Chapter Three: The Color Interpreter

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"So, what? We're just going to wait until you see the light again?" Fey crosses her arms skeptically.

"Well, the book also said something about being able to 'conjure' the light. But from what it said, it's quite difficult," I twirled my straw.

"How do you do that?" Asked Jonathan.

"You need something called a 'personal truth viewer' or 'eye of the light', but more commonly known as 'color interpreter', which is a person that can see someone's literal true colors."

Everyone seemed confused.

"What does that mean?" Sara asked.

"They can see a color outlining people, and the color shows their personality traits," I explained.

"Oh, so like auras," David added.

I nodded.

"Wait, people aren't outlined in random colors?" Azalea questioned.

"," said Fey.

"Oh. Hey guys I can see auras," Azalea smiled.

We all looked at each other.

"So, do you know what each aura color means?" Pierre asked.

"Well, no. But I can see the colors. Am I supposed to know what they mean?"

Pierre shrugged. "Not necessarily, but it would be useful."

"Ooh, what color is my aura?" I asked excitedly.

"Purple," Azalea said, carefully examining.

We instantly looked up "purple aura," and to our semi-surprise, it was accurate.

"Okay, we have the aura seeker or whatever it's called, what else do we need?" asked Jonathan.

David took the book from Pierre and flipped through the pages. "There's a poem of some sorts."

The day before a full moon hits,
stand beneath it's glow.
What it holds and what you seek,
only the light may know.
Hold up the petals of a golden rose,
the dust of the moon,
and the stars will glow.
The containers of knowledge,
the seers of light,
feel the answers
with all your might.
What you require will soon be seen,
but you must figure out
what's in between.

"huh...," Fey thought aloud, "that's cryptic."

"The dust of the moon? How the heck are we going to get that?" Exclaimed Jonathan.

Everyone was silent, thinking. He was right. How could they possibly obtain such a rare item? Sara had a thought.

"What if it doesn't mean literal moon dust?" she thought aloud.

"Huh?" Azalea inquired, not hearing Cara's thought. She spoke up.

"What if it doesn't mean literal moon dust? Figurative moon dust. Something, I don't know... similar in figure and feel?" Cara spoke with bright glory in her tone, having just thought of a solution. Yet, we were still stumped.

"Okay, so figurative moon dust. What could that be?" Fey groaned.

We all shook our heads and wondered to ourselves. Soon, we had to leave. It was late, and our meeting spot was closing for the night. We waved goodbye, and went our ways.


When I reached home, I had suddenly thought of many questions. If the light fades as you get older, does that mean I had seen it many times before?

"There you are, Lilac. Dinner's in the kitchen," waved my Dad. I smiled and took a plate.

"Hey, Dad?" I asked, carefully placing a scoop of spaghetti into my dish.


"When I was younger, did I ever mention some sort of bright light?"

He thought for a moment. Silent, we stood, awaiting my father's response. He was careful with his words, when he spoke next. "No, I don't think so. Why, is something wrong?"

I snap my eyes back to my food, then to meet his. "Nope. Everything's fine. My friends just found a cool book with some fancy stories." I turned to sit at the dining table and placed my plate.

"Oh. Sounds interesting. Well, if you need me I'll be in my office," he smiled as he put his bowl in the sink and walked out of the room.

I ate silently. Everyone else in the house was silent as well, their whereabouts unknown. I stare at my food. Could I have imagined my ability? Am I just using my imagination to pursue a dream I've always held in the back of my mind? To have an ability almost unknown to other humans, such as a super power. That was always a secret wish of mine. But, for me to imagine such a thing was out of character. I would usually daydream about these things, not pursue it into reality.

"Lilac?" I quickly snapped back to life. I had been sitting, staring at my plate instead of eating.

"Yes, Mom?" I look up at her sky blue eyes, worry across her face.

"You were sitting quietly and have barely eaten your food. Is something on your mind?"

I sigh. "Well, Mom can I ask something? It may seem kinda crazy..."

"You and your siblings are always crazy, so go ahead," she smiled as she sat next to me.

I hesitated before I spoke my next words. "When I was younger, did I ever tell you about seeing large amounts of light?"

She seemed surprised. "You mean like that lightning storm we had? The one where the lightning took over the entire sky?"

"No, not lightning. More like a huge flash of light that lasted for only a small amount of time, but having a huge impact," I corrected.

She seemed confused, like the cogs were clinking together and searching for her answer. For a moment, if not a brief second, her eyes widened. She quickly adjusted them, referring back to my eyes. "No, I can't say you have." She sat back silently.

"No? Not even once?" I pursued.

"Nope," she crossed her arms. "Why the sudden interest?"

I gulped. Why was I nervous about this? Slowly, I spoke. "Mom, have you heard of something called a light seer?"

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