Week 4

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"Okay so... let me just-"

"But this won't do..."


"Alright- I have the perfect plan."

"You said that three hours ago as well?"

"Why are you not helping me?!"

""Okay so how about this?"

"Uh no."

"So how this one then?"


"So what about this then?"

"That's... hella cringy."

"Oh fuck it nothing's working."

Rosie huffs out a huge scoff before sitting back on her own bean bag. She looks at her view of the majestic hip vibe of West Queensland where the music and hippy vibe is usually located. Fronting the green scenery of the park, she opted to spend more hours here just so she could think of a way to put her assignment into action.

It has been three days since the beautiful Disney marathon and yet up until now the ghost music producer still hasn't thought of a way on how to propose to her wife, despite hearing endless recommendations from her best workmate- Park Sooyoung.

She has thought of every way possible. From the romantic dinner to the grand choir singing Rosie felt like she has gone through the entire nine yards, trying to find justifiable act of proposal but nothing was fitting perfectly and it was draining her energy, as well as her friend too.

"Okay, why don't we go back to your younger days superstar." Sooyoung says while sits down on the bean bag in front of Rosie. "Did you have some imaginations of proposing to Lisa?"

"Oh yes of course. There were times where I look at her doing the things that she loves or even stare at her while she laugh or smile at something our friends say my mind would be like I am the luckiest lesbian alive."

"How did Lisa propose to you anyways?"

"When it was just the two of us. Well she asked for my family's approval and she asked permission from her parents too... we were walking by the beach in Melbourne when the magic happened. She told me to do that couple goals holding hands thing and me, being the-"

"Stupid?" Sooyoung says with a smirk.

"Oblivious." She corrects with an eye roll. "Listened to her order to not look back until she said so. For me I thought that she was just doing some minor adjustments with her shots so I waited."

"And when you did, she was down on one bended knee and asked for your hand am I right?" Rosie nods as her cheeks were covered with a light tint of pink. "Awe, that's so sweet! You married a romanticist I see."

"She was all for the romantic gestures."

"And did she go on with the grand poetic speech?"

"Hmmm... come to think of it Lisa never went in for the grand romantic speech. She thought it was cliché and anticipated so she asked me simply and that was it." Sooyoung looks at her with disbelief but she immediately shuts down the judgmental stare. "It wasn't the proposal anyone would've wanted but it was Lisa. And at that moment I felt that nothing else mattered but that question... it felt perfect."

"... well, at least now you have a venue for your proposal." Her friend says. "You two practically want to live by on the beach if possible so I was thinking the beach would be perfect spot where the popping of question will happen."

"And knowing your love for words despite Lisa's mindset that love speeches are cliché and anticipated, I think that with your sincerity, she might be able to make an exception." She says. "Now since you're the traditional bitch-"

"I got it." Rosie clasps her hands together. "I think I know how to propose to Lisa."

Sooyoung looks at her with furrowed eyebrows. "... o-okay."


"Congratulations Mrs. Park."

"Thank you."

"You deserve this one Lisa."

"No, no, Mr. Thomas... if it weren't for my amazing thing I wouldn't be able to do this." Lisa smiles as she shook hands with her boss.

"This is why you continue to succeed in this industry." Her boss says. "Anyways, I'll do the honors and see our new investors out. You've done enough for the day."

Lisa bids her boss farewell as she waits for them to leave out the conference room. As soon as the door closes, Lisa grooves along to the beat inside her mind as she struts her victory dance for another done deal. Not only did she secure another boost in her firm's asset but she just gave her entire staff another salary raise.

After her little dance, her phone buzzes from her pocket and her wife's name came up on the screen. Lisa smiles at the right timing because she was just about to call her to tell the good news.


"Wow someone's a little energetic today." The latter teases. "I'm guessing you have some good news to tell me?"

Lisa smiles as she grabs her things. "You know me so well..."

"Tell you what, why don't you get ready in fifteen minutes, I'll drop by and pick you up. Let's grab something to eat."

"Okay, that looks like a good deal."

"Looks like someone is in a hurry." Jennie meets her in the hallway. "Congratulations on sealing the deal by the way."

"Thank you. If it weren't for your help, I doubt if I can make it." She smiles. "Think you can handle the rest of the day?"

"No problem." Her partner replies. "Are you heading for your personal consultation with your marriage therapist?"

The latter stops in her tracks. "What?"

"Your personal consultation with Dr. Kim. That's today right?"

"Uh- I... totally forgot." She says. "But it's fine I can just call her to reschedule."

"Lisa..." Jennie shots her a knowing look.

"It's not what you think! Rosie is coming here and we're planning to eat out-"

"Hopefully that's not one another though."

The latter widens her eyes. "No! Jennie you're disgusting." She says. "We're going to head out for an early dinner."

"Oh... well then if that's the case then I am sure that your doctor will approve."

"Though she has required to give me my journal." She eyes the feline-like woman and an idea pops onto her mind. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Is that what I think it is?"

"My journal is on the top left cabinet. Pass code's Ella's birthday!" She says as she starts to make a run for it.


"Thanks Jen!"


"Wow... this is soooo good!"

Rosie beams at Lisa's reaction. "Glad you like it."

"How did you know about this place?"

"Well... I was looking for a spot where I can freely write about a song. The studio was hella quiet so I thought a change of environment would do the trick." She answers as she takes in a bite of the truffle pasta. "But hey, tell me what the good news all about is."

"I sealed another deal today and gave the others a salary raise."

"Wow! I am so happy to hear that! Congratulations Lisa." She raises her wine glass. "Cheers to that?"

Her wife lightly clings onto Rosie's glass. "I just really want to seal the deal because it was for them you know."

"And I'm sure that they're going to understand it once they see their paycheck next week." She smiles brightly. "Speaking of paycheck I already received mine. And I already have a plan for it."

"Whatever it is that you want you can do with it. That's your hard-work anyways."

"So you won't mind if I book the three of us a ticket to Bangkok?"

"What?" She says as she rapidly blinks. "You booked the three of us to-"

"Fly to Bangkok." Rosie completes her sentence. "I know it's a pretty spontaneous idea but hear me out okay? First reason, Ella is finishing Senior High soon and she only has three weeks before she leaves for college. Second, you scored a really good deal for the company so I think it's nice for us to celebrate once. And third- it's been a while since you came to visit Ma and Pa. I know you talk to them once in a while but I know pokpak misses her parents."

"But what about my work, your work, Ella's last days on school, the therapy and-"

"Lisa, it's just a few days." She says. "And all we need is just a little break okay? Just a little family time."

Lisa looks at her, still quite unsure on what she will choose about her wife's invitation.


"Mama! Papa!"

The couple watches as their little bear run towards Lisa's parents who crushed her on a big hug. They both admire the sight as Ella's face get smothered with coos and kisses given to her by her grandparents who were just as excited when they saw their daughter a few feet away from her.

Lisa hugs the two of them tightly and Mrs. Manoban looks at her only child with tears. "Mommy don't cry..."

"I am just happy you're here." She says with a smile. "Hi angel."

"Hi mama." Ella smiles and kisses her grandmother. "Hi papa."

"Hi there beautiful. Dear, stop with the tears. This looks like a scene from a movie." The only man in the group interrupts the melodramatic act. "Let's go home; your mother has made all of your favorite dishes."

The lunch look like a grand feast inside the Manoban household. They were just five people but the table foods look like they were enough to feed fifteen. It was no problem though, Lisa devoured almost everything her mom handed to her and everyone melted at the sight especially Ella who took endless photos of their family lunch.

Their talks were circled around their life in Queensland and their current lifestyles and of course the memories that go way back. Rosie could tell that Lisa was enjoying her time spending with her parents so she had the decency to excuse her and Ella to rest for a moment just so Lisa can spend some quality time with her parents alone.

"Wow." Mr. Manoban says as he continues to look at Lisa devour the mango sticky rice. "And here I thought the more you age, the lesser your appetite gets."

Lisa turns to him with a scowl on her face. "I missed mom's cooking okay?"

"Why? Isn't Rosie cooking good?"

"Her cooking is the second best thing in the world. Yours is the first."

Her mother blushes with the compliment as she wipes the curry sauce off of her daughter's lips. "Such a smooth talker."

"Dad told me it was one of his tricks."

"Hahaha, a harmless compliment could go a long way." He smiles. "With that being said- I still have lots of things to do at the restaurant today and so I'll be off and I will see you on dinner."

With her father gone she decides to spend some quality time with her mother who is looking at her very lovingly. "How are you doing ma?"

"I'm good... I've been helping out in the restaurant so I have some dirty deed to do, on some days it's just me and my gardening really."

"You still go with dad on some seminars?"

"Whenever I feel like it. He usually goes all over the world and I wouldn't mind appreciating the culture once or twice." She smiles. "I am so happy you paid us a visit."

"Actually it was Rosie's idea to pay you guys a visit." She confesses. "I closed a pretty solid deal and it's going to help a lot of people."

"Well that is some good news indeed." Her mother smiles at her. "I am so proud of you Lali..."

Hearing that made Lisa feel the pride that her mother has for her. "Thanks Ma."

"Now that I know your career is a complete success, I need to know how your married life is." She says. "Tell me, how are things with Rosie?"

"You know... the usual." Lisa non-chalantly answers to which her mother responded with a warning look. "Ma, I'm serious everything's fine with my marriage I promise."

"I won't pressure you into sharing the details with me but I hope you know that I am here and I will listen to everything you want to tell me."

A few moments of silence settled between them until Lisa drinks up her glass of wine. "Ma?"

"Yes darling?"

"How did you and dad managed to stay together after all these years?" She asks. "Besides telling me that love isn't enough to keep the engine running."

"Hmm... that's a tough question if you ask me." She answers. "Different relationships have different dynamics. Some prefer communication as a basis on working things out while some prefer something more physical."


"Sex darling." Lisa immediately chokes on her food. "Oh come on act like you two haven't done it before."

"Because it's uncomfortable!"

"You're no longer 18."

"And still I find it uncomfortable." She sighs. "Okay so base on Rosie and my dynamics, what should I do?"

"As crazy as it sounds, you two remind me so much of me and your father's younger years." Mrs. Manoban says. "Whenever your dad would compliment me I would become I blushing mess but only because I know he was a man of a few words... just like you."

"There were days where his actions don't match with his words and somehow it leaves me very conflicted because I walk my talk Lisa. If I say I am all in for you it means I have no time for bullshits or child's play and I bet Rosie is like that too."

Lisa nods in agreement. "Were there times where you thought of just breaking up?"

"Oh dear, I've lost count on how many times we tried splitting up. We would always argue and when we reach our boiling point I would speak Thai and he would curse in his native tongue. It's quite amusing really..." she laughs the memory off. "There were times where I look at your father and ask myself why I fell for this huge pain in the ass person."

"There were times where I look at him and doubt if the rest of my life belonged with him, if marrying him despite the short amount of time of knowing each other was my destiny or was loving him that much enough to supply me for a lifetime. But you see Lali, when you decide to marry someone, you do not marry the person you want to live with- but you choose to marry the person you cannot live without."

"His annoying attitude and short-tempered ass might cause me some problems here and there; we may have fights where we can no longer understand each other because we speak in our native tongue, or I may have doubts inside my head but then I look at your father- whether he's inside the kitchen cooking magic or just by his favorite chair watching his favorite Thai cooking show, I look at him and somehow the doubts seem to fade." She says. "I look at him and unknowingly a smile from my face creeps out because despite of every negative thing that has come out from my marriage with him, he's the person I truly cannot live without. Marrying his annoying ass is still the best thing I've made in my life."

"The butterflies, the goose bumps, and even the love will come and go Lali... which is why it is very important that when all of those disappear, you can still see the rest of your life with your partner. Marriage isn't about loving someone forever; marriage is about choosing someone constantly- through thick and thin, for better or for worse."


"Wow, someone's up early."

Rosie turns around and sees her father-in-law in his very cute stripped-patterned pajamas. "Good morning dad."

"Hmmm... that smells so good! Did you use your mother's recipe for this one?"

"I did with a little mix of improvise from me. Lisa likes it when the chicken meat just falls off from the bone and with lots of spices so I kind of made my own recipe."

"This looks like it's going to be my favorite dish right now. Don't tell your mother though." She giggles along with the compliment. "Anyway, why are you up early?"

"I was preparing for tonight. I have this weird early morning body clock and I still have jetlag so I thought why not put this into a good use?"

"And where's your wife?"

"Ella played the diversion role and mommy came to help. They somehow managed to convince Lisa last night to go out early today and do a video shoot about her homecoming in Thailand. I think they're going to be out most of the day and they will end up in Koh Samet for tonight."

"What time will the others come?"

"Probably around early afternoon. They're going to take some rest and then head here."

"Well since I am up, allow me to help."

"Oh no! I cannot do that!" Rosie forces him to sit back down and prepares him a good cup of coffee. "I want to do this on my own."

He looks at her before a smile comes out from his lips. "Even after all these years of marriage the pursuit never stops huh?"

"It stopped." She answers honestly. "Then I realized a lot of things so I thought of trying to get things back to the way they used to be."

"As long as you're trying honey... that's all that matters." He sits on the stool and enjoys his freshly brewed espresso. "A little more angle for that sliced carrots."

Rosie chuckles and complies with her father's request. "You have no work at the restaurant today?"

"I usually go there for lunch but since I know you are going to be here all alone, might as well accompany you and help you with things."

"That sounds like a good plan."

"Well you say that now but wait until I hover over the little things that you do." He chuckles alongside with her until he turns back into his serious mode. "Seriously though."

And instead of being threatened, Rosie has gotten used to all her father-in-law's criticism. "Dad, when did you know that you want to marry mama?"

"When did you know you want to marry Lisa?"

"Dad..." She shots him a menacing look. "I am serious."

He chuckles again and looks up at the ceiling as if the answers were up there. "It was actually because of Lisa."

"Eh?" She reacted immediately. "Because of Lisa?"

"I was preparing for our dinner one day and she came hopping along with that bright pink socks and bright white shoes. I was on the middle of making the sauce for the rib when she asked me- daddy? Why don't I see a ring on your finger?"

"Then she went about sharing about her schoolmates about having moms and dads just like hers but then the only difference that she noticed was there was no ring between her mother and I."

"So I told her that they got the rings by being unified together as a married couple. I told her the basic rules about marriage and she told me that she understood but then she asks me- so why won't you get married?"

Rosie shakes her head. "Typical Lisa."

Mr. Manoban nods his head in understanding. "I told her that marriage wasn't an easy task because it's something that we all should really think about for a long time... I also try to explain to her that marriage isn't something we should decide upon what we feel about as of the moment but it's something we should consider on how we feel towards the person you like for a really, really long time- plus she was there too so there was a factor to reconsider..." He trails off. "But what she responded totally caught me off guard."

"Why? What did she tell you?"

"She told me- are you not ready to choose us daddy?" He says and shared an eye contact with her second daughter. "I know, it's a simple question but it brought me to a lot of realizations..."

"It made me realize that I have been living together with her mom for three years, we have been a couple for five years... In those five years her mother and I have already seen the best and worst versions of one another multiple times. We have overcome a lot of trials, overcome everyone's doubts, and despite of losing a lot- we were still there for one another."

"So I asked myself- what was it that kept me from choosing them?" Mr. Manoban asks himself. "Then I made a conclusion on my mind that- this wasn't about her mother, this wasn't about Lisa or our entire situation... this was about me."

"Me, worrying that I will never be enough. Me, doubting if I can make the cut of having the right of being called as her husband and having Lisa call me officially as her father..." He says. "Then I told her that it wasn't because I wasn't ready to choose them, it was because I wasn't sure if her mother is ready to choose me... because her mother was everything- even more than I asked for a partner in life."

Rosie places the knife down and listened to her dad's story. "And how did Lisa respond?"

"How will you know if you will never ask?"

His daughter's wife smiles as she returns to chopping. "Yeah... that sounds like Lisa for me."

"She told me that in her school they were taught on how to become the best version of themselves. She shared that she thinks it was somehow similar to falling for people... when you love someone, you will always try to be that 'best version' of yourself for them and no matter what- you will always try... regardless of how many times you fall."

"Lisa even added that she was sure that even if I don't become the person her mother deserves, her mother will still say yes when I ask her the question." He smiles. "I asked her how come she was so sure and she told me, daddy, mama has already seen you with white hair and still haven't left your side. What more do you ask for?"

Rosie laughs loud hearing Lisa's statement. "I'm pretty sure you didn't regret to drop everything for her am I right?"

"Of course I have some regrets Rosie." He says. "There were times in our marriage where I think that if dropping everything for a woman was worth it because I've read stories; I've seen movies and not all of them ended good..." He eyes her giving her an do-you-understand-me look to which Rosie nods in return."Sometimes I stop at what I do and think about my what if's you know? What if I didn't drop everything for her? What if I never saw her in the market hall? I could've travelled the world and went back home to have my own Swiss restaurant, my own Swiss wife and have Swiss kids."

"I could've been happy, I could've sit down in front of my porch and then look at the Alps and say I am living a good life."

"And is there a problem with that?"

"Nothing, living a good life is good. But deciding to stay for a woman I saw in the market hall made me live the best life... more than I can ever ask for." He smiles.

"Despite of every issue you guys face?"

Mr. Manoban nods in response. "Issues will be issues Rosie no matter how you view them. They will always be around your marriage, it's inevitable. In every decision we make there is always an opportunity cost. It's just up to us to weigh what opportunity cost is worth losing for."


"Ma! You can't be tired!!!" Ella whines as soon as the car comes into view. "We still have so much to do!"

"What do you mean we have so much to do? We've already done everything we could do here. Plus, it's dangerous to ride the ferry at night so we need to get going I am not going to risk myself for another scolding coming from your mother I tell you."

"But ma...." Ella cutely whines. "Can we please check one more spot?"

Lisa sighs as she looks at her mother who gave her a you-decide look. "Okay, what is that one more spot are we talking about?"

"There's an amazing restaurant just by the coastal ma. I think we should have a quick dinner before we leave. Don't worry, I will text mommy and tell her that we will be a little bit behind schedule. I've seen all the beautiful posts in that restaurant and it'd be a shame if I won't be able to take some pictures."

"Ma, are you okay with staying more for a few minutes?"

"Of course honey. Anything for my beautiful granddaughter." She kisses Ella's forehead.

"Okay, well I guess it's settled then. Let's go to this restaurant you're talking about."

Twenty minutes in, Lisa hits the brakes as soon as Ella gave her the signal. She looked from the driver's seat and saw the beautiful restaurant with a very homey vibe. She steps out from the car and follows the path where her mother and daughter walked forth.

It has come to her attention that this restaurant is somehow new to the area yet it has been everyone's favorite. Judging from the smell of the kitchen that they were able to pass by as well, she knows the reason why.

"Guys seriously where are we heading?" Lisa says as she keeps on following them through the back door.

"Hold on ma, we're almost there."

"Ella, I tell you- whatever view this restaurant has it better be worth it because I swear your mother will- Rosie?"


Lisa immediately jumps in shock hearing the loud 'surprise' but what made her even more surprised when she saw the rest of her family, Rosie's family there inside the dinner table. Confusion was written all over her face as she wonders why all of the members of the family were there.

Nevertheless she still greeted them all warmly, thanking them for coming all the way here. Even though she still wasn't sure what is the reason behind their visitation.

Dinner was incredibly good, the vibe between their families have always been beautiful that whenever the two families meet there's never an awkward moment between them because they always pick up where they left out and continue on with very interesting topics that everyone can relate to.

Rosie's father was one of the warmest humans she has ever met. The very first time they met, he was all hugs and warm smiles and everytime she sees him he's like this ray of sunshine that always brings positivity inside the place he's in. He is usually in charge of ice breakers and creates topic for their families to talk upon and Lisa never hesitated to ask for Mr. Park's advice once in a while, especially when she is in need of legal advice. Being the District attorney's daughter-in-law sure has its perks.

Her mother-in-law on the other hand, made her want to pee in her pants- but that's just because they had a misunderstanding. Her mother came to visit Rosie one time and it was at that moment where Lisa surprised her with a night beneath the stars. Mrs. Park look like she was ready to chop off her head, and it made her realize that Claire Park is that bitch that you wouldn't want to mess with.

Alice was the strictest among the Parks. There wasn't a day where she waited for Lisa to mess up and hurt Rosie because apparently, Lisa has this international playgirl vibe. Her obsession of proving that her theory was true almost cost them their break up, but she was glad that Rosie step up and defended their relationship.

Along the years, their families have created this wonderful chemistry and they just jive so well that she wasn't able to realize that they finished the 7-course dinner meal.

"Guys, thank you all for coming." Rosie says to their guests. "I'm pretty sure that the most curious person here is my wife, who is probably dying to know why we all are gathered here."

"Not to be rude but-" Lisa turns to every person in their table. "Why are you guys all here?"

All of them start to chuckle. "One of the things that I admire from my wife is how she constantly works hard to be the best. She never settled for anything else but the best, and that character has brought her to places that people could only ever dreamed of and because of that she is the successful person that she is we see today... I've always wondered why you always try to be the best version of yourself and how come you are never tired in showing and in trying to be that person until I had a talk with your father while preparing the meal for today."

"Lisa, I don't know if you remember this talk but it was when you were there inside the kitchen and you asked dad why he didn't have a ring in his hand. Then he had gone on explaining about how complicated marriage is and how it wasn't easy to be all that."

The latter nods her head in return. "I remember that talk."

"Just a snippet of that talk, at a young age Lisa has come to realize that if we love someone, we should try and always try to be the person that they deserve to be with. We may fall down a lot of times, but what matter is we try." She says. "And maybe that's why you keep on trying because you want to become the person that we deserve. Not just me, but also for Ella."

"I have never met someone as dedicated, compassionate, beautiful and admirable as you Lisa. Not everyone can be that person all at once but then again you are not just like everyone else because to me, you have always been my angel."

Lisa looks around the people surrounding them and then turns to her wife before chuckling nervously. "Rosie... what's with the sudden confession?"

"Because you helped me realize a lot of things babe." Hearing that pet name after a long time just brought shivers and goose bumps in Lisa's system that she was quite stunned for a few seconds. "I've always thought that real love was found in roses and grand gestures. I've always thought that when I meet the person, sparks will fly, time will stop and my heart will know. But no- it took me several looks, a gazillion glances before I stopped and told myself that you are the one." She says. "You're my person in this lifetime."

"It took years of relationship with you to help me realize that real love is walking back to our room seeing you with your arm raise up and think you're the stupidest person in the whole wide world. It's me waking up in the wee hours of the morning and finding you occupying 80 percent of the bed and resisting the urge to shove you off the bed... it's about us talking in our own native languages and us cursing one another and then demanding translation in the midst of our civil war."

"Real love is about saying that you make delicious meals only to suffer from indigestion later that day..." She chuckles and the guests laugh alongside with her. "With you, I've come to realize that real love exists in spite of hardships, that I do not need to hear a paragraph or a written essay from you to tell me that everything is okay because a hug from you already means a million of unspoken words."

"I've realized that real love exists whenever we make fun of each other, the petty fights and the memorable make-ups afterwards. Real love doesn't always have to be in grand gesture but it can also be found in the silence of the rain pouring down and us sharing a glass of hot cocoa and cuddling up while we watch our favorite drama."

"Rosie why-" She takes a look at Lisa who had tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Why are you doing this? You're scaring me..."

"Because I know I have my lapses Lisa... and if you allow me- in front of our family and in front of our daughter..." Rosie slowly pulls out a red box and reveals a very beautiful trinity ring. "Allow me to re-marry you again and make up for the lost time I spent on taking you for granted."

Lisa's mind eventually stopped functioning as soon as she saw the trinity ring covered in Gold, Silver and Bronze respectively. It was a simple design and yet somehow she understood why her wife had chosen this style because Rosie knows she is a sucker for the simple things in life.

Eventually she looks up and takes a look at her family who had tears in their eyes. One of the reasons why their families bond so easily was because they have very low tolerance to dramatic things and they're a sucker for romantic gestures even Lisa herself. Taking a glance from her parents who gave them understanding looks and even to her second family who have always been supportive of their relationship just made her overflow with un-explainable emotions.

And then she takes a look at Rosie, the girl she has been with for more than a decade, the girl whom she has witnessed turn into a woman, from a wife to a mother, and from the girl of her dreams to being the girl of her reality. In that moment, she believed in the reality that their marriage wasn't on the rocks. For a split second, she truly believed that this is her reality.

Despite knowing that this is only temporary, Lisa took the leap of faith and made this night a night that she will remember forever.

"Yes Rosie..." She answers with a smile. "There's no one in this world I'd rather marry else than my best friend."

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