been a while since we've shared a meal so I was wondering-"

"Stop." Lisa says. "Just stop."

Rosie immediately turns off the gas and looks at her with worry. "Did I overcook the sauce?"

"I don't mean the sauce, I mean everything Rosie." She looks at her in the eyes. "Stop doing all of this."

The latter looks at her with furrowed eyebrows. "I don't understand Lisa what are you-"

"I don't get it, why are you trying so hard?"

"Of course Lisa, I know how much you love Thai food come on what are you talking about." She chuckles at the end which pushes Lisa to her breaking point.

"I am talking about this! All of this!" She says, matching her annoyance with frustrating hand gestures. "Stop trying so hard!"

"Lisa..." Rosie's soft voice breaks out.

"Look, I get it okay? I know that you want to fix this relationship and I do too believe me but you don't have to go this far. This- all of this is just trying too hard." She says as her eyes displays the annoyance she's been keeping inside.

And instead hearing a very long and ear breaking come back all her wife could muster were the words. "I'm sorry Lisa."


She looks at Lisa, trying to swallow back the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry for trying too hard."


Removing her apron, she places it on the kitchen counter leaving her all alone, and instead hearing the familiar slamming of the doors, she heard a soft clicking of the door before she was left alone in silence.

"Well what did you expect? She'd throw fire at you?" Jennie says over the phone.

"I expect a lot worse."

"Can I be honest with you? I think you're a total prick."

"What? How is this my fault?"

"Dude, you said so yourself Rosie is not the kind of person that you can simply force into doing things so how can you be so sure that she's not doing these out of her own will? You say she's trying too hard and you hate it whenever she does that shouldn't you be thankful instead? You two are suppose to try to make things work and for her to try to this extent is something I would really commend but here you are being annoyed of her efforts." Jennie says.

"You should be grateful not be a whiny bitch about it. Be thankful that she exerts this kind of amount of effort just to make things okay again. If there's someone who's trying too hard then that's you. You try too hard to refuse to exert effort. Between you and Rosie- you're the one who should apologize for not trying at all."

After the call with Jennie, Lisa places the wine back to the cooler and realized that Jennie was right. Her colleague's last sentence still echoing through her mind and the more she does nothing about it, the more she feels guilty and she was always the kind of person who acknowledges her mistake whenever she makes one and so after a small pep talk to herself, she makes herself to the front of the door of Rosie's studio office.

Disregarding the fear of being thrown out of the studio room, she lets out a huge exhale and just opens the door without even knocking, despite knowing how much her wife hates it.

"Hey Rosie I was wondering-"

Her query was cut off when she sees her wife lying down on the couch, still with her specs on and bunch of music sheets scattering all over the place. Rosie was never the messy person but even though her office make look like a junk yard to others, for her it was an organized mess.

She could recognize that the bunch of scratches from the corner were the demos that she needs to submit by this week and the pile of crap on the other end were the lyrics that she can mix up with one another so she could use them to make another song. Lisa remembered when she thought she had helped when she organized everything but hell broke loose instead and their first ever quarrel as a married couple happened. They made up of course, with the agreement that Lisa never steps foot inside her office without her permission.

Rosie might kill her tomorrow for going against her rules but she knows if she doesn't do it now, she'll never have the courage to do it again later. Kneeling down by her wife's side, she slowly removes the specs and focused on the facial details that Rosie has. The perfect angle of her jaw line, her adorable cheeks, the cute little button nose and the little mole on her face.

Lisa looks over to the light coming from the screen of Rosie's monitor and over the years she was able to learn a thing or two from her wife's line of work. Looking back at Rosie who is clearly tuned out, she grabs the dangling headphones from the working table and puts it on before checking into the sleeping person one more time.

After verifying that the latter was fast asleep, she presses the play button and the soothing bass accompanied by the beautiful piano and guitar beats made her be into the beat and the blonde woman's voice that made Lisa feel so good.

But above all, it was the lyrics that move Lisa the most.

If there was a picture perfect that would be us

I could be across the world and

I would still have your trust

Don't even gotta question

If I'm the one giving up

But you keep saying you've had enough

The demo comes to a halt and Lisa removes the headphones. She turns her body to the side, looking at her wife's face, wiping the loose strands from Rosie's side profile.

She uses her hand for support as she marvels her wife's facial features, a thing that she wasn't able to do for a really long time. Lisa thinks about the recent song that she just listened to and wondered if Rosie got the inspiration from their current situation.


"If there's someone who should be sorry Rosie, it's me..." She says in her low tone as she brushes her fingers against Rosie's plump cheek. "I'm sorry for not seeing these changes between us."



The next morning Rosie wakes up sighing out for and scolding herself for not finishing the job and procrastinating once again. Turning her attention to her dimmed laptop and half-filled, half-empty tea cup she stands up- takes a good morning wash before heading out to the kitchen to make a meal.


Rosie furrowed her eyebrows as she welcomes her daughter's embrace. "What are you doing here? I thought you had morning practice that's why you slept over at Lucy's?"

Ella looks at her mother with an are-you-kidding-me look. "Mom, it's already 11."

She looks at the wall clock that says 11:30 A.M. "Oh."

"Ooh, I get it." Her daughter has a devilish smirk planted on her lips. "Mæ̀ must've worn you out last night huh..."

"What are you- ELLA!" And instead of being threatened, her daughter just laughs back at her. "Where did you learn that?"

"Mom, I'm 18. Where did you think I got that?"


But before she could start with her scolding towards their daughter, Rosie's voice immediately gets cut off, as she sees a beautiful laid out brunch table set up placed with all of her favorite Thai breakfast. Rosie takes a glance at her daughter thinking how she was able to do this but the latter's pouting mouth and moving eyebrows seem to be pointing at a different direction.

Turning around she was totally surprised to see her Lisa in her usual business suit, only the wow factor of it was she was wearing her apron. Now it was Rosie's eyebrows turn to move, and looks at her wife asking for some answers.

"Oh good, you're awake." Lisa answers with a smile. "I've prepared you breakfast in case that wasn't obvious yet."

She looks at the table and then back at the brunette. "It's a little obvious."

"Well! Now that you're awake, Ella needs to visit the dentist by 3 pm and then she has a party at-"


"That kid's house and I cannot decide on that so I leave that decision thing to you." She says as she removes the apron and hangs it on the stool chair.


"Hey." Lisa says and Rosie replies with a hum. "I'm going to head for work now." Rosie nods her head in understanding was about to turn around when Lisa leans in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Ella looks at the two with a huge grin. "Take care, ma."

Lisa ruffles her daughter's hair. "I love you mee noi."

As Lisa left for work, the mother and daughter duo decides to enjoy the meals that the business woman has prepared for them. In the middle of their brunch- Rosie noticed that Ella would giggle from time to time and she takes a glance at the latter and sees that she has been on her cellular phone. Furrowing her eyebrows she wipes the side of her mouth that was smothered in curry sauce before turning to her daughter.

"Honey what did we talked about having phones at the dining table?"

Ella shots her head up and looks at her mother apologetically. "Sorry mom, I am just enjoying their reactions."The latter puts her phone down on the farther apart on the table.

"I was doing a live video chat earlier with my friends when mæ̀ made this breakfast... they think it's sweet that she makes breakfast for you and even I think it's sweet mom. We both know she seldom spend time here in the kitchen so imagine the face I made when I saw her hanging out here so early in the morning."

"How early are we talking about?"

"I arrived at six and she told me that it was her seventh trial already. Just do the math." Ella says making Rosie nod her head. "You know it's my first time seeing her cooking for you again after a long time. I can't even remember the last time when she made you that weird pasta."

"The Lasagna soup?"

"Yes that weird dish!" She makes a disgust sound. "How can you eat something like that?"

Rosie wasn't able to answer for a while but then she looks at her daughter. "Because it was the very first dish that she made for me when we got married."

"Tell me all about it I want to hear it." Ella says as she leans further to hear the story. 

"Well..." Rosie places down the utensil against the wooden table as she further recalls the very first time they moved into their apartment. "Your mæ̀ and I weren't making much after we got married. All we had was a one bedroom apartment back in Sydney. It wasn't much but since we were fully committed to making our personal dreams come true, we figured that Sydney is the place to be. I was experiencing not much luck from my dream job and so she figured that cooking my favorite pasta which was lasagna would cheer me up." She says. "But then she messed up making the pasta and the sauce as well and it didn't help when she knew I was arriving in five minutes. Thus the creation of the lasagna soup was created."

"Pft, she should've ordered take out for the both of you."
"She insisted but I told her it was okay. Turns out, it was one of the best dishes I've tasted in my entire life. When I was carrying you, I often asked for it." She shares. "Whenever she knows I am sad, upset or just being a negative woman I can be sometime, she doesn't say anything but just cook for me."


"Because she knows when I am upset I can eat almost everything."

Ella chuckles hearing her mother's answer. "You know when she was cooking she also told me something about your relationship." Rosie turns to her daughter, waiting for the latter to continue. "She told me that between the two of you- you were the more vocal one, the one who mostly shows-off to everyone else that you two were a couple."

"Your mother never really adored the idea of PDA bub." Rosie answers, and then she was reminded of the task that they should do. "Unlike me- she was rather a very private person."

"I know, so I asked her if there was a specific reason why she didn't want to engage much in physical touch or why didn't she prefer to be vocal about your relationship. Weren't you proud of mommy or stuffs like that."

"And what did she tell you?"

"What she told me really warmed my heart." The latter says and looks back at her mother's orbs. "She preferred to love you in silent because that's how she has always loved you." 

"What do you mean by that mæ̀?"

"While your mom showed her love with good morning messages or tagged pictures on her social media account and even kissing me in the middle of the hallway- I show my love to her by intertwining our hands and placing it on the pocket of my coat during winter because I know how she easily gets cold. I show it to her by not picking the flowers from our university's garden like I usually do because she told me that we need to appreciate things from afar."

"Rather than kissing her in the middle of the hallway, I show my love for her by kissing her on the forehead good night before we went our separate ways because I know how much she likes forehead kisses." Lisa says as she finished the plating of Rosie's favorite soup. "Just because I don't like physical contact or I wasn't vocal doesn't mean I don't love her. I just like loving her in silence because that's how I've always loved her... in my own simple and silent way."

"That's when it clicked everything mæ̀ does for you..." Ella starts to share once again. "When you were out for work, she always reminds me to not go inside your office because she knows how you are very precise with the mess inside. When she calls and asks me if you still have some lemon juice in stock and when I tell her that you don't have- she would drive an hour more just to go to your favorite shop to get those fresh lemon juice because you love them."

"And whenever you fall asleep on your work desk or couch, rather than waking you up, she chooses to bring you into a more comfortable position and kisses your forehead." Their kid smiles and continues on with her meal. "It's been a while since I saw you two act like this but for what it's worth- thank you..." Ella grips on her mother's arm gently. "Seeing the two of you act like this to one another makes me really happy and make me believe that maybe forever does exist."


"Okay so if we just minus this to that..."

"And then we'll multiply this and this..."

"Yes! We're almost there!" Lisa drops herself in her swivel chair with a triumphant smile as she looked at the almost balanced figures of her report.

"Mrs. Park?" She looks at her assistant with her shoulder bag on her hand.


"It's nearly 9:00; are you not heading home soon?"

"Ah I have to finish this financial report though, I have an upcoming report." She smiles at her staff. "You can go home now."

"I apologize Mrs. Park, it's just that my husband's coming home today and I want to prepare a proper meal for him." Lisa smiles warmly at her.

"Well I won't hold you for long." She bids her farewell one last time before closing her office room.

"Good bye Mrs. Park."

"Alright just a little more to go and soon I will be done with this..." Lisa slumps back on her swivel chair again, trying to analyze why she couldn't figure out what's fucking up her financial statement. "Who am I kidding, I will never be done with this shit, and guess there's no coming home for me today."  

She massages her temples, quite frustrated that up 'til now she isn't able to detect the unbalanced area after so many trials and adjustments. It was already causing a huge pain in the ass for her added to the fact that she only had one meal today, which was the cinnamon that was sold at their cafeteria. Lisa wants to call it a day already, she wants to come home and probably take a long shower or something. She wanted to come home, kiss her beautiful daughter good night and maybe catch a glimpse of her wife's sleeping face or maybe just a verse of the song she was working on.

But Ella is going to college soon and she has a report for tomorrow. All of her personal needs can wait.  The thought of her daughter's future comes to mind and she quickly gets back on her working stance and look at the papers messily piled up on her desk. Unlike her wife who is a messed up organized woman, she is just a messed up. A few minutes gone by and there was a knock on the door. In some cases, Lisa would've freaked out if she heard it at this time of the day but she knows that there are only two people left with her during late night working time. It was her assistant or their senior accountant Mike.  

"Mike thank God you're here. Look, I know you're going home already and I know that you're tired of looking at numbers but I was thinking maybe you can help me out. My mind is about to blow up because of this financial report and I have no idea what- Rosie."

Standing in front of her is her wife, dressed in comfortable clothes. With a paper bag in her hand that has the initials of their favorite diner just blocks away from her studio.


"Wha- what are you doing here?"

"I just finished working in the studio and I called Ella to ask if you are home. When she told me you weren't, I figured you were still here." She answers and lifts up the paper bag. "It's not a homemade meal though, but it's from our favorite diner."

"It's fine." She smiles at her wife. "Food is food." 

Lisa stands up from her position and rolled her sleeves half way. The aroma was enough to make her stomach grumble in anticipation and her mouth was already salivating the monstrous nugget burger that she hasn't been able to eat for a very long time.  But just as when her hands start to reach for the food, it was immediately slapped away by her wife who shots her a scolding look.


"You know what." Lisa looks at her and then back at her food.

"Oh come one Rosie, can't this day be an exception?"


"Fine."She stood up and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.  

After a few minutes, yes, a few minutes since her wife believes that washing hands should take at least thirty minutes she comes back to the office, quite stunned that her messed up desk was now crystal clear. She looks back at Rosie who was patiently sitting there, waiting for her to come back. 

"Hey, quit standing there I am already starving." Rosie's voice brings her back from her trance.

"Ah yes." Lisa comes to sit across of her and they immediately said grace for them to start dinner. "Oh my God..."

"I know right?" Rosie takes another bite of her steak.

"God it's been so long since the last time I ate there."

"Me too. When uncle Vernon saw me he was like- Rosie?" Lisa chuckles. "He sounded so unsure it was so hilarious."

"Man, I bet he didn't let you off the hook that easy right?"

"Oh no he didn't. He went on whining and yapping to me why we haven't visited him in a long time and how he was getting all lonely and bitter because he wasn't seeing his favorite couple in the whole world." Rosie shares. "But yeah I told him we will visit him soon together with Ella."

"You could've just called me and we could meet up there."

"I know how you are with your work Lisa. Phone calls are the least of your concerns unless it's the stock market that's calling for you." Hearing that made Lisa feel guilty and kind of ashamed how blunt she is in showing that work is more important to her. "And speaking of work, you look like you're kind of trapped in there."

"Yeah tell me about it. It's been nothing but a headache in my mind ever since the early evening. I think if I don't figure it out by today I might go overboard and shut down." She munches over the few bites of her burger and noticed that Rosie has been eyeing her for a while now.


"Lisa, what happened to your hands?" Rosie asked curiously as she sees band-aids surrounding her wife's fingers. "Well uh-" Lisa nervously rubs the back of her neck. "You know I haven't cooked in a while so yeah everything was new to me so yeah." She chuckles. "Did the food tasted good?"

Instead of answering immediately, the blonde haired woman leans in forward and wipes off the sauce from Lisa's mouth. "Still the messy eater I see."

The latter was taken aback with the sudden contact between the two of them. "W-w- you could've just told me." "Lisa it was just a sauce smudge." The latter chuckles. "It's not like it's the first time I've done it..."

"Yeah, it's just- it's been a while since..." She awkwardly trails off.

"I know... we haven't done a lot of things for a while." Rosie breaks the eye contact between them and starts to fix their meals. "Well, now I know you've placed something inside that stomach of yours, I should leave you to your work and head home." As she starts to fix things, Lisa holds her by the wrist.

"Can..." Lisa looks at her as she swallows the lump on her throat. "Can you stay for a while?"



"But you have work."

"I know, but tonight- just stay." She openly confesses. "Just stay for a few minutes more." 


"Oh my God... wow this feels nice." Lisa sighs. "This feels soooo good." Rosie continues on with massaging Lisa's temples.

"You sound like you badly needed a break."

"Tell me about it... work is work but today was just a huge pain in the ass." She says. "There were lots of demands, lots of fluctuations and the stock market was wild earlier and the investors just keep calling asking for an explanation."

"Bad day?"

"I guess... I mean, my boss didn't call me today so I think everything is still okay. I have to ace the report tomorrow though."

"As long as you don't over think things too much I'm pretty sure everything will be okay. Don't over analyze things too... I know how detailed you can get, remember Ella's first birthday?"

"Ella deserves the best birthday and we just moved here recently. First impressions last."

"And what about her seventh?" Rosie argues. "We didn't need that huge house and still you decide to move out of the apartment and into that huge place."

"I just got promoted and Ella was gaining a lot of friends. My boss was attending the party too and I wanted to impress him along with the other members of the board. Your boss was there too."

"Okay I am going to let you go off the hook for now." She says as she continues to massage the latter's temples. "Only because you have a rough day at work."

"I remember using that card on you whenever I want your home cooked meals."

"You also use that card when you want to act like a baby." The brunette snaps her eyes wide open and gasps.

"I am not a baby!" Lisa crosses her arms and connects her eyebrows.

"You sure about that?"

"Whatever." The Australian native giggles. "Rosie?"


"Thank you." She says in a serious tone. "For trying."

"These past few days must've been hard... To try and be physically intimate with me again after years of being distant. Holding my hand and kissing me on the cheek must've been pretty awkward and foreign." "I am sorry for complaining about your efforts... I'm sorry that I am not trying hard enough." Lisa grabs one of Rosie's hand and presses her cheek against it. "Rosie if you'd allow me I-"

"Lisa, it's okay." Rosie counters. "I should apologize too, for demanding something that you weren't used to do, for thinking that you are not trying enough because you don't show your effort the way that I do."

"I forgot that you show your love in a different way, that you found confidence exerting effort in silence and that's how you've always have been. I guess it was just foreign for you too."

"It was at first... but after this very relaxing massage I might be a little familiar now." Both of them chuckle at the statement and look at each other's eyes. Lisa, who found great amount of courage fixes her wife's hair and rubs her thumb against Rosie's chubby cheek. "We're gonna make this work okay?"

And though Rosie has heard it the second time around, she has found sincerity in her wife's voice right now that makes her want to be in tears. "Okay."

Lisa leans in and kisses her on the forehead. "Let's go home."

"Go home?" The latter asks. "But what about-"

"I'll just call Mike to help me tomorrow." She answers with a smile.  

She shuts down her computer, grabs her coat by the door and double checked everything before they walk towards the elevator heading their way down. Being on the top floor made the elevator took its time going down with just a manageable jazz music surrounding them.

While Lisa was minding her own business, she noticed from her peripheral vision that Rosie was eyeing her so she looks to the side and faces the latter. 


"Why are you grinning like that?"

"I was?"

"Duh?" Rosie states in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh... I was just thinking of something."

"Mind telling me?"

"Remember when I told you that I first saw you inside the elevator?" Rosie nods her head. "Being inside here just brought that memory to mind."

"And what did you think of me then?"

"That you're hot." Her wife scoffs at her bluntness. "Really though, you were pretty."

"And now?"

"Rosie, I think it's safe to say you're the only one in my eyes." She says as she locked orbs with the blonde woman. "To others your beauty may be changing but to me you've always been pretty. Always have and always will be." 

The latter looks away, trying to ignore the reviving butterflies in her body and the blush creeping onto her cheeks. Lisa looks at her, chuckling softly as they have arrived on the ground floor and heading outside to the main entrance and the silent city of Queensland.  While waiting for Rosie's car to be fetched, Lisa noticed that her wife was shaking and warming her hands from now and then.

She thought of lots of ways to bring warmth to the latter but she just wasn't sure if her wife was up for some physical contact and she too, wasn't much of a touchy person so that made her doubtful whether to do the action that now- her mind and heart has been screaming for her to do. But then later on, she threw all of her inhibitions away and she intertwines her hand with Rosie before putting them inside her coat pocket, completely surprising the latter. And while Rosie's orbs starts to demand an explanation for her action, Lisa just squeezes her hand as a form of response- and it was all Rosie could ever ask for.


"Good afternoon!" Jennie who was busy working with the files inside Lisa's office was surprised to see the visitor they have for today.

"Ella! Hi!"

"Hi Aunt Jennie!" Ella beams at her and gives her a warm hug.

"What's with the sudden visit here inside the office? Here to take over your mother's position?"

"Can I?"

"I'll send the recommendation later to my boss." She smiles widely as Ella releases an adorable giggle. "So what brings you here?"

"Ma invited me to come over to put our plan into action."

"Action?" Ella nods her head.

"A little thank you gift to mommy." Jennie nods her head in understanding.

"So how are things in your household?"

"Honestly?" Ella bites her lower lip. "I have never seen the house look so alive."

"I mean, ma only goes home for three days and then flies out to Sydney but since last week I noticed that she stayed throughout the entire week and I heard that she's gonna stay here for an entire week too." She says. "We go on shopping, carnivals and even hanging out by the beach just the three of us. Last time I remembered we were doing this was when I was thirteen."

"They also take turns into cooking now and even attended cooking and baking classes together. I have never seen the kitchen be that alive neither does mommy's studio." Ella shares. "There was this one time when I caught them jamming to a song which seem to be their favorite at three o'clock in the morning. I mean- who does that right?" The latter just smiles hearing all of this really happening. "Well I'm glad that things are getting a little lively around your house." "Yeah and I just can't wait until we show mommy our surprise for today."

"What do you guys have in mind?"

"Oho! Look who's here!"

"Ma!" Ella jumps from her seat and wraps her arms around Lisa. "How did the meeting go?"

Lisa smiles. "As we expected."

"Yes! I told you it'd work!" Ella grins and turns to her aunt. "Looks like I won't be needing that recommendation auntie." Jennie chuckles at her goddaughter.

"I've always known you had it in you champ." She says.

"You're here early. No practice?"

"I told coach I won't be attending this practice."

"And she let you take the day off?" Her daughter nods. "What did you tell her?"

"I told her that you will be leaving for Sydney soon for a business trip and I want some family bonding time." She says. "Plus, we can't miss this for the world! Mommy is going to love what we have prepared for earlier."

"Did you make sure that she wouldn't suspect a thing?" The latter responds affirmatively and Lisa ruffles her hair. "Good, now why don't you drop by Uncle Mike's office and give him a energetic hug and cheer him up okay?"

"Alright! I'll see you Aunt Jennie!"

"See you champ!" As soon as Ella leaves the room, Jennie eyes Lisa who was now humming as she fixes her things. "I hope you two aren't planning something devilish that would turn Rosie's hair to black."

"A little but nothing too extreme." Lisa says. "Ella and I plan to build the biggest pillow forth ever. We're gonna watch Disney movies together."

Afterwards, Jennie releases a chuckle. "What?" "Lisa, you do realize that your house has a theater room right?"

"I know, but where's the fun in that?" Jennie just shakes her head with disbelief as a response. "What? She organized a Nerf duel between the three of us one time so I think it's my time to return the favor." She says and looks at Jennie with furrowed eyebrows. "What's with the weird look?"

Jennie shrugs casually. "Nothing it's just- it's been a while since I've seen you like this that's all."

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't know if you've noticed but lately a lot of employees have been talking about you. Apparently- these days you've been waking up on the right side of the bed." Jennie says. "I didn't want to believe it at first but then I saw Ella come here and I was like maybe are true."

"Really..." Lisa mumbles in understanding.

"But it's nice Lisa, even though it's kind of unusual seeing this change but-" Jennie looks at her with a smile. "Change looks good on you. Whatever it is that you two are doing, just keep on doing it. I'm happy for you."

Lisa smiles. "Thanks Jen."

"I think you should go... knowing you and your craziness, you planning to build a very big fort. So I won't hold you for long."

"Alright, I have to buy things anyway for the movie night tonight anyways. I'll see you tomorrow."

Lisa fetches her daughter by Mike's office and off to their house they went and didn't waste time and started building their pillow fort. Both of them worked hard, arranging pillows and decorating it with comforters and surrounding the entire place with Christmas lights before storing the place with snacks and drinks they will need later.

Halfway through the decoration, Ella decides to throw Lisa a very random question. "Ma?"

"Yes little bear?"

"I was just wondering..." She trails off and fixes the pillow arrangement. "Between you and mommy, who gets jealous easily?"

"Hmm... that's a tough question." She replies first. "It might come as a surprise to you, but it's me who gets jealous first."

"Eh? You?" There was disbelief wrapped around her voice. "I thought it was mommy."

"Your mother was the vocal one in expressing the jealousy but- we both know I am the one who easily gets jealous." Lisa answers. "Your mommy can easily pick up on things you know."

"But why?"

"When your mother and I were still in college, even though she has disregarded this multiple times, she was really popular in their course. Like- she was the angel of the Music majors and there isn't a person who can say shit about her. That's how lovable she is... her beauty radiated throughout our entire department." Lisa shares. "She was even the denser one between us... she basically friend-zoned everyone, I pity all the guys though."

"But you were scared about it right?"

"A lot of times..." She answers as she lays out the snacks on the corner. "I felt like I needed to be always on my game that time, I have to always be on my best or else she would leave and find someone better than me. Your mother was like- the dream girl you know? And I was- I was just me..."

"Funny, because when I asked mommy the same question she answered that you easily get jealous too, but she told me that she always wondered why when you were the ultimate girl for her."

"She said that?"

Ella nods her head. "I was helping her cook lunch for you when she said that. She told me that you were her dream girl." She smiles as she looks at her mother. "I think it's actually sweet. You two were each other's dream girl... I can only imagine the happiness you felt when you were given the permission to marry her."

"That was probably the happiest day of my life."

"Do you think this is enough?"

"I think so." Lisa looks at the fort they made and was quite satisfied with it. "You think your mom will like it?"

Ella nods her head and beams at her. "I think we should give her a call already."


"Alright." Her little bear pulls out her phone and calls her mother. "Hey mom, yeah it's me."

"Hey bub, is there something I can do for you?"

"I would just like to tell you something."

"And what is that?"

"Well, ma came home early and she saw me with my friends. I asked her permission if we can use your studio for jamming."

"What did she tell you?"

"She gave me the go signal. She was hanging around too so she can make sure that nothing in your office is messed up."

"Oh, good. Is that all you want to tell me?"

"Umm... not really. While jamming my friends accidentally opened the window and a strong wind flew by so-"

"What?" Rosie's sudden changes made the two of them shiver. "Ella please tell me that my works didn't go through the window."

"Ma and I are already at the backyard trying to salvage what we can."

"Can you put her through the phone?"

Ella hands the phone to Lisa which makes her swallow the lump on her throat. "H-hey Rosie..."

"How can you let that happen?! I thought you were the to supervise things!"

"I am and I just went out for a drink when I came back-"

"You are so dead when I come home."

The line goes dead and both of them share a look. "You think she's mad?"

"I think this is going to work well."

By the time Rosie gets home, she immediately parks the car right outside their home and stomps her way through the backyard. She couldn't believe how reckless her wife has been, allowing for the youngsters to be inside her office unsupervised. She rarely gets pissed off but Lisa and Ella knew better to hide for their selves.

Just as she was ready to spit out words of anger towards the two of them- Rosie backs up a step, totally astonished with how the backyard looks like.

It looked like a carnival show was about to happen on their 600-square meter backyard. She looked at the exterior as the entire tent was surrounded by big Christmas lights.

She looks at the entrance where she saw Ella and Lisa holding each other by the waist. "What's going on here?"

The two look at one another before saying- "Surprise!" They say with matching hand gestures.

"Do you like it mommy?"

"I do but I just want to know why-" She looks at her wife who was grinning. "You prank me did you?" Lisa, in return just gives her a shrug to which earned her a light punch in the arm making her chuckle. "What's up with this?"

"I just realized that the Nerf battle was amazing and I was thinking of returning the favor." Her wife says. "I know how you like Disney movies so..." Rosie stares at her wide-eyes.

"What are we waiting for let's go!!!" Rosie cheers.

"Ah, ah, ah- one more thing." Ella gives something to Lisa who shows it off to Rosie, earning another meme-worthy expression.

"Where did you find this?!" She grabs the jacket and presses it hard against her nose. "I've been looking everywhere for this!"

"It was in your old studio office." Lisa says. "I had some people call in and checked if it was the actual jacket and judging by the smell I can tell it's yours."

"How'd you know ma?"

Lisa scoffs and looks at their daughter. "I think I know how I smell mee noi."

"That's your jacket?"

"Not just any jacket- it's my lucky jacket." Rosie says as she snuggles further to the clothing. "It helped me seal a lot of deals."

"Only goes to show I am your lucky charm."

She makes a disgust face as she wipes off the smug from Lisa's face. "I was talking about your jacket not you stupid."

"Hello? You wouldn't have that jacket if it weren't for me!"

"I have this jacket it just wasn't lucky as yours."

Ella smiles as she watches her parents pettily bicker in front of her. "You two are disgustingly cute."

"Whatever, in my opinion- you wouldn't have that jacket if it weren't for me."

"You just got lucky that your course was the first in distribution." Rosie rolls her eyes.

"Guys come on, let's watch movie. I call dibs on the middle!"

"Fine then I get to call the first movie!"

"No Frozen!" Both Rosie and Ella scream.

"You guys suck!" Lisa whines and enters the fort as she continues to debate with her daughter.                       

Rosie was about to get inside the fort with them then her phone rings and Jisoo's name flashes on the screen. She excuses herself and tells them to get inside the tent first. She backs up away a few steps away before answering the call.

"Hello there Rosie, did I call at a bad time?"

"No, you called came in the right time." She answers. "What's up?"

"I can't get a hold of Lisa earlier I've been trying to reach her but it seems like her phone isn't with her."

"Yeah, she and Ella has been busy building this huge fort outside of our house." Rosie smiles. "She says it was a thank you gift since I gave her a Nerf match two days ago."

"Wow... it seems to me like you two have been making progress with the physical touch assignment."

"It was a little hard at first, but when we met half-way everything just seem to flow so right."

"That's good to hear. Anyway, I won't hold you for long so I am just going to give you your assignment right away alright?"

"Oh yeah sure."


"Since Lisa was the one who proposed to you, I want to turn the tables and ask you to propose to her this time. Bring your ideal proposal to life."

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