Week 5 and 6

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Rosie eyes her wife for a while before walking towards the free seat. "May I?"

"Sure." As soon as her wife takes the seat- "Did they went home safely?"

"Yeah, I made sure to receive a text from Ella that they arrived in Bangkok safely."

"Well, that certainly took a while."

"It's fine." Rosie says. "I figured that you might want to take some time alone anyway."

Lisa chuckles. "You know me so well."

"I'm glad I still do." She smiles before looking at the beautiful sea in front of their hotel suite.

An awkward silence fills them for a second. "What's that?"

"Alice gave me this before they boarded." She places the boxes on the accent table. "She told me it was from Jisoo."

"Is that...?" Rosie nods her head. "Oh."

"Jisoo told me that week 5 is about going through these boxes and try to talk about the stuffs inside."

"I think it's better if we should start ahead right?"

"You ready?" And with a slight nod that came from Lisa, Rosie pushes herself further and opens the large-sized box. "Oh wow."

As soon as the cover was removed, the first thing that comes to their view was that was tucked in one of the corners of the box. Both of them share a glance at one another before Lisa stands up and comes back with two wine glasses later.

She pours on her glass and then onto Rosie's. "Cheers?"


"Wow... this is still so good."

"I remember the very first time we tasted it. It was three days before our wedding. We were getting drunk with all those wine tastings."

Lisa scoffs as she remembers the memory very well. "That day was so memorable. I remembered that we were just laughing our hearts out, trying to help out one another as we try to find the keys to the apartment."

"Our neighbors got mad because instead of sleeping, we decided to bass boost our wedding playlist." Rosie laughs. "Remember Uncle Terry?"

She laughs along with her wife. "Don't make me destroy your door with my shotgun!" Both of them laughed. "That was good."

"Oh my God!" Rosie gasped as she pulls out the rainbow-colored carebear. "YOU STILL HAVE THIS!?"

"I remember I kept it in my bedroom in my apartment in Sydney. I was doing a cleanup and I saw this on my third cabinet." She looks at the bear and remembered how they got it. "The amusement where Rainbow used to live got shut down by the way."

"What? Why?" Rosie's voice fills with sadness. "But that was such a nice location."

"Rumor has it that the owner of it died and the children had no interest of continuing the business so they just sold the property."

"That's sad..." She pouts. "We both made a lot of memories there."

"The good news is they turned it into a children's hospital." Lisa says. "All of the stuff toys and some kid-friendly stuff remained in the facility."

"Well, at least that's good right?" She takes a sip of the wine and looks at the view.

"Rosie, about the proposal you said earlier..." She looks at the latter. "Did Jisoo task you to do it?"

"Yes." She says immediately, causing Lisa's face to change and be covered in disappointment.

"Figures..." Lisa says as she drinks her wine in full go. "I mean it's not like you would do it anyway so..."

"This is a bit saddening actually."

"What do you mean?"

"That it took me another person to make me realize how an amazing person you are." She confesses making Lisa quite stunned again with her confession. "You have sacrificed a lot not just for me, but especially for Ella. It must've been so hard for you all these years..." Rosie trails off. "I know I haven't said this in a long while but I am so proud of you Lisa."

"I promised you that I will be your biggest fan in whatever you want to do in your life and I know I haven't been that person for you, but I hope it's not too late for me to make it up to you." She locks her stare onto Lisa's confused eyes and overwhelmed facial expression. "Allow me to make it up to you."

"Rosie why..." She swallows the lump on your throat. "Why are you doing this? Did Jisoo-"

"Lisa, from now on, I want you to place it in your heart that whatever I do for you- with you or because of you is for the reason that I want to." She says. "Not because Jisoo told me, not because I am required to, or not because for Ella."

"I am going to do things because I really want to. And even though we can never go back to the way we used to be, I am willing to do all the things again if it meant making you happy."

Involuntarily, tears fall from both of their eyes. Rosie looks at Lisa's messed up makeup and endless tears. She cups the latter's cheeks still not believing that even after all these years, Lisa has always been beautiful in her eyes regardless of the situation. Call her smitten, but if there was one thing constant in their relationship, it's how beautiful and ethereal Lisa will always be in her eyes.

Lisa, on the other hand, felt the hairs behind her neck raise feeling that familiar warmth. While it is true that Rosie's comforting words bring her warmth but it will always be her partner's touch that is only able to put her at ease and despite the fact that it feels foreign- she doesn't flinch nor pulls away but instead leans in further enjoying every moment of it.

"Will you allow me, Lisa?" Her wife's soft voice breaks the silence between them.

"Okay." She answers with a nod. "Okay."

And so for the rest of week five, both Rosie and Lisa tried on going down memory lane. From their first couple item which was a girl gang shirt down to their first Polaroid together. True enough, that memory box brought nothing but good memories and if their relationship was good before they left for Thailand, everything turned to better as they followed Jisoo's steps in trying to revive their relationship.

Even the atmosphere in the house was even better. Lisa decided that Jennie would do the transactions she has in Sydney and just stay here to enjoy her family's company. With her around every day, she manages to show up even on Ella's game which was very heartwarming especially for their daughter.

Rosie even took off a few hours off from work and even had the courage to finally decline some offers presented to her just so they could bond as the three of them. Now, they would have weekends by the beach or just going out as a complete family.

"So..." Jisoo sits down and grabs her notes and pen. "This is your first time attending the 1-on-1 evaluation."

Lisa smiles. "Yeah sorry about that one. Rosie she-"

"Don't worry, Jennie told me about it." Lisa looks at her confusingly. "She passed by last week to hand me your journal."

"Ahhh! Right right." Lisa nods. "So- how does this one goes?"

"Well we just sit here and just talk about how are you regarding this whole experimental process, and I'll ask if there is a part of your journal that you are willing to share and then we could just talk about everything under the sun." She smiles warmly. "So shall we get started?"

"Take it away."

"Okay so first things first, I want to congratulate you. I heard that your weekend getaway in Thailand was a complete success." She smiles. "How does it feel to have Rosie propose to you?"

"I was just in shock in entire time... I was so lost because my family was there, her family too and Ella was there and she went with this grand speech and gave me a ring and-" she stops for a moment. "Everything just felt surreal at that time."

"And if you hadn't proposed to Rosie years ago did you think her proposal would've been just as the same?"

"Honestly, if I hadn't proposed to her, I would've lost her."

"How can you say so?"

Lisa gives her old friend an are-you-kidding-me look. "Jisoo, you saw how I was in college."

"You dressed like a hobo so what?" The latter groans because of her teasing. "Lisa you were popular in college what are you talking about. Every person in our branch wanted to have your attention."

"But Jisoo- I am nothing compared to Rosie." She reasons out. "If every person wanted my attention then every living thing want to have Rosie's. You have seen your best friend Jisoo, I think we can both agree that she is a living proof that Disney princesses exist."

Jisoo hums and takes note. "And do you still view her like that?"


"The next one that I want to congratulate is both of you. You are officially on week 6." Jisoo says with pride. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel very surprised, to be honest." She says. "I thought I was going to surrender at week 2."

"So what made you go through with it?"

"Because I owe it to Ella to try." Lisa answers honestly. "Rosie and I are still together because of Ella, we are going through therapy because of Ella and we are trying to work things out for Ella... everything that we do is for our daughter."

Jisoo nods her head. "So when you decided to participate in this therapy is because of Ella am I right?" The latter nods her head. "Why?"

"I am a mother Jisoo, Rosie is too and when you become a parent- everything you do will be for your child." She says. "There is nothing I wouldn't do for Ella in a heartbeat."

"How about now? Are you still doing this because you want Ella to have a complete family? Or are you doing this because you really want to fix things between you and Rosie?"

"I-" Her patient sighs out loud. "I don't know Jisoo- there's a part of me that wants to believe every good thing that's happening to me is going to continue to happen but then a part of me is so fucking scared."

"I am so scared to know she is just doing this because she is required to do it, not because she wants to do it." Lisa bites her lower lip as she lets her doubts flow freely. "I am scared to believe that this is real and I am scared because she is making me happy again. I am scared because I am letting myself- allowing myself to believe that she wants this to work and she does these things because she really loves me."

"Lisa, why do you think that whatever Rosie do right now is for the sake of something else and not because she wants to ignite the fire of your dying flame?"

"I know Rosie Jisoo. When she tells me that she is done, then she is really fucking done. No more going back. She told me that she was done when we were inside of our bedroom. The sunset was just the source of light inside the room and I was off for Sydney when she told me if I could stay for a couple of minutes."

"I remember that day so well because there was something in her eyes that told me it was not going to be a good talk... I look at her and the only thing I could see is the dying flame of our marriage..." she trails off. "And that's when she told me that she was done."

"It was supposed to hurt me, to bring me down to my knees and just beg for her to not say it. It was supposed to make me fall apart but you know what I did?" She looks at Jisoo, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "I gave her a slight nod and told her that I will arrange the divorce papers while I am in Sydney." Sighing again, she closes her eyes and a million regrets flashed in her mind. "I am the dumbest person alive... I fucking hate myself for it."

After a few seconds of self-pity, Jisoo decides to speak up. "Lisa, do you about the 11:11 thing?"

She looks at the latter confusingly. "You mean that wish wish thing? Yeah, I know."

"And do you want to know why it happens twice a day?" Again Lisa who looked so lost shakes her head. "11:11 happens twice a day because it wants to tell us that we all deserve a second chance."

"If you messed up once it's okay, people make mistakes all the time and what matters is how we make it up to the people who gave us that forgiveness," Jisoo says. "What matters how we learn from that mistake and try not to mess things up again."

"What if it won't work? What if all of this will still have the same result?" She asks worriedly. "I'm scared Jisoo."

"But what if it will work?" Jisoo adds.

"I... I don't know Jisoo."

"I know. This is why week six will be the week where you will have some personal time off of one another."

"What do you mean?"

"I already talked with Rosie hours before you and as we are talking- she is on her way back to Melbourne."

"What?" She says with great disbelief. "B-b-but why? I don't get-"

"Relax Lisa, I told her that the assignment for this week to think about what happened on the past weeks and think about the difference of you two as a couple before going into the therapy and right now as you are undergoing this whole experimental process," Jisoo explains. "For this week I just want for you to think about how much have you changed as an individual, as a couple or even as a family, what happens after the therapy and do you think that this is worth the try."

"But Jisoo I just told you-"

"Just thinking and actually acting on something doesn't actually go together Lisa." She says. "Take this week as the time for you to reflect. Think about if you're doing this because of Ella, or are you actually doing this because you still love one another enough to give this love a second try."

After the therapy, Lisa decides to stay in Queensland and not go anywhere else to reflect on her personal journey throughout this experimental process. She also wants to watch and spend some alone time with Ella with just the two of them. Most of the times they would just hang out, do a little bit of exploring of their town, and do all the things they used to do before she got all this huge responsibility on her shoulders.

While she is certain that spending time with their daughter is one of the best time spent in the world- she knows that spending time with Ella is just a form of distraction. Deep down, she knew she was scared of finding out that maybe all of this was just wishful thinking.

This is why she chooses to skip taking overtime and decided for a stroll on the park to have a little breather for a while. It was already day 4 of week 6 and up until now, she doesn't know what to do.

Her mind tells her to dwell in the present and no longer in the past. Whatever happiness it had brought her, whatever fluttering feeling it had to offer, it all belonged in yesterday, the younger and happier versions of Rosie and her. They may be happy now, but this isn't the real them but the mere imagination of her dream.

Her heart, on the other hand, wants to tell her that they may not be the same way as they used to be, but they can try and find other ways in for them to be happy again. That all they have to do is to try and exert effort because if you genuinely want something, you would go out of your way just to get it.

And that's why Lisa's mind and heart start to argue. Because her heart is telling her to try and just bet on them however her mind is asking her what if she is the only one who's willing to go all-in?

Sighing to herself she removes her coat and opens two buttons down of her yellow button up top. She stops by a bench and decides that her legs should take a quick rest. Looking at the view in front of her she tries to calm herself and distract herself for a short amount of time.

Diverting her attention upwards she looks at the sky, a mixture of red, orange and a pinch of pink appear, giving the downtown Queensland a different vibe.

She decides to close her eyes for a while and lean against the bench's headboard and try to relax for a while.

As soon as she has found her peace, she hears someone playing the guitar. It was a distant sound, but Lisa has amazing hearing ability that she can hear even the singer's calming and unique sound.

Sooner, she can't quite shake off the familiarity of the voice. It was barely audible but the way they pronounce the words and the technique of singing seems to be very familiar. Furrowing her eyebrows she tries to focus on the singer but then as she does- other forms of distractions get to her which made her annoyed.

Opening her eyes she looked around the park to see if there is some teenage girl enjoying her time by playing the guitar. After a few turns from left to right, and squinting her eyes she finally spots a teenage girl a few feet away from her. As soon as she spots the girl, it was something that she didn't expect to see today.

"Ella?" She says to herself.

Her eyes glued to her daughter who has this huge smile on her face as she continues to sing a song towards a boy whose eyes were focused on Ella's face. Thankfully.

And though she knew that there will come to a time that both she and Rosie would have to experience this odd situation of having their daughter bring someone over to the house and introduce them, her over-protectiveness to their one and the only baby girl took over.

But then she trusts the fact that they both raised Ella well and proper and that she has been a teen as well and there's nothing more awkward in this world than having your parent cock block you.

So she waits for it to end, quietly observing their surrounding and just preparing herself in case something 'unexpected' happen. Lucky for her though, after half an hour both Ella and her date got up and head for the bus stop right across the street.

Fishing up her phone she immediately dials her daughter's number and watches them from a distance. "Ma?"

"Hi, mee noi. Where are you?"

Ella looks at the guy. "Uhm, I am with a friend we just hang out at the park."

"Ahhh... well, is it alright that I come and pick you up? I just finished a meeting and honestly, I am craving for some salted caramel ice cream."

Hearing that made her daughter smile. "It must've been a hard day for you ma. Lucky you I got my appetite from mommy." She giggles. "I'm at the bus stop."

Lisa beams with pride. "Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes."


Just on time Lisa steps out from her Lexus and greets her daughter with a smile. "Ma!"

"Hi, baby." She opens her arms wide and kisses the latter on the cheek. "Where's your friend?"

"He had some other things to do."

She takes a few good seconds to give her baby girl a look before deciding where they should be going. "Hey, do you want to hang out at our place?"

Lisa drove them over at Terry's, an ice cream parlor that they would hang out often whenever she was back home. Both of them loved the interior the first time they walked in, it was filled with pastel colors, rainbows and Lisa's favorite mythical creature- unicorns.

They practically made this similar to that cartoon show filled with ponies and magical stuff and Ella grew up watching that so the younger lady immediately was smitten as soon as she saw what was inside of the building. Even years later and that show has come to an end, the owner decided to not change anything about it since it was one of the reasons that they were popular.

Ordering their favorite ice cream, the unicorn poop, Lisa just takes a few seconds in silence furthering examining her child as the latter had slumped shoulders and she was pouting and playing with her scoop from time to time. After finally figuring out what was her daughter feeling, she decides to finally break the ice between them.

"So, how did your day go today?"

"The usual. I hanged around mommy's studio for a while, with her permission of course and then watched some TV series before my friend called and asked to meet me."

"This... friend of yours, is he in the same class with you or he's younger?"

"He's from a different class but we used to hang out last academic year."

"I see..." Taking another scoop, Lisa takes a look at her daughter. "Did you meet him today because he asked you out?"

"Ma..." Ella groans.

"What? I am just asking mee noi. As your mother I think I have the right to know don't you think so?"

Her daughter sighs as she leans back on her chair. "Okay, he might've asked me out a lot of times before and I kept on making excuses until today." She says. "I thought why not give it a shot so I told him maybe we can hang out at the park today and he was okay with it."

"And? Did you like the date?"

"I... I guess? I mean he was really nice and all ears. He also likes my singing so yeah."

"He seems a pretty nice kid."

"He is."


"But I only see him as a friend." She answers. "Besides- I don't even know who I want to date."

"How so?"

"Because sometimes I see a guy and think he's cute and maybe we can be a cute couple but then a girl comes by and then think that she's cute and maybe we can be a cute couple too."

Lisa immediately comforts her daughter seeing her frustration and uneasiness. "Honey that's okay. You don't have to figure everything right now. It's okay to be confused."

"But I want to have a relationship like you and mommy." She argues. "I want to look at someone at first try and then tell myself- I guess this is the person I am going to love forever."

Lisa smiles hearing that. "I didn't look at your mother like that and I am pretty sure that she didn't know she had hots for me not until the bonfire event."

"Still, I want to have the same love story as you two. I want to find and marry my best friend and soul mate too."

"Honey it's okay even if you don't marry nor find your soul mate. Just because they're someone you can basically vibe with doesn't mean you have to marry them. Your soul mate is supposed to help you understand yourself, to hype you up if that helps make you understand this situation better. You were meant to meet them but it doesn't mean you're supposed to be with them."

"Okay so answer this then, do you honestly see yourself marrying anyone else other than mommy?" Lisa thought about it for a second. "See what I mean?"

"Hold up there mee noi I was just constructing my train of thoughts." She chuckles. "Alright, I got it."

"Listen, if you are going to ask the 22-year old Lisa Manoban if she sees herself marrying someone else other than a 23-year old Rosie Park then she would answer no. Because at that time, loving Rosie was all she ever knew. Loving Rosie made everything in her life better and had come to the conclusion that as long as the love is there, she will be forever happy."

"But if you ask the 43-year-old Lisa Park if she can see herself marrying someone else than a 44 Rosie Park then she would say yes." She answers honestly. "Because this Lisa has been with Rosie for 25 years including the dating stage, this Lisa has been through heaven and hell back and forth has seen Rosie the best and the worst and have witnessed how harsh reality can be. So yes Ella, I did see myself marrying someone else other than your mother. And even if you ask your mommy this question I am pretty sure she would answer you the same."

Ella looks at her dumbstruck with what her mama had just said. "But- doesn't it bother you? I mean if you see marrying someone else besides mom, then does it mean that you no longer love her?"

She immediately shakes her head. "Ella, there will be a time where you will find love in another angle by loving someone differently how you love yourself, your friends and even your parents. And when you will be with that person for a long time or maybe a short time, but someone will help you realize that love is never enough to keep the relationship going."

"So why are you still with mommy after all these years?"

She smiles as she takes another scoop in her mouth. "Because I choose to be with her."

"Is there even a difference between the two?" Ella says confusingly. "Because choosing someone and choosing to love someone seems pretty close to me."

"Honey, choosing to love someone is choosing that person whilst the love is still there. When the love fades away that's where you ask yourself if you can still be with them. Choosing someone, on the other hand, is continuously choosing that person even if the love fades, even when all hell breaks loose, and even when worse comes to worst."

"The twenty-two-year-old Lisa Manoban married Rosie Park because she chooses to love her. The forty-three-year-old Lisa Manoban married Rosie Park because she chooses her." She says. "Does that somehow makes sense?"

Ella thinks about it for a while. "So... even if you thought of marrying someone else, that's just you accepting the reality that there are better options out there but that doesn't mean you actually regretted marrying mom because even if there is someone better, you are already with the best person you can spend the rest of your life with and that there is nothing more you can ask for."


"Oh." She blinks for a while, looks at what's left of their ice cream and then back at her mother. "So I should be with someone not because they are my soul mate but because they choose me and I choose them in return."

Lisa looks at her with pride. "That's my girl."


"Alright let's take a picture to remember this day."


"Okay ready? 3,2,1-"

"Honey dinner's ready!"


"Coming right down mom!" Rosie closes her bedroom door and heads towards the dining area. "Where's dad?"

"He's with his friends."

"Well, that just makes the two of us." She smiles at the food. "You prepared so many foods for us."

"It's not like every day you can come here and be with us for a week and besides, we don't know if we can still do this the next time."

"Mom..." she gives the latter a warning look. "We talk about this."

"Of course." She gives her daughter a smile. "Let's just enjoy this meal."

Receiving a call from your daughter and hearing her tell you that she will be staying with you for a week wasn't something Mrs. Park had expected but she knew what kind of trouble her youngest was experiencing with her marriage so she decides to not hover over it because the last time she did, she almost lost her precious baby girl and so she promised to herself that she will never ever hover over her children's decisions ever again.

So she didn't ask Rosie what was going on, why did she have to stay in Melbourne for a week, why does she spend locking herself in her old bedroom, looking through old footage of her and Lisa, or just staring blankly at the wall. It was a little concerning, but she knew how to keep a promise and she intends to keep it that way.

When dinner was over, she expected Rosie to say thank you and head back upstairs. But instead, she asks for their staff to bring more of the red wine and stayed behind.

"Do you want more wine mom?" Rosie asks.

"Oh no dear, my age permits me to have one glass a day."

"That's quite saddening don't you think."

Mrs. Park chuckles. "That's one way to look at it." She says. "So while you're still young, drink lots more of wine."

"Alright, I'll drink your share." She says and pours herself another glass of it.

"Rosie... you know if there's something bothering you I am always here." She breaks the ice between the two of them. "I am willing to listen."

"Mom, why did you opposed my relationship with Lisa at the first place?"

"I didn't oppose your relationship." She tries to argue but Rosie lifts her eyebrows which made her mom sigh out loud. "Okay fine, maybe I wasn't in favor of you both because first things first- I thought she was going to propose to you when I met her for the very first time."

"Mom my ring fell off my index finger and she was just being a gentlewoman."

"Still- I beg to differ." Mrs. Park says. "The second reason is, you two were just too diverse to make things work. She was Thai, you're an Aussie, she's a Buddhist and you're a Christian. There was too much debate about which customs should we follow and your wedding was a complete example of it."

Rosie remembered the time where her wedding preparations were just complete chaos. "Okay, fine point taken is there a third?"

"There was never a third reason Rosie. Not until we came to visit you and I saw how fresh your eyes looked from crying." She admits. "I know marriage had some problems but seeing you cry just triggered something in me."


"You might not understand me now, but you will once Ella will introduce someone else."

Hearing that, Rosie immediately shakes her head. "I will be okay with it mom, it's Lisa whom you should worry about."

"... You're right." Both of them chuckle about how Lisa can be overprotective with her daughter.

"Was there a time where you thought of just giving up?" Rosie says out of the blue. "Was there a time when you and dad fought all the time and you thought that- he's not the man I married."

Mrs. Park drinks the remaining content of her glass. "People change Rosie... we always do, so yeah your dad is no longer the man I married."

"His temper got shorter, his hair can barely be called hair, he has too many extra skins, and the list just goes endless... he changed physically, mentally and emotionally and there were times where I want to complain and just tell him that I hate the fact that I am going to spend the rest of my life with him."

"So why didn't you?"

"Because if I am stressed with him, imagine how stressed he is with me. I am a boss ass bitch who is a moody woman feeling like a teenager going through puberty. Being with your father makes me angry, makes me annoyed to the point that it makes me cry, he makes me so stressed and just mad almost every day but then again when does being with someone isn't stressful? Relationships can stress a person out- even burn out their passion for love."

"All you have to do is find the person who is willing to handle you and stay with you wherever life may take you. Finding your forever person is similar finding someone who is worth the stressing over because even though your father is one of the causes of my white hair, he is also the reason why I laugh up until this very moment. He is the one who I can confide with and the one who I want to work with until my last breath."

"Because he is the only person who chooses to understand me. He's the only person who saw my flaws and did not just accept them, but he waited for me to love him so much that I turned my flaws into my strengths." She says. "Marriage is a very stressful and unending process Rosie, but if you know you found the one- then you don't let that person go."

"I know I-" Rosie sighs. "It's just that things are hard between us nowadays."

For the very first time, Mrs. Park reaches out to hold her daughter's hand. "But just because things are hard doesn't mean you have to give up right?"


Lisa grabs her phone after finalizing a contract proposal for another future investor. She checks at the time and there are still a few hours left before Rosie comes home. Ella proposed that she surprised the latter with dinner but then Lisa insisted that the three of them should have dinner together since she was sure that Ella misses Rosie as well.

She tries to check at the restaurants when absent-mindedly her subconsciousness brought her to her camera roll. The latest pictures consisted of her and Ella bonding last night from ice cream and probably a little drive-thru before knocking the lights out of their bodies by playing video games.

She looks at the other pictures she had on her phone and realized that most of her camera roll consisted of her and Rosie. Them taking a photo by the beach, by the park, after working out, just woke up and all of the random things they did together ever since the start of this experiment.

And out of all the pictures she had of them, one out of probably a hundred stood out the most.

It was a picture that Sooyoung sent her when they were giving Rosie a surprise party for the years of service she had provided in the company. It was where Rosie was invited to give out her speech and Sooyoung was behind her taking pictures.

She remembered the buzzing of her phone in the middle of her wife's speech and wondered what the airdrop was for. Lisa gives a look at Sooyoung who mouthed the words 'accept it' before she presses the button.

The picture was of her, looking at Rosie with such happiness and such pride. A look that she hasn't been able to give the latter for quite a long time but above all things, Lisa knew she was looking at her wife with longing and she was looking at her wife with love. A feeling that she thought was long gone. When she saw the picture for the first time it was only 'til then that she believed that this therapy was going to work. For once, she believe that they are going to work things out.

And they did. Looking back from week zero and even from the other methods Jisoo had applied to them she realized that they were so different from the married couple that they were before. She looked back at all of Rosie's efforts and realized that Rosie may be doing things not because she was required to do so, but because somehow- she also believes in them.

Realizing all these things made Lisa's heartbeat fast. She was overwhelmed, excited and just hell of nervous at the same time. She knows she was dense but she didn't know she was this dense when it came to reading signals. She hopes she's not too late though.

That is why she pulls out her phone and dials Rosie's number, hoping that the latter would answer in after a few rings. "Lisa?" Rosie says after the fourth ring.

"Rosie. Hi."

"Why are you excited all of a sudden did you miss me that much?" The latter chuckles over the phone. "Anyway, what made you call?"

"Nothing I uh-" she coughs out 'casually' to ease out her nervousness. "Your return is today right?"


"Oh, I see. Well, I won't be able to pick you up from the airport tonight I have a very important meeting." The latter immediately whines at her statement and Lisa tries so hard not to gush. "Rosie, I told you that this meeting is very important to me right? It's another record-breaking deal for me again."

"Can't it wait? You're my wife you're supposed to welcome me home."

Lisa bites her lower lip, trying to suppress all the softness she has for her wife. "I'll just call my driver and send you here in the office. How does that sound?"

"Hmmph... fine. But you better make it up to me!"

"No problem." She smiles. "I'll- I'll see you later?"

And though they can't see each other Rosie smiles back. "I'll see you later babe."

Rosie ends the call immediately and Lisa stood there like a rock and she remained unmoved even when Jennie had entered the room and was already looking at her in a weird way. "Yah."

Lisa stares at her for a while. "Jennie."

"What?" She says with eyebrows furrowed.

"Take over for me for the rest of the day."

"What?" She says with disbelief while looking at Lisa with the same expression of her voice. "Lisa we still have-"

"I know."

"Okay, so what about-"

"I also know that." She says as she grabs her things.

"But do you know about-"


"How could you know about it this came-"

"Jen." Lisa cups Jennie's fluffy cheeks. "If you cover for me now, I promise you I will hype you up to Jisoo. Trust me, I am the best wingman you ever have."


"Atta girl." Lisa chuckles. "Okay, I have to go now, see you tomorrow!"

As soon as Lisa closes the door, Jennie knew she fell immediately to the trap. "Fuck, she always gets me every time." Sighing to herself she just arranged her friend's desk filled with probably ninety percent unnecessary papers. "Why is she always messy it's annoying."

After fixing the mess, she carefully piles the folders altogether having the recent delivered document on the very top. Jennie looks at the title, before sighing out loud to herself. She looks at the paper with such great disappointment before closing Lisa's office door and tries to fill in for her friend.


While Lisa was out there preparing a surprise dinner for Rosie, Rosie just spent time talking with her parents in the afternoon before leaving them all alone again. As Lisa was double-checking her to-do list, Rosie was double-checking everything and made sure she didn't leave anything behind.

While Lisa was driving home fresh from a photo studio, Rosie was on her way to the airport as she is always 2 hours early for her flight. Giving her parents a quick kiss on their cheeks, she checks-in and waits for her flight to board.

And while Rosie was reading her journal and looking through the videos Lisa and her had recorded over their beautiful weekend, Lisa was busy marinating the steak and sorting out the pictures they took ever since the beginning of this experiment as she clips them onto the thread that was pinned on the wall.

As Rosie takes a quick nap inside the aircraft, Lisa takes a quick re-check of every ingredient she had to make sure she won't cram later while cooking. Once she had checked everything, the butter goes into the pan along with the herbs and spices and onions. Taking a look at the clock, Rosie's aircraft will land any minute now so she calls her driver to pick up Rosie from the airport and drive her straight here. Setting her phone aside to focus on the meat, she was unable to check that her drive had sent her a text, telling her that he wouldn't be able to fetch Rosie since his wife got into early labor.

Rosie, on the other hand, had read the text and sent her best regards to Lisa's driver and sent her wife a text that she will be late coming to the office. Hailing a cab, she goes straight to their favorite diner and grabbed her pre-ordered meal that she sure Lisa would love to see and possibly- bring her to tears. Smiling to herself, she comes back to her cab and told her to head straight to Lisa's office. While Lisa was waiting for her dessert to rise, she decided to check her table setting make sure everything is in top shape and cleaned to perfection. She made a mental note to give her daughter a car as a graduation gift for a job well done.

Lisa realizes that she doesn't have the lighter yet for the candles and mentally cursed herself for going all high-tech in their household. Thankfully though, she remembered that her wife loves lighting candles whenever she wants to focus so she dashes back to the kitchen, making sure that she doesn't overcook her dessert before sneaking inside Rosie's office, trying to find a lighter.

While she was trying to find a lighter, Rosie was encoding the password to Lisa's office. She wondered where in the world Lisa would have gone to at this time of the hour since the security hasn't seen her for a while, but then she shrugged it off and decides that the universe was playing on her side because the surprise she prepared might work.

As soon as Rosie placed the food down on the table, Lisa opens the very first drawer and both of them beamed for a different reason. For Rosie, it was because she saw the latest family picture of the three of them while they were on the beach in Thailand with Lisa flexing off that engagement ring she gave to her. For Lisa, it was because she had finally found the lighter and she can go back to preparing the dessert.

But just like they always tell you, whenever you're happy- something always comes and fucks everything up.

Because as Lisa finds the lighter, she also found the draft of Rosie's list of reasons why they should separate and as Rosie sees their family picture, she sees the document laid on the very top of Lisa's table.

It was a petition for divorce, and Lisa's signature can be found on the bottom part of the paper.

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