Casting Aside The 'Cruel' Job

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Isaac groaned as he wiped some perspiration from his forehead. Sahara sat by his side as she rubbed his back in comforting. They had just escaped this hellhole. Isaac gritted his teeth in anger as he was about to activate a spear from the medical equipment nearby. The place had been ransacked! Sahara simply sat quietly as Isaac attempted to fight back.

"No, Major..", Sahara gripped his hand with hers as she consoled softly "It's too late. Most of the patients and the Rockbells had been killed. If you start now, you're just worsening the mess."

"Damn IT!!!!!!!!", he punched on the wall furiously as he coughed a bit. He too had been beat up terribly and had no strength to continue fighting. Sahara glanced around her and sighed sadly. The poor patients must have fled out and survived if lucky or get killed in the process. They were simply being tasked to keep a close watch at the Rockbells. Who the hell would bring chaos to this area?! The good don't deserved to be killed like rag dolls!!!

"Let's go, sir.", she got up, minor bruises such as a gash on her left shoulders and helped him up as they slowly and quietly left the place that used to be called Sanctuary for survivors.


Sahara listened in silence as the doctor told her about his condition. She sadly glanced at Isaac as he passed out due to extreme exhaustion and an injury on his abdomen on a singled folding 4 camping bed. His injury needed to be treated, so he will be taken by a local ambulance in a few hours. Yes, and of course she will follow him and thankfully, the doctor allowed.

"But before that, I need your help to secure 2 sectors that are still available for you. Can you do that?", the doctor requested as he placed his file on the nearby coffee table as Sahara nodded.

"Yes. Considered that done, sir."


She glanced back and watched in pity as Isaac murmured between his consciousness as she walked to his side and rubbed his shoulders.

"Just do this as your job to protect the people, don't see this as a personal glory.", she knew what he meant as she whispered comfort words as she will remember it.

The doctor smiled as he watched the young lady left the camp provided for the injured soldiers. He sighed as he glared evenly at the Freezing Alchemist, who was half conscious.

"Be grateful that a beauty like her truly devotes and love you. Most men nowadays are dying to find a rare flower like that."

Isaac couldn't muster his reminder as he simply smiled softly "Yeah. Sometimes, I just don't know what made her see inside this old man's mind."


A mop of angry Ishvalan men charged towards the helpless soldiers as they began to brawl in the battlefield. The Ishvalan proved to be much stronger compared to one man's strength. Which is one of the prominent reason why they needed State Alchemist no matter what.

She swiftly leaped up from her hiding spot and in a flash, took down the men in one movement, causing them all to fall unconscious from the hit.

The next move, she jumped from her spot and sliced their throats in one second as the other men from the other sections had fell down. She wiped her dagger with her handkerchief as the soldiers who had been tasked for this sector looked at her in awe.

"'re amazing...", one soldier breathed out.

"You're movement's are like a wind and completely unpredictable!", another praised her.

"Thank you soo much that we're alive today!!!", another cried out as the other soldiers all screamed in joy.

Sahara remained unfazed. To her, battle is never an ending. There will be a day where they'll met an unfortunate death and no matter how good or bad path they took, they need to shed blood and only those who's strong and fight back can survive in this brutal world. She pushed a strain of hair back as she glanced on her right.

Roy Mustang happened to walk at her direction, looking gloomy as possible. She could not blame him. He's too new for this. Roy glanced up just to find Sahara glanced at him in sympathy as he threw a sad smile and waved at her. "Oh, Sahara. Didn't know you're stationed here."

"I had and now I'm done.", she glanced at the soldiers as they all cheered with drinks and booze.

"Would you care for a drink?", she glanced at him blankly as she was about to decline when he produced 2 glass and a mineral bottle in his hand "Don't worry. I know you don't drink"


"So how was it?", Roy glanced at her questioning before Sahara continued "With your task on eradicating the sectors, I mean."

"Like hell", he replied lowly "Anyone who simply do this for fun is a complete sociopath.", he jabbed a finger over the tent "Which is why they apprehended Kimblee just now."

Sahara widened her eyes as she narrowed her eyes on her lap as she sat on one of the crates across him. "Wh.. what did he do?"

"How would I know, but I'm grateful he's arrested. At least the humanity part of Military is saved", Roy shrugged as he did not care that much.

"I hope you are not implying about the avert eyes thing?", Sahara questioned as he scoffed.

"Sahara, I know exactly what he meant but looking from a psychopath's perspective, he might as well as let the world perished. We soldiers are being tasked to protect our country, not enjoying murdering them. If I were a Fuhrer myself, I wouldn't allow such psychopath got involved with the military for the greater good", Sahara listened intently as Roy made a promise by making things right.

"..That's very ambitious and takes a lot of diligent to work at the top but......", she looked at him indifferently "In order to do that, you have to shed blood regardless what duty is. There will at least be one group of rebel and you might not want them to be in killing spree if that happens.", Sahara, as always, tried to keep a few distance from men but as for Roy Mustang, she could not bear to stay there any longer due to the pain she had to endure by concealing her past.

"I must be going.", she got up as she gave him her glass and was about to turn around when he called "Where will you be going, young lady? The war isn't over."

"To the hospital. I need to escort a friend of mine.", she was never known to be a liar. Frankly she never lied. However, there are some scenes she avoided telling people and or swayed with a'none of your concern' respond.

"....I hope we'll meet each other soon.", he also got up and was about to extend his hand as he put the drinks aside when she had suddenly disappeared, as usual. Roy sighed heavily. Someday, he's going to ask where she learn how to disappear like a magician?!


Isaac groaned as he shot his eyes open to meet with the endless darkness surrounded him.

"It's alright", he turned to his left and found Sahara sat by his side as she gave him a cup of tea. "We're in a truck car with other few patients needed to get a treatment", he slowly sat up as he took the cup from her to sip it. Sahara gripped on his left arm and asked "How's your injury?"

"Like hell, if that's what it means.", he grumbled as he finished his tea before he scratched his back awkwardly "Somebody needs to pack a hunch on what the hell's doing there....."

"We will get there soon...", she squeezed his arm as she tried to console him. Isaac could only frowned as he looked at his palms in agony.

"We've become devils, right? Devils that killed innocent people....", he muttered lowly as Sahara rubbed his back, uncertain what to say.

"Don't say that. We simply fought for our country and to protect our comrades. Try to think of it that way. I too felt extremely guilty", the two suddenly locked their eyes on each other before narrowed down to their hands. "We were expected to be murderers someday....."

Isaac had the urge to brush a hand on her cheek but refrained himself as he did not want to frighten her. It's bad enough she had to see him in this condition!


Sahara accompanied as she watched Isaac got patched up and walked to her direction with a slight grin. "You look like crazes. Come, we'll get a lunch. My treat...."

The two then found a place in the cafe inside the military office. Sahara watched blankly as Isaac took a bite on his turkey across her as Sahara had finished her mushroom soup. The two were deep in thoughts as don't know what they'll do now and remorse run over their body.

"I deeply respect the Rockbells. They refused to leave by their own free will. They too feel compassionate towards these unfortunate victims. May them be at peace as well as the Ishavalan refugees....", she complimented quietly as Isaac narrowed his eyes on his plate as he finished with his meal for a day.

"What will you do now, Sahara?", he glanced at her as he reached up to grab on his mocha to sip it.

"I don't know. I had already graduated and now possibly looking for a branch to join....", Sahara was deep in thought. Despite already graduated 3 years ago, she simply follow with the flow or from other's plea. Like some of her old mentor contacted her for his need of assistance.

"......I'm thinking of resigning...", this caught her attention as Isaac continued. "There's been so much atrocities going on and I too felt like it's best we pulled out before we're being dragged into something more sinister. If you like, will you join me?"

".........Do you even need to ask, sir?", she asked quietly while kept on a straight face. The two looked at each other in the eyes as the wind gushed around them for a second.


Sahara accompanied Isaac to his office 3 days later as he gathered up his belongings and of course she helped him. Isaac had his resignation letter in his right hand as he informed her "I best give this to the Fuhrer's PA. You stay here while try to stay on guard"

Sahara nodded as she placed a box of his belongings on her side as she sat on one of the seats in the cafeteria. The place had been slightly deserted as the soldiers had already finished their lunch and had leave to continue on their duties and paper works. She could enjoy the peace as possible.

"Hey, you alone right now?", she turned around and glared as she faced with a man with glasses and orange hair 'From FMA Brotherhood Ova' Yet Another Man's battlefield''.

"The hell with it?", she glared at the man she knew as a jerk that belittled weakling and Ishvalans "And where's your friends? You're hardly separated with them"

"..They're dead.", he replied quietly as he frowned. "Didn't think they would meet their end sooner", there's a tinge of devastated in his tone. Well, like she cared that much...

"You didn't think that most of the experts will die easily?! This is the real world, it's not something that can be matched with top grades. If there's a time to die, then die it is...", she  snarled coldly as she scornfully remembered how he treated his fellow comrades in battle. "I don't understand. You grew up relatively normal and yet you still want to torment the weak ones?!"

"...It was just a say. I'm simply being blunt. And by the way, normal kids don't have workaholic parents that hardly have time for you.", he told her slightly bitter.

"Normal kids also didn't harassed and prejudiced other cultures like a stupid racist. I hope you're happy because an Ishvalan man you used to pick up had been killed in the battlefield. He left due to the Government's purging.", Sahara told him in bitter sarcasm as the man shot his eyes in shock and terrified "What did he ever did to you, you disgusting fiend?!"

".....Nothing. I...", he looked down and regret showed in his eyes. He did not expect this coming to him and felt like he already turned into a monster. It's bad enough that he lost his friends, now he'll carry the guilt of being a jerk for the rest of his life.

"Get out of my sight. I don't associate with people who's cowardly prejudiced and disrespect their own comrades. Now leave.", she spat on him coldly as the man flinched as he slightly felt terrified of her. Sadly, he secretly harbored feelings for her but now he doubt if he could even looked at her straight in the eyes.

".....I didn't mean it....", he muttered as he quickly left her back to his office.

"What was that about?", she turned around and saw Captain Hughes with a cup of coffee stood by the corner, a knowing look told her that he already watched the whole scenario. "You know, he too befriended me after I achieved flying colors in one term that time so yeah, I don't considered him a best friend."

"I did not see you there", she greeted him with a small smile. "Where's Major Mustang?"

"He's in a search for subordinates.", Hughes greeted her with a grin "What about you, young lady?"

"I'm waiting for a friend of mine and thinking of joining another branch", Sahara told him softly. "We were thinking of taking a break from the war. What are you doing here, Captain?"

"I did not get a free time due to the Higher Ups need me just now for a final confirmation. They gave me at least 15 minutes to take a leave for a coffee break..", he explained as he sipped on his coffee. " I never seen you here, young lady? You know, this branch offers you the easiest way to get promote to better ranks."

"No, thank you. I'm just here to browse around and wait for a friend", Sahara assured softly, pulling a strain of her to her sides.

"Well, if you say so.", Hughes turned to leave her as he continued while waved"Nice knowing you there and thanks for your help as well."

"Yes......", she nodded as she turned back to wait for her friend.

"Sorry I took so long.", Isaac approached her direction as he continued. "It's unfortunate that the Fuhrer's on the leave today so I simply told the PA to hand in the letter and send him my thanks for his support.", Isaac stated that in sarcasm as he and Sahara slowly leave the Central Command while deep in thought.

Sahara remained unfazed as always while Isaac was unusually silence along the way. Even when they went for a tea time break somewhere at the cafe nearby, Isaac still remained shaken as he had to figure a way how to leave this country unobserved!


"....I see, well, we'll be there for the meeting .", Isaac agreed as he blew off his cigarette in the air with a mug in his left hand. He sat on one of the dining chairs while on the phone.

He hung up the phone as he sighed heavily. He forgot to mention he had some dealings recently that he forgot to tell her due to the war occurred and the 2 of them are stationed far away from each other. He blew another smoke in the air as he frowned. How will he break the news to her? He knew she's incredibly smart as cautious around strangers. She wouldn't accepted them in welcome arms but how else can he assured her safety?

He placed his cigarette and his mug on the dining table as he strutted his way in the hallway to one of the rooms. He resided in one of the apartments farther away from the Central, somewhere around East which makes him relieved over the thought of being under surveillance from the Top Brass. He chose a simple decor to fit with his taste.

(Imagine them being dark in color)

He stopped in one of the door that led to the end of the hallway and knocked softly. It's midnight, he regretted. Her curfew is before 9 as she's extremely disciplined about getting a healthy physical and mental care. He snarled in shock as he heard whimpers in the room. He busted inside to find a panting Sahara, mattress covered her body as she sobbed while struggling on something.

Damn, he thought. Not that again.

"No! Mother! Father!", she yelled in terrified as she shook her body violently. 

"Hey! Hey!", he knelt to her side as he brushed her side of her messed up hair. "It's alright. It's just that damn nightmare. They're all gone."

Sahara slowly woke up, tears moistened her cheeks as she saw a worried Isaac by her side. She breathed out heavily as she sat up, covered her body with the mattress.

"They're all gone..", he consoled her soothingly as he rubbed her back in attempt to comfort her but Sahara lunged at him for a tight embrace, his shirt soaked with her tears.

"Wh... What did I do wrong? I was only 6 when they wanted to kidnap me to be used as a s.. sex slave.... if you didn't showed up,I..I...", Isaac let her to cry as he rubbed her back. As pragmatic as he'll always be, even he could not bear to see her in this state. He wanted her to become a strong soldier due to a strong dedication and righteousness, not because of a tragedy.

"....You did nothing wrong..", he began as he stroked her hair softly. "It's the world that's cruel. We need to be strong to survive in this cruel and harsh world...", even he felt odd over the soft and sympathy tone due to his usual cold and intimidating one he always portrayed.

"...We best leave here soon", Sahara muttered as she let go of him as she stared at him in agony within her heart. "Let's began our new journey outside. Where it's more safe and felt right. Not for these atrocities..."

"That will be granted", Isaac confirmed as he gave her a reassuring smile. "Recently, I made a contact with a radical group that somehow aware of the military's dirty deeds. I didn't get a chance to say it since we've been too busy with this hellhole war. In a month, we can quickly packed up and leave Amestris for good."

"I'll join", she quickly gave her answer with a calm smile. "As long as I'm with you, I'll gladly join you".

Isaac was glad to see her smile. It's been years she smiled ever since..that incident.

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