Week 7 Pt. 1

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You're too distant nowadays it feels like you don't want to come home.

You're uncooperative when it comes to our therapy sessions. Either the session is interrupted by a call or a meeting. You were never there on time either.

You keep on disappointing not just me, but Ella too. She doesn't deserve your broken promises.

Your mood swings are driving me crazy.

-You're no longer happy with me and I with you

The sound of the engine stopping in front of their door catches Lisa's attention but she made no move to open the front door as she just focused on the endless list right in front of her. As soon as a very familiar rich Tom Ford scent fills her nose, she knows that her wife has arrived.

She was quite expecting to have hovered over with whining and cuddles but she was confused why she was greeted with silence. Looking up, she sees Rosie's unreadable expression before the latter leaves her all alone and heads for the kitchen where she left quite a mess intentionally, knowing that it would trigger her wife who likes things sparkling clean.

"LISA!" Rosie screams from the kitchen. "LISA!!!"


"Why the kitchen all is messed up!?"

"I don't know!" She screams back. "Just leave it there! I'll clean it later."

However, Rosie decides to not back down this time and annoy the hell out of Lisa. So she slams the utensils things up to the maximum volume hoping it would irritate Lisa, a person who actually wants to watch television in silence.

She tries to slam every metal against its own, stomp her way back and forth while making sure to keep the water running because Lisa also hates it when someone leaves the faucet open. She wasn't wrong though, because after a few minutes of banging and slamming she hears Lisa's stomping footsteps towards the kitchen.

"Goddammit, Rosie how many times do I have to tell you to turn off the fucking faucet when you're not using it!" She turns off the faucet.

"Idiot I am using it can't you see? I'm cleaning up the mess you made!" Rosie argues back and turns it on once again.

"The mess that I told you I'd clean up later why can't you see that!?" Lisa steals the gloves away from her wife's hands and starts to do the dishes. "Why are you so pushy that I do stuffs immediately when you know I don't like being told what to do!"

Rosie stood there for a couple of seconds before retorting back. "Because your pace is always off timing and most of the times you don't do the things I told you to do! Sometimes you act like a teenager it's so-"

"Well you act like a mother even from before it's so infuriating! That's why you look older than your actual age because you always nag about the things that I intend to do, you just assume that I won't do it! And that's just one of the things that I hate about you!"

Rosie slams the fridge door and crosses her arms as she faces Lisa. "Well I hate-"

Lisa slams the casserole back to the sink. "Oh shut up, I know what you hate about me." Wiping her hands dry her pulls out the list and slams it hard on the kitchen island. "I know everything." She says and heads out to the living room with Rosie immediately trailing behind.

"Who gave you the right to look through my stuff!"

"I wasn't looking through your stuff Rosie; I was looking for a lighter because I prepared a dinner for us because I actually thought of getting back with you and ending our seven weeks on a good note." She confesses. "I thought that after six weeks of pushing and pulling each other we were going to realize that deep down, it's always going to be us but I guess that's just me." She scoffs. "All of this is just my wishful thinking."

"And since I know the things you hate about me, it's only right that list out the things that I hate about you right?"

Rosie crosses her arms and challenges her wife. "Fine, go on, tell the things that you hate about me."

"I hate that you always correct me. Whether it may be something that I said, my written reports, my decisions- everything that I do feels like you always have a say and I hate when you make that face of yours that makes me doubt my choices and I end up following you just so you can finally shut up."

"I hate that you change the way you dress! You used to show off your assets or your beauty but now you barely can show skin! And I hate how you sing at night in our room it's so fucking annoying! I gave you your space so you can sing or produce inside there not to use our bedroom as a fucking concert hall!"

"I hate everything about your dad jokes! It's so fucking cringy and embarrassing when you crack them at parties! My colleagues even have to force their laughter whenever you tell them one only because you're their boss' wife!" She rants.

"And I hate-" A hand comes in contact with Lisa's cheek and the impact was so hard that it made Lisa slightly turn her head to the side. Silence follows after the slap, along with Lisa's scoff as she cups onto her wounded cheek. "Why? Don't like it whenever I speak of the truth?"

"Is that why you got these?" Rosie pulls out something from her purse and shoves it hard on Lisa's chest. "Is that why you want to divorce me despite showing me your interest in working things out?"

Twenty minutes away from the bickering married couple was Jisoo's condominium and inside her unit were Ella and the owner itself. They were watching a magical themed Korean drama and enjoying the remaining content of their popcorn bowl and pizza.

"Auntie, you look like that fairy."


"That fairy over there. She looks just like you."

"Oh." Jisoo chuckles. "Well, I am not that pretty but thank you for seeing me that way sunshine."

"You can be an actress in that beauty drama too. You would fit well auntie since you are good at fashion."

"You just want another box of pizza." She says and ruffles her goddaughter's hair. "Your mama has taught you well."

Ella giggles and snuggles closer to the pillow. "I wonder how they are doing."

"Well, I'm pretty sure that they are getting along just fine by now."

"Mama's not updating me so I think it's a start. She sent me a picture of the steak and surprisingly she got it right."

"See, you don't have to worry about them. By now, they are probably doing the talk."

"What talk?"

Jisoo mentally curses herself for accidentally and indirectly spitting something out. "Ah, well- since you will be going to college, they probably will miss you to bits and I think it's about time -"

Ella widens her eyes. "Were they planning to have a second baby!?"

"What?! I-"

"I need to have a say in that conversation!" She jumps out of her seat and grabs her wallet.

"Ella, where are you going?"

"Making sure that they will get a brother for me." She dashes towards the front door. "Don't worry aunt Jisoo! If they do something I shouldn't see I can quietly sneak out!"

"ELLA!" The door closes and Jisoo sighs to herself. "Well, I guess she can see her parents making-up." Turning her attention back at the drama she thinks out loud. "I mean, what could go wrong right?"

Ella gets inside the cab that was waiting just right outside the building's main entrance and told the driver their address. While waiting for her to arrive, she was already getting excited and giddy just thinking about the possibility of having a younger sibling.

Rosie and Lisa's child wasn't a dumb and insensitive teenager. Growing up, she knew that her parents were experiencing some problems here and there as her two mothers weren't exactly the best actresses in the entire world.

That is why it has brought her such joy witnessing her parents slowly getting back to the way they used to be. It affected her in so many ways that even her studying habits got better and her performance on the soccer team improved as well. Also, one of the reasons why she wanted to come home and see her parents right away is because she has something very important to say.

They weren't just going to have a daughter who will graduate within a week, but they were going to have a Valedictorian graduating within a week and just thinking about her parents' proud faces and them announcing that they finally patched things up is all she could ever wish for just now and probably the best graduation gift she could ever ask for.

"We're here miss."

"Oh! Sorry, I must've been dozing off." Ella hands him the cash. "Keep the change and have a nice evening."

Closing the taxi's door, she practically skips way towards their gate and the main entrance of their house. Pressing in the key code bit by bit, she tries to be a ninja and hopes that her parents didn't catch the opening of the main entrance.

After successfully entering the house, Ella- with careful and almost fragile steps, she walks forth towards their dining area where she imagined her mama and mommy are enjoying their time together, laughing at the good old days with half of their wine bottle already emptied out and their plates are empty as they fill their stomach with delicious food that Ella even helped her mama to prepare.

The first thing she heard were high muffled voices. She furrows her eyebrows in confusion, trying to figure out what they were talking about. Ella thought they were just bickering about another petty argument again but then with each step taking closer to the dining room, Ella realizes that her parents weren't making sounds of the petty argument rather a very serious matter, and she suddenly thinks it was a matter that she shouldn't hear.

So being the good daughter that she is, she decides to back off and just turn blind-eyed to what she is witnessing as of the moment as she had been for the past years. However, as soon as she was about to back away, she had seen what any kid wouldn't have wanted to witness.

A few feet away from her were her mothers- screaming at the top of their lungs, hands flinging to every direction as they were trying to get their point across as they continue to argue over the things they have done in the past.

"Well, I hate the fact that you are so pushy! I've already told you not to do things but still, you insist on doing so! Remember how you fucking wasted our savings over an investment which turned out to be a scam!?"

"Oh look who's talking! I'm the one who's pushy? Well, why don't you take a look at the mirror? Who pushed me almost every day to quit my passion photography?"

"I never said that you'd quit Lisa, I just told you to find another job because we were going to have Ella and we both agreed to be the best of parents and provide everything to her!" Rosie chases Lisa who looked like she was walking away. "And don't act like it's just your dream who got crushed here, you're even lucky you get your face show off to the world. Unlike me who lends my talents and never get a single credit."

"Oh so suddenly this is my fault!"

"Yes because remember it was you who..."

Ella's orbs switched back and forth seeing Rosie and Lisa spitting out words of hate towards each other. With every word, with every insult, with every action broke the teenager's world bit by bit as she watches her ideal couple crumble down to pieces.

"You know what?! What's the point in arguing? Clearly, we can't come to a decision who really broke the marriage, so why don't we just agree to disagree and just separate!" Rosie screams.

Lisa stops and stares at her, and for a moment Ella believed that what her mommy said had pained her. "Fine; just sign the divorce papers already and let's go our separate ways! I don't love you anymore anyway so what's the point of keeping this family together right?"

Rosie looks at the latter with complete disbelief. "So you finally admitted it. You finally told me that you no longer love me."

"Of course I don't love you anymore Rosie, look at you! Look at us! We are so far from the couple that we imagined that we would be!" Lisa screams. "We no longer love one another so stop lying because I know being separated would make you happy as much as I will be once we're through!"

Hearing how casual and arrogant Lisa words were felt like a stab in the heart for Rosie. "See? It is so easy for you-"

"Why? Wasn't it easy for you-"

"ENOUGH!" Ella screams at the top of her lungs, catching her parents' attention. "JUST STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!"

"E-ella." Lisa softly whispers.

"I hate you," Ella says with tears flowing down her face as she turns her attention to Rosie. "I hate you."

"Bub..." Rosie approaches Ella but their daughter immediately backs up away.

"I don't..." Shaking her head she backs away from the two of them. "I don't want to see your faces ever again."

Giving her parents one last look, the teenager runs away leaving their parents completely stunned and surprised. Silence envelops them for a moment until Rosie turns around and looks at Lisa.

"I hope you're happy."


Rosie drove slowly through the entire neighborhood while calling Ella non-stop, hoping the latter would find it somehow in her heart to respond to her desperate calls. Her heart wouldn't stop beating like a maniac on the loose, as she looks from left to right trying to find at least her daughter's shadow.

Thankfully though, Rosie remembered she made Ella install on her phone a tracking app so that either Lisa or she would be able to reach their daughter. Praying that Ella hasn't uninstalled the app just yet.

As soon as the application started operating, she immediately filled in the necessary details and waits impatiently for it to display the results. A few seconds and the coordination were presented and she didn't even have to look twice to figure out where Ella is at. She is in the neighborhood's playground, one of their daughter's safe haven.

Stopping the car from a safe distance, Rosie takes a look at Ella and her heart breaks achingly as she sees the latter sobbing endlessly. Swallowing the invisible lump in her throat she exits the car and takes cautious steps towards Ella, hoping that she would be given the chance to explain rather than being pushed away instantly.

Taking the next vacant seat by the swing, Rosie silently sits there and listens as Ella continuous to sob. Her hands were shaking, desperate to hold her precious kid in her arms and comfort her in ways that she can only imagine. Rosie knew that if there is anything that Ella needs right now it is not comfort but an explanation.

"Your mama and I have been together for years." She starts. "And in those years, we- we argue and have disagreements and there are fights that can be made up with apologies, agree to disagree and meeting half-way..." Rosie licks her dry lips and tries for their daughter to understand. "And there are times where we just don't settle on things and leave it on a bad note."

"Those unsettled fights piled up one after the other and before we knew it, all of those fights exploded right before our faces. We fought too much that we forgot how to make up with one another." She says. "And those fights brought up unspoken words and pent up feelings that left scars on our hearts. We left too many that our hearts became immune to the pain, to the fights and everything just became normal for us."

"Usually it would break my heart every time we would scream at each other but now it has become a routine that to me... seeing her angry and seeing her be in pain has become a regular thing to me. Breaking each others' hearts have been our habits."

"And then one day, we just got tired." Rosie softly whispers as she tries to control her tears. "One day, I woke up and looked at her then I realized that we can no longer make each other happy... I look at her- and felt that I was more in love with the person I met 25 years ago rather than the person sleeping right in front of me..."

"Your ma, she um- she..." She immediately wipes the tears from her eyes. "She told me that she felt the same and we both decided that it would be better for us to just break up. We were going to wait for you to go to college before we could proceed with the divorce process."

"But then we were invited to try out your aunt Jisoo's experimental process on reviving dying marriages. It was called 7 weeks where we would undergo a series of task to try and work out things between us. That's why your ma and I have been a little bit weird these past weeks."Rosie explains to her. "The weekend to Sydney, the physical affection, the vacation at Thailand- all of it was a part of-"

"An act." Ella cuts her off. "All of those efforts were to make me believe that things between the two of you were going to be better and you were just going to make me believe that even when I leave you guys, everything is still going to be okay."

"Ella no, what your ma and I did for the past weeks were-"

"Fake, crappy and just pure bullshit." She spits out venomously. "Everything about 'reviving' your marriage is a lie."

"You need to let me explain bub."

"Explain what mom? That even after all these years, you both decide to split up? That you guys are no longer happy? That this marriage isn't something that you had expected is that it?" Her daughter looks at her.

"Ella you have to understand us. We were just protecting you-"

"You can't protect me from what I already know!" She says.

Rosie looks at her confusingly. "Wh-what?"

The teenager lets a scoff escape from her lips as she looks away. "I'm not a kid anymore... I know what was up."

"But why haven't you-"

"Because I saw it." She says. "I saw something the moment when you were preparing mama's clothes for work; I saw something when mæ cooked for you despite getting her hands injured multiple times... wanna know what the thing I saw was? Chance. I saw a chance."

"And I kept on seeing the chance as days and weeks flew by." She clicks her tongue at the top of her mouth and bit the inside of her cheeks. "And I was so happy because I got the chance to see what kind of family we were. We were a happy family mom; I was a happy kid..." Tears flow freely now from her eyes and now Ella wasn't ashamed of them and wanted for her mother to see the pain that they had caused her. "But I guess everything was just too good to be true because you and ma are the best liars I have ever met."

"Ella we both tried, your ma and I, we- we just want to fix things for you... but things were hard-"

"You were the one who taught me to never give up on the people you love." She argues back. "You were the one who told me to not give up on people just because things were hard but I guess that's a lie too."

"Please just hear-"

"I'm going to stay with aunt Jisoo for a while. Please don't come looking for me." She wipes away her tears.

"Bub please come home."

"After what you've done? I can never call that home." Rosie's heart broke after hearing what her daughter has to say. "So if you really want the best for me, you will understand that I don't want to see your face and respect my decision. If you're going to force me to stay- then you don't know what's best for me."

Rosie's eyes shed a few tears seeing how desperate her daughter looks at her as of the moment. "At least let me send you to your aunt's place."

Ella did not say anything in response and heads straight to her mother's care where she waited for Rosie to come.

To say that Jisoo was surprised to see Ella and Rosie with tears in their eyes as she opens the front door was an understatement. She would've wanted to ask questions but as soon as Ella marches onto the guest suite slamming the door hard she somehow knew what was up.


"Take care of Ella for me okay?" She bites her lower lip and nods her head. "Tell her that mommy loves her no matter what happens."

"Are you going home?"

"... I don't think I can come home Jisoo. Ella's right, it's no longer a home."


The sun bright rays hit Lisa straight at her face that made her groan inwardly. To top it off, her alarm clock started making noises annoying her to the maximum of her small morning patience.

"Rosie, can you turn that goddamn alarm clock off?"


Seeing there was no response she immediately snaps. "I told you whoa-"

A loud thud echoes through the room as Lisa massages the sore spot on her ass. Wincing at the pain, she stands up and plans to scream at the top of her lungs just so she could annoy her wife back but she furrowed her eyebrows realizing that Rosie was not inside their bedroom as her side of the bed was completely fixed and clean.

Her mind which slowly started to function remembered every bit of the memory and last night's encounters flashed before her.

The preparation for dinner, the finding out of the list, the fights, the accusation and pointing of fingers, the venomous words fired against each other and Ella witnessing everything had made Lisa realized how fucked up last night was and the first concern that came into her mind was Ella, and if Rosie had known about their daughter's whereabouts.

Grabbing her phone and car keys she dashes downstairs where another chaos happened. They were wine bottles everywhere and the entire floor plan looked like an indoor pool. She tries to recall what had happened that lead onto this and she remembered-

"The faucet!"

She rushes towards the kitchen where she saw the faucet of the kitchen sink flowed endlessly. Cursing underneath her breath she looked around at the mess, before touching her phone to try and call for help. She noticed that she had three messages, One from her boss who wanted her to drop by for a quick meeting, Jennie who was asking where the fuck she is at the moment and Jisoo telling her that Ella is with her as of the moment.

Lisa doesn't even need to be told twice to figure out where she is needed first because she immediately rushes out of the house and drove straight to Jisoo's condo unit.


"Where's Ella?"

"Hold on a moment-"

"Ella! Ella!" Lisa looks around and spots the guest room door and starts knocking against it. "Ella open the door."

"Lisa listen."

"Ella!" She starts bombarding the door with banging. "I said open up! Listen to your ma!"

"LISA!" Jisoo screams, hoping it would stop the latter's impulsive reactions. "Ella is not there."

"Well, where the hell is she?"

"Jennie came here earlier. Ella's with her right now."

"You should've said it earlier!" Lisa was about to leave when she was immediately pulled back by Jisoo. "Jisoo let me go!"

"Trust me; she doesn't want to see you right now," Jisoo says. "She also said the same thing to Rosie last night."

"Well that's what she gets for ruining our family," Lisa argues back. "Now let me go and allow me to talk to my daughter."

"She didn't ruin your family Lisa."

"Yes, she did! If it wasn't for that stupid list of the things that she hate about me and why do we need to divorce, everything would have been the complete opposite!" Their marriage therapist looks at her with great disbelief. "Everything about this mess is Rosie's fault!"

"Are you even listening to what you're saying? Lisa, this is not just Rosie's fault, it's yours too!"

"No- this is her fault and this is all your fault!" Lisa points her finger towards her friend. "If it weren't for you and your stupid task of listing it, I wouldn't have seen the list at the first place, I would've proceeded with the surprise and everything about my family would have been okay. We would've been happier if it weren't for you! Why did you make us write those things?!"

"Even if I didn't make you write those things Lisa it wouldn't change the fact that you had your divorce papers processed!" Jisoo screams back. "How could you do that Lisa? How could you decide to end things without even trying at the first place?!"

"I don't have to explain to you anymore. You're no longer our therapist so fuck off." Lisa turns her back and walks towards the main door. "And by the way, your 7-week experimental is nothing but a complete failure."

Lisa texted Jennie that she was on her way her house and will try to convince Ella to come home. Jennie reminded her to expect for the worst and that she would be home half an hour later because she was still stuck in a meeting that Lisa left her to handle. Although she was pissed, she told Lisa that she can come with a promise that she will not have a tantrum later on due to her daughter's stubbornness.

She also called her precious goddaughter that her mother would like to have a word with her. At first, she was also stubborn and remained firm about giving her other mom a silent treatment however, Jennie told her a secret that somehow made her change her mind.

That is why before Lisa could enter the code inside her friend's house, Ella opened the door and lets her mama inside. Similar to last night's encounter her daughter doesn't utter a word and just looked at the beautiful landscape in front of them. Lisa, who sensed that her daughter wouldn't speak towards her anytime soon decides to be the bigger person and tries to strike a conversation between them.

"So you're really giving me the silent treatment huh?"

"You don't deserve this talk too so you're lucky I am even allowing you to see me."

Lisa looks at her daughter with complete rejection. "Is that how you talk back to your mother right now?"

Ella glares back at her. "And how do you expect me to talk back to you ma? Like somehow I am regretting my actions of running away? Like I should be sorry for talking back to you?"

"Ella, you ran away from home!"

"How can you even call that a home when you're barely even there!" She heightens the volume of her voice. "If it weren't for that therapy aunt Jisoo placed you two in, I doubt I would see you as much as I would have these past few weeks."

"I already explained things to you; I am working so I could give you and your mother a life that you deserve!"

"At what expense?" She asks. "Would you rather trade the time you spent with me, with mom for thousands of dollars? Would you rather be in another city or in another country rather than staying here? Tell me ma, did your promotion gave you so much that you chose it rather than fixing your marriage with mommy?"

"There's nothing left to fix about us."

"Yes there is!"

"No there's nothing left Ella, if it weren't for you- your mommy wouldn't have been exerting effort to reconcile with me. She did all those things because of you not because she really wanted to settle things between us."

"Then answer me this, if ma really did only because of me and not because of you then why did she bother going all the way to Thailand, invite our whole family when she could've just had her task done here in over a French restaurant? Why does she keep on trying despite you endlessly pushing her away? And if she really does things because of me why does she fight back instead of getting tired of throughout the entire process?"

"Because she would rather fight with you rather than loving someone else," Ella says. "She would rather break her heart over and over again, cry over you countless times rather than just calling it quits. She would rather lose her voice over fighting than lose you... She loves you still and she loves you so much that she had chosen to fight for your relationship because you are still worth fighting for..."

"And despite seeing these facts what did you do? Instead of hearing her out, you decided things for both of you and concluded that everything she has done was fake and a complete lie. Instead of pulling her close, you pushed her away and instead of meeting-halfway you turned around and closed your door for her. The two of you did not just break each other's hearts that night but you broke mine too..." She looks at her mother blankly. "Do you know how you broke my heart ma?"

"While you were screaming at each other about the things you hate about one another, you failed to realize that the things that you now hate were the same reasons why you two fell in love in the first place..." Lisa's heart broke because of the tears that were coming out from her daughter's eyes. "And that- will scar me for the rest of my life."


Days after the talk with her daughter, Lisa has gone AWOL over everyone. She decided to stay at the house, and lock herself inside their room. She placed turned her phone off, cutting herself off from everyone and basically ignored every doorbell she had received over her disappearing period. Her talk with Ella has left her in a trance ever since.

Deep down she wanted to contest and tell Ella that she was utterly wrong about what she said that day but she knew from the very beginning that her daughter was right. She knew that she judged things too quickly, she hasn't given her wife a chance to explain things and more importantly, she had forgotten that she had their divorce papers prior to the start of the 7 weeks therapy.

She wanted to blame Jennie, for not telling her that one of the documents that were placed on her desk were the divorce petition papers, she wanted to blame Jisoo for letting them write the list, she wanted to blame everyone else but she knew that the only person that she could ever blame was herself and herself alone.

Just as she thought that she was going to do the same thing all over again, the telephone inside their bedroom rings which was nothing new to her. Lisa just hugged her knees as she sits on her chair while looking at the amazing afternoon view of the sea when she hears the opening of the bedroom door.

Turning around she saw Rosie who was wearing a black turtle neck tucked inside faded jeans with her favorite pair of stilettos. She looked beautiful, as always- and right now, seeing her again after days of not having her around itched something inside of Lisa, like there was a sudden need to pull her wife close to her, some kind of desperation to feel Rosie's touch, the need of being close to her once more but she controlled her emotions and decided that the latter probably wouldn't want the same thing after what she had done.

"Jennie wanted me to check on you." Rosie breaks the silence. "She told me you have been off the grid for a while."

"You... you came here for Jennie?"

The latter looks at her. "She just wants to make sure that you're still alive and just need your own space."

Lisa swallows the lump on her throat. "You can tell her that I am just taking my time."

Rosie nods her head. "Okay, I'll inform her that."

Lisa just nods in return. "Is... is there something else that you want to say to me?"

"Actually, there is..." The Australian-native trails off. "I- I'm just preparing myself for it..."

"Well... you can tell me whenever you're ready."

Suddenly Rosie exhales out loud and shook her hands, a habit of hers that she only does whenever she was really nervous about something. "Before I'm going to say it, I just want you to know three things... These are the things that I've realized over the weeks that we were trying to fix our marriage."

"The first thing I realized was the reason why we were falling apart was not just because of you... part of the fault was mine too and I was so stupid to think that it was all on you wherein fact, I've had a fair share of mistakes. For putting the entire blame on you, I'm sorry."

"Another thing is I realized is that I didn't just want to fix this because of Ella, I didn't just want o fix this because I want her to have a complete family and despite of telling you over and over again that I am just doing this because of our daughter, deep down I know... I know that this just wasn't fixing this for Ella. Part of it- a greater part of me that wished we could fix things is because of my third realization."

"The realization that I still love you after all these years of thinking it has faded away..." Rosie tries so hard to control her emotions. "I was so scared because I know... I can no longer bring your love back because I was the reason why you have become distant, I am the reason of your mood swings, I am no longer beautiful in your eyes because of the way I dress- or you no longer love my dad jokes because I embarrass you publicly." She bites her lip hard and remains silent for a while. "I know that you no longer love me Lisa, but hearing you say those words that night just- just broke me..."

"But having time for myself made me realize that even though I love you and even though I have constantly chosen you these past years, it would be too selfish of me to not let you be happy and since Ella knows the truth, despite that she hates us, I know she would want us to be happy too so that is why I am giving you this."

Rosie hands her and envelope and a box and gives Lisa an encouraging look to have her open it. With shaky hands, Lisa opens the contents of the box and was surprised to see the 'R' necklace that she had given to Rosie on their first anniversary as a couple, alongside with their wedding ring.

Unknowingly to Lisa, tears start falling from her eyes as she meets with Rosie's orbs. "What... what is the meaning..?"

And instead of crying, Rosie holds back the tears and just wipes Lisa's cheek. "I've signed the divorce papers Lali... you're free to go."

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